Thank you for all your comments about who is sillier: elves or reindeer! It really got them going reading all the comments from the kids!
My elves and reindeer even decided to have a little North Pole contest to see who was sillier. So, they started coming up with more funny Christmas knock knock jokes!
Would you like to hear the jokes they made up?
The elves started first:
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Coal who?
Coal me when you want to go see Santa!
Then it was the reindeer’s turn:
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Gift who?
Gift me a coal already. I want to go see Santa!
But the elves had another joke ready!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Ivana who?
Ivana go see Santa, so gift me a coal already!
But so did the reindeer!
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Water who?
Water you waiting for! Ivana go see Santa so gift me a coal already!
Even more Christmas Knock Knock Jokes!
It took the elves a bit but they came up with this joke:
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Art who?
Art you ready yet? Ivana go see Santa so gift me a coal already!
The reindeer were stumped (like a Christmas tree, the elves said 🙂 ) for a moment or two until they thought up this one:
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Needle who?
Needle little reminder to gift me a coal? Ivana go see Santa!
That is when I made them stop their contest. I had too. I was laughing more than a bowlful of jelly at their silly jokes!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. If you like Christmas jokes, I have webpages of more Christmas jokes here!
P.P.S. Did you like their funny jokes? You can leave us a message about who you think makes the silliest Christmas knock-knock jokes: reindeer or elves. Or, scroll down to see what others have written.

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
they were incredible
Merry Christmas Jayden!
Ho, ho, ho! I’m so glad you loved the Christmas knock-knock jokes! Here’s another one just for you:
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Snow who?
Snow-body loves Christmas more than you and me! Ho, ho, ho!
Hi santa
Hi Santa,
It’s me !
Pls reply I said i am sorry for my bad deeds
That’s was incredible
Merry Christmas Modilim!
If you liked those, then you will *really* like this page of 750 elf jokes!
I think the reindeer definitely won.
I think this hole joke thing is very very funny at least in my opinion
i think the elves are funny but reindeer win and Santa you are a realy nice guy i saw you today at the Lagrange mall by the way thanks for the candy cane LOL
I think the….drum roll please…..Reindeer because theres were funny and a good comeback at the elves but i liked the elves jokes to.Thank you guys for making me laugh for once i really loved it a lot. Thank all of you so much,Love you all byeeeee.
i dont have a chimney and i never sent you any hugs or kisses love from noah
The jokes are very funny so it is very difficult to find out who is very silliest but I think it is reindeer
None of the jokes made me laugh… But they were GREAT!! I think elves won because the reindeer kind of took a while to think of their jokes while the elves knew exactly what home to do. Plus, How in the WORLD do REINDEER TYPE WITH HOOVES?!?!?!?! TELL MEEEEE!!
I think the reindeer are funny, but the ELVES won that contest!
santa claus funny letter harrypotter wands penbookmark set
Salvar el mundo fortnite 80000 paVos fortnite y plus de la plus de la play e querido eso por qué nunca tengo me portare bien de verdad
Knock knock
Who’s there
Snow who
Snow presents for you if you don’t let me in
Ho ho hope you all have a very merry Christmas
Knock! Knock!
Who’s there?
Jingle Who?
Why do the reindeer’s jingle with jingle bells?
Reindeer make the silliest jokes otherwise I can’t decide
This website is great 4eb0e23 4e115c2a86 9928f5101 a91398
hi santa culss have i been good or naughty my is angel and i have 2 sister there names are allison, tiffany and i got one borther name josh,well all i want for christmas is some things not all lot of thing becauses jueses should have more then us. merry christmas santa cluss.
Dear Santa, i know u told me to surprise you on what cookie flavor you want….but is choclate chip okay….my dad and i are spending christmas together instead of me and my mom and my dad doesm’t really know any other recipes…..so is chocolate chip okay?????
I think reindeer make the funniest jokes….but they should be more original and not use jokes from the elves to start there own. 🙂 LoVE U SANTA!! MeRrY ChRiStMaS
Dear.Santa i love your knock knock joks
and i want for christmas is a real laptop
and if you dont have a laptop thats ok because my mom will get me a laptop if you dont have a laptop i want for christmas is a teachers desk if you dont have that i dont now want i want for christmas p.s.I Love You very much love Jasmine and charlie wants for christmas is a big bone!!!
charlie loves you to i will have some soft batch choclate chip cooks and egg nog laying on the table1!!!
Dear.santa i love your knock knock joks
and i want for christmas is a real laptop
and if you dont have none thats ok because my mom will get me one and i want if a laptop i a teachers desk.
knock knock
who’s there?
snow who?
snow that gingerbread shop down the road?
they were good but thet didn’t make me laugh sorry 🙁
hi santa I am lani [Delaney] I love rudloph oh and thankyou! thankyou! for the laptop you rock
knock knock whos there cookie cookie who cookie attack a elf tree
knock knock
whos there?
gifts who
gifts me cookie
i thought those were soooiooooooooooooooooo funny
knock knock
whos there?
marry who?
marry christmas
they are halareast but i got to say the elfs where the best sorry i do not whant to hert the raindeers feelings i am so so sorry
knock knock,
who’s there,
mince pie,
mince pie, who
ohhhhh I am ever so sorry santa has already eaten it!
i think the its a tie thay are all funny and silly
hi santa im from ireland. me and my sister are sooo lucking forward to christmas. all i want to say is thank
you so much for evrything last year.
i loved all the presents you brought me. ps;i think rudalf had the best jokes
have a good christmas
well for one that was weird but i liked all of the jokes instead of one
These jokes are creative jokes an they are nice to tell on christmas!!!! 🙂
the joke i like most is Melanie it’s so cool . and any way elves give me my labtop first!!!! Bye,Bye Hi,Hi,Hi,Hi
The elves are the daftest by miles 😉 xxx
Your cool santa I love you to bits like mmm see you soon are you gonna fly over my chimney?
I love santa presents so you should be gratful like me ive wrote letters and of course now ive looked and your best ever blog see you soon
knock knock whos there raindeer raindeer who raindeer who jumped on th people who came
funny elves you make the funnyst jokes
I can’t wait untill chistmas can you even wait!Tell the raindeer I siad hi!!!
Close chirstmas ready sleagh on our way
knock knock
whos there
rudolph who
rudoluph the raindeer!!
i loved those jokes they where so funny
There i thought they were stupit so try and think of better ones. Just to let you know i’m talking to myself now
hi Santa! here is a joke for everyone in the Northpole:
ha,ha the jokes were funny i dont know what to say!!!
hi santa when its christmas what do u give the bad boys and girls
what do you get when you come across a elephant’s trunk and some swimming fish
i don’t know?
swimming trunks!
hi i cant wait untill christmas!And santa dont worr’y if you cant get me what i would like!
I liked the Reindeers’ jokes the best!!!! They were funny.
I have been a good girl
who;s there?
cookies who
cookies are my faviote
I don’t know i can’t choose who. i choose reindeer.i got a joke “What did the tomato say to the ketchup bottle? you go on ahead i’ll ketchup.Get it?
all those jokes remind me of my granda, he has rubbid jokes too!!!
Hey Santa!!! nice to see you agan i was just gonna tell you three or or ten nock nock jocks!!! nock nock whos there? Santa Santa who??? santa paws you “r silly didn ,t you know i was gonna say santa paws??? nock nock whos there? elf elf who??? its elf step on day dont you get it we step on elfs!!!nock nock whos there? raindeer raindeer who??? i am flying like a raindeer!!!
they are great jokes very funny ha ha ha
hope rudof isnt playing with the dsixl
santa for next chrismas can you prety please give me a dsi game called mario hoops 3 on 3
Noke noke hows their bo bo how dpwnt cry its gust a joke
heya! its me! id love to try this blog and its super cool! ive got a joke:which
bird can write? a pen – guin! hope you like it!
i love you.what kind of cookies do you like?
i think that the reindeer were loads better than the elves but i am very sorry to the elves they did do a great job but i thought that the reindeers were loads better
Congratulations reindeer
knock knok
whos there
santa santa who santa claus
Hi Santa. Knock,knock. Who’s there? Christman tree. Christmas tree who? Christmas don’t cry!
From Liam, age 6
i am going to be good all year for you because we will wake up on christmas morning pressent here is a joke what do you call a dog siting beside a fire a hot dog
thank you for the pressents last year
Hi Santa sorry to bother you but can you you see if an elf would like to stay with me. I’d be most honored to take care of him or her. (Elf magic elf)
will you know me in 1 year yes 2 yes 3 yes 4 yes 5 yes knock knok who ther i thot you know me
knock knock who’s bear log log who boo
thank you for my presents hope you liked you treats and the carrotsfrom stacie and family
knock knock
how is there
banana who
banana who want to play with you <3
i have a joke what did the cat say to the cristmas milk? marry milk-mas!! ha ha ha
i think the reindeer made up the best jokes
I think the elfs and the reindeer were funny!Ha ha ha ha!
dear sant,merry christmas santa.i don’t have a chimney so do you mind coming in by the window.
Dear Elves and Reindeer,
You are all SO funny!!
I bet you all are very satisfied with your jokes because I am! I don’t have one though. Merry Christmas!!
here is a joke;
whos there?
olive who?
Why did ‘olive’ the other reindeer make fun of Rudolph?!
I just LOLed! Merry X-mas!
🙂 Funny! My favorite one that the elves made up is:
Knock, Knock!
Who’s There?
Water who?
Water you waiting for? Ivana go see Santa so gift me coal already!
knock knock
who is there
aunt who??
i know that aunt who??
aunt u glad my auntie has left lol 🙂 xxxx
I think reindeers make the silliest joke. I like the Water you waiting for one. I was laughing my head off!
whats invisable and smells like carrots the answer is bunny farts
i think the reindeer are sooooo funny and adorible i LOVE reindeer
what did one snow man say to the other snow man?
Do you smell carrot!
i thinkk they were all funny. the elfs and raindeirs were both silly.
I have a joke too.
Who’s there
Owls who
That’s Right Owls Hoo
i love the jokes they are very funny.now i got a joke for you.why didn’t the skeleton cross the road. because he didn’t have the right gut’s.
I think that contest was very cute and so funny I think they should do it again and again and again non-stop with even sllier jokes
Here is a joke
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Iva who?
Iva present for yo
here’s another knock knock joke for you all:
Knock knock
who’s there?
who who?
Not who who — HO HO! Ho Ho Ho it’s time for You Who to get ready for You-Know-Who! Be sure to leave him some goodies!
hey want to hear a joke knock knock who’s there
iwanna who?
iwanna go see santa now please!!!!
hi santa i love talking to you and i would love to have an i pod touch please please please and see my freind gemma is she on the nice list or the naughty
ha ha ha the joke were herlerius tell the elvs and the raindeers i love there joke the best christmas joke iv ever hurde lots of hugs love reece arnold coventry united kingdom west midlands
i liked the jokes i told my mom and dad and they cracked up thank you very much
jacqueline and fransisco
Knock knock how’s there Santa santa comon her and do some bugg
I have a few jokes you can use
Why was the snowman angry? He had the cold shoulder.
Why did frosty put on snow boots? He got cold feet.
Who is the King Elf of Rock and Roll? Elfis Presley!
I think the reindeer were funnier than the elves. the reindeer added pazzaz to their jokes. the elves were funny too just not as funny as the reindeer!!!
knock knock
who’s there?
miss who?
aren’t you miss letoe
the reindeer was the funniest the could had it but the reindeer where funny then the elfs what! i’ve ot a joke just listen knock knock whos there water water who do you have water i’m dieing over here
I think the s jokes are sillier than anything in the entire world. They were awesome.So tell them I think there jokes were awesome. And tell the elves I liked there jokes too.
Bye for now
I think the reindeer were hilarious and so were the elves.
knock knock
who’s there
vest who
vest you doing rudolf.
i have to say the reindeers are more funny and lets hope the elf with mrs.clause don’t try to fall out again.
I loved them, i have one mysrlf
We think the riendeer were the funniest the “GIFT” joke was really hilarious!!! HAHA
iloved loved loved loved them
Knock knock
who’s there?
cokkies who?
cookies are the best for santas jolly belly♥
merry christas everyone!
I think these are very funny…. especially how most of the helpers and stuff did about the same thing…. but its ok♥ here at the morth pole were all unique right?
hello santa I think they were both good I laughed a little bit.
hello Santa I hope the elves and mrs claus say lots and lots of silly jokes.
I tink the both are so funny hehe.Love you santa Clause
i have got a joke for you santa knock who there mary,mary who mery christmas
That was a funny contest! I liked them both, but unfortunately I have to choose one and I think the reindeer has some funniest jokes in his head. PS: Santa! I’m in your new Christmas Blog and I will promise to email you back on Christmas Eve.
Dear Santa I think that the raindeer made the funnieset jokes when I first heard them I was craking up laughing.
Knock Knock
Who’s there
Mary Who
Mary Christmas
Hope everyone reading this has a phonomanol Christmas and New Years!☺
I have a joke. What did she say when she was cold? Merry Brrstmas!And Iliked all of them it made me laugh so hard
milk came out of my nose!!Bye!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
i liked rudolphs knock knock jokes the best
raindeer of course GO RAINDEER don’t you agree?????
whos there?
santa who?
santas giving a little woo its christmas!lets do it too!!!
nock nock who is their rudolph rudolph who rudeolph
lol Do you think the elves can get Christmas letters? I bet they would be overjoyed!
whats rudolfs favoirite day of the year
red nose day
Your jokes are really funny I was crackin up
Your knock knock jokes are really funny!!
all of you are sooooo funny I cryed tears of funnynest
that funny ha ha ha can you tell me your phone number plezzzzz santa i whont tell any ome plezz inseat my dad mom stacy my sister and my holr family plezzzzz
Santa i have one may i wright it on here its a good one
i dont know who too pick so i pick both the raindeer were funny but the elfs were funny to so i say both so they dont get up set a little
i think that the raindeers were funnier by a little tiny bit but truly they were both hilarious
some were funny but how bout this
what did the dead man write to his other dead friend?
Merry -X- Mas
knock knock who’s there? i wanna go i wanna go who? i wanna go see santa!
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Wanna who?
Wanna go see Santa already??
I think the reindeer won that they were very professinal
the elves!!! but i like the raindeers too
I think the funniest joke was Santa’s
I love you…
SANTA’s elves Thrashed the Reindeers badly with their Jokes.
I said these to my mother and sister and I was almost in tears laughing so hard! THAT WAS GREAT JOKING AROUND!!!
The raindeer were the funniest of all.The raindeer are tight.
they were wonderful I think for christmas you should give them a joke book .they where both good but I have to say good teamwork ,but over all the elves won.
i loved all the jokes but i have to say the last was the best
loved your silly knock knock jokes Santa and Elves
I think that the Reindeer came up with the most funniest jokes
even though the elves thought of jokes quicker then the Reindeer they still had the best well done elves and reindeers.
i think the elfs are funnyer.:)
knock knock
whos there
elf who
elf ya gona take me to see Santa
:)santa we like everyones jokes merry christmas
iv got a joke
knok knok
who´s there?
Santa Open
Santa Open? i´d better wait until you claus
I think the Elves won beacause the coal one was very very FUNNY.
Yea me too i will leave you some yummy cookies for you on the table Merry Christmas Love Hannah! <3 😀 <3 😀
Hi Santa Claus this is a knock knock joke i made up
Knock Knock
Whos there?
Christmas Who?
Christmas is a spirit with joy and fun like elves 😀
its not that funny but it’s sure happy
why does ropdolph nedd an ambrala
because he’Areindeer get it raindeer
dear santa i like knock knock hows there needle needle how needle litte remider to gift me a coal? Ivana go see santa
it is knock knock hows there needle needle how
The Reindeer and Elves are so funny! Tell them HI!
they were so funny i neerly wet my pants.please reply santa from paul
they both did a great job but the funest was the raindeer but the elvs good job!
Dear santa
i am 2 years old and i just want to say thank you for all the presents you have got for me since the day i was born thank you very much 🙂
and i also want to say merry christmas and a happy new year to every one and i hope they have a nice christmas and get what they wished for 🙂
Dear Santa,
i would like a superdry and some high tops please if thats ok and i would just like to thank you very much for all the presents that you have gave me over the years
thanks very much love toni
p.s i will leave you some milk and cookies on the table 🙂
me and my mum thought it was funny there are alot of good one’s my favourite one was about the needle love mollai
HAHAHAHA!!!! they are SO FUNNY!!! I’ve got one too!
Knock Knock,
Who’s there?
Mary who?
Mary Christmas!!!
I love your knock knock jokes. They are so funny. Thanks for the fun!
Ilove you Santa.I would like this the best for Christmas is a real bunny.
I have got a joke for here it is
What do you do if the lady in the post office wants to fight?
Letter Box
Hope you like that one Santa!!
Did you get my message? I hope you did. This is what it said:
You are one of my greatest hores. I Can’t wait till X~mas. Get mommy and tony gifts, too.
Beleiving you always,
Hi santa!
You just sebnt me a letter back online a few minutes ago. Well, you are one of my greatest heros. I can’t wqait for you to come. I wish I could get you something. Talk back soon.
Beleiving you always,
knock knock
who,s there
bo who
well you don,t have to cry about it
knock knock.who there cold.cold who. cold in the north pole.hahaha!
are you going to 711 at washington ave in nj because my principal say you are and i want to see you and rudoph
I think the one about the needle is the funniest.
Santa pleas do me a favore give my family and me a big house and a puppy and a phone to every one 🙂
Iloved the reindeer jokes thy made me fall off my chair!
those were funny jokes i have to vote for elves and reinndeer I crack up.
those jokes are very funny tell the elfs hat?
i think the reindeer jokes were the funniest
knock knock
who there
me who
me jelly santa is not on his tower go look for hom
i think the elves made the funniest jokes of all the reindeer where good but the elves where better srry reindeer need to study on them jokes ok
p.s get them reindeer a joke book for christmas hahaha
Those jokes made me burst out laughing in my head! I couldn’t laugh out loud because it would wake my Mom up.
I think all the jokes were really good but I would have to say that the raindeer won. Who did you pick Santa?
your jokes are really funny have a great chrismas
thse jokes were very funny ilove reindeer and elfs
hi santa i love you so much thanks for the reacies peanut butter cup last year in my stocking
knock knock, whose there, rain,rain who,raindeer
The reindeer jokes were the funniest. Merry Christmas Santa!
y cnt leukemia kids have nothing and we do butt the joke are kinda funny
dear santa all i want for christmas his to give leukemia kids gifts because i know they might die before christmas and that is sad and to give them a bunch of new toys and give shelter kids and there parent toys also they need it more then us wealthy kids butt you know some kids are bad if they have cancer and bad you should give them a doll or cloths
dear santa they are super funny I like them a lot
i think that they are really cool and very entertaining and i love you and merry christmas santa claus
football who Footballs On The Dance FloR Wa A Way
those are some funny jokes.i almost fell out my chair
that was so funny you are the best of them all ilove u with all my heart
Knock Knock
Who’s There
Santa who
Santa’s coming to watch you
i really wish i could come up and visit you
i think the reindeer b-cause they kept comin back
knock knock who’s there ho ho who ho ho ho santa’s coming for you too!
??? funny but…. well there ok !!
🙂 😀 😛 :O :S 😉 🙂
those jokes were not even funny i thouhgt they were stupid lol
i think that the elves were a bit more sillier than the raindeer.
merry christmas and have a happy new year everyone!!!
i want your phone number so i can call u to talk to u about stuff that i’ve been doing
LOL i thnk the reindeer were the funniest btw we put up a christmas tree w/ lights and we put up stockings
I think they were both really funny Santa!I finally got to see it Santa thank you for telling me!
Reindeers are much funnier than elves. No offence elves; P.S Reindeers are faster, too.
I LOVE your jokes. i love you so much. i wish i live with you
we liked the reindeer jokes best they were very funny<3kenzie and kenna
It made me laugh so hard my head exploded.And It was very funny jokes thank you for telling me that
the elves were good but the reindeer is better
Wow! Those are really funny jokes guys! Keep it up!
so the snail says to the rabbit why do u moveso low
The reindeer were great and hilarious especially their last joke. It made me laugh for quite a while!
I think the elves make the funniest jokes.
I`ll Say Both because I don`t want to hurt anyones feelings.
That was really funny.But it took me awile to figure it out thank you Santa Claus your the best
Love, Teyah Grace Warf
knock knock hoos there elf elf hoo elf on your nose
the elfs they are so funny i bet you were cracking up laghing were you leave me a messige
i really think those where funny so did my brother and my sister!!!!
Knock,Knock who,s theair Elf Elf Who its Elf on the shelf thats who.
I liked the one about getting coal in your stocking(the first one!) !1
whos there?
Santa who
If you dont know santa your going to get coal this year!
I think you both did good! I was busy laughing my head off!
I thought this was funny(: and im 14(: haha yes he is real!!!! lolx
I think the reindeer won.Sorry elves!Just a plain guess.
i thought that the elfs and the reindeer were both really funny. me and my little brother andrew read them and we laughed are guts out because they were so funny!!!!
That was some pretty funny stuff Santa, I emailed you and you gave a great reply. Thanks for making this website.
I love your site!!! I cant wait till chrismis santa! I have movies about rodulf!! I cant wait till chrismis!!! I wish that chrismis will come soon!!!! well I love your site!!! good luck!!!! love amber
those were quite good jokes im sure mrs clause and holly the christmas fairy were both dying with laughter.
is that why she hasnt been yet? because the elves and reindeer have given her a tummy ache?
i think they were as bad as each other maybe next year the elves and fairies should have a singing competition to see who can sing in the silliest voice.
what do you think santa?
from stacy
the reindeer seem most funny cause you know reindeer and elfs to cause that was a big thing i could tell you really have to sing
What did the one riendeer say to the other on Christmas Eve?
Time to fly!!!!
Ok, those jokes had to be the funniest but if I had to choose who was the funniest, I would choose the reindeer.
i think the reendeer wear funny because i read the jokes!
I think it was the reindeer that were funny
i really love jokes, but my fav. are the one’s i make! ;)! can’t wait 2 c u again! merry christmas! and a happy new year! love you for ever! ;)!
LOL! BFF! Those are the best jokes I’ve heard today!!!
i love u santa claus!!! it’s so hard going to sleep on christmas eve knowing that ur leaving gifts for that very night and i get to see them the very next morning!!! i know how much trouble u and ur elves go through making the toys and making sure that they get to the right kid and every year, too!!! i just wanted to say thank for all u do for us. 😀
I think the elves were funnier than the reinder
I really enjoyed those knock knock jokes I was laughing my head off.
They both were really funny but i had one favorite… The Reindeers but the elves were good too.
i thinck that they both are brilliant jokes
I loved the silly jokes that the elves and the reindeer made. But my favourite ones were the reindeer’s
i like santa he is the best because he gives us presents we want and love
Hands down the reindeer won… HILARIOUS.
I agree with Maximus. Hahahaha hahahahah!
Ha ha all of these jokes were cool but i think the elves were funniest
please come Santa
I hope you come
remeber my gifts
have a good day Santa
I loved the Christmas Knock-Knock Jokes!!
i think the reindeers won it keep on rocking
I think the elf’s came up with some good ones but the reindeer easily won!
I think that the reindeer won that contest, hooves down!
Hahahah! That was really funny I can’t chose but if I had to.. it would be the reindeer!