Clumsy the elf loves to help in the kitchen. He loves to make Christmas treats.
There is one small problem.
Usually, when Clumsy tries to help, something goes wrong. Here is what happened this morning…
Clumsy the elf was awake before any of the other elves. He was awake before Mrs. Claus and me. He was so excited for Christmas that he could not sleep. Clumsy wanted to bake some special Christmas cookies for everyone at the North Pole. So he went to the kitchen to bake the cookies.
Clumsy in the Kitchen!
Clumsy the elf is not very good at remembering things. We all know that cookies have flour, butter, baking powder, baking soda, chocolate chips, sugar, salt, and more. All Clumsy could remember was baking soda. He put some in a bowl. He could not think of any other ingredients.
Clumsy the elf knew that something was wrong. This was not usually how cookies looked before going in the oven. They looked more gloopy, usually. He needed something gloopy. He found some glue. That would do just the trick. He poured the glue into the bowl and mixed it in. That looked better.
Clumsy the elf wanted the cookies to be red and green, so he added some red and green colouring. He mixed the colours together, and the mix turned brown. Clumsy was not happy. He thought that some glitter would help, so he threw some gold glitter in. It was definitely better, but not quite right. Then Clumsy remembered salt! He looked on the shelf. There was the container. S-a-l-, that was it! Clumsy poured it in. Wait, that did not look right. He read the container. It said, Saline. It was for Mrs Claus’ contact lenses.
Clumsy the Elf gets Slimed!
Oh well. Clumsy looked at the mixture and tried to divide it up into cookie shapes, but he could not. He rolled it in his hands. Then he pulled it apart. He stretched it. Hey, this was fun. The more he played with it, the more fun he had.
When Mrs Claus came into the kitchen, she was very surprised. Clumsy showed the slime to her, and she thought it was a very cool toy. She suggested that we make some for Christmas presents this year. Maybe we will.
If you would like Clumsy the elf’s slime recipe so you can make it at home, here it is:
- 4oz washable school glue
- Your choice of food colouring
- 1/4 cup glitter
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 2-3 Tbsp. saline solution
I hope you have fun making it. If you do make it, send me a picture or tell me what you do with it. Merry Christmas.
Santa Claus
P.S. Did you get slimed? Was it fun? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see other people who got slimed. You can even upload a photo.

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
hay idk elf i miss talking to you i wish we could talk again see you lateri have a big crush on you
so funny
Clumsy sure is clumsy but does he have ADHD
I did not knew that it would have made slime omg it got a little sticker but so much fun I guess I got slimed because I got it in my hair.
thanks for the slime ingredants i love slime so much, i know a nother way to make slime and here is how
1.pour as much elmers glue as you want in to a bowl
2.next put some of the clear tide londry soap
3.and finaly you put you’re choice of food coloring
4.and add some gliter and little raindear and snowmen and you can not forget the little santa clauss
Dear Santa
Please remember the poor and the ill this Christmas, I know you will anyway. I left you out some mince pies, hot chocolate and carrots for you and your reindeers- even though you may be full up already!
Love Sophia
i wacthed my prinsable get slimed
hr name is embry she is rude
Emily can you tell me what ingredients you use
Hi Santa if you get this can you please bring me some slime kitsch and some Paris stuff and paints and have a happy merry christmas.
Hi santa i did get slimed once plus am i going to get lots of presents?
Can I please Have a iphone XS max Gold
Santa claus you are the best person (magical person) in the world!!!!!!
Hi santa I am 9 si can I have a iPhone x
I wish I had slime! Mine fell down the drain a year ago and my mum won’t buy me a new one.
Dearest Father Christmas I absolutely love slime and I think clumsy the elfs slime is even better!You see my mother does not let me have slime so I never get to fiddle with my slime so I really want you to make my wish come true thanks so much for all of your great help love ❤️ from Imogen
Dear Clumsy
Wow! You’re an absolute Genius! Hey, this should be in the newspaper! I admire you all, and Santa, I’M LEAVING YOU A SPECIEL PREZZY
Love, Belle
Hey Santa I always fail to make slime but WOW Clumsy the Elf, I have to say a speciel thankyou!
From Belle
When I was done my mom Walk up and slime me it was fun but stickey I had to. Take a shower
Hello I have made slime before and I want some slime
hi i lovedit santa happy christmas thank
Hipaulshaw. Santa. Claus. Nov1820018
Hi this is halona and I just love Christmas I love you
I love slime can you give my some slime for Christmas my mum won’t let me so can you get me some Santa I never got slimed and me and my friends made slime at my Other friends house her name was Keira
You and my family are my fav people for Christmas equipment for gymnastics and catortion and a ukelele
did you see Lauren sitt on my face
Haaaa that is not how you make cookies that is how you make slime
I love to make slime especially when it is Christmas slime merrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry Christmas!!
I can’t even make slime but your nice elves helped me
Funny santa I’m Bella I’m 8 years old I want a phone and computer and LOL doll
I love sticky situations like that but I was wondering if clumsy plays the piano cause I love piano and gymnastics and making slime especially edible slime!
I love making slime but I wish I had clumsy to make it with me cause I don’t know we’re to buy school glue and how to make it (I hope it is edible slime!)
I always make slime but lol clumsy like how and why.
Dear santa
I want a phone and a lot of SLIME
There is a new slime that is called cloud slime and I also love fluffy slime and clear slime and like it wa that is called cloud slime and I also love fluffy slime and clear slime
Clumsy sounds funny, one time i email Santa on this website and I said I wanted a piano and it said that Clumsey banged his head on the pianos; he,s crazy
I think that Clumsy thought it was kind of fun but also kind of Messy and gross too.
Dear Santa,
So you are telling me that clumsy the elf was named William !LOL! 🙂
I love slime!! I made slime last night!LOL
santa you are the best in the world i admire you
you are the best I’ve ordeal send you 2 emails but can you send me a email how good my brother has been and what he is getting for Christmas
I want to see you or work in your Santa shop
lol clumsy should have a cooking lesson w/ mrs. claus. ps i make my slime with tide, glue, and, shaving cream.
I always fail making slime but a couple days ago ….. I did it and it was fluffy slime my favorite. I have the ingredients to make it with my sister in Europe. I will visit her soon.