Ho! Ho! Ho! andMerry Christmas!
Well, the reindeer and I are very tired!
It was a very long night. But it was a very fun night!
I hope you had fun this morning too!
The Santa Claus Christmas Blog
Santa Claus, Christmas and Life at the North Pole!
Ho! Ho! Ho! andMerry Christmas!
Well, the reindeer and I are very tired!
It was a very long night. But it was a very fun night!
I hope you had fun this morning too!
Hello boys and girls around the world! There is only 1 more sleep until Christmas morning! That’s right, only 1 MORE SLEEP until the best day of the year is here! (Can you hear the elves cheer!?)
I know many of you have wonderful Christmas traditions. You have told me about them in my blog! (Yes, I do read everything that you write in my blog 🙂 !)
Well, I have a special Christmas tradition of my own too. It is my annual Christmas Wish for the World!
Would you like to learn more about my special Christmas tradition – my Christmas Wish?
Continue reading “Santa’s Christmas Wish for the World – 2011”
We have a new elf up here in the North Pole. His name is Scunner. He is a Scottish elf. Do you know where Scotland is?
It turns out that Scunner is a rather grumpy elf! Continue reading “Scunner the Elf”
It sure is cold here in the North Pole!
I like to stay wrapped in my nice, warm red coat.
Even then, I get the shivers at times.
Would you like to hear a tasty way I like stay toasty warm?