I’m sure you’ve heard about my elves. They really are “Santa’s little helpers”!
Would you like to hear a “short” story about “Santa’s little helpers”? (Oh, that was funny! My little helpers always laugh at those jokes!)
Maybe you think that I can do anything. I am Santa Claus after all!
But, just like you, I do need a helping hand sometimes. I learned a good lesson today about asking for help.
Today, I wanted to build a tiny doll house for Mouse the Littlest Elf. I wanted it to look just like a real house!
I worked and worked until I had a lovely pink doll house with blue shutters. It took me hours just to make the roof!
It looked great! But when I was done with the outside, the inside was still empty. That simply would not do! I wanted the house to look real, even on the inside.
I tried to make a tiny table. Then I tried to make a tiny bed. You can even see them in my blueprints. Have you ever tried to use a tiny hammer? Have you ever tried to use a tiny saw?
Well, the bed I made was too big. It did not even fit in the house!
After a long time, I thought it was time to ask for help.
Santa’s Little Helpers To The Rescue!
My elves have small hands. They can make tiny things better than I can. And, it is lots of fun to work with friends!
I asked a few elves to help me. We had a nice doll house for Mouse the Littlest Elf in no time, inside and out. And it was thanks to “Santa’s little helpers”!
I think Mouse the Littlest Elf is going to be very happy Christmas morning!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Please don’t tell Mouse the Littlest Elf what she’s getting for Christmas!
P.P.S. What are some things you need help doing? Do you ever feel shy about asking for help? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
To Santa how do your magic work ps kevin
Merry Christmas, Kevin! My magic works with lots of love, joy, and a sprinkle of Christmas spirit that comes from believing. The elves, reindeer, and all the children like you make it possible! ❤️Santa
I miss my elf’s why do they have to leave
Merry Christmas!
Your elves go back to the North Pole to help me get ready for next Christmas. But don’t worry, they’ll be back next year to bring more magic and fun!
Hi Jingle ,Jangle and Noel I miss you so much
Merry Christmas Haven!
Jingle, Jangle, and Noel miss you too and send the biggest hugs full of Christmas magic. They’re busy spreading joy, but they’ll be so happy to hear you’re thinking of them!
When will my elf come
Merry Christmas Lottie!
Oh, your elf will arrive when the Christmas magic says it’s time! Keep an eye out—they love to show up when you least expect it and bring lots of giggles and fun!
Elfy I miss u can u come to my house tonight plss
Merry Christmas!
I know you miss my little elves, Ariyana. They miss you too! But they’re so busy helping me get ready for Christmas. Don’t worry, I’m sure they will be there before you know it, and that’s when the real magic happens!
Hii elfy when are u coming to my house I miss u and I wanna see u
Merry Christmas Ariyana!
How sweet you are! Don’t worry, your elf misses you too and can’t wait to come visit once all their work here is done. Keep watching for a surprise!
Yeah my elf cookie he is a exciting friend he gives us special adventures And it’s so And it’s so fun to watch them like Sit sit there half fun
Merry Christmas KYAN!
Oh, ho ho ho, your elf Cookie is such a delightful and magical friend! Elves love bringing joy and creating little adventures—what fun it must be to have Cookie around!
I wanna be your helper for Christmas with my girlfriend can be a real elf on self I wanna be your helper for Christmas with my girlfriend
Merry Christmas Liam!
Ho ho ho! Wonderful! Let’s spread holiday cheer together!
That would be jolly good
Merry Christmas!
HHHOL! I think you are jolly right!
Dear Santa I would like a phone and a 3Ds and a flip laptop and a printer and a diamond art and there is more on my letter when elfie cames to get my list
Give. Me. A. Magic. Big. Red sleigh. For. Paul.
Give. Me. A. Big. Red. Sleigh for. Paul. Christmas.
Give. Me A. Big. Red For Paul christms eveSleigh. Mn. Tan. House
Dec. 24. 20019
” for elf. Email. Address. Paul
Hi I kinda want a elf I left out candy and a note for you I’d really like one but you should remember me my class had jangles you came for Christmas at my house I have the note you gave me and I’d like to say thank you
Hi I was wondering if I could have a elf I left out candy for he or she and a note for you and I was wondering if I could have one you should remember me my class had a elf named jangles if you can’t get one for me it’s OK i guess…
Santa you are handsome and tell Mrs.claus she is beautiful and can you let one your eleves come because we are having a party.
i need you help santa claus and elfs !!
i need you santa claus and elfs !
plz and thanks you
hugs love you santa claus and elfs !!!
Santa Claus i want for Christmas is a magic elf and a ninja Turtle and a power range Megazord and a red power ranger spin sword please and a power ranger helmets and a new phone and a Power Ranger the Red Ranger Morpher and all the and all the ninja Turtles in the world all of the new ones and a Dimension X Raph sword and I want is a gazillion dollars and a toys rus gift card with $1,000 of dollars and power ranger red ranger boats and the others and the black box and the Fire Smasher and all the action figures Power Rangers Samurai toys and a Magic wand
I am a fan of you and please can I get a set of art things.
I need help to do art,homework and drawing
Dear santa I really like my headteacher Her name is lucy carlile
I would live there if I was small enough. HEEHEE
i love your blog and also you and the others
can i be your little helper this year santa i can be santa jnr 😀
i fell shy singing on stage and doing a play on stage
I go for AUBURN do you go for AUBURN yes or no.
hi santa yes i did check out your new hi every on at the north pole
that would be hard to make a house for a elf and you needed everything little for mouse the little elf
some times i need help in art in crafs
Hello for Christmas I want a new elf
Hey guys good luck next year in the north pole Olympics
Sparkle Brett jasper yoga miller hampton cookie and Kringlele miss you guys will one of yaw come visit me
I love santa and ya i needed help for my dance compatition cause i was needing help with my fish flop two roll back bend and then i asked my dance teacher to help me and i got it down and i tide for queen and then they had to go by the exacution scores and i lost by a half a point and won 1 atendent and thats the time i needed to ask for help
some times i need help whith art in crafts
Dear Santa, Once I needed help opening a toy. I was a little shy to ask for help but I got help afterall.Love,Kelly
Dear Santa Claus (Can I, However, Call You Nicholas Of Burzee Nicholas For Short?) Anyhow, Nicholas, I’m Not At All Sure If You Remember Me Or Leana Marcus’ Neighbors Both From 1994? However, If You Do Remember Me- And Them- Then Feel Free To Let Me Know!!?
Happy New Year’s And Merry Christmas Eve To You All To You, The Elves And Everyone In Burzee!!?
Jeff Morgan King
oh you are real nice also don’t forget to tell Rudolph to get chispita her presents
Yo Santa Dog! I really need to get out more. I think I’m getting a little chunky. I’m getting so excited that I might have a heart attack since Christmas Eve is only a day away. Be careful when you are flying.
P.S. You know how I said I wanted a laptop…please make sure it has a webcam on it.
I hope you enjoy the cookies that we are going to bake for you. I hope things are going good at the North Pole. Remember how I said I wanted a surprise, well I can’t wait to see what it is! I know the elves will probably do something special for me. Be careful flying the sleigh…hopefully there will be no bad weather so you can get to my house on time! Be careful coming down the chimney…I’ll tell Mama to make sure she puts out the fire! Merry Christmas Santa!
well santa we all need help sometimes i tell my mom i do not need any but the truth is i can’t do it without her so sometimes it is good to have help
i normerley get shy when im stuck on a hard word in school i do not want to tell my teacher because i feel shy and when i go to the shop with my stepdad im scared to say can i have them sweets please
well i like to clean the house and do the dishes and i need help trying to find out what to get for my elf for Christmas
I want an elf this christmas and if i dont get me one i will leave the fire on next christmas and never believe in u
i think my grandpa is santa claus <3!
I’ve always put treats for the Reindeers but santa never gives it to them.I hope that santa takes it to them this year so they have something to eat and get some energy.ALSO,santa i’ve always wanted a girl elf but dont know how to ask for one, how do i?
i normaly need help feeding my pet.She has sharp claws.
hi thank you can you send me a copy of my letter please
santa how are the elfs i want a elf mouse this time i wander whats his name going to be, i want a real a live mouse elf
i have hard doing cart wheels can you help me
Well, I use a lot of help making mini-robots. I learn how to make mini-robots. Your elves are so kind!
. dear santa how are ur elfs i want a mouse elfs so i hope i get a later from u back thanks. sensly shidysha
Iam Rachel the girl who send you the email yesturday.i need help because for Chirstmas i want a girl elf and its been 4 days after i have put my leter on my tree and i also emailed you put i still have not goten an elf. plaease send me back an email please Santa Claus i want to know if iam getting a girl elf for Chirstmas or if iam not.LOVE RACHEL SANTIAGO FROM THE UNITED STATES.
We need help cleaning our toys up, doing our homework,vacuuming, and dialing a phone number.
P.S. We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Santas helpers are so cute and small.I tink it would be so much fun to ba a elf! I’ve always been the talllest in my class so I think it would be so fun to be short and tiny!!
hi Santa (: its getting close to christmas cant wait to see all those amazing presents u got me :p
i want school stuff and cats am i good
i loveyou can yo bring me school stuff and cats am i good and
i relly want an elf for Christms so if you can i hope you can get me an elf magic and when it is night time i will put the snowflake on it can come alive
I always help my mom wash the dishes or clean up even if she dosnt ask hey santa
Even if you dont want help when you need it you should always ask if you need help.
is your favourite elvs called Lloyd and Esther?Whith my friend jodie we were playing a christmas game and we were elvs.
At my home when I am doing my homework if i get stuck i get scared to ask my my parents because i want to make a good impresshion of myself.
can I please come to the north pole and be a elf!
hiya santa claus i would like a laptop sims 3 computer game and camera thankyou very much see you on christmas eve.
i will give every good boy and girl out there toys!
have i been a very good boy?
even though i hit my sister sometimes can i still get a present?
I have a dollhouse, and it’s really BIG!
I think mouse will love it I just know how her expression will be.
i think the Elfs are amazing for all of their help thanks for helping Santa your the best!!!!
i got your letter from the north pole , it was great i loved it! i still believe and i always will !
love ,
im going to ask sirra to be my gillfriend butt im sie what do i do
im shy to ask for help at school and music or dancing
i am shy asking for help at school or when i do arts and crafts
o and i almost forgot! mouse would love her tiny house its just adorable
hi Santa i have bee a bit scared this year and i agree about the one with the spiders but i need help getting over my fear of spiders. when ever i see one i scream and call my dad for help so that is when i need help.
i would never tell mouse about her Christmas present
santa was i a good girl last year.because i felt like i was know one when you did not leave even one present.please santa get me something this year.
thank u for telling me about your blog. it is so much fun.
Hey I need u to call me it’s important ok I need help not getting drestcated or have class disruptions in clas ok bye
im scared of thunder storms and i dont like loud noises it scares me and there is some thing else i dont like spiders iam afaired of spiders but my mum said its ok every one gets afaired sometimes and my dad loves spiders but i dont know why santa can you please help me to make me feel better i feel a bit sad with out adrian it makes me want to cry santa i get a bit scared some times love form alison
i cant wait to get all my present and get wat i want well hopelly i will i will try my best to behave though i am a bad girl sometimes but i am not all the time form rebekah
I sometimes feel scared about asking my tacher for help with stuff like Maths because i think they might think i cant do it but i can and i’m just stuck on that question
I am shy to ask if I can use the bathroom
I am okay to ask if I can have another piece of pizza & cake
I am to shy to ask if someone could help me because they will tease me cause they can do it and I can’t
I am okay to ask if I can go for a play date with Christin my friend
hi santa. i’m glad i’m on the nice list. i love your blog. hope to see you soon
hi santa ive been a good girl xoxoxox xoxo lots of love katy (kay-kay) lol
Asking for help is very important. I am the smartest in my class but I still have questions a lot. Thats what our friends, family, and teachers are for(or in this case elves:P). Everybody needs a helping hand once in awhile.
hi santa. dont run into tree!
eat a all of cookies!
have a all of milk!
I want new earphones and new apod and new musie.
I want you to land on roof of christmas?
you have fun at christmas!
I have been nice of christmas!
love Devin xoxoxo xoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
hey sanata why are the elfs so short but cute
Hey Santa Its Us Again Emily, Connie And Ruby!!!
We Keep Adding Stuff To Your Blog We Love It!
Were Gonna Open Our Advent Calender Tomorrow!!!
Big x’s and o’s to you and all the people at the norh pole. Including the Reindeers!!!!
hi santa i have been a good girl
this year and for christmas i will
like some textras
Hey santa. look, my niece loves you and so do i. you bring us hope. people keep saying X-mas when its CHRIST-mas. well. remember to bring my niece a toy and ill give you cookies and milk. we love you.
Merry Christmas Chelsea!
Did you know it’s actually ok to say “Xmas”? It goes back hundreds of years. The “X” is a special Greek letter that stands for Christ!
Of course, we still prefer using Christmas at the North Pole too. 🙂
– Santa’s Tech-Know Elf
santa what is your favorite hockey team?
Santa Claus I like that blueprint and Merry Christmas to you and Mrs.Claus too.
I am really shy around people especially ones I don’t know. sometimes I can hardly say anythining 🙂
Hiya Santa! I am often very shy around people, especially ones I don’t know. Sometimes I can hardly say anything, much less ask for help. It is like my voice dissapears. Anyway I was wondering how someone can become an elf and work for you. I’d like to be an elf and help make presents for you Santa 🙂
You guys are GREAT helpers! I just know it! But, how do you get the presents ready and at every house so quickly?
I always feel shy doing anything unless I am with familliar people that I like and am not afraid of.