We love Christmas songs at the North Pole.
There are many songs about me. Can you sing “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”? Have you heard “Here Comes Santa Claus”?. Do you know “Must Be Santa?”.
Those are very good Christmas songs, if I do say so myself. HHHOL!
There are also many songs about my friends at the North Pole. Let’s see, there is “Frosty The Snowman”. And, of course, you know “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer”.
But did you know there is a song about another one of Santa’s Helpers?
Not too many people have heard about Honky the Christmas Goose. He has a very special job on Christmas Eve. He, well, why don’t you just listen to his song instead of me telling you!
Listen to Johnny Bower’s “Honky the Christmas Goose”
What a great song! A hockey goalie named Johnny Bower and the Rinky Dinks sang it.
HHHOL! Now all the elves are singing!
“Honky, Honky the Christmas goose,
Got so fat that he was no use.
Till he learned how to blow his nose
Honk, the way a goose nose blows! …”
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What is your favourite Christmas song? (You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
christmas sogs
Dear Santa,
We think our favorite Christmas song is Jingle bells. (P.S. All of our family sings this song every Christmas Eve.) Love your old jokster April
love that tune and what a voice. more more more.
I don’t really no?Like I don’t laugh at
fat peple like peple who are oh beast.
It’s just not funny.Like ha ha ha ha ha
that is funny he got oh beast!Like thats
just is not funny.Did you laugh?If you
I want to get some presents from you! I have been a good girl! HAVE A WONDERFUL HOILDAY!!!!
Hi Santa,
hope you can help me. I’m trying to find the lyrics to Honky the Christmas Goose song as Johnny Bower and the Rinky Dinks did it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your friend Brian (and I’ve been good this year)
That sounds like a good song!!! I can’t wait until people in the United States start singing it, then Asia, then Europe, and so on!!
Dear Santa,
One my favorite song is “Jingle Bells”
P.S I love your blog
i liked that song but my favourite song is santa is coming to town
i like all i want for christmas is you
i think it is realy cool that song thay the elves sing i like it
i wish chrismas was now. my favourite song is santa is coming to town. hope to see you soon santa
i love frosty the snowman and rodulph the red nose reindeer.
santa claus is coming to town and i saw mommy kissing santa claus last night
Awsome song santa.
lots of love,Tyrus
THANKS Madison Doedtman.
HI Santa thanx 4 my email from u and I forgot 2 say can my brother plz have lots of money I will be very grateful if u got me the prezzie’s I asked 4
xxx Luv u santa xxx
PS:I will leave u a mince pie and milk and leave Rudolph a carrot and some milk say HI 2 Rudloph and all the rest I luv them 2
hi there it me my favourite song is Honky.
hey santa, what up.
Are you exited for christmas eve.
How do you make all thows trips in one night???
Please tell me love Hanna
i think santa enjoys christmas and that he is a very very good and kind and funny man he helps everyone at christmas!!!
love from Tasmena
10 yrs old
My favorite song is santa claus is coming to town and frosty the snow man.
Santa Baby
All i want for Christmas is you
My favorite Christmas songs are Do you Hear WhatI hear, Winter Wonderland, and my most favorite, Carol Of The Bells. You rock Santa!
hi again please can you try and bring my dad a landrover, my brother a farm and my mum a cleaner because we havent had a good year so far that would probably make then so happy. thank you lots xxx ox ox (i dont want to be rude for askin though) xxx
hi santa i love this time of year its so magical and fun.I cant wait till christmas day. have a safe journey xxx
ox ox ox
My favorite song is rudulph the red nose raindeer
P.S. will you please get a goos present for my dad he has been mad for a while
P.P.S Tell santa I love him!!!!
Dear santa,
Thank you for being nice to me all these years you are awsome.
i love christmas
[im twelve and in the 6th grade!]
yes!! i love those songs!!! they are fun@
i realy am trying not to be naughty and i realy want for cristmas is nerf nstrike vulcan ebf
Reply from the Elves:
The best way to make sure your wishes get into Santa’s book is to email Santa. They go straight in that way! If you put them on this blog then someone might forget to add them 🙁
Merry Christmas!
The Elves
P.S. What’s the magic word? 🙂
I thought I had seen it all. But I’ve never heard of Honky the Christmas Goose.
Another one that is new in my opinion is the 12 Pains (not Days) of Christmas.
hey how you doin i love this website right now im listing to where are you christmas hope ya’ll have a merry christmas
my favorite song is rodulph the red nose reindeer its about rodulph
I’d have to say my favourite Christmas song is Deck The Halls
My sisters is Do You Hear What I Hear and Where Are You Christmas.
wow i never thought that this web site would be so awsome so are you really real?
why wont you come to peoples houses if the child is awake
i meant for the last song rudolph the red nosed reindeer
my favorite song is about christmas and the song’s name is the 12 days of christmas also i like santa claise is coming to town and then santa claus is coming to town
Santa Has been good to me all of the years. I wish he was here so we can all wish him a merry christmas. Santa is a very nice man and he desserves all of our merry christmas’s. I am ten years old. and I am in grade five.
From Jessica.
than you for putting this on the internet because im going to use this song for my xmas show!!!
love from Ellie!
this is a really cool blog santa cooler then mine