Christmas presents are ready but where’s Santa’s sleigh?

Christmas presents in Santa's sleigh
Christmas presents in Santa’s sleigh

Hello again children, I hope you are all getting very excited for Christmas and Christmas presents! I know I am.

I just love to make the toys. And I love to wrap the toys. Then I love to put the toys in my sack. And I love to put the sack in the sleigh.

Oh that reminds me of a story that is happening as we speak. It is about my sleigh and Mouse the Littlest Elf.

Well the story begins on a night much like any story at the North Pole begins. It was snowy and cold night. Just right for a Christmas Story.

The Christmas Presents Are Ready!

The elves and I had just finished making another batch of toys. What a happy feeling we had in our bellies. We had wrapped all the toys. There was red wrapping, silver wrapping, blue wrapping, in fact we had use all of the colours you could imagine.

We had taken extra care to keep an eye on Clumsy. You know what can happen when Clumsy gets near the wrapping machine. I did not want him to get into trouble again and wind up as a Christmas present!

I looked at all the Christmas presents towering before me and smiled. That is when I let out a satisfied sigh and said ‘Merry Christmas’ to myself.

I could see Mrs Claus watching me from the doorway. She had a smile on her face too. I looked at all of the elves. They were all grinning from ear to ear. Oh I do love Christmas!

Next I put all the Christmas presents into my magic sack and put the sack in my sleigh. Or I was going to!

But the sleigh was gone! How could I deliver all of the Christmas presents with no sleigh! What was I to do?

I put on my extra big red jacket and walked to the door. Mrs Claus stopped me.

‘You cannot leave,’ she said. ‘We need you here to help the elves make the presents. Without Christmas presents 🎁 the boys 👦 and girls 👧 of the world 🌎 will be sad.”

‘But without the sleigh,” I said, “I cannot deliver the Christmas presents. If I do not find the sleigh, then who will?”

“I will!” said a small voice from the corner. I looked down and saw Mouse the Littlest Elf looking back up at me with hope in her eyes.

A Brave Little Mouse!

“I will do it Santa,” she said. If you have ever looked into the eyes of an elf then you will know exactly how they are feeling. I looked into Mouse’s eyes and I saw hope. I saw determination and courage. What I saw was joy and bravery. I saw an elf who believes in the magic of Christmas more than anyone else in the world.

And so I said yes to the little elf. We packed her a bag with warm clothes, some food and a map of the North Pole. She selected one of our fastest reindeer and before I could even say Merry Christmas she was galloping into the distance.

One thing I knew for sure was that Mouse would find my sleigh and save Christmas.

Mouse loves to hear from the children of the world. So please give me your words of encouragement for Mouse and I will pass them on to her. I know she will become braver when she hears them. Merry Christmas.

Santa Claus

P.S. Do you have any messages for Mouse the Littlest Elf? What do you think could have happened to my sleigh? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people wrote.

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32 special messages to Santa about “Christmas presents are ready but where’s Santa’s sleigh?”

  1. to santa
    i wich samsung gslaxy z fli4 0. bora purple 2 360 box 3 brttery powered car 4 baby trend resort elite 5 precious staoller 6 car seat baby tub 7 baby bed cart baby style collection coffee maker sitch 8 sitch backpacks 9 bed cam-o-burk xl two 10 ring for men for max and cecering size 9/8
    thank so much



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    a jeke hess cd
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  4. Dear santa Claus for danny soto I want Dell laptop the silver sylvania 11,6 ,in chroduductor case logic heavy duty cd wallet negro lg nexus 5x price in Malay said g specs Nikon cool pix also price roycce leather lap top back pack black eightls enoughtv series complete season 5 dvd trolls dvd up dvd bolt dvd monsters university dvd chicken little dvd stryper 28 guitar tabs softwar lesson cd scooby doo where are you the complete series dvd 8 set 21, jump street the complete series dvd 18 set 7th heaven the complete series dvd 61 setcanadian s
    7th heaven the complete series pack dvd transformers animated the complete series cartoon dvd I love lucy the completes series dvd welcome.back kotter the complete series dvd 16 set mlsterer ed the complete series collection dvd season 12 456 knighk rider the complete series dvd danny Danny

  5. I think santa and the elf’s set it up so mouse can be a brave and good elf but if santa and the elf’s didn’t set it up then I believe in mouse the elf 100 percent even more

  6. Santa Claus I think one day mouse the smallest elf or any other elf like clumsy did something to your sleigh or something else

  7. Hi Santa,
    How are you going? because I’m feeling great that Christmas is only 5 days away, just to let you know that I have read all the messages that you have sent to kids over the world.

    I was wondering if I have been naughty or nice, please?

    So I have 2 other sisters called Imogen and Shannen and I think they would like to know if they are on the nice or naughty list, please.

    Guess what is so awesome that we recently bought a full black Labrador and his name is Atticus and turn 5 months on the 11th of December if you send me a message back for me and my siblings and puppy to know if we have been good or bad kids, please.

    thanks for Ginger our scout elf back to life the second time and she is so helpful all the time this December and last December.

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!! 🙂

  8. Hi santa I think Mouse is so brave for helping you find your sleigh. I think she is going to find your sleigh and I know you are going to be proud of her for saving Christmas.

  9. Santa so far I have been in the nice list by doing the chores,sharing and caring for others being responsible. Listening to mom,dad,and teachers . For Christmas I would want a Xbox 1 or an PS4

  10. I really believe you are alive. I actually saw your elf’s a minute ago.The elf’s look friendly and cute.I am so excited-to celebrate christmas and unwrap presents!bye-bye!

    sincerely, by your best friend yiahn jeong

  11. Hi santa I would like to have one of your elfs. I want books to read and I would like to see your reindeers. I would like to have a reindeer stuff animal and a xbox 360 with some games. Thank you santa.

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