Hello. Santa Claus here again. Have you met Sherlock Elf? One of my baby reindeer recently went missing. I called Sherlock Elf for help. He really is a clever little elf. Do you think Sherlock Elf found our missing baby reindeer? Let’s find out.
It all began on a cold morning last week. After I woke up, I went for a walk. I was walking past the reindeer barn. I chose to check on the baby reindeer. They were very excited to see me. But something was wrong. One of the reindeer was missing. I looked and looked but could not find the missing baby reindeer. I quickly called Sherlock Elf.
“Was the door locked when you got here?” asked Sherlock.
“Yes,” I replied.
“Sweet sugar plums and sleigh bells!” said Sherlock quietly.
Sherlock Elf wanted to speak to the last elf to see the reindeer. Mouse the Littlest Elf had fed them last night.
“Could a reindeer have snuck past you?” Sherlock asked Mouse.
“No way,” said Mouse.
“The Northern Lights were very bright last night,” said Sherlock.
“Yes,” said Mouse, “I remember looking at them for a long time and… OH! A reindeer could have snuck past me while I was looking at them!”
“Sweet sugar plums and sleigh bells!” said Sherlock quietly.
“There are small circles in the snow,” said Sherlock.
“Yes,” I said.
“Sweet sugar plums and sleigh bells!” said Sherlock. “Let’s follow the circles.”
We followed the circles to Mouse’s house. We admired Mouse’s floating flowers, Leviosa Lilies. She had sprinkled them with reindeer dust so they could float. There was also a reindeer-sized splotch in the snow.
Can Sherlock Elf Solve the Mystery?

“How many flowers do you have?” asked Sherlock.
“Ten,” said Mouse.
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, AHA!” said Sherlock. “We need a ladder.”
Can you guess where the missing baby reindeer was?
Mouse the Littlest Elf had walked from her house to feed the reindeer. On the way she had dropped some carrots.
While she was feeding the reindeer she began watching the Northern Lights. When she was looking away a baby reindeer had snuck past her.
The reindeer had followed the dropped carrots back to Mouse’s house. There he had found the floating flowers. He had eaten one and fallen asleep.
The reindeer dust gave him enough power to float a short distance. He had flown up on top of Mouse’s house in his sleep! Then the magic dust had worn off. Now the baby reindeer was stuck!
It did not take us very long to get the baby reindeer down. Sherlock Elf really is a clever elf. I bet you are clever too! Can you use your detective skills to find the answers to these questions?
How many floating flowers did Mouse have at her house?
What do baby reindeer eat?
Where did we find the baby reindeer?
Good luck!
Santa Claus
P.S. You can write your answers to my questions by clicking here to tell me or, scroll down to see what answers other people wrote.

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I hate school because I get boiled
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way Gracelynn. Remember, you are special and deserve to feel safe and happy. If you ever need someone to talk to, there are people who care and can help. You can find help here: https://www.emailsanta.com/childrens-hotlines.asp.
You’re never alone, and I’m sending you lots of love and Christmas magic.
Santa Claus please can I have a baby REINDEER
Merry Christmas Logan! Oh, what a magical wish! Baby reindeer are so sweet, but they need special care and lots of room to play in the snow. If you’d like to tell me more about your wish, you can write to me at https://www.emailsanta.com/email_santa.asp! ❤️Santa
hi is jack
Merry Christmas, Jack!
Hello there, my friend! What’s your Christmas wish this year?
can you send me a elf on the shelf?
Merry Christmas Ellie!
The elves were asking the same thing!
I be good this
Merry Christmas Nicolas
I’ve been getting good reports! (And the elves like your name too 😉
I’m on your good list santa
I am good nice list Santa
I hope I am on the nice list.
Am I on the nice list?
i am good this year
I am good this year too.
Hi Santa and his elves Im Keira and I’ve been so good
Am I on the good list Santa
My friend’s don’t believe you are real but I do
Hi my elf. Are. Great won of. Them is a. Girl and. Its. Name is. Ellie. The. Other. Is. Boy. Its. Monster have. A. Great Christmas evrywon only 21 days. To sleep. Have. A. Great Christmas love u. All
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Adidas t-shirts so it’s 22 to size 24 ladies for Christmas
size 24 Christmas Christmas gifts for prints and Bella treats Christmas toys for Bella puppy toys
Good quality dark chocolate from France for Christmas
I want to hear a laser removal remove hair stop ingrowns wonderful Christmas please Santa
I want that for Christmas please Santa her removal laser ladies
hi Santa I’ve been good am I on a nicely Santa
There were nine floating flowers when there was supposed to be ten. The baby reindeer eats carrots , and you, Santa and Sherlock the elf found the baby reindeer on top of Mouse’s house. Bye! ⭐️
how are you doing
hi santa
Santa i Have questions for you elf on the shelf chef please have him to write me soon ok i’m looking for his your letter in mail i undetstand you and are busy at the workshop please don’t for get to write me soon asp i’ll be looking for letter in mail coming from north pole thank you Santa is chef checking up on me and tell chef i Have a toy elf on the shelf it’s boy his name cheffery Santa please write me asp thank you from
Hey Santa I’m Starting to get bit better Everyday.wish me luck to get Better soon .
Hey Santa Claus when it’s Christmas Eve i will leave you yummy treats.
Ok I will to
Santa Claus And Mrs. Santa Claus. Are very nice Santa Clause.
Santa is the Grinch real or a elf real
Nicest person ever
hi this is heath what are you doing santa
that was good but I hope you find him or her
Hi there iam Lucy iam 18 years old and i love Christmas because i spend time with family and have a huge Christmas dinner together i find it magical and i can not wait to see you on Christmas eve at night make sure you leave somethings in my stocking at the end or top if my bed goodnight and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS
I have two baby elfs just born this morning there so cute
hi santa have i been good this christmas
The elf’s are so cute I love you all and Santa and miss close ❤️❤️
ten floating flowers
one floating flower
on the roof of Mouse’s house
No, but close! It’s 10 floating flowers, carrots, and yes they found him.
Dear Santa Claus, you are the most coolest man who ever stepped foot on earth. I think that your the best because you are fair by giving gifts to the good people and giving a lump of coal to the naughty people.Even though some people don’t get gifts, it is still fair and the right choice. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
Santa your the best friend in the world your awesome and your the coolest man on earth
ten flowers, carrots, and on the roof of Mouse’s house.
Santa I’m being a good boy to my parents
I love Christmas so much and I’ve been doing alot of stuff at the house so much I even hurt myself but don’t worry I’m still okay and even though I’m surepose to be resting because I have a scar down my chest but I was okay santa.
if this is a real thing then i can help you maybe someone stole her or maybe she decided to run of best of luck if you find her
Weldone Sherlock elf for finding the baby reindeer I love you lots and the reindeers and the elves love lots from Jamie
They are so cheeky I love it have fun with th cheeky elf’s
Don’t worry about it you find soon
Hi Santa this is Amy have you lots youer redder in the snow ❄ good luck find theme
I need lots of presenst because my brothers are being toot heads
Dear Santa Claus my name is Matthew whether he likes Christmas presents nappies because ok mate yes yes and Thomas the yes x 10
Day centres make 18 CL watch Matthew weather and sports back to sender about Matthew being good and nice nice list the one who just texted you Santa Claus thank you else
you nice
i love christmas with my family
The answers are:
1. Mouse had 10 floating flowers
2. Baby reindeers eat carrots
3. You found the Baby reindeer on the roof of Mouse’s house
Hi elf Sherlock hohos reindeer
Sunridge reindeers
i think i found it i send it back to north pole
Dear Santa here how to get to my house columbia sc
Hi Santa ,
Why my face does not show up on the nice list because my friend Fran from work made a bet with you if you don’t have me a present this year you have to pay 5,000 dollars and she said you are bring me a present from my Christmas list that I send and she said to you Nick O’Leary is a very very good boy this year and can you tell me if you are bringing me a present for Christmas Eve love Nick
because you did not give him your pic
because you did not give him your pic
im on the nice list why haven’t i seen my face how old is mouse
i really really want a elf today i am crying
Good morning I am so happy to talk to you today you really made my day! I just wanted to say thank you for all that you in the elves do yall are wonderful And I’m so thankful I know it’s a little early for Christmas and a little late for thanksgiving but I want to say Happy Thanksgiving To you in the elves and merry Christmas see you Sparkles and sprinkles In 2 days! Bye
Ciao babbo natale mi dispiace molto per la tua renna speriamo che la troverai presto buona fortuna
Safa eddonje
Hi I want to tell you that I’m not on the list
Hi Santa i need to talk to you it’s important
Hi I’m Maleah Nic to meet you guys
Hi Santa I am on the nice list or the bad list
Am I on the nice list what is the baby reindeer name
My last dance competition is coming up wish me luck please
Dear Santa, can you tell me if I’m on the nice list?
I have your phone number Santa please!!
I’m on the nice list.
Can’t decide myself I don’t I know why does this have to happen
On what gift I could receive a beanbag chair A unicorn Plush I don’t want more Then that .Give toys to kids who need it.
Where is the reindeer It’s so cute
Dear Santa Claus and Mrs Claus
Can I have a great video call please from you and your favourite elf.
If you ever loose a reindeer just tell me and you can get me
Dear santa I want a electric guitar from Walmart please like right now
Santa When will you come to my House Tonight
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Im excited for it be here. And my brother James is not angel lately.
all i want for christmas is an x box please?
Dear, Santa I’ve always wanted to ride on a sleigh especlliy see the reindeers and elf so you could take me on a sleigh ride but i don’t want my family to worry so you could just leave them a not and tell them that Cyrene is on a sleigh ride I will bring her back. And plus I could help you with your gifts plz do this
Sincerely, Cyrene
Hi Santa
l what for Christmas is a unicorn but a fake unicorn because I know how what one a friend from school
Thank you Santa love you
Hi Santa
it’s me Skye it’s all most Christmas and l won’t to be on the nice list so l bean trying to be nice but it’s just my annoying brother Jayden so please l will be good until Christmas Eve and next year began so please
From skye
1. 10 floating flowers
2. Carrots
3. Mouses roof
Jazzy. Toy. Dog Cat. Dear Santa I would like a hoverboard I would like in iPad I would like an iPad and I would like a turbo Man toy and I would like some movies Merry Christmas navigate to a car for big kids police car I would like to half a percent is a microphone I would like to have Air Jordans I would like another 3D 3DS I would like more Pikachu cards Dear Santa I’ve been a very good girl yesterday on Friday would you call us on Christmas Eve see if I got the elf job
Santa Take me with you on christmas eve i never been on sleigh before so plz take me on your sleigh this year! and leave a note saying: Jefferson is at the North pole with me This Christmas Eve. ill bring him back. so plz take me instead
I would Love to help but I live in rockwall! can you take me with you on christmas and leave a note that says Tenley is at the north pole with me and I will bring her back! Plese santa it has always been my dreem to go with you on your sleigh and go to the north pole!
i love you santa i wan’t a elf on the sheklf
wow santa i love your Christmas magic .
While looking at the Northern Light’s the reindeer must have snuck past mouse going in circles around the North Pole
Final fantsasy xiii phone ring holder
I want to meet a real elf.
P.S. I’m 12
1. 10 floating flowers
2. baby carrots
3. Mouses roof
on top of the house/roof
there were 10 flowers
on top of mouse’s house.
Merry Christmas to the elves and Mrs. Claus and Santa.
santaChristmas. It. Puppy Angel. Talk. Gife Christmas. For Paul. Kiss me. Christmas. Texi Maiel part. Christmas.
Thanks you. Take.it. At. North. Pole. Work shop.
Mrs. Claus. Letter. Email me. A. Letter. In. Mail.my Box.
5️⃣5️⃣0️⃣7️⃣9️⃣. 5️⃣9️⃣7️⃣0️⃣2️⃣9️⃣5️⃣street
Th . Lift. House. I’m own one. 1. Christmas.
hi im Amira and im 8 years old.and Christmas past but its new years ever today
Hi Santa i just want to say all these Christmas have been awesome and i just want to say how honored i am. I hope you a marry Christmas and a happy new year. P;S Santa your the best love Jordyn.
Dear Santa it merely crismas now am so exited my dog died last week I was so sad criying all day tilting there I realy what to see him a gain gain your my best friend fore ever in world from nicola people fing cald pump were see Santa go game store right pnp bybybybybybyby
Hi santa how are you I am good I hope your eating healthy I am see you soon at christmas and remember to eat all your greens and veg and fruit.
Dear Santa all i want for Christmas is a puppy and guitar and a iphone8 I’m about to be nine love you oh I almost forgot I want my family as well
Dear santa all I want for Christmas is family
And you to come with at least this:phone puppy name elfya and a guitar
School Supplies Pink Ladies Jackie
Transformers Selena
Santa when it’s Christmas can you get me a pop quiz to do for the North Pole please
DECEMBER 16, AT 10:59 AM
santa i love you . santa i just say santa . santa l”m 10 years old. bye …. bye…………………….. santa.
hi i am nice santa i love u santa i hope that you love peanut butter
Santa I hope that the baby reindeer is okay.
hi thank you for the presents the last 8 years going on 9 years wow i am geting so old lol. Mouse had 10 flowers.The baby raindeer eats flowers and carets.You and the others fould the baby raindeer on the roof.
Ten flowers
Carrots and flowers
On the roof
I wish the missing reindeer nose shines all colors at the same time and just sayin,it will be cool
10 but the baby reindeer ate 1 so there was 9
on top of mouses house
is this true if it is that is sad because I love animals even baby animals
Hi lam nevaeh I am 9 I love you Santa
The detective list
. Mouse had ten flowers but the baby reindeer ate one
. The baby reindeer was on mouses roof
. Reindeer like carrots
My name is Chloe, and I am 10 years old. I know your real.
On top of Mouse’s house.
He ate 1 flower. They eat carrots. You found him on top of Mouse’s house.
10 flowers, 1 flower was eaten, and the reindeer on the roof
10 flowers
1 flower was eaten
On top of the mouse’s house
I think the baby reindeer was on mouse’s roof!
dear Santa are you real? and if you are how do you get around to all the house in the world in just one night.
10 but 1 was eaten by the baby reindeer
Baby reindeer like to eat carrots
You found the baby reindeer on Mouse’s roof
Dear Santa,
I think my elf larry is lonely…
so maybe you can send larry a pet or a elf friend.
At my school my elfs name is elfis and at a field trip when we got back
he said just hanging missing you and he was on the dri erase board.