Clumsy Hot Cocoa

Santa Claus and a cup of Hot Cocoa
Santa Claus and a mug of Hot Cocoa

It sure is cold here in the North Pole!

I like to stay wrapped in my nice, warm red coat.

Even then, I get the shivers at times.

Would you like to hear a tasty way I  like stay toasty warm?

Well, Mrs. Claus found a great way to fix my shivers!  Nothing warms me up like a nice hot drink.  Yum!  A nice hot drink is a great way to get warm!

This Christmas, my hot cocoa is a little bit different though, thanks to Clumsy.

Yes, Clumsy the Elf invented a wonderful new kind of hot drink!

How did that happen?  Well, Clumsy the Elf came in for a visit one day.  He saw that Mrs. Claus was making me a big pot of hot cocoa.  He got very excited.

“Yum!  Hot Cocoa!” he said, jumping up and down.  Jump!  Jump!  Bump!  Oops! Splash!

Clumsy bumped a jar of peppermints that was sitting on the shelf.  The peppermints fell right into Mrs. Claus’s pot and melted!

“Oh no!”  I said.  I thought my drink was ruined.

Clumsy Hot Cocoa!

Then I tasted it.

It was the best I had ever had!  Who ever thought that melted mints would make it taste so good?  It was so yummy I laughed out loud with toasty, warm happiness! HHHOL!

Of course, now everyone is trying different things in their drinks.  Mouse the Littlest Elf likes ice cream in hers.  Mrs. Claus likes a dollop of fresh whipping cream plunked right on top.  But, I have to admit, I still like Clumsy’s creation the best!

Nice work, Clumsy!

Merry Christmas!

Santa Claus

P.S.  Do you you like hot cocoa?  Have you ever invented anything by accident?  You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!


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98 special messages to Santa about “Clumsy Hot Cocoa”

  1. One time I was making hot choco, when I saw my little sis put marshmallows and a lot of wip cream. When I tried it, it actually was good!

  2. Hi there Santa I’m so sorry it’s so cold up there but it is cold down here and it is raining at the moment

  3. Hot coco is great! Just remember to wait a little bit after you finish making it. Use the spoon to try it first and if it’s too hot, continue to use the spoon until it’s cool enough to drink.

  4. nice job clumsy the elf i love hot cocoa but i like it plain myself way to go clumsy the elf that was awsome

  5. Great job Clumsy!! I am going to try that.I have never invented something by acident.
    Merry Christmas to everyone in the North Pole!!!!

  6. Mmmm…… mint hot chocolate! That sounds very good! Did Santa like it? I bet they would sell that stuff, up in the North Pole. Clumsy would be a hero!

  7. Hi Santa, it was a darn good idea for your clumsy elf to bump into those peppermints! I am so excited for christmas, oh my gosh! I just realized that I’m on the nice list! 🙂 But I still have four more days to go! Yum! I’m thinking about seriously having some hot cocoa! You just gave me an idea! 😀
    I’ll comment again soon! Bye! 🙂

  8. Ha Ha Ha! Nice One Clumsy Yes I <3 Hot coco Its SO SO SO good! I love it with Marshmellows! Have You Tried It With Marshmellows?

    Love Ryan

  9. I like to put cinnamon sugar on PEARS instead of on apples because I am allergic to apples but I can have pears and they taste GOOOOD WITH PEARS with cinnamon.

  10. I love cocoa,it warms you up on a very cold night. I did the same thing like Clumsy did, but I used instead gingerbread. I was about to eat it then a piece fell in the cocoa, I thought it was ruined but when I tasted it. The gingerbread made the taste much sweeter and delicious. Also it made much more Christmassy.

  11. you know thats just clumsey him self but i know what he dose all day.which is….playing around, not working, teaseing people. wel you the rest!

  12. hi, i absolotley love cocoa!! Even when it’s not christmas and when it’s not cold, i still drink it! Also, please say hello to your lovely elfs for me- especially Clumsy- bye!! xx

  13. How did that happen? Well, Clumsy the Elf came in for a visit one day. He saw that Mrs. Claus was making me a big pot of hot cocoa. He got very excited.Yes, Clumsy the Elf invented a wonderful new kind of hot cocoa From Patrick

  14. hello Santa my name is Sophie this is my 1st Christmas so i don’t really no what to expect i am 10 months , i am hoping to get musical toys and clothes

  15. I love hot cocoa!They do taste good with peppermint and I seriously love it!One thing that i invented before is putting
    spearmint into the cocoa and when itasted it,the taste awsomely delisious.

  16. If i ever see clumsy i will tell him nice job. Also if i ever see you Santa claus you should give me a little lick of that special cocoa you have that sure would make me happy.

  17. If you want to know a way to stay warm, buy a hand warmer.
    all you do is try to find the disk inside and squeeze the disk in the middle until it clicks and it will go really warm but after a while it will go cold but you put it in a bowl of warm water and you can activate them again

  18. i was playing with my sister and i tripped over some sprinkles. the sprinkle jar was not closed so it fell in the hot coca it tasted awsome

  19. Dear Santa do you think I’ve been good because i Don’t think so and i love you as much i love god a Jesus HO! HO! HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS

  20. mmm! i love hot cocoa! sounds delicious! i think you use made me want to go downstairs and make some. YUMMY! kisses, Emma <3

  21. i like hot! coco! santa! i wish i could drink it but i am lactose and tolerent so yay i hope u r staying warm santa since it has been cold and i hope u have the covers over u to to be nice and toasty!

  22. Well I have invented something by accident but that was with my mum:My mum and I were making muffins but I jumped up and uh oh I landed in a bowl of hot chocolate which landed in the mix for the muffins! But the muffins tasted even better!

  23. hey,cool you invented that.I wish I could have tasted that and I bet it would have tasted good to me with the peppermint mostly;]

  24. i invented a drink before to make my medicine taste wasn’t to good but it tasted better than the medicine plain or with water.:)

  25. I am very mad. I wish that you could make it snow. Christmas just won’t be the same without snow. But I can live with it. 🙂

  26. I do like hot cocoa and no i have not every invented anything before!! It would be cool to invent something…What have you invented yourself as Santa Clause and not the elves!! i would love to hear back from you..

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