Halloween games – elf tossing

Halloween games - elf tossing
Halloween games – elf tossing

Halloween games – elf tossing today!

Everyone at the North Pole loves Halloween!  It is so much fun while we count down the days to Christmas.

Today the junior Elf Scouts decided to try “self elf tossing”.

Doesn’t it sound like fun?  Keep reading!

Halloween games – Elf Tossing

This is a good game for teaching junior Elf Scouts how to quickly run and hide before someone sees them.  They have to scramble and scurry as fast they can when I shout “Go!”.

When I shout “Go!”, they have to run and jump as quickly as they can into the mouth of a pumpkin.   If they don’t make the jump right into the pumpkin mouth hole, they have to clamber and climb to get inside as fast as they can.

All the other elves cover their eyes while the Grumpy Elf counts down from 10.  When he gets to zero, all the other elves open their eyes.  If one of the junior scouting elves hasn’t hidden inside a pumpkin, they are out!  The scouting elves keep doing this until there is a winner.  To make it harder each time, the Grumpy Elf moves the pumpkin mouths up higher and higher and further and further away.

The junior scouting elves love this silly game and it is good practice for when they go to people’s homes at Christmas and have to be quick elves who can jump on shelves!


P.S. What other things do you think the scouting elves have to practice before they go to people’s homes for Christmas?  (You can leave me a message here.  Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A message from the elves:
You can write Santa a quick message here.  But, if you want a reply letter from Santa then you should send a letter to Santa from this web page.  Then Santa will reply to you fast as reindeer fly!

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