Christmas is so close. I can almost taste the cookies! Ho! Ho! Ho!
We are all ready for the big night.
There are just a few things to do.
Everyone else is sleeping.
So I thought I would share
A silly poem with you…
The sleigh is all packed,
The reindeer in bed,
Dreaming of pulling,
Santa Claus’ red sled.
The elves have been busy,
With paper and bows,
Ribbons and packages,
And polishing a nose!
Do you know which one?
It’s famous. It glows!
And I have been busy,
Checking out my new sleigh,
Making sure it is perfect,
Making sure its okay.
Cuz Santa is coming,
I’m but one sleep away!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you have any special messages for me on my big trip? (You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
santa can i please have a girl elf medium .and a tablet (pink).and i want a sims life stories for ps2.and i want a kitten or a puppy and i want all the bratz doll .and i want a furtune cookie maker . and a furby pet (pink).i really thankful for the gifts.leeds alabama united states.
santa can i please have a boy pocket elf please.leeds alabama united states.
can i please have an red haired medium size girl elf please santa.leeds alabama united states.
Here’s a poem
You won’t see a single pout
You won’t hear a single shout
Santa’s coming in his sleigh
Ready for the big day
While everyone’s asleep
St nick brings toys like a little jeep
Then on Christmas morning
It will be the opposite of boring
Dear Santa Claus,this is a very special christmas poem I made up for you. Hope you’l like it!
Santa’s in his sleigh
Everybody’s ready for the special day
Mrs Claus is baking a cake
with delicios flake
each raindeer has a bell on it’s neck
and so do they on their leg
all the elfs are waving Goodbye
as Santa Claus is of in the sky
so don’t miss
this Christmas!!!
dear santer
i love macic i even read storys about you
Hi santa are you ready for christmas ? I know i am ily santa 🙂
i all ready have a dog.
love from autumn betteridge,
hi santa, i just turned 5 i want a power wheels jeep, clothes, match box cars, and some toys that you play with in the bath tub. thanks
i cant wait heres a poem…
evreyones sleeping
its one sleep away
today i am wating
for this special day
presents for evreyone
and night together traditonal day for me and you
fo chisthmas i want a black blackberry phone and 5.1 computer speaker and a i pod touch 8 gb and plase bring it for chisthmas last year i said to bring that toy but you did it and this year you have to bring it rightsanta clause last year i was cring because i did not got a preaste for chistmas and plaase bring it i was on the good list plase bring it
hi santa i hope your ok good luck on your big night all ive wanted to do is meet you and see you on chrismas eve im soo exited about chrimaas and my mum is and ull live the chrismas tree well happy chrimas xxx
i love you santa from your friend josephine anguiano
i was realy exited on 23rd ove december because i know it was chrismas eve in the morning
santa i am already for christmas we are going christmas shpping and my birthiday is comeing so i told my dad that i want more presents for christmas then mt birthday and yo are nice
I WROTE A POEM THAT IMy mouth was dry
I didn’t know why
So I came down stairs for a drink.
HOPE YOULAs I took a sip I heard on the roof
The Clink, clanking of some reindeer hoof.
So I rushed down stairs to the chimney below,
I rushed down stairs as fast as I could go.
My mouth dropped down as I peaked round the door,
Farther Christmas came down the chimney, he fell to the floor.
He dusted himself off and looked at his sack,
It was dusty and old and covered in black.
L LIKEHe said no word but looked at me with a smile,
Then he turned away and looked at the presents for a while.
He took a sip of the milk and ate the fresh batch of cookies,
He gave a big yum I thought we where just rookies.
He gave the side of his nose a little tap,
I suddenly realize what the time was , time to get back to my nap.
So in seconds he had left and was back on the roof,
Then again I heard each tiny animal hoof.
The sleigh bells started and in an instant I knew,
It was time to let him go, go back to what he does do.
He started to call the reindeers by name: On Rudolph
On Dasher, on Dancer on Prancer and Vixen on Comet on Cupid on Donder and Blitzen!
He was off in moments to the next little house,
He was so quiet, he was like a mouse.
Of course in tradition as he fly’s out of site, he always exclaims
Hi Santa,I did what you told me to do!So,what is going on at the North Pole.Are you getting ready for Chirstmas.I hope so.
santa this year is going to be the best ever for everyone in the world mainly i hope for you
dear santa do you like christmas
i do
dear santa clase pleas can i have a black
berry for christmas and tow doigs
can you please give my this year an i pod touch and an i pod 3
i love you
santa claus
santa claus x2
get me a life skylander a air skylander and a fire skylander
thank you Father Christmas for my lovely gifts this year!!! I ABSALOOTLY love them!!!!:* 😀
i got my present but thanks so much santa you had a big job!
i want a foot ball table a racing car doggie doo and the box of shocks and food in my stocking from christy to father christmas
could you please please give me a new car tonight!!! i’m beging you please.
Wow!:) The elves have been busy this year. I really want to be one of your elves. I hope you liked the cookies that I put into a bag and the fudge that was on your plate of cookies.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! (*wink*)! 🙂
thancs santa for the presents santa love you lots wiyh jelly tots.
i hope u have a nice and safe trip around the world delivering gifts.i hope u can get here quick.take care!
santa you make my heart go boom boom
Dear Santa have a safe trip delivering them presents hope you get what you wanted for christmas have a safe trip we leave you some cookies and milk hope you come by we live in ringling ok
Merry Christmas boys and girls and everyone else 🙂
hi santa you shouldnt have to much cookies it is unhealthy
Be careful Santa I don`t want you getting hurt.
Hey Santa I hope you have a very good Christmas.I AM SO PUMPED!!Well I better get going.Bye.
Make sure that the reindeer are fit for the trip!
hey u need to take kids for a ride in ur sleigh
hope the trip is doing you well going to bed soon hope you are still coming
who happy for Christmas 😀 😀 😀
Marc from Bonavista newfouland.
hi Santa. Iam now to bed I have been a very good boy. I hope you enjoy your cookies and wine. have a lovely Christmas
howdy santy don’t eat to many cookies because jan.1,2012 we are all going on a diet
I leave out my stocking
And snuggle up in bed
Dreaming of a big sleigh
Hopefully red
I slowly fall asleep
Waiting for you
I hope you like cookies
Yes!Yes you do!!
Be safe! I’ll listen for slay bells *riiiing*
santa i have left u and your reindeers milk chocolates under my tree
i can’t wait for u to come to our house!!! its ok when i dont get everythimg for christmas.
Be careful when you drive your sleigh santa ^_^
dont drink to much beer santa you might go a bit dizzy on your travels hehe xxxxx
love you really xx
me and my bro are really looking forward to tonight we have got the whole morning sorted out and how we are going to go downstairs and everything hehe !!!
HO HO HO hope you have a elf tacular christmas!oh i think ive been so good this year my middle name should be nice not naughty!
dont eat to many cookies!tell rudolph i said olia or hello what ever language you speak!
Dear Santa
i hope you are ready for your flight. you don’t have to bring me anything just make sure my family has the best chrsitmas ever. OK?
I love you santa
I have left you some Orange Juice A carrot for RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER!
HO HO HO i hope you have a fun tacular christmas!oh santa i think ive been so nice that my middle name should be nice!
we love u so much santa cant wait till morning to see what i got
Thank You for giving me my presents if you give me some and. I know you will because you said I am on the Nice List but it’s not all about the presents.
I can’t wait til tomarror when our presents are here
you are cute charming and you have outstanding style and iwould like to meet you .
ps.ilove you
Hey Santa!
Santa’s sliegh
Children waiting all day
And night
For bells ringing
And a red light
Ever so bright
Christmas Eve!
Hi father Christmas I can’t believe it Christmas eve already !!!!and that you are actually coming tonight to bring presents for all the children around the world I will be listening for slay bells !!!!
Thanx for all the surport Santa xxxx
Merry Christmas Guys Merry Christmas to all And To All AGood Night!
hi santa I have read your blog and it said the raindeers are fast asleep ready for the big night. I promise to be in bed tonight I won’t forget to put my stocking on the tree. I have left you a letter to take with you and some nice mince pies and milk and I musn’t forget to leave a carrot for the raindrrs
merry christmas love chloe
hi Santa Claues.
i am wondering if i can ever meet you or one of your sepcail elves. it would mean allot to me. thank you for putting me on your nice list.
Love Layla.
Hi Santa & Mrs.Claus !!! How is rudolph doing ? It Must be hard doing all that work, but good thing you have the elves to help you!!! Just wanted to say have a good trip and happy holidays & best wishes be safe!
hey merry christmas i know i have been a bit naughty but please forgive me
Hey Santa!! I hope your reindeers are ready to fly! 🙂 I hope you enjoy my daddy’s cookies:) he is a great cook! MERRY CHRISTMAS
santa am i on the nauhty list if i am i am sorry can you come to my room on my door their will be a letter for you on my whitebord don’t worry i wont peek
Thank you Santa for ever thing you do for ever one in the world and hope that you have a saft trip across the world.Love you!!!
oh boy oh boy getting near lift off! i’m so super exited for this i’m counting down the hours and minutes till lift off except there is no days because lift off starts in about 3 and a half hours! GOOD LUCK SANTA AND STAY SAFE!your friend ,
natalie 🙂
Hey Santa!, I hope u have a nice flight soon! Leaving Oreos or Choco Chips and Milk hope you dont mind! Hope you like my Christmas tree! Isn’t it pretty? Well see you (Not really) soon! 🙂 Tell Rudolph I said Hi! 🙂
Hi Santa
I’m on yourf blog. I always wanted to know how is Rudolph.
Dear Santa Claus,
I have a poem to tell you
here it is
I’m all tucked in bed
when your by the sled
I here noise
could it be the toys .
Hi! Its Marty again I have a few more questions for you. How do you get all the toys built in one year? Do you ever help the elves make toys? Do you ever bake cookies with your wife? That is all I have to say. Please message me back. Love Marty
hi santa i’m on your blog. i always wanted to know how is rudolph
pleeze let my elf cutie stay! I love him soooo much! <:)-E= (my elf cutie) :)-<= ( me) ps please bring my cat presents this year cuz last year the only present she got in her stocking was the gift that i made her. (it was sad) she looked like this: :-(-o= so pleeze bring her presents so she wont be sad. (she loves catnip)So that is all that i can think of right now. OH! everyone make reindeer food for the reindeers! The ingredints are: Dry oat meal, glitter,sprinkles and a note saying here is some food so u can eat if u get hungry. and 1 more thing: DON'T MAKE A FIRE AND LEAVE IT THERE ON CRISTMAS EVE OR SANTA WILL GET BURNED AND MAYBE KILLED! we don't want that to happen so DO NOT DO THAT! ur little nice kid, Juliana
hi santa im hannah i have had the best christmas ever i am exsited avout christmas eve tommrow i love christms merry christmas al the raindeer at the northpole and people
Hey Santa, how is everything? Hope you are all rested and ready for your flight in 2 more nights. I wish I gould see your new sled it probly looks amazing.I cant’t believe you already have your sled packed. Well I can’t wait for your visit and I don’t think my little brothers can either. I really hope that you like the m&m cookies we made you tonight.
sarry santa you have never came to my house to give me presents because my house doesent have a chiminy
santa,i have a few questions for you.please answer.how do you get to all the houses in one night.how do you know everyones address.and how does your list go in order.i would like to know all these but you do not have to answer all of them. sincerley,alexis
Wow Santa i sure do hope you have a great flight around the entire world!! How is rudolph? I can’t wait for Chistmas, what colour is your new sleigh? Also I was just wondering what year did rudolph start guiding your sleigh at night?
P.s You are SUPER good at your job! 😀
How many toys are in your sleigh? How can your sleigh hold that big of a bag?
I cant wait for you to come to my house!!! i love tracking you on christmas eve! christmas time is my favorite time of the year! is rudolph going to pull your sleigh?? i hope your sleigh is red!!!
Love caitland
dear santa
i would like some barbies,a computer,tinkerbell bike,basket for my computer,dolls,a toy box,baby bottles,and diapers,a toy dog,tinkerbell 3 pk dvd set,spongebob dvd,dora dvd,tinkerbell doll and princess doll a kitchen,a bunny,igloo,i would really appricaiate these toys i promise to be good
stay safe on your trip around the wourld:)
I hope you have a good sleep and get around the world safe.I also just wanted to tell you that we moved and I hope you get the wright place.Cant wait to see you and all the presents.
can’t wait for u to come santa I’ll have the cookies ready
Hey Santa! I can’t wait ’til the big night!
Hi Santa for Christmas i want a Blake Shelton CD and a Carrie Underwood CD.
p.s I can’t believe that Christmas Eve is tomrrow YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYa!
Have a safe trip and I hope the reindeer don’t get too hungry on the trip with all those stops at houses. I hope all the boys and girls are happy to see all the toys under the christmas tree that they put on their wish list. Tell Rudolf I said hello and I can’t wait till you come. Your friend Paige
hi this is leeanne i wish i can have you and mrs cluse to see me but i know that i will be in bed but i can not tell i get my presents if i get any please dont write on my walls because mom said that it to hard to get off have a good night love u leeanne
hi santa did you get my 3 letters o and by the way i have one more for you when u get here hope that u have a good flight and be safe love u always alex <3
I hope you have the best Christmas ever! Thank you for everything you have done for all the children of the world. I hope you get some sleep after you’re done delivering gifts!
dear santa im so happy that christmas is hear
Dear Santa,
Its me Trystan.I can’t wait because there is 1 more day until christmas eve. I hope your ready for the big night.
love your best friend Trystan
i cant wait to see you santa and dont forget to bring my presents on the was <3 jasmine xx
hey santa i hope i can got those gifts i want a full of your love but still i always remember christmas is not just for you santa it is for both of you jesus christ and santa. right? well thank you so much for this time.
Hi Santa its hailey how are you and how is Mrs. Claus how is your new sleigh and what color is your new sleigh is it green hope you have a great flight in 6 hrs(hours) bye love hailey
p.s did you get me my big present.
hey santa i just wanted to say how much i love you .i will never stop beleving in you i love you i hope you get me some of the things i wanted
One thing I want to say “be SAFE on your trip and good luck.
One thing I want to say “be SAFE on your trip and good luck also don’t forget my baby cousins in Africa Sam and Vera Also maisy It is sam and veras first christmas
hi santa its me hope you have nintendo wii with pokemon games and a 3ds and a xbox360 with games ready please dont forget to come i have cookies and milk to but there is a problem i think i do have chimney but its near the boiler make sure you wont get burned please oh please come please!!! dont forget!!! hope you know where i live
Hi Santa! I can’t wait until Christmas! I am counting down the days literally! Thank you for all the presents you get me and my family each year. You bring cheer to our Christmas morning. This year, I hope you bring me an Ipad. However, I understand if you can’t get it for me since you have to get presents for all the good children in the world. Anyways, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Santa! See you soon!:) 🙂 🙂
can not wait till Christmas remember to get a good night sleep for santa:)
Hi Santa! I can’t wait until Christmas! I am counting down the days literally! Thank you for all the presents you get me and my family each year. You bring cheer to our Christmas morning. This year, I hope you bring me an Ipad. However, I understand if you can’t get it for me since you have to get presents for all the good children in the world. Anyways, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Santa! See you soon!
Hi Santa! I can’t wait until Christmas! I am counting down the days literally! Thank you for all the presents you get me and my family each year. You bring cheer to our Christmas morning. This year, I hope you bring me an Ipad. However, I understand if you can’t get it for me since you have to get presents for all the good children in the world. Anyways, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Santa! See you soon!
Santa, I’m so sorry for using the word “dam*” in the letter! I did know it could be used in a bad way, but I really thought using it the way I did (a way of showing excitement) wouldn’t count as naughty. Please forgive me, I’m a good girl. Please Santa, don’t put me on the Naughty List because of that! Those pictures it showed scared me so much that I’m crying! :((
HIII! My name is Kaitlyn! I can’t wait till
you come to my house!I’m leaving milk and
dear, santa i am EXCITED!!! for u to come have a safe trip and remember have a merry merry christmas!!!
Hi Santa Claus,you do everything good for us without complainig.Your whole family is so nice.I love you guys all.Thank you very much!
hey it’s me again tell the elves i said hi tots
christmas is my favriote hoilday i been raring since ages ago
Hi santa its me casey and i just wanted to say goodluck on your trip to my house! and kittles’ house if you dont mind… and kittles said to tell rudolph hello! bye bye
u big hunk u give a the presents to me lol im 18 just so u know
Hi Santa this is Ben, Caleb is my brother. We have both been good this year and would like a Chia Pet, please 🙂
I cannot wait until 7:00am Christmas morning (my parents won’t get up any sooner)!!! 38 hours, 50 minutes, and 12 seconds! 11, 10, 9, 8, 7!
Do you have a nice warm barn for your animals?
Santa , i think what you do is wonderful and i think that your a great person , I mean maybe Guiness world records haven’t realized or something but i think you hold a world record for flying world round in 24 hours!!! you should email them or something i hope to hear you comments hope to see you have come on Sunday morning!
I wrote a Christmas poem last year. It’s pretty lengthy, but here it is:
‘Twas the night before christmas,
When all through the house,
Only one creature was stirring,
And she was as silent as a mouse.
Unable to sleep,
She tossed and turned in her bed.
She couldn’t close her eyes,
Or get visions of sugar plum fairies dancing in her head.
Every year, she dreamt of Saint Nick.
She dreamt of him taking her away,
All the way up to the North Pole,
In his shining red sleigh.
And every year she could of sworn,
She heard reindeer prancing on her roof.
The small pitter-pat, pitter pat,
Of each and every beating hoof.
As she dreamt up possibilities,
She rolled from left to right.
And as she lay, tossing and turning,
Out her window she saw a light.
It was a red light,
As bright as the morning sun.
She stared in awe and wonder,
Knowing that this Christmas would be a special one.
And there it was once again,
The small ruckus on the roof.
The soft pitter pat, pitter pat
Of 36 beating hooves.
She heard 4 booming steps,
Most likely of Santa Claus.
There was a grunting noise,
And then an eerie pause.
After what seemed like eternity,
There was a rattle, a bang, and a boom.
She nearly squealed with excitement;
He would be delivering her presents soon.
It felt like a dream,
The noises she heard.
She was not even distracted
When her cat loudly purred.
It was more than impossible
For her not to see what was going on.
So she hopped out of bed and tiptoed to him,
Hearing the quiet whistle of a Christmas song.
She watched as he worked,
Putting so many things under the tree.
A gift for one sister, a present for the other.
When the girl saw hers, her heart overflowed with glee.
And just like that,
He spun and looked at the girl.
His nose was like a little red cherry,
And each eye a shining pearl.
He winked at her,
As if it was some secret they shared.
And he just flew up the chimney,
Smiling without a care.
“On Dasher! On Dancer! On Prancer and Vixen!”
She tried to call Santa, but all that came out was a cough.
“On Comet! On Cupid! On Donner and Blitzen!”
And the last name he didn’t need to call; It was the red nosed Rudolph.
The girl leapt into bed,
Smiling from ear to ear.
Santa’s famed call was loud as it should be,
And the last thing she could hear.
“Merry Christmas to all,
And to all a good night!”
When you come, prepare to be blown away by your incredible cookies and milk. And hopefully the reindeer will enjoy their food, too!
Dear Santa,
Thank you for giving me an Elf on the Shelf. I am so glad I am on the nice list! I am happy that you are coming tomorrow night! I am gonna leave a note for you!
I hope you have a safe trip to my house.
Santa,it is only 2 days before Christmas .mostly all the food is ready and the presents are wrapped.all the lights,stockings and of corse the tree is lit and up . We can’t wait till you visit.But one more question,are you ready
I love Christmas .it is my favorite holiday.all my friends at school are talking about it .Jesus and you make Christmas come all together.all the presents are packed under the tree and are ready for Christmas .I just can’t wait till it actually comes.
I hope you have a safe trip and give girls and boys great presents. Merry chrismas
hi guys i just wanted to let u know santa is ready the ready please got to email santa and tell him thank u for all the presents he is and have brought u then u mighbe get et get higher on the nice list and even more big presents u really want so make sure u are always saying thank u even not when santa is not watching luv santa and me thank u all a lot
santa that was really
good sid
love u
Santa, I’m so excited that you’ll be visiting us SOON!!! We’ll be going to Barnes and Noble tomorrow until they close at 6:00 – then to my brother’s house for a quiet party. THEN home and to bed so that you don’t have to wait for us to fall asleep!
I hope you have a safe trip. We appreciate all you do to put smiles on our faces! I hope you enjoy the treats that we’ll be leaving out for you!
Santa you are so nice and kind to people all around the world .
I can’t wait! I hope Santa gets all those presents into that sleight, imagine 8,000,000,000 presents in one sleigh fit for Santa and for the sack!
The last 3 are all from the same Katie.
That poem is so cute! I hope it can cheer up my grandpa, who is very sick and tired. Please help all the people in the world who need it the most (including my grandpa). Have a safe trip! 😉
i just can’t wait i’m getting excited
santa on his way be good soi santa can leav you lot’s of preasonts,can’t whate
Have a nice and safe trip and remember all the lovely children and I hope you and Rudolph have nice treats too love,Ellis
Santa have a safe trip save room in your tummy for all the cookies and i also wanted to say i love you!! good luck santa!!
dear santa you are a relly nice pearson and a lovly man,can’t wate to open my preasonts of you.
hey santa i want a blackberry i hope i get it,lots of love olivia <3<3<3<3<3
santa have a safe ride and i wil be happy with wathever you bring me
santa tommorrow is christmas so can you bring me a dream phone and a real laptop
thank you
Santa I hope you have a wonderful trip. My mom told me that you dont need to fill our stockings this year. She gives us little suprises in them every day. WE want all the other kids to have our stocking stuffers. I know you work very hard each year to make sure we have every thing we want. I don’t want you to forget the real reason for the season. That is Jesus Christ!!! Love you Santa and praise God!!!
I Hope I Get A Figit Friend I Cant Wait Till Sunday Here In U.S.A.!!!!
Can’t wait we are going on NORAD Santa Tracker Tommorow can’t wait… By the way how are you getting on in the North Pole
I am very excited . Have a safe trip.
hi santa i would realy like a dressing gown but i know it is too late your all ready to go but first youve got to go and have a realy realy long sleep ready for the big day i hope you have a lovely,pleasant and safe journey i would like to give the reindeers each a carrot you a mince pie or two water to drink (after all the whine and beer) and for the reideers milk for you maybe a packet of harribos love bradley
santa i wish u too have a very merry holiday and a very safe and happy trip around the world love u xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox lots of huges and kiss rissa.
I really DO NOT care what i get for Christmas besides Christmas isnt about getting presents its about celebrating baby Jesuses birthday.
i want the lego death star for sunday and i want the super star destoyer please .
p.s have a nice trip
santa please can i have A nitendo DS and merrrry christmas
Hi Santa,
For Christmas I would really like the “Wildwood Stables” book series Pease and thank you!!! thank you so much for the presents under the Christmas tree!! Enjoy the milk and cookies.! Love you -Alyssa (p.s) 2 more sleeps until Christmas!!!!
wow santa! this is going to be the best chimas ever have a safe trip and nice prom i love it! santa since your trip is on day …. could ….. you…….bring…..me…..THE LEGO DEATH STAR and santa you are very nice to me this is going to be the best chimas ever!!!
I love you. You are the best Santa! Have a good trip with Rudolph and your sleigh.
Santa, all I want for Christmas from you is a navy blue North Face. My parents are getting me a nook that you can read on too. Thank you Santa! Merry Christmas!
P.S~ Have a safe trip!
Brittany B.
i love it santa and i did what you told me to do in my letter and its so good but i wish i could come to the north pole and stay with you there can i please thank you so so so so so much xxx
I hope you have a safe trip . I also hope you enjoy the cookies and milk my cousin , my brother and I leave you.
At least you cant get stuck in the snow this year. Well not in Scotland anyway
At least you cant get stuck in the snow this year.
ho ho santa i wanted to know how your reindeer fly and I really really really really really really really really want a american girl doll with clothes that match mine. I have been good this year.
I hope you have a safe trip and don’t eat to many cookies this year.
dear and lovely santa,
why are you not yet arriving?
i am waiting for you till late at nights even if it is so you are not coming to kochalumoodu pls come my dear santa
pls pls pls come.
Hey, Santa-Thanks for letting me on the nice list. Have a safe trip.love,Trent
hope you don’t get tired travelling around the world in 1 night have a safe trip
I am sooo exsided for Christmas!!! I can barely wait.I hope I get some good presents on Christmas eve. It’s our family tirdesion to open presents from our relitives on Christmas eve.
hi Santa i would really want a Clarice buildabear and my sister to get what she wants
p.s i have hung my stocking today and i would really love if u could give my pet misty tinker andsnowy plz.
i want a ipad 2 please
merry christmas
Give one carrot to each reindeer before you leave.
i hope every one has a very merry christmas and a happy new year xxoxoxoo
please be really safe santa and dont drink and fly (unless you have some magic dust for that!)
sitting down on christmas ,hoping for something good,this is how I spend my christmas and how I should.eating christmas pie, sipping christmas tea, but all they notice is,me and my christmas tree.gingerbread beloved ,lights for all to see ,everybody`s decororating me and my christmas tree.starting up the fire,now so warm in here everybodys sleeping but me and my christmas tree.
could you wake me up at night and take me in your sleigh
Hi Santa you are the best I am going to leave you extrue cookies and milk and i am going to leave your reindeer carrots and water Merry Christmas and as you say Ho Ho Ho
Santa have you got my presents in the sleigh
Wow Can’t wait we have got are food ready for you and some for the reindeer so nervous right now see christmas eve Santa x
hi santa, i dont mind what i get for Christmas, i know my sisters want a few things, but i’ll be happy with anything
wishing you a safe journey,nicole xx
i cant believe you can go round the world in one night it is amazing i wish i could but im not santa
Santa baby hurry down the chimney tonight
I can’t believe that Christmas is only one sleep away can’t wait!
Xo Emma
hi santa its me hope you have nintendo wii with pokemon games and a 3ds and a xbox360 with games ready please dont forget to come i have cookies and milk to but there is a problem i think i dont have a chimney my dad said that please get in some how please and also i have switched the light on to come in its in the living room please come please!!!
santer i really want a white rabite
have a safe jorney
ps. i no you coldent put a rabite in
your slagh so could you asck my mum and
dad if thaey could get wone and say it
was from you. i would love it if it was on the door step and i wuld come and get it. love sharla
hi santa i can not wait for tomorrow
i would love a good luck charm for my bracelet
hi santa
the poem is cool
Santa is fun,
Santa is great!
come on everybody,
Let’s celebrate!
Hope you get your presents
Sleep tight, don’t make a sound
tomorrow night!
Cause Santa is coming to town!
I want moshi monsters toys and a moshi monster teddy please
hi santa it is me again i am going to mass so please dont come till i am home please thank you for your kindness i will talk to you later and on christmas eve so bye for now
p.s.please tell mrs.claus that i love her and olivia elf too loads of hugs and kiss’e megan xxxx
hi santa i really would like to have a bike when i wake up on sunday but you have alot of toys too be making so thank you so much i hope you have a safe ride
p.s i will be really happy with what ever i get and remember the promis i will keep it love you alway megan oh and one more thing coco’s stocking i hung besside your milk and coco’s lots of love meganxxxxxxxx
i can’t wait for you to come santa love you