Present wrapping machine

Present wrapping machine
Present wrapping machine Halloween elves

Did you know you can use a Christmas present wrapping machine to make Halloween  Elf mummies?

Maybe you have been reading about those cheeky junior Scouting Elves?  They’ve been having fun getting ready for Halloween and practicing their Elf Skills.  But, there are only 55 days to Christmas, so they don’t have much time left now.  Keep reading!

Continue reading “Present wrapping machine”

Halloween candy hot tub

Halloween candy hot tub
After a hard day learning how to be a scouting elf, there’s nothing like a dip in the Halloween candy hot tub!

Halloween candy hot tub is the perfect place to relax after a hard day learning how to be a scouting elf.

The elves love counting down to Halloween!  So, what a fun way to mix Halloween and their Elf Scout lessons.  Nothing like soaking your tootsies after learning how to scurry around so children cannot see you watching them.

Continue reading “Halloween candy hot tub”

Talk with Santa

Talk with Santa Claus!
Talk with Santa Claus!

Merry Christmas! Would you like to talk with Santa (that’s me – HHHOL!)?

I thought I’d surprise everyone with a quick chat!

I know the elves are excited to hear from you too!

We can talk about anything that you want, but, of course, it’s best to talk about Christmas things or life at the North Pole.

You can ask how I am doing or how the elves are doing (probably jumping into  the present wrapping machine again! HHHOL!).

If you want, you can even just say “Hi” or “HHHOL”! 👋

Just write your message in the Comments box below and click on “Post Comment”. Then I’ll reply!

UPDATE! You can now Chat with Santa here Clumsy the Elf is building it so it might be a bit “clumsy” at times. HHHOL! But I will reply back right away when you talk to me there.  I might even send you a few photos and other fun things while we are talking online!

You can still leave your comments below if you want & let Clumsy know what you think of the new Chat with Santa 


P.S. You will have to refresh this page to see your comments and my reply 😊.