Hello boys 👦🏼 and girls 👧🏽 around the world! Finally there is only 1 more sleep until Christmas morning! That’s right, only 1 MORE SLEEP until the best day of the year is here! (Can you hear the elves cheer!?)
I am putting on my warm clothes. Mrs. Claus made sure I have my special Santa Claus suit. Of course, I have my boots. Then Mrs. Claus gave me my mittens as well as my nice warm hat. Now I am all ready! And of course the elves put the nose warmers on the reindeer.
As soon as I finish writing this I will hop in my sleigh! After all, the sleigh is all packed. The reindeer are ready to go also. Before we takeoff, I just wanted to send you a special message.
A Christmas Eve message from Santa!
“Make sure you leave out,
A stocking or shoe,
And leave some room,
For a present or two!
Remember some goodies,
For Santa to chew,
And go to bed,
When the adults ask you!”
Oh yes, I have a special treat for you! Make sure you visit emailSanta.com tonight. Then you can help “Elf Control” track me on my Christmas Eve trip and watch this year’s Santa Snooper! The Santa Snooper is a special webcam I put on the front of my sleigh so you can track me on my famous flight tonight! Of course, all kinds of funny things happen every year so I know it will be fun to watch.
There will also be live texting! That is, you can see what the elves and I are saying to each other! 🔔 Jumping Jingle Bells 🔔, it is going to be a lot of fun!
Remember also to leave out your 😈 Naughty or Nice certificate 😇!
Well, the Head Elf is telling me it is Jingle Time! Everything is ready! It is time for me to go! I just have to give Mrs. Claus a big kiss goodbye! 💋💋💋<<SMOOCH!>> 💋💋💋
“And now I am on my way!
With reindeer guiding my sleigh.
With presents and toys,
For good girls and boys,
To open Christmas Day!”
Merry Christmas To All And To All A Good Night!
Santa Claus
P.S. Tonight, please leave your message for me beside the treats! Merry Christmas!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I’m on the top of the nice list thank s Santa l ove u xox from maleah
Santa. Diet coke. Pj. Heidi. Scott mom hayley
Marry Christmas to Santa family and friends
And I want you to have a good Christmas too Santa and I want to have a puppy that’s trained
Hi Santa my third wish was my family to have a good Christmas
what i want for xmas is a barbie house and a nd a newmake up and eye shadow ………thank you love peyton foutch
can you give my pets some presents too . they want treats and treats and treats can you give them some please
hi santa i am now on the good list i just found out this
Santa I am very pleased to say that I don’t have Christmas tree and pls come early and yeh pls keep my gift outside my door nr plant as I live in flat …and once I remember you I want a :
1) iPad
2) Writing tablet
Hi Santa, this is Meg I am 18 years old and I’m from the United States! This year for Xmas I have been so good I think I deserve some presents (prezzies) also I hope you are healthy and I hope you are doing ok with covid 19 and mask wearing tell everyone at the North Pole that I say happy holidays, merry Christmas and stay safe and healthy I’ll see you in 2 nights! Almost one night merry Christmas I love you
Sincerely: Meg
HO HO HO PS I also love dressing up as Santa Claus
Here Santa I drew this for you. I hope you like it!
Hi Santa this is my Christmas wish, its for
1. Corona to go
2. For a real life daple sausage dog please its my dream dog
Merry Christmas Day.
Make up phone mobile Elfs naughty in my
From Billie Jean
thank you for everything! you are awesome! How do you get to all the houses in ONE night? you make every christmas so special! Merry Christmas!
hi santa this is bobby and i just wan’t it to know if you can see if you can then text me where i am right now
Hi Santa I said balloon dog so the name of it will be squaekee the balloon dog
LOVE Bella.
I am so happy cant wait till you come to drop off presents. 🙂
p.s I am so grateful for you!! 🙂
Hi! This is Anamarie’s friend, Gabriella! We are in the same class! Anamarie is SO smart!!! Santa, can you please send this cute bunny picture to Anamarie? She is a true believer, just like me! That picture is also her profile picture in Google! Thank you! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Hi, Santa! I love unicorns! I’m not a baby, I’m 12. Unicorns aren’t for babies! I am a unicorn fan! Tell Anamarie, Lizzy, Olivia M, Aayla, Evelyn, Olivia C, and Abby I said hi! These are my friends! 🙂 I hope each one of them are on the nice list! 🙂
Santa how many cookes and carrots do you want the carrots are for the reindeer
I love Santa so much every year i put cookies out for you thank you for the presents merry Christmas
Dear Santa I will live for Christmas a dog my home dog
hello dear santa
I would love to have some skates to dance, makeup, and perfume. I want to have a nice Christmas with my family.
with love isabel
Love you want and sub to Yodamarmite pls
hi santa can u come to my place this christmas well not relly my house im going to my brothers and i miss him as much as comet is cool but im glad i get to see him i love him soooo much.
I hope you have a really good flight this year and you be careful this year to and I hope that I am on the nice list and I know that it is still november but still good luck.
(p.s I am doing this on my dad’s conputer)
(I love you)
HI santa this is Olivia,Elliot and Adeline Merry Christmass
I just want Christmas to come I believe in you Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus and the elf´s and the reindeer and everyone at the North Pole!!! What I want for Christmas is an iPhone 12 and a nice Giant big surprise I also want you to do this I am leaving a not for you this year on the table can you please read it and write back to me pretty pretty pretty please I always put it out and have never got a single letter back so this is what I want for CHRISTMAS! 51 days and 7 weeks and 4 days left till CHRISTMAS!!!
Write to me here!
To Santa thank you for the toys. And also I am very greatful that Christmas is even a day I under stand that people say things that are not very nice things what for Christmas is a iPhone 11 and a chrome book that.comes with a charger thank you for Christmas
hi pleas please come to my house ive been counting the secondsi love you your so help ful is it possibe if you are free 2020 nov 13th for a quick visit i will prepare cookies and milkand bring the elves and lots of fun and games
Phone drum et 1 Christmas
I love you ❤️
it is 2020 and even though it is October, I am still very exited for Christmas!!!
Hi I’m going sososo good is Christmas Eve is the Christmas Eve today
Hey Megan from twenty twenty Be sure to wear your mask Santa stay safe!
Love, Megan
Ps: give my doggy a treat
Hi Santa I wanted Disneyland to open as soon love
hi Santa hope your family is well and will you will need a rest up for 2020
I am glad I am on the good list. I will continue to be a good boy. I hope you have a good Christmas.
have i been on the nice list this year and my faverit food is kfc i like it because it is so good you shoud try it because it is so good
Hi santa I love your holiday my dogs say they love you
Hi Rodolf and Santa I like to talk to you on email Santa com.✨❣️♥️❤️
hi santani hope your family is will you will need a rest up for 2020
You are my favorite holiday and I love Christmas (Well not just because of the but I know something that you do not, LETS
Santa you I would love to meet you in person if I could but I can’t hear my dogs love you too this is my last Christmas with me first ever dog I’ve had him since I was born! Thank you for all the presents to me and him plus Elara my other dog that’s new! I love you so much Santa here’s to Santat x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x!!!!
Santa please come to my house next Christmas and I will write you a letter and you are amazing and I am Glad you saw reindeer food outside my house and thank you for presents love Thea
I am 23 years old and I made the nice list which isn’t surprising since I’m a blood donor
Santa am I on the nice list plus I saw your sley in the sky
i whant a phone for christmas plse get me a phone plse
Hi Santa Claus,
I hope you got my letter. I hope no one in my family gets sick. That happens every year. Sorry, we don’t have that much room for you to place the presents. I hope you can find space. If you need to make space. I know you have already gotten y wish list. If I could get the present here for my teacher so I could give it to her that would be great. Have an amazing Christmas yourself.
To Adeline why did you say please stop bragging Santa never brags he is sweet and kind you know he could put you on the naughty list and you wouldn’t get any presents this year Love,Brooke Norwalk,Iowa!
Please santa can I get i phone 11plus ,i phone watch ,and a real puppy.I am on the the nice list.
Dear Santa I am going to leave you out chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk
santa, you are coming to my house in about 8 hours and i am soooo excited. i hope you bring me presents. but its not about the presents, its about jesus’ birthday and spending time with families and friends
santa i want 2 bullet journals or tombow brush pens set …………….
santa am i in the naughtylist or nice list
Hi, Santa Claus. Please come to my house, please,please,please. Although I am not a Christian but I am really like you, Santa Claus and Christmas day. Okey , I will leave out milk and cookie to you. Santa Claus, can I get a laptop from you?hahaha. Santa Claus, please come to my house tonight. I am a Chinese. Santa Claus, please please please come to my house tonight.
Hi Santa,
I hope you can come to my house but it’s okay if you can’t. I’m going to leave out candy canes for you!
Hi Santa tell Rudolph I said congratulations on winning the vote !
Hello Santa
I have left you 2 cookies , a glass of milk and 3 carrots cut in halve for all the reindeer Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Hi Santa! You already came to my house last night! I had left you chocolates and milk and 2 carrots for a reindeer! Thank you for coming early!