Life is crazy at the North Pole.
Before Christmas the elves race to finish the toys. The reindeer are busy training. Toys are piled up to the ceiling.
After Christmas things are a little different!After Christmas the elves have just a bit more work to do. Some of them clean up the empty workshops.
Others pop in to the stables with fresh hay. They like to make sure the reindeer are comfy. It’s the elves way of saying “Thank You” for the hard work.
Then the work is FINALLY done. The elves, reindeer and I all get to relax.
These days are some of my favourite of the whole year. The Pole is quiet and calm. The reindeer usually sleep a lot and take it easy. The trip around the world is hard work! It takes them a few weeks to get their energy back.
The elves know they will start on next year’s toys soon enough. So they know to enjoy this vacation! They play board games and go for walks. Some even go for nice long cross-country ski trips in the cold, refreshing Arctic air. Then they build snowmen and catch up with friends they’ve been too busy to see. And they eat yummy treats by the fire.
After Christmas Is A Great Time For Relaxing!
Mrs. Claus and I get to sit around in our new pajamas, drink hot chocolate and share our stories of the season.
I love the hustle and bustle of Christmas. But I also look forward to some quiet time with my North Pole family once the gifts are delivered.
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What do you like to do after Christmas? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Santa, I like to make Christmas stuff for my family. I also like to play with my new toys and I get mad at my Mom for taking down the Christmas stuff.
My daughter said she like to hang out with me and watch Christmas shows. Have hot chocolate. And spend tome playing with her toys. She likes to sing Jingle Bells too.
I like to play with my gifts and the super colossal T-Rex. Tell Rudolph and the other reindeer I said hello. Sometime you could come and drink hot chocolate with us.
i Swim ♂️ in the ocean at the beach and of course it’s was cold
Because it’s December witch means winter ❄️ is coming
LOLs hoverboard a phone a house infinite money the end
Ryan would like to ask how you are? Ryan has said seeing as he has been a good boy all year could he please have a train, also Ryan would like anything to do with Football. Ryan also likes sweets and anything that glows up and makes sounds. Ryan would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and when you come to see him he will be asleep but would like you to look at his Christmas tree and Decorations.
Dear santa thanks for my frozen dolls. I luv u so much! I miss you. I wish it could be Christmastime all the time. LOL!
From Vanessa.
16 years old
Paulshaw. Make. Reindeer. Wood. Meal it
Part. Paul.
I give my Mum and Dad and Aunty a big hug. I give a special kiss to my sister. I show them my presents after I open them. Christmas is my favourite time of year!
I give my Grandma and Grandpa a big hug. Then I show them my toys and play with them.
i play with my toys and usuually i play with my american girl stuff.
Thank you Santa!!!!
after christmas i like to play with my new toys like last year after christmas me and my sister and my dad rode on our new bikes but my mom did not have a bike and every year after we open our presents we have hot choclate
hey santa my baby siter said she saw you surfing in the bahamas before
hey santa i cant believe its only 23 more days till you vist me! i cant wait!
what I do after Christmas is I use my gifts and show my friends and tell them about it.
I play with all my gifts and say thank yiu santa mom dad bro sis avo bubba pappa everyone
I like to play with my toys I got!I like to eat all the goodies I got!That is what i do after christmas!
After Christmas I usually go play with the stuff I got at Christmas. I also hang out with friends and family.
after Christmas Mum and Dad are tied so Mum and Dad jump in to the bed but me and Jessica (my sister) play with all our stuff and eat all our lollies and after that both of us are sick because we ate to much lollies and we lie down like mum and dad and then the phone rings and every one has to get out of bed then we all go and watch TV and there is a Christmas movie on and we all watch it and it turns out great
By Rebecca
After Christmas my family goes to my grandparents house
after christmas what do you do
from holly
i woud like a ds for christmas
from holly
Hi santa this is cameron davies i won’t be at my house I will be at my tiads house thank you
After Christmas I go into my lounge and search in my present bags and under the sofas and in old crackers to see if I can find anything !
Hatsune Miku 4 Eva!!!!
Santa do you think that the elves are good at making jokes more than toys.Anyway i think that at emailsanta.com is a very good website for kids but your still the best
I like to sit and relax. Sometimes I will go to the park with my friends or they will come over and play board game with me.
but it all in a year work i wish it snows all the time near my local area but no!
so does my Mum she loves christmas
after chrismas i open and play with my toys but then i have to wait till i open my presents again 🙂
Hi santa , today in my calss my friend wrote a letter to andy burnham : Leigh’s MP and she said that there was no raindiers in Leigh and he said She can come with you on the sleigh this year,Is this True
I Like To Play With A Animal That I Got From You Or Presents
I Really Want A Puppy So Bad
On Christmas we open all the presents you gave us and one thing we always do is leave on our pj all day thank you times one million for give me toys for Christmas
i like to hang out with my friends and cousin and my family.
im sad when Christmas is over. it was such a fun time openning presents and playing with them and watching The Polar Express, spending time, it was such a fun time.
can emily bring me a laptop tonight please please please.
I play with all my wonderfull toya and I have a special meal after christmas for new year and christmas mixed togather
I like how you always say HO HO HO! It really gives me a christmsy feeling! I absolutly think you are a special person and i think you are so lucky to have magic in your life!
Thank you for all the gifts and presents!
Santa I love you! It’s a good thing you and the elves relax, because tour around the world must be super duper hard! The elves must work hard to because they take care of them selves, the reindeer, the children around the world, and you! After Christmas, me and my sister play with our toys and that we were grateful to get them. Thank you Santa Claus!! You’re awesome!!
I love santa I think santa is cool because he just is
i like to play with my new toy thank you elves and santa
after xmas i had a realy crazy family but i was still exited because every day i would play with my jls dolls you gave me for xmas i realy love you santa…
I really love you santa claus! I wish for the greatest christmas day ever
santa and all the elves i really love you. i had a wonderful christmas to and cant wait to see cocoa and crispie again
My christmas was awesome!
My friend came over to my house and we had lots of fun.
Thanks for the present you gave me.
Say hello to rudoh and his friends for me and Mrs.Claus and all the elves.
I like playing with my new toys after Christmas!
Dear Santa do you have an elf named benard tell him I said hi my name is Katie thanks best friends forever love you lots like jelly tots lots of love Katie
My Christmas was great we had cinnamon rolls for breakfast my friend called and said merry CHRISTMAS to me merry CHRISTMAS SANTA i LOVE you
Dear Santa that is my friend mackenzie uphold I LOVE you Santa my number one Santa my best friend forever Santa love you lots like jelly tots lots of love katie
Dear santa, after Christmas I like to play with my new toys that you got me.How is Rudy doing?Tell him i said hi.If you ever want to email me here is my email adress {email address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}.Santa there is bullys all around my school I need to tell you about. I guss I’ll see you next Christmas.Love,Kelly
I always love waking up and seeing presents
you are the best person in the world never retire
love, mattress man
Dear Santa,After Christmas I like to play with my new toys I got.It is fun!I love you Santa!I really do
santa i wanna be a fairy because i believe in them
Dear santa i hope you had a great christmas. i hope your raindeer are not sick. how aree:dasher, dancer, prancer, and vixen, comet, and cuppid and donner and blitzen and of course you too rudolph.
Santa your blogs are wonderful I really love you Santa you are the best person in the world.
What I do for Christmas is, I play with my new stuff, relax,and enjoy my winter vacation for a whole week! Hope you had a good Christmas, Love Katie.
dear santa I hope you had a good christmas. I hope none of your raindeer are not sick. I hope Buddy did not make any mistacks.
Love Lola
Merry Christmas!
I like my gifts even my wodden doll house and I love the socer ball love everthing
I like to spend time with all my family and play with my lovely toys from you! xxxx
i like santa claus is he working right now santa claus if you are sorry about that santa claus i love you hope i get stuff next year ok santa claus hope i like it i want a never mind with the ipod touch
I like to try out my new stuff.
P.S. Thank you Santa for all of my wonderful gifts!
i like what i got for christmas. i got a lot:)
I like to write a bout all i did and go shopping and eat Subway and rolerskate and play with my knew toys and sleep in after Chriasmas
dare santa I going to be 17 Next week
oh by the why how is the miss doing
thank you my pc
ps taylor lee white