Ho! Ho! Ho! and Merry Christmas!
Well, the reindeer and I are very tired!
It was a very long night. But it was a very fun night!
Most important, I hope you had fun this morning too!
The Santa Claus Christmas Blog
Santa Claus, Christmas and Life at the North Pole!
Ho! Ho! Ho! and Merry Christmas!
Well, the reindeer and I are very tired!
It was a very long night. But it was a very fun night!
Most important, I hope you had fun this morning too!
Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Many of my friends ask me, “Santa Claus, can you make it snow here for Christmas, please?”.
I always tell them, “Why, yes, of course! I can give you a white Christmas any time you want!”. (But you better read the rest of this story before you get your snowsuit on.)
Continue reading “Dreaming of a White Christmas? Santa has a surprise for you!”
Ho! Ho! Ho! and Merry Christmas!
Well, the reindeer and I are very tired!
It was a very long night. But it was a very fun night!
Most important, I hope you had fun this morning too!
I know many of you have wonderful Christmas traditions. You have told me about them in my blog! (Yes, I do read everything that you write in my blog 😊 !) Well, I have special Christmas traditions too. Another is my annual Christmas Wish for the World 🌎!
Would you like to learn more about my special Christmas tradition – my Christmas Wish? Continue reading “Christmas Wish for the World 2018”
North Pole — (Dec. 22, 2018)- Santa Claus’ personal doctor, Dr. Alf Doctor, today told the press that Santa Claus and the reindeer are fit to fly Christmas Eve.
In brief, “It is true”, said Dr. Doctor. “Santa Claus and the reindeer had their annual doctor visit today”.
When asked to tell everyone how Saint Nick looked, Dr. Doctor replied…
Continue reading “Santa Fit To Fly for Christmas 2018! A North Pole Newsflash for You!”