North Pole — (Dec. 22, 2016) – Santa Claus’ personal doctor, Dr. Alf Doctor, today told the press that Santa Claus and the reindeer are fit to fly Christmas Eve.
“It is true”, said Dr. Doctor. “Santa Claus and the reindeer had their annual doctor visit today”.
“I was getting concerned about Santa. I know he was very worried when his sleigh went missing. But all is well, I think.”
Dr. Doctor also checked the reindeer. After all, Dancer and Blitzen hit a bit of a rough patch lately.
When asked to tell everyone how Saint Nick looked, Dr. Doctor replied…
“His eyes — how they twinkled!
His dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses,
His nose like a cherry!
He had a broad face,
And a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed,
Like a bowl full of jelly!
He was chubby and plump;
A right jolly old elf;
And I laughed when I saw him,
In spite of myself!”
One elf reporter asked where Santa Claus was today. Dr. Alf Doctor replied that Santa was very busy. He was getting his reindeer and sleigh ready for the big night.
Another elf reporter asked Dr. Alf Doctor if he had any worries about Santa’s health. Dr. Doctor said, “He is feeling great, but Father Christmas does seem a little skinny this year. I put him on a strict diet of milk, cookies and other yummy treats Christmas Eve. That will give him the extra energy he needs to deliver all those presents.”
“I’m very happy that Dancer and Blitzen are all better and ready to fly too.”
Dr. Doctor also commented that Rudolph’s nose is glowing very bright.
“His nose glows so bright,
It’s really a sight!
So I say, here today,
With merry and delight,
Rudolph can guide the sleigh
For Santa’s big flight! ”
Of course, the elves make sure Santa and the reindeer stay healthy and safe on their big journey. They track him at emailSanta.com on Christmas Eve using the Santa Snooper (Santa’s special Christmas Eve webcam). People will also be able to watch live texting between Santa and Elf Control as Santa makes his famous flight Christmas Eve. There are always some fun surprises!
Dr. Doctor ended the meeting with, “I hereby certify Santa Claus and his reindeer fit to fly Christmas Eve!”
Merry Christmas!
Dr. Alf Doctor
P.S. Do you think Santa is ready to deliver all those presents? Do you have any special advice for Santa and the reindeer? You can leave a message for Santa Claus. Or, scroll down to see what other people have written.

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
What would you like to know about eyes Derrick? Maybe something magical like how I see so many homes in one night?
Merry Christmas Santa Claus and I remembered when I was a little baby
dear santa clus for Christmas iwould like anew robe for Christmas your friend andy
hi santa how the north pole
I want a goat cart and a baby goat and a jet pack
Call me Santa please and I really want a bunch of legos and a jetpack please
The doctor put you on a cookies and milk diet!!!!
XOXO Alexis
no more discrimination
no more world attacks
the hungry fed the naked clothed
a place where people can turn to if they need it
no more cruelty to humans or animals
and my minister at church should judge people for having a disability or been something they are not
justice and peace for the whole world
even in africa for children to never live in poverty to take up sponsoring children who need a second chance at life no more pain, suffering etc
I ❤️ and ☕️♀️⛽️⌚️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️1️⃣3️⃣2️⃣4️⃣9️⃣8️⃣7️⃣6️⃣5️⃣1️⃣1️⃣✖️➗➕➖☑️✔️♥️
I love ❤️ you santa and elves Androduph comment Cupid vicent
can you fit a Go Kart in your sleigh, good luck santa, and always I love you!!!!
can you fit a go kart in your sliegh
Susan raye. Sanders. Get meyou got my letter at it I can’t read I British coming up October 30, 1975 I be 42 or you can hear my birthday I want for Christmas a balloon from going how do you read on a little computer little apple laptop a little Mancelona spell words so I can weed are use doing OK Jack student doggies doingI hope you call me back and I think you see I do understand that I can’t read thank you Santa believe in my heart I know Jack didn’t mean to bark at you last year Christmas do you need to Parkette you think Anna likes big kid everybody I just want to say thank you Santa
Santa, it’d really be an honor if you let me help you on your journey this year.
I love you.
hi what is your fav cookies and elf [scout elf ] i really want one