Quite a few people, young and old, make very special requests of the elves and me. They will ask us to cure someone they love of a disease like cancer. Some people will ask us if we can bring peace on Earth.
It makes us sad that people have to ask for help. It makes us even sadder that we cannot help them.
You see, there is nothing that the elves and I would love to do more than to find a cure for all the diseases there are.
Can Santa Cure Cancer And Other Diseases?
It’s just that, well, elves are really good at making toys and other Christmas presents. But we just aren’t very good when it comes to medicine and laboratories. I think that’s why we like making toys. Making toys is the one thing we can do to make people happy. Even if we know it’s not as important as finding a cure for diseases.
We do know there are lots of people working hard to cure diseases and make people feel better. That gives us lots of hope.
If you feel sad because someone you know has a terrible disease or if you are sad for any other reason, remember that you can always call the great people on our Help Line page.
There are many other things people ask us for that we cannot bring either. These are things like peace on Earth and for wars to stop.
I did actually stop the Great War (or as it is known now, World War I). It was in 1914 for a very short while on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The soldiers of the two sides even played a friendly game of football (soccer) for a while! Sadly the Christmas Truce did not last and the war started again.
Everyone at the North Pole really wishes there was a lot more that we could do for people. In the end however, I think that there are some things that people have to do for themselves.
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Are you upset with the elves and me that we cannot cure diseases and stop wars? (You can tell me here. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I still can not talk with the raindeer meany
Merry Christmas!
Oh, don’t worry, my dear Abby! The reindeer are very chatty with me because of all the magic at the North Pole, but they always hear your kind thoughts and love. Keep believing—they know how much you care!
I love you Santa you are good to me
And Christmas is coming very soon
dear.santa i want a new brush and kid makeup and hair products from sallys beauty store
I wish can stop war Santa but you can’t but it is nice to give them presents:)
Santa, I know that you can’t cure diseases and stop wars but I know actually we all know that you can TRY! Can’t you?
Sara xx
your right you can’t stop wars and what not. I think they’ll have to take some time off of fighting even though they are trying to save us. I would rather die than see them having to suffer.
i am glad i survied knomoanuia.from stephanie manley
i hate wars & sickness but i love chirstmas!!! xoxoxo!!!!from stephanie manley
i wish you could heal the sick.my papa died cancer.from stephanie manley.
I wished you could stop Cancer for my grandparents TT.TT
Santa, I know it’s late. But my family stays up late some days. Sorry! 🙁
I bet you’re dead tired from Christmas Eve! And Santa, you can do anything. If you believe you can do anything, it’s possible that you CAN do whatever.
hi there Santa i love you so much and i hope you got my letter i am getting so so so so BIG and i am leaving you a snack love you bye
yes if he talked with the goverment first becfause i believe he can stip wars and stuff like that
my dads b day is on christmas day and he is dead pls try to tell him that i love him and ask him why he had to go without telling me that i love and good-bye
love ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥,
P.S.i love you so much i am leaving you milk and cookies and reindeer food and my nickname is (Rora), and (Rorie)
Dear Santa,
For Christmas what would you like?
I hope you have been very good to Mrs Claus by: Cooking, Cleaning and give the Elfs a day off work.
I writing a Good and Bad list as well so I will see if your good.
Bye Santa
Form Stephanie
i love your christmas blog santa
and merry Cristmas:)
i am not mad at you for not curing diseases.The elves and you cant cure cancer, that is a pretty difficult task.iam in 5th grade and we dont really realize what cancer is so we try to make the best of it and figure out what it means.In outher contries little girls and boys are all treated diffrent and taught diffrent,and hear more stuff then they should.I think you are really awosome. idont think you should ever stop what your doing because your the best.and my best friend caleb their family doesnt have alot of money so can you maybe get him a little gift that says to caleb from noah and santa he believes so dont worry love noah
Dear Santa Clotes is my Bestfriend in
i wote for cherstmas is coming up i can not want for you to come
i like cherstmas i wont A new Flate screen Tv in my Bedroom in A new Ridio
in a new Cell phone Lap top cheger
i like Rap music CD plaer in mike jones
Akon baby Boy Sorgia Boy bow wow
cheis Brown micheal jacksion
my brother is going into the war soon. i hope that he changes his mind. i will miss him to much!:(
this is just sad wars are going on!*sob**sniff*
Why would we be mad? Nobody can stop wars, unless the leaders choose to make up or somebody wins. It IS pretty sad to think that people are killing each other, but you gotta do what ya gotta do. I hope you have a good Christmas! Say hi to the elves, Mrs. Claus and the reindeer for me!
i really thinck that poor pepple must go somewere safe
Stop the war! Children have the right to a happy childhood, but it is true, when their fathers were with them at home rather than war.
hi santa my freinds dada in the war i feel sorry for her to bad sigh
Santa, you can stop this horrible thing if we all work together and even the elfs are not even too small! WE CAN DO THIS!(WINK*)
hey santa i really hate people dieding.do hate it.i hate people dieing in wwars to it’s bad.can you stop it.i hope you can.i don’t like seeing people with diseases.it’s bad they got to live with it
well i think that we should try more and more to stop this.
dear santa how do you have the time to write this awesome blog when you have to watch so many naughty kids (like me?)
That’s okay Santa. You do an amazing job of making toys for everyone all over the world.
santa you are the best you bring joy to all the boys and girls and if there bad you do not give them any. that is good work well mary soon to come chrismas and a happy new year
i love the story about the people in world war 1 it is pretty touching.
Dear Santa Claus, It isn’t your fault, we can’t cure diseases or stop wars either! Love Taylormarie
*Sigh* I Wish All Wars Could Stop too.
Im Glad you try to spread joy in a way you can,Santa. Thanks a bunch! 😀
I think its imposible for someone who spends his whole life in a freezing cold place, to cure dideases, stop wars and bring world peace (though it would be pretty amazing) all you can do for now is give them all your best and wish them a merry christmas 🙂 i hope everyone has a WONDERFULL christmas and let go of ALL there worries 🙂
Hi santa I really like your blog I think
it is amizing how you put lot’s of thing’s on your blog do you think i could make a blog too i like you santa
i think your great i think your the best santa ever
Its very sad. It such a shame that things like that happen. 🙁
It is a shame thst you can’t cure diseases and stop wars. I wish that wars did not happen. People with diseases can live if they are positive and happy.
dear santa even though you cant cure diseases or stop wars its ok because you and the elves do everything you can to make people happy because you always make me and my family and friends happy at christmas time so thankyou for everything you do for people in the world.lots of love kroea
I used to have one but I wasn’t sick I was 97 ad I was throwing up and I could not go to schoo because that stinking deisese!
My brother has a disease and he always gets upset and my brothers dad is in the war
santa,ifeel very bad about what kids have to have in there life.i wish you and i could help the kids.hope you and the elfs have a merry chirstmas!p.s and all the kids love,emily
there is only one way for wars and diseases to stop jesus christ can stop them. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. Merry CHRISTmas everybody.
The Christmas Truce was indeed a miracle where over 110,000 soldiers on both sides decided to not fight, plain and simple. Some interesting facts: a great many of the truces lasted for several days, even weeks. One even lasted until Easter 1915! The soldiers in this section warned the soldiers opposite them whenever officers visited and ordered them to actually fight. Check out your school or public library for books on the TRUCE. If it happened once, it can happen again. Happy reading.
I want war to stop to and i do really really want a cure for diseases. I hope one day it will happen.
Dear Santa my Grandad has a stroke. It’s really sad tht you can’t stop wars or cure diseases and i’m really sad that my Grandad can’t be cured . I think when they were playing football the that won won the war and be no deats or fights.
hi santa it very sad that war happens my grandad died in the war
Nobody can stop wars. It’s a pity? but it’s life.
I am really sad that you can’t cure diseases because my friend has 2.
Santa I really wish you could you see my uncle just died from cancer and if you could have cured him but he is in a better place thanks for listening
hi santa how do we talk to each other and you reply i cant wait to christmas
hi santa i think it is really sad 🙁 not because they ask for these things or that you cant help what i find sad 🙁 is that these people actually have the diseases well xx bye xx see you on xmas eve (well i wont its just an expresion) 🙂 🙂 ps: 🙂 hope you enjoy the cookies you are left . 🙂 !!!!