Mrs. Claus is kindly answering some of your questions for me. Today, she answers a question that is near and dear to my… tummy! Why Does Santa Like Cookies So Much?
Keep reading for her surprising answer (with the secret reason) to this question from one of her fav people!
Well dear, that’s a great question.
And I will let you in on a little secret… I was not a very good baker at the beginning.
But you see, we do not have many people here in the North Pole. Or ingredients. So I did not know what to bake or how to bake.
So many, many years ago, Santa visited a friend from the United Kingdom on Christmas Eve. This was before Santa even gave away presents!
His friend gave Santa an unusual dessert called a mince pie. After the first bite, Santa’s eyes got big… He loved it!
So he begged for the recipe. Then, he found the ingredients so I could make it too.
So I learned the new ingredients and read the traditional recipe line by line. I baked my own mince pie. And guess what? Santa smiled and sighed. He loved mine too!
That’s when we realized I wasn’t a bad baker at all… I just had bad ingredients!
Why Does Santa Like Cookies? The Secret Reason!
That is why Santa loves eating your delicious cookies. Because he was eating bad cookies for years!
So Santa and I put our white-haired heads together…
How could we get better ingredients so I could bake better desserts?
Because we thought…
There must be cool ingredients, yummy recipes and different traditions around the world!
And today, Santa loves sampling new cookies every Christmas Eve.
But he fondly remembers the first tasty mince pie I baked for him.
Eating cookies at Christmas reminds him of this delicious discovery.
A small act of kindness from a friend opened up a new world of possibility.
So the next Christmas, I gave Santa an idea. To leave his old friend a small present to say, “thank you kind sir.”
And you know what?
His friend loved the gift so much… that Santa decided to start giving gifts every year.
And the rest is history!
All My Christmas Love,
🤶 Mrs. Claus
P.S. What kind of cookie do you want to make Santa this year? Do you think Mrs. Claus is good at making cookies and mince pies? You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Be ther. At night. Santaclaus. Loveyou
Merry Christmas Paul!
I’ll be there on Christmas Eve night, spreading magic and joy! Love you too, my dear friend. Keep that Christmas spirit shining bright!
You should make Snickerdoodle
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho Payson, what a tasty idea! The elves love baking, and I think Snickerdoodles would make the workshop smell extra magical. I’ll ask Mrs. Claus to whip up a batch—yum!
I love waking up to a plate of eaten cookies along with a plate of half-eaten carrots! (And presents, but mostly the earlier things mentioned. I still want presents tho!!!!!!)
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho!
Oh, I just love munching on those yummy cookies and sharing carrots with the reindeer — they always thank me with happy little snorts!
And you know I’ll do my very best to make sure there are presents, too!
I always give OREOS and milk for Santa, ALSO HEART WARMING STORY
Merry Christmas Hyden!
Ho ho ho! Oreos and milk are some of my very favorite treats—thank you so much! Did you know that each time you leave those for me, it fills my heart with joy because it reminds me how much you care?
I will most likely will give Santa chocolate chip cookies
I love baking cookies for you
I love waking up to a plate of eaten cookies!
Love cookies
That’s such a nice story!
Woo h oo! i live in the uk
I think Santa Claus like cookies
Merry Christmas Stacy!
How did you know I like cookies so much? Well maybe not these cookies! HHHOL!
I want Santa to give me a good present.
Merry Christmas Luthando!
The elves hope you enjoyed your present this Christmas!
deer santa clause be here at it time on christmas eve let size house right house thanke you so much have you here gifts for paul tree note foryou
Merry Christmas Paul! ❤️Santa
deer santa claus wered you coming to pauls house on christmas eve /////// let size house tan big house right time be here
Hi! Could you bring my mum an elf that does loads of the cleaning for her? Thanks. Byyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Merry Christmas Phoebe!
That is so kind of you to think of your Mum like that. No wonder you are on the Nice List!
Please come to my house on Christmas eve
Ho ho hol merry Christmas Brandon
♥ Santa
my mom snow balls
I left cookies in the Living room and when I went to check the living room he send me a note and it said he like the cookies.
i ahave a crush on you
hello santa i love you i have a crush on you bye
i think you are lovely but i think mince pies
Thank you lucy
Santa write me about unborn reindeer name 3 unborn reindeer name are 1 bambi 2 timmy 3 sammy 4 locky theres are 3 unborn reindeer name Please Santa write me back
Dear Santa i read about unborn reindeer you look for name this baby reindeer for Rudolph i Would like to give new born baby reindeer name bambi is first name for unborn reindeer name 2 unborn reindeer name timmy unborn reindeer name 3 unborn reindeer name will be sammy 4 unborn reindeer name will be locky Santa i hope you will enjoying this new unborn reindeer name Please Santa write me ok let me know how 4 unborn reindeer doing ok thanks you Tonia
It is great that he likes cookies! My address is Toronto
merry Christmas Santa ,I hope you have a wonderful Christmas
merry Christmas Santa,I hope you have a great day
hi Santa how are you hope you can deliver all the pressy in the world
Hi Santa you’re the nicest in the world because you give Us toys and you’re cool because you can have enough magic to send Elves watch us and I am really good but my brother is a bad and my other brother is bad too their names are Lex and Andrew yeah Mrs. clause makes you cookies so she is nice to I wonder how old you are and how do you eat so many cookies and not get fat
Turtle pie is good!(don’t worry it’s just a cake!
hi father christmas
do you want a brownie,cookie,cupcake with milk this year
Hi Santa did you like the Christmas cookies we made you last year you didn’t eat all of it because it was so big you are the nicest in the world and Mrs. clause is also the nicest in the world because she makes you cookies too how can you eat so many cookies and not get fat and also how old are you because on the Internet you’re 1000 some thing something something years
Hi Santa!
I was wondering if you would like extra cookies this year for extra toys!
Hey Aubrey how going it’s me Ruben
WHO AUBREY???????????????????????????????/
Hi Santa. ohm gosh i cannot believe i am talking to real Santa. do you like sugar cookies? that is what u’ll get this year so i hop u’ll like it.
hohoho merry christmas see you 7 days
Hello,Mrs.Claus!Hope you are doing fine !I think you are the best cook in the world and remarkable person which inspires and make people happy and always make Santa elated which is the most significant!!! Really love you and Santa !!!
Santa cookies foods milk
Love Joy Melissa young
Hi Santa you Will All Ways Rember Me as officer caleb
hey santa you remeber me as officer caleb from sullvians were house
this Aubrey and i were wondering if you are going to like my cookies this year because last year you came to my house and we had peanut cookies and then we put out a paper and we put are you allergic to peanuts and I don’t remember if you said yes or no so if you could respond to this email i would be delighted.
Merry Christmas Santa I believe you for so many years I love u thank u for Christmas and I got 2456079 cookies for u to eat on Christmas Eve