Can my elves come early?
That is a question many of my young friends ask me! And I can see why. Elves are a lot fun to have around. And I should know — I’ve had them around me for hundreds of years now! Those elves are always doing something silly or cheeky. Ho, Ho, Ho!
But, there is a very good reason you may not want your Christmas elf to come too soon before Christmas. Would you like to find out that reason? Well, keep reading!
I’m sure you know that elves’ four main food groups are candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup.
And that is where the problem is!
You see, if I let them, those cheeky elves would live at your home all year round! And I might think that was a good idea. After all, they are very good at seeing who is being naughty or nice! And they don’t even have to peek in windows or hide when they are checking up on you. 😉
But those little elfs have another reason they would like to come early to your home… especially right after Halloween!
Can you guess what you might have lots of in your home right after Halloween? Can you guess what you might have plenty of right after Halloween that Santa’s little helpers might REALLY like?
What Do Elves Really Like?
Ho, Ho, Ho!
I’m joking, Elves really like…

Some children think it’s their parents that sneak little snacks from their Halloween goodie piles. But that’s just silly! That is like saying that parents fly around in sleighs and put presents under the Christmas tree instead of me! Ho, Ho, Ho!
It is the elves that are sneaking little snacks from your goodie pile!
Sometimes when they are checking in on you they will snitch a small candy bar or sweet treat when you are not looking. If you have lots of sweet treats, they will tell all their elf friends to come too! And that is when they are not even staying in your home! Could you imagine how much of your Halloween and other goodies they would pinch if they were staying in your home day and night!
I get a tummy-ache just thinking about how much of your candy they would eat!
And now you know another one of my secrets! That is why it is not a good idea for elves to come to your home too early before Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Santa 🎅
P.S. Do you think it is a good idea for the elves to eat all your Halloween candy or other treats you have in your home? You can leave a message for me to tell me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!
And now you can chat with me too to talk about the elves!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Santa, we can never find our elf, Emily Rose. Can you send in December please!
I need an elf
Merry Christmas Liam!
The elves have been talking about how much they need you too!
Please send my elf to come early this christmas I want to make them feel at home
Merry Christmas Liam!
The elves are already talking about you and next Christmas!
hi Santa do you know my elf sparkls.
I would love if she came a little bit earealy evrey year.
Pleas right back to me.
Ho, ho, Hello there!
Of course, I know Sparkles, your special elf! It’s always heartwarming to hear from friends like you. While I can’t promise that Sparkles will come early every year, I’ll let her know about your wish. Elves are busy getting everything ready at the North Pole throughout the year, but they love to bring extra holiday magic when they can.
❤️ Santa Claus
i have a elf on the shelf they are behaveing good this year but sometime norty too
Ho! HO! Ho! Thank you for letting me know Amber! Mrs. Claus must’ve had a little talk with them before they left the North Pole.
❤️ Santa
P.S. Did you know you can have a chat with Mrs. Claus any time you want too? I promise it won’t be like the one she had to have with your elves!
dear santa clus imade choolate chip pumkin bread your friend andy
hi this is stella and I wanted to ask how old are you and how much do you way?
Santa can you please send our Elf’s early to us this year as we really want to make them feel cozy for Christmas and we are delighted to feed them for you.
I need A elf
Do you think my elf could come a week before December 1
my 5 elfs would love to stay all year
PS:there names are snugle bottmes ,fred ,snowflake ,star and jingles
Amazing Names!
Lol Fred
Why does my elf on the shelf not move for a period of usually three days
my elved are cheekey and good because today they left me some reindeer dust and a few weeks befor that happend they tipped porridge all on the floor
I can understand why elves can’t come early as my elf Patches already ate some of my sweets from Halloween on the first day this year! It would be fun to have elves in your house early as they can check on you to see if you are naughty or nice.
If they work hard helping you prepare presents, they should be able to have a least one chocolate or Lollie from us.
That’s a problem because we have lots of candy at my house ❤️
My elf, Rudy sat in a glass of milk at my Grammy house
Please give me a book for Christmas. Luv u lots! Sarah
hi, Santa my name is Izabelle and I love you so much also 19 days till Christmas!!!1
I thnk not, because they would eat all of our candy and not leave any for us.
Ohm y gosh that’s y I am lowering candy s
hey my question is when can my elf come to my home
Normally elves come to homes about Thanksgiving time
Hi it’s Maleah how are you I miss you so much and I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year I love Christmas and I put my Christmas tree up and i5 loooks like a diamond I love u thank u for standing up for my friend s on the blog there is a gift for you to see when u come on Christmas Eve it something that u can keep forever and it for all of us ty and the elf’s have candy on Christmas Eve for being so nice to me huge hugs for you Santa love you buddy bye
Hi I’m Ava nice to meet you I can’t wait for Christmas so I can pet the snow man ty Santa for Ava
Hi my name is Erin and I would like to have a play date with my elf’s and Santa clause I’m only 3 and I know how to tpye my name I love u I made a art word for u I hope u like it love u Santa bye bye 🙂
leave candy out for your elf and i don’t have an elf
yo digo que no es buena idea por que les puede dar algo por comer tanto dulce
my elf came late and is currently vibin in my christmas tree his name is alexander
Do elves have a set rank and can rank up?
Thank u Santa wish you the best form Jessie
We wish u a merry Christmas w wish u a merry Christmas and a happy new year we love u thank u form sky
Hi my name is fox surfer I like your cool hair thank u for Christmas Eve lots of love from fox surfer
Hi my name is Rico and I love you so much and I miss you too and I hope u have a good Christmas thank u Santa clause form Rico
Hi my name is Barry and I am so happy for Christmas thank u Santa wishing you a merry Christmas and happy new year form Barry
Hi my name is Zoe I really appreciate your help thank u Santa and the other s merry Christmas lots of love from Zoe
Thank u Santa and miss clause for all the help merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho 🙂 form will
We love u Santa form my friend and remember Christmas is on it way thank u Santa for make us feel welcome from ray
Hi my name is savanna I have a loin named ray merry Christmas Santa and thank u happy birthday
Hi my name is savanna I have a loin named ray merry Christmas Santa and thank u
Hi my name is koi I I love my home and my family we all miss u but Christmas is coming back so I hope we somehow see u aging lots of merry Christmas from koi
Hi my name is dj I like to call my friend and walk to the school with them we also like reading your blog and haveing fun we all want to say ty Santa for everyone preset merry Christmas love from dj
Hi my name is journal’ it’s because when I was a baby I used to try read books and I love u Santa thank u merry Christmas
Hi my name is Anna Bella I only watch Christmas movies and horror movies and I love to read book this year I would like a pet elf thank s for everything say hi to baby princess bye
Hi my name is Bella I like to see clumsy for Christmas Day thank u Santa have fun and eat dinner and your veggies hehe
Hi I’m candy. My bestie is maleah and. I like to gift my best friend a gift cause every day she give me lot’s of happiness and gifts I want to thank her can u help me with that please thank u
Hi I live in Elanora my name is arrow I’m a boy I have two siblings that are loyal strong fox I’m 15 years old and I want to say thank u and have as much candy as u want elf’s anyway I don’t. Mind thank u Rudolph for the past
I don’t have any elves, so I don’t have to worry about them messing around.
I don’t really mind him eating my candy. Most of it is so I can’t have because I have braces so you could say just come here anytime elf
I love mr.jingel but i dont want him to get sick ps and you send 5 elf raindeer this year
Hi Santa can I elf please come tonight
Hi Santa can my elf please come back earlier
Dear Santa how are you? please can my elf come earlier because I haven’t seen them in a year thank you.
Hi Santa that’s not a good idea I really want my elves at my house because I haven’t seen them all year please thank you Ruby
Can you please send
Frisbee I don’t care if they eat all the candy cause we barely have any left so please send frisbee thank you
Can you please send frisbee frisbee to our house early pretty pretty please I don’t care if they eat all of our candy because we barely have any left
i think elves should not eat all of our candy because they could get sick and might have to corantine
Hi Santa I ate all my candy already so they can’t eat it
A girl Elf should come to my. Home early
Dear Santa,
My elf can come whenever on fridays so I can give them sugar cookies and sweet things
that they like!
Dear Santa,
This is Eileen. So those Elves are stealing my candy I new I had more somewhere.
There’s enough of everything for everyone!
Please please can snowy and nick come early I love them
oh and i want to help u give to the boys and girl fiu dont mind that is
My candy just kidding they can have a little of my candy
My elves better not get into my moms stuff like thy do every year
I do not mind sharing my Halloween candy with the elves, because to be honest; I don’t very like to eat candy.
Only if they promise not to do anything to the watertank of my home, because I love drinking water.
Hi Santa i love uso so much thank u for all the stuff u done and one thing is my little sister would love if me and molly would be able to go ride and help gifts present to all the good and good boy and girls in the word ps
Et me know if ok it’s ok with our mum and dad siad yes please:)