Elves love to go to a skating party. I think it is because they love the hot chocolate that Mrs. Claus always makes for them. You know, the kind with the fancy imported marshmallows! Yum! It always smells and tastes so good after you play outside in the cold.
Would you like to hear about one of the first times the elves had a skating party?
Well, it was a long time ago. Not too long after Mrs. Claus and I first met the elves. The elves had never been ice-skating before. But Mrs. Claus made fancy skates for all the elves. She put candy cane blades on the bottoms of their pointy little elf shoes. The elves loved them!
We made sure each elf had a helmet so they would be safe. Each elf had a little red hat, little red mittens and a little red scarf to stay warm.
Clumsy the Elf was telling all kinds of silly jokes as the elves were getting on the ice. But when it was his turn to get on, he stopped telling jokes. “Clumsy”, I asked, “Why did you stop telling silly jokes?”
“Well Santa Claus, I stopped telling jokes because I was afraid the ice might ‘crack up’,” laughed Clumsy. HHHOL!
A Skating Party Surprise!
When Clumsy got on the ice, he slid all the way across. He was doing really well until he remembered that he did not know how to stop! SPLAT! Into the snow bank he went. When he stuck his head out he looked just like me! He had snow all over his face so it looked like a long white beard. He even had a little snowball on top of his little red hat!
But Clumsy wanted to learn how to skate. So he brushed the snow off and got back on the ice.
One leg went this way. One leg went that way. One arm was up in the arm and Clumsy’s nose looked like it was touching the ice as he spun about. Then Clumsy grabbed Frosty the Snowman and they began to dance around.
And that is how figure skating began!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Have you ever gone ice-skating? Do you think it would be funny to see elves skating? (You can tell me all about skating here. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I have gone ice skating and this Christmas when I am with my Grandma. Other than that I have only gone once.
hi santa um just checking the blog out like you aks hugs and kisses p.s.tell the elves and misses claus hugs and kisses and hi
hi!!Can I have a magical gold bell please?It tells if you beliving santa claus.If you can hear it then you beliving santa clau.But if you don’t hear it you don’t beliving santa claus.So santa claus can you get me one?Or ask an elf to make me a magical gold bell.
I like love skating my grandpa takes us in the winter it is soooooooooooo fun, I go to the one in mentor oh yah the most important thing MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
the elves christmas elves skating party
omg i beleve in santa a little but i dont llike the snow lol
Hi santa! I love to go ice skating so much! I think if i saw elves skating on the ice i would laugh so hard especially if one fell! Hahahahaha!
Sometimes I shoot pucks into the goalie when I am playing hockey and sometimes I don’t.
wow i’m sure clumbsey and frosey were good but i am bad at ice scating and figure scating and roller scating i had like 1 millon butt cuncushes oh and happy halloween north pole styel
this is a song i love santer i love santer so much he meens every thing to every time i close my i eys i think fo you
I have not been ice skateing but i have been roller skateing before
Dear Santa,I LOVED the second time I went ice skating!!! I LOVED it because when the rink was about to close,I slid across the rink to get to the other side!!! can you believe it?!?! it was a really big ice rink!!! next year I wanna go again and invite my best friends!!!
hey santa im 6 weeks and im not wrighting this my sister is i dont know what shes saying but i love you santa
hello this is Rhianna here I have never went ice skating before and if I were there now I would be really really scared so on Christmas Eve could you send me a letter about how to skate.!!!!
I am a good skater. I am in Freestyle 3. I am working on my backspin and loop and I hope you can see me when I skate. I want you to bring your elves to skate with me too! Especially Frosty!
santa i am a coptic christian so my christmas is on jan 7 will you still come
i promise ill have cookies milk and carrots for the reindeer
pinky swear
a very merry christmas!! xoxoxoxo
santa i LOVE to skat im just pretty bad at it you could say an A- lol
merry christmas!!!
I like skating i am not the best at it ! But I’m sure you guys would love to see the kids skate lol ! But I can’t WAIT until christmas .. I really wonder what I’m Getting !
ilove the eveas and mrs. Clause cookies
WOW sounds like fun i love skating it reminds me of christmas. 🙂 christmas is my favorite holiday its so warm and cheery
My favorite sport is ice skating no wonder santa likes me so much.I know how to do a flip an axel a waltz jump and pretty much everything you could ask me to do.I love you guys see you on christmas!~allie
i love skating.Mrs.Claus would have to make alot of hot chocolate!!!
Dear Santa i have never skated before.
Mayby you could write me a letter on
chrismas eve about how to skate?
That sounds epic! I love to ice skate but I always fall!!! O.O
One time I was ice-skating and out of know where I did a spin in the air and fell on my hip! I laughed so hard and my friends to they all shouted how did you do that!? I still don’t know how which I find funny.Ice skating can be fun but you need to be careful! Trust me I would know I’ve fallen so many time ice skating.I still continue though and I never gave up and I’m better than i was before.
i hate ice skatin cause i broke ma leg in feburaury cause of if
i can’t ice skate i dont know how you do it
i love ice skating so much i could live there i went on this ice skating show and i had to dance.
The Elves had a skating party cool!
I love ice-skating you must do it alot.Please can you reply to my email
hi Santa
I’m a skater i just passed level 7.I really hope you can make it to my house on Christmas eve.You are my hero.
Thanks for the fab letter and i like the story of the elves skating party. Also it is funny that you are buying mrs claus a nokia c4.
Santa I think you are the wonderfulest person In the world!the
most giving to!thx xoxoxo! bye!!!! I love ya!!
i have never saw elves skating
o yea can miss clauss make me some cookies for me and family me and my couisins love the crew and the toys they make and bring joy 2 the world
i love santa because his elfs and miss clauss cookies and because of santa
hi i am on your new web site
it is great
dear santa that was sosososo funning what you told me santa
santa is a very nice and good man to all of the kids in the world.
hi santa you are being funny write now.you should bring ava tuns of presentsand me to please santa,love haley and ava.we love u.buy
when i first went ice skating i fell a few times but we had no time to grab a helmet but i did not fall so i got a little scared because i almost hit my head on the ice
Hi Santa I love you because you give me lots of presents!!
Hi it’s Emily Schuh! Can I ask you a couple of question? Well 1.is how many elves do you have? Are they small or tall?
Hello everybody, I LOVE SKATING! I am in freestyle 4 at the Dublin Chiller in Columbus, Ohio. 🙂
i’ve been ice skating before. I wasn’t very good at it, but it was really fun. we had a 15 minute training practice before. the trainers told us to do wacky tricks that i couldn’t even do. we had to jump up, twirl around and even more. then the trainerstold us we could ice skate on our own. i needed more training practice. But i just held on to the railing the whole time i was there. then it was time to eat. Elves please tell me how to ice skate!
hi i have a christmas spirt but i love the elfes the best
I’ve been skating for as long as I can remember, and I’m wayyy better than Clumsy! I’m even on a synchronized ice skating team and we just won first place two nights ago! I think the elves should start a synchronized ice skating team. They might start off bad but with practice even Clumsy will probably do well!
iam going to north pole to post the letter to you
ho ho merry chrismas i am worrie if i can have a cookie
i love santa claus caus he deos every thing for us so we shold do every thing for him these are all the things i want for christmas 1 quarback sleevs 2 cam newton jersy and michael vick jersy 3 and christan ponder jersy
i think it would be funny to watch the elves skate and i bet it woud be funny for me to skate to
Dear Santa i wanta police playmobile
I have only been ice skating one time in my whole life. When I went ice skating it was pretty slippery. Have the elves fallen?
merry christmas mrs.claus ,santa,and all the reindeer,merry christmas to all the elves clumsy better stay out of trouble. hahaha. i can see that at the bottom of this box it says the elves check the emails well i have a special request a dsi for me and my sister. and for my family to have a very merry christmas.
merry christmas to everyone at the north pole
Can you get me a IPhone can it be wrapped. Thanks for all you do love you. We are going to bed early. Well talk to you later
I went to ice skating 5 times and I still don’t know how to ice skate!I can skate a little bit!
has santa beening good at the north pole from francesca
Hi randear,santa,mother claus and elves.
that was so cool i love it thank you for putting it on
Dear Santa Claus
I go Figure Skating Now I am In Canskate advanced. And I got to tell you it is pretty fun
I love you. Do you know that my favorite holiday is chrismas.I wish I could see you in reail life. Say hi to Rudolph and Miss.claus.
I love you.
Dear Santa,
I went scating today I didn’t fall once I am so exsiced for you to come Oh I also don’t have a chimmney so I made a santa magic key
hey santa i wrote here how was your day and the reinders of cource
dear santa,
my mom will hopefully take me iceskating
Ice skating is hard when I first tried Ifell on my butt
This year my friends my sister and i went skating in our back garden!!! It was soooooo much fun ….. HaHaHa….. !!!!
you are so cool i have been good
your freind ,
Santa is the best person in the world because he is full of magic!
I wish I could be there at the party; but I can’t because I don’t know how to get to the North Pole?? And I’d really like to go there and see the raindeer, mrs. claus and the elves skating.
I love ice skating too! Sounds like the elves are busy these days! You know, with ice skating, and gift-wrapping, and present making!
i can teach u how to ice skate. Come to my house and i will show u. it is just like skating but only with blades.it is twice as hard. just keep on trying. come to my house on christmas eve. i hace hot choclate. and tell santa did u give away rudolph? because matthew howard got him. the kid goes to my school.just in case u did’nt know that.once again keep up the good work on ice skating! ps. elves please teach clumsy how to ice skating!pss. cimsy send me 6 of your okes and when is your birthday?
Dear Santa i can not skate that well so i always stay close to my friend.I get to go skating on Tuesday
Hey Santa your elves told me to come here so i did i think it would be hilarious to see elves skate are you and Mrs.Claus good? AND this year i think you should bring Mrs.Claus on your journey!
hi santa i liked youre blog it’s really funny say hi to the elves and mrs.claws i have seen a film about you with a dog it’s called the search for santa paws please can get my guinea-pigs a present thank you xxx bye bye
its all because of jesus i hope you know that
Dear Santa,
I always wish to learn and do ice skating. Even my feet are excited! I know it is not as easy as it looks. Tell the elves (Especially Clumsy) that If I see the elves go skating, I bet it would be funny!
I have been skating for three years.
I was at a competition and I triped
on my laces and fell flat on my face.
SAnta, write me a letter now and when my parents get up I will tell them if it is OKAY, for something. Love, GRETCHEN XXXOOO
One time I went ice skating with one of my best friends for her 8th birthday party.I wasn’t very good.I kept falling down.So I had to use those metal things that helped me stay up.When my friend’s mom took the picture I almost fell:)Then we had to go to her house for the party!!!!
hi santa! is it fun going round the world in 1 day?
One time went skating with my BFF Jojo.We did it at a sleepover.
Do you know the Providence Bruins and do you know where they play? I skated on their ice and I am a Mite C2. I play for Braintree. I wish I played for the North Pole From: Zachary
I really like this story. Clumsy should learn how to skate because he crashed. I think it would be fun to go to the North Pole.
One time I went ice skating with one of my best friends for her 8th birthday party.I
Last year we went ice skating with some of the neighbor friends so after a while my friend and I were skating and my mom came up behind us. When she came up behind us a girl was skiting backwards and she banged into my mom. When she bumped into my mom my mom fell backwards and fell. The girl asked if she was ok and if she needed anyone. At first my mom said no, but then she yelled at the girl and told her to go get help. So the girl went to get help and I went to get my dad. At first my dad just told me to go skate again but he didn’t hear me so I had to go into the foofd thing and tell him and he came. The ride to home was two hours away so when we got to the doctor’s office it was about 6:00. We sat there and when they came to tellus we could go in they x-rayed my mom. Of course I wanted to go but the doctor said no. When my mom came back she didn’t know if it was broken but the doctor cme in he said it was broken. Before I knew it my mom’s arm was all wrapped up. About two weeks later when I was at Junior Girl Scouts my mom came with a pink cast.I was the first to sign it and when my friend slapt over she signed it to.
i love santa he is the best ever he gives uss alot of toys every year!!!!
my first time was hilarious! I fell 40 times!
I have learnt a lot from that.
hello santa i went ice skating ages ago and i liked it but when i went when i was little i didnt like it because i kept falling over. i was only little then though.
Wow Clumsy sure is clumsy 😉 and I can’t wait until Christmas because it is my Favorite time of the year. Not just because Santa comes but Jesus was born! 🙂
the joke about the ice was so funny, I almost fell out of bed!!!! It`s weird elves would go skating. I know it probably took a while for Clumsy to skate,but how did the other elves do?
I love to go skating too! And I also like to drink hot chocklate. It’s soo yummy!
I hope that Im on the nice list and if I am then thank you.
well I koidy he could use a friend when were gone.And Oreo is also doing fine to.
Hope youhave a fun time with the Reindeer on X-mas Eve!
WOW! That is SO COOL! 😉 I wish I could live with you. You must live in your own paridise!! 😉 😉 🙂
I am hoping to meet you soon if I can
I think it would be hilarios to se e little people fall over on ice, and to see them to cool tricks!
Merry Christmas
-Bethany| 😀 |
heyyyy third time today santa i checked out the blog for the elves… that is a funny story of clumbsy
Hy my name is Victoria can y ask you a cuestion how many ar they?
i would love to see elves iceskating. i love to iceskate in the winter. it is one of my favorite things to do when it snow and water frezzes. send me an email when you update your blog agian. goodbye
santa your blog is rally good i feel likei can read it every day,.
love neha
i love you santa i wish i could cuddle you
thats sounds like it would have been fun and santa do you know what time you will arrive in the uk at this year
hi santa!, i just wrote a letter to you and you wrote on back staright away waw! i printed my letter and im going to show all my friends at school and they might write a letter to!! that would be so cool hope you get round the whole WORLD this christmas i bet you will!! because you always get round in one night wow! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!