Christmas carols and the all-Elf Christmas Choir! Read the noisy story!

Santa loves singing Christmas carols!
Santa loves singing Christmas carols!

Merry Christmas! I have been wrapping presents and singing Christmas Carols.

Did you know that people have been singing Christmas Carols for hundreds of years? The very first Christmas songs were sung in Rome. Rome is in Italy. I cannot believe that people have been singing Christmas Carols for so long.

It makes me so happy to hear Christmas Carols. And it reminds me of a story.

Do you know what a choir is? A choir is a group of people who sing together. I love to listen to a choir when they are singing Christmas Carols. Would you like to hear about how the very first North Pole Choir was formed?

There once was an elf.  It was so long ago that I forget his name.  He loved to sing. But, he was a terrible singer!  He would sing all day long.  He would sing all night long. The other elves would shout:


He would sing in the kitchen, and he would sing in the bathroom. Then he would sing when he was outside, and he would sing when he was inside. He would sing when he was wide awake, and he would sing when he was sleepy. The other elves would shout:

BE QUIET!!!!!!

It got too much for some of the elves. They found the singing elf.

Christmas Carols or Christmas craziness?

“You should sing like this,” said one elf, and he sang a nice high-pitched melodic tune.

“No, you should sing like this,” said another elf, and she sang a deep musical song.

“Oh, no, no, no. You should sing like this,” said another elf, and he sang a jolly song that made you want to smile and laugh.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You should sing like this,” said another, and she sang a beautifully sad song which made you want to cry.

“Nooooooooooooooooooooooo. You should sing like this,” said another. He jumped up and down and made noises with his voice.

The singing elf listened to them. Each song was brilliant and beautiful. Each singer was graceful and talented. There was one problem. When they all sang together, they sounded horrible. The singing elf wanted to shout at them to BE QUIET!

Instead, he joined in the singing. Well, what do you know? That song became the most beautiful Christmas carol you have ever heard. The singing elf was the missing piece. When they all sang together, they were amazing.

And that is how the first North Pole choir came to be!

Santa Claus

P.S.  Now, I have a question for you. What Christmas carols do you like? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what Christmas carols other people like.

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18 special messages to Santa about “Christmas carols and the all-Elf Christmas Choir! Read the noisy story!”

  1. I want magic glitter for elf on the shelf
    I want a house for the elf on the shelf
    I want cinnamon and candy canes Anna makeup set A nail kit Some shirts Some Nike shorts A camera

  2. I’m so. Good it year. I’m on nice list
    For paul. Stacy m 79.
    Street stay house for Christ Mas Eve
    Basement. Down stair bedroom have good night sleep. whante for you Santa Claus stop by my. House. Tan house big house lift size
    House. Paul. Elf pet fox. .

  3. My favorite Christmas song is actually a song against Christmas, but its still a great song. And no I do not hate Christmas its just a good tune.

    (Set It Off – This Christmas (I’ll Burn It To The Ground)

  4. My favourite Christmas Carol is To Hospitality because that’s the song I am doing in my Christmas performance with Year 6 and Year 1. P.S. PLEASE watch me do it!

  5. Hello Santa This is Gordie, i would like to some a favour to do. but i am here at Southern Victoria High School on Perth Andover NB, so i already have a posters on the hallways on wall. plz Santa Come and visit me at SVHS, and i say Santa is Coming to Town for sure.

    P.S it is always to a special a Happy New Year of Christmas of Holiday Cheer.

  6. Hi Santa i am almost 13 I am in English Class at the moment as you know cause you can see me! I Love You, you are so nice to wrap and deliver presents to the whole of Australia even the world, I am sure you are loved by the world and by millions of people but i love you more than them I am your #no 1 fan!!!!
    On the 9th My BFF will sing loud and clear so you can hear her from Ararat at the Carols!!
    P.S I Love You Santa!

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