Bullying: Santa’s Naughty and Nice List

Bullying and Santa’s Naughty List
Bullying and Santa’s Naughty List

There are many kids on the Naughty List this year.  Many of them go to school.  Many of the kids at school are on my List because they are mean to other kids.  It is called bullying.  It makes me very sad when I see kids being mean to other kids.

There are many ways kids can be mean.  The elves are always watching!  They watch to let me know who should be on the Naughty List.  The elves watch for many things.  But, the elves always let me know if they see someone do this again and again:

  • Slap, hit, pinch, punch, push, shove or kick;
  • Put other kids in a small space, like a school locker;
  • Make other kids give them things, like money or food; or,
  • Touch other kids when they do not want to be touched.

The elves always let me know if they hear someone do this again and again:

  • Call someone names that are not nice;
  • Tease other kids in a way that is not nice;
  • Say things that are not true or are not nice about other kids; or
  • Say things because someone looks or talks different, or has a different colour skin.

I also ask the elves to tell me if they see kids do this to someone:

  • Will not let them play with others;
  • Leave them out when kids are playing together;
  • Write bad things about them in notes, letters or emails; or,
  • Bully them with words, things they do or even weapons.

About Bullying

No one deserves to be bullied.  Bullying is NOT cool.

There are many good websites about bullying, like Bullies!.

If you are bullied, look the bully in the eye and say you do not like what they are doing.  Then, tell an adult you trust what happened.  You can also talk to someone from my webpage, People You Can Talk To.

There are many things you can do if you see someone being bullied.  If you feel safe, speak out and stop it.  Tell them bullying is not cool.  Ask a friend to do it with you.  This works a lot of the time!  Or, get an adult to help you.  Never fight a bully.

If you are bullying someone, stop it!  Think about how to make things better.  Open your mind to helping, not hurting.

After all, helping others is part of the Christmas Spirit!

Merry Christmas!

Santa Claus

P.S. Why do you think Bullying Is Not Cool? (Scroll down to leave your message for me or to see what others have written!)

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286 special messages to Santa about “Bullying: Santa’s Naughty and Nice List”

  1. Dear Santa I always wanted a elf but it never came so I I I’m trying to ask you if I can have it out and to touch it can I please have the magical glove
    Love Omphile

    1. Merry Christmas, Omphile!

      Ho ho ho! How wonderful that you love elves so much! The Elf on the Shelf is very special and only comes when the Christmas magic is just right. Keep believing, and maybe this is the year! As for the magical glove, I’ll be sure to tell the elves about your wish. Stay kind and full of Christmas cheer! ❤️Santa

    1. You’re absolutely right Abby — kindness is always the way to go. Treating everyone with respect and care spreads the magic of Christmas all year long. Thank you for being a wonderful example!


  2. Gina from Texas has been cyberbullying me on a story writing website for two years attacking my boss at work and she’s currently trying to sell pictures/videos of her grandchildren.

  3. Dear santa a class mate name Noah says bad words(really bad ones like the f word) to me.I told a teacher about it and he did not change his habit.one time I had pretty stones t shared them with my friends at recess a person from another class a grade 6 or 7 stole it I asked them but they won’t give it back I told the teacher but they still sneak in the school and steal my stuff they are very anonymous. XOXO from sunny

  4. Dear Santa,
    There USA kid in my class named Gabe all he does is call me garbage or trash and I tell him to stop but he never does I have told a teacher but that usually o my works for minutes can you help me

  5. Dear Santa,

    Everyone in 5th grade is mean to me, and they call me mean names like Dummy or even worse. I love soccer, and I play it at recess though when I play some boys almost everyday tell me I’m so DUMB and that nun of my friends probably like me. Then one of them asked my friend why I hang out with me, and she said because… so he kept doing it and spreading false information about me. It’s hurting me a bunch. I want to be happy for Christmas, but not when I’m being bullied. 🙁

    Sincerely Kitty ( my real name )

  6. I used to get bullied by children. Please look out in england for a girl who is always very rude to me and always says “so!!“ in a grumpy voice when I talk to her. It makes me think she is a bully.

  7. Santa,I remember Ray,He bullied me,but I did not let him get away with it!!!!I told my mom,the next day,he suddenly stopped bullying me and we became instant friends!!!I guess I really am that friendly,haha,anyway,you’re the best santa!!Thanks for the advice on bullying,I love you!!I believe in you even though my classmates don’t,I know you are real!!Thanks for reading this,Have a nice 2016,

  8. At summer day camp(it’s a type of school) there was this boy who kept on bullying me by trying to steal my shoe, on the last day he teamed up with somebody and they both tried to steal my shoe, it first originated when there was lots of people dancing in the classroom, the boy was chasing it’s OWN teammate, but he didn’t team up with him yet, after a while he started chasing me and I started running, I thought that was another type of dance he was doing but NOPE! I didn’t know he was tried to do that, when he was there with his teammate, they planned on tying me up! (I think it was from the neck)Luckily I got one of the teachers to remove his teammate, though that was NOT the same with him.

  9. I have been bullied a cupol times I hope no one els has
    It is not cool just yesterday I was bullied have a good Cheismass

  10. Dear Santa,
    I promise to be a awesome role model for my brother. Oh and also my brother bullys other people, for example pokes with sticks, throws rocks, pulls hair, what should I do to help him stop bulling? (P.S. He is four years old) Love your old jokster April

  11. Dear Santa some group of kids were calling me ugly behinde my back and I heard my friend told me what they were saying and I just said I don’t care was that a good thing to do?

  12. i’m being a good girl i’ve haven’t been brothering nobody in my family im just enjoying my laptop and i hate bullying it is so wrong

  13. Dear santa, Merry Chrismas i am hopeing you are having a great time at the north pole, and i hope your great elfs are working hard and thank you for all those chrismases for all those people who liked it and i think those elfs are tired now, so i think that they have to have a lie in. Merry Christmas Santa, lots of love from you biggest fan, Hannah Steele xoxoxox

  14. I think bulling is very bad, and kids should stop, because it is not nice at all,when kids get buillied they get sad, angey, and you hurt their feelings very bad.

  15. no one bullies my today but i an afraid that when i get older i would get bullied because i am a chubby boy WHAT SHOULD I DO

  16. Bullying is not cool because when somebody gets hurt in any way the other person is a bully and that keeps adding more bullies to the earth. and bullies are not cool because it makes the person who is getting bullied sad and mad. YOu should help others when they need it and be nice to them . you should treat everybody the way you want them to treat you so everybody can get along together.

  17. I don’t like to people get tease I know the feeling I got tease long time ago I try to say something but I was kindad scared to say something
    I got tease one time cause I like elvis presley I wrote his name on gym shirt some guys started to tease me I hate it makes me sad when I see people teasing others for not reason

  18. I do not think bullying is cool because it can scaer someone for the rest of their life.Just to shorten that a little for younger kids.Someone will be sad all their life maybe because of what happened in their childhood.SO PLEASE EVREYONE DON’T BULLY ANYONE!

  19. there r some girls in my grade that r fight over(well i really dont know what there fighting over). wellanta what can i do to help these girls to get along just intime for christmas.(or any other holiday)


  21. Santa,i aint the skinniest person im=n my school but im not ‘fat’ im 80 and in 5th grade and alot of kids at school(not mentioning names) are being really mean to me and calling me names i cant say on here! Please help!

    P.S soon i got school tmmro!

  22. dear santa some girls in my school have been very nasty to me and i am not happy. i dont know3 why they are doing it …i wish they could just stop it please help me thankyou xoxoxoxox merry christmas from sunny

    Reply From Santa:

    sunny, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as an adult finds out. They know what they are doing is wrong and they are afraid they will get in trouble.

    You can also call some people who can help you. They are really good at helping to stop the bullies.


  23. I think bullying is not cool , because when you bully people , it hurts them. Some kids kill themselfs when they are bullied. I was bullied once , but they stopped because I’ve told an adult.

    Note To Children:
    Always tel an adult…never run away.
    Merry Christmas Santa! Stay good kids!

  24. Bullying is not cool because it hurts other kids’ feelings. Other kids who try sticking up for the kids actually get bullied too, so they are double bullying. That’s really not nice. I promise I will behave until you come and forever. I will never bully- bullying is NOT COOL- GO SANTA!

  25. i think bulling is not cool because i would not want to be that person getting bulled. i would not want to be a bully because it dose not feel right. also because i would not have know friends but im not a bully so i got lots of friends.

  26. in my school i got bullied but i didnt wanna tell any one bullying is nasty and its cruel iven if they deserve it its not nice and its defantly not cool


  28. Whazzup Santa!

    There are a few meanies at my school. They are [names deleted by the elves — we already know who they are 🙂 ]. They really get on my nerves! Still, I try not to let them bother me & they usually get in trouble.

  29. i dis-like bully’s all they do is put violence into the school its not fair for anyone they might be having fun but they are hurting peoples feelings and hurts them physically as well its just not right.

  30. there is a girl who is mean to me and well she likes to be mean and I no she is doing bad things she told me and said dont tell anyone what do I do?

  31. Dear Santa Claus,
    I HATE bullying soooooo much. My bffl was bullied for a long time and one day I finally said, “Hey, STOP THAT!” I felt real strong sticking up for my bffl.

    I love Santa!!
    ~That Girl

    P.S. What list am I on? PLEASE!

  32. dear Santa,
    Bullying is not interesting to some people who care for others but cool for bad people.the world has people of different nature.and people like u,Mrs Claus,the Elves n Reindeer’s are who care n love others can never be found among the people of today’s generation.SO YOU ALL R THE BEST My regards to all.n please visit my home in India THIS YEAR U NEVER CAME TO MY HOUSE OR EVEN GAVE ME A PRESENT SO PLEASE DO COME N I ALWAYS BELIEVE IN U ALL…..LOADS OF LOVE TO ALL

  33. It is not nice to bully if you think you might be bulling someone because maybe you are upset just think is it nice to bully someone when they have done nothing to you if you are a bully the first thing to do is say sorry to the person you have bullied and then speak to someone it may be that it can be a nan or granda it dose not have to be a parent and tell them what is making you sad

  34. i have been bullied just because my best mate was leaving and i wasn’t playing with my friend grace so she bullied me

  35. that is relly sad about the bullying and my best frined Emma gets bullyed from blalk shane and jeffrey sometimes even jaden I believe in you I herd those bulles do not believe in santa claus I love you LOVE KELLY

  36. Bullying is so not cool because 1. it puts you on the naughty list 2. think how the person you are bullying feels they probly feel terrible! and 3. you get into a lot of trouble for bullying!! IT IS NOT COOL!!!! IF YOU BULLY STOP (IT IS NOT NICE) !! xxx

  37. dear santa,nearly 2 weeks people have been bullying me.I need some help.Once today someone told me to do something and I did it and hurt myself.Please do something.Even my best friend is bullying me. HEEELLPPP.

  38. Bullying is not cool because when people ully other people it’s being mean to them so, thats why you shouldn’t do it! Plus anybody who bullys or are mean to someone should be on the naughty list and that should scare them to stop bullying.

  39. i am have alot of problems again i think i need help i am getting hit by kids at my school for my size help me santa please

  40. mine and ashley’s four year old cousin (kashia) kept bothering us and she wouldn’t leave us alone… can you help us?

  41. There is a new girl in school she’s called sophie she pushed me into the fence and she always makes bad faces at me and one day she choked my friend erin it’s not nice:(

  42. Santa I Am Dealing With Like 5 Bullies At School They Even Wanted To Fight Me Yesterday But When They Were About Attack Me My Friend Came From No Where And Saved Me And Told Them To Back Off Then We Ran Away What Should We Do

    PS: I am Suppse To Be In School Right Now But Im To Scared To Go Couse There Gonna Hurt Me:{

  43. im not alwas the person that anyone hangs around with im lonly alot. if amyone ever bulles you tell them to stop. ive ben bullied for 4 years and i know what it fells like to be hurt. they stare me down with hate evryday im scared.

  44. Hey, Santa I am a 13 year old girl from the UK and one time I went to a 1940s museum with my best friends and we like to talk about The Beatles and animals. My mum was going through a door while I was with my friends mum and grandad and this mean boy pushed her and my mum said “do you mind?” and he called her “stupid”. Without thinking I punched him and said “Watch it! You’re talking to my mum, you swine!” he left and my mum was hugging me and she said “Thank you for defending me, (my name) but you next time just ignore it” I said “I can’t ignore it. If someones mean to the most special person in the world to me I will show who’s boss”

    Was that the right thing to do? I’m confused.
    P.S thanks so much for my Webkinz Cheeky Dog. I love her so much and I named her Smores. Christmas is so exciting. It’s not just the presents, but the love and nostalgic feel to it. And decorating the tree and eating meals with family.

  45. dear santa i am inviting you and your elves and reindeers to be in the bffl club
    its about how we look after people and stick together and help one another so i hope you can join

  46. Dear Santa
    I have some friends who show off and sort of bully me
    What should I do
    well what i do sometimes i walk away and ignore them and play with other friends
    they just do it because they got boyfriends!!
    well i love you and i so so so believe in you bye!!! ho ho ho

  47. TWO OF MY BEST Friends live in Stillwater wene i am over some times some kids steal my friends ( being mean if thay do,t play with them ) help me

  48. bfs such as both catlins katie lois daisy mia clare kasey sophie becky and rebecca jorja kara jacob and jack and i think jack fancys me o and kathleen they all help me and i pay them back by doing the same to them

  49. Dear Santa Claus
    there is this girl that does not know that she is bulling people she get away with EVERYTHING what can i do i need LOTS of help Please.

  50. there is this girl named seana and she is always mean 2 me she laughs at people when they do something wrong and thinks she is the boss of everybody i feel bad 4 her cause she is like that

  51. Hey santa 😀 i love to punch kids, but I KNOW ITS NOT RIGHT! i dont know what to do!!! please help me!!!

  52. A bully at school named Luis punches and kicks ppl who are not doing anything.
    my brother says youre a mith . love,alina p.s. i still bileve in you. my brother says yore fat.

  53. Bullying is not cool because someone can get hurt or someone else could get hurt. If you bully someone don’t do it! I’ve been bullied. My friend touched me on my head and I didn’t want to be touched.

  54. I hate bullying beacuse it is
    relly hurt full and santa will give
    them nothing for christmas if they
    went more then mean they were worse then
    mean. now that is so so so so so so so so
    so so so so so so so realy mean. I do
    not like those kids. who would if they
    were realy realy realy mean. now that
    is very very very bad.


  56. I think BULLYING is not cool because, when YOU BULLY you are on SANTAS BAD list. ANOTHER WAY BULLYING is NOT cool is because, when YOU BULLY some-one INPATICULER that could HURRRRT THERE own feelings and maybe even your feelings after wards because ONLY after you do that you know what did WRONG.TAYLOR

  57. Santa,
    I don’t like bullying! This girl once made me give her everything I had in my backpack (THAT WAS WORTH SOMETHING) and on the bus she punched me a few times and… BIT ME! Oh! I seriously don’t like bullying! The people who bully have problems but its just mean. Can’t they see that?

  58. i hate being bullied one time he threatened to beat me up i finally decided to tell the schools vice princepal

  59. I’m being bullied by this girl. She said she was my friend and I believed her but then she started talking behind my back to my other friends and calling me names and stuff. I told her to stop but that started a HUGE argument. Eventually I told a teacher, she told her to stop but now, the thinks I’m telling people things about her and she won’t leave me alone, or my friends! Santa what should I do?

  60. dear santa im sorry for being mean to my friends but i will make you a promise i will be nicer and better to love you

  61. I don’t know why people bully. They might think it’s cool but it’s NOT! It makes people feel bad about themself and VERY sad. If you are a bully then you have probably been bullied yourself and you are trying to forget about that by making someone else sad. It’s not nice!!

  62. Dear Santa for some reson I always feel like starting a fight with my brother so I do.But I want this to stop because I dont like it.PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!!

  63. I dont like being bulled.Because there was a bully and she picked on me because how much I told her Ill tell on you I was always too afraid.But one day my friend was looking out the window and saw what happend. so she told my mom.Now me and the bully are very close friends

  64. Someone who use to be my friend isn’t my
    friend anymore.Now I feel bad because it was actually me and my friends who did the bullying.If I go play with Valerie
    (the girl who use to be my friend)my friends wouldn’t be my friend.They usually do that.

  65. I don’t like getting bullied. It’s just horrible. At school we had a poster about anti-bullying week, but then it got taken down. Once I got bullied – this girl was on the park in the summer and I took my coat off. I put it on this large wooden pole at the start of the slide (near the steps.). I sat in the hatch reading a book, and I crouched in a ball. I think she crept up to my coat, snatched it and then hid it. I went home crying and then mum came and shouted at the bully. I never took my waistcoat off when the bully was there ever again.

  66. i sit beside two boys at my school ricky elijah there really nice i try to protecet them but it doesn’t work out they are great friends but its just so hard and my best friend sadaisha is leaving the school i don’t know what to do! my dog died in the first week of school i am very very sad !!! please help me!!

  67. Dear Santa,
    You help everyone with there problems and with there holidays!You help them with there problems by not giving them many presents and you make them happy when they get what they want for christmas.

    I love you santa!!
    sincerly ,

  68. dear santa clause, I don’t think bullying is cool, Ben always pushes me around and hits and punches me and all that and some of my friends say,that you are not real but,I don’t believe none of that.p.s.I still believe in you and so does my family.

  69. Dear Santa bullies are mean I kinda have a bully shes a little mean but I am scared to tell anyone but my friends that I really really trust and bulling is real real NOT cool!!! Don,t do it its really rong nobody wants to be treated that way how would you fell if someone did that to you?

  70. hey santa i like christmas. you no what i want for christmas is a real laptop and a eletric scooter and a koreoke an i have been trying to be on the nice list. but i really want something from santa but better let you go now so bye.


  72. dear santa i wish i could be on your nice list what i want for christmas is a sidekick phone i hope thats not to much to ask i love you santa.

  73. at school there was non bullying week and this bangladeshi boy said oh man that means we cant bully and in year 3 he bullied chloe and i saw what happended he punched her god people do stuff like that is no fun so not cool!!!

  74. it is just awful and you will be on the naughty list for the rest of your lifes so never ever do it remember santa can see you!

  75. dear santa,
    I think you should add not to touch someone in a way they dont feel comfortable and also add to treat somebody the way you like to be treated


  76. if any one bullies u dont feel like a snich if you tell someone coz you’r standing up for yourself and bullies just target people who are nice and preitty and bullies just get jealous of the targets so hold you’r head up high about it. I got bullied coz i am really tall for my age it’s not fair but ignore the showm them you dont care

  77. because i get buulied at manningtre high school

    Reply From Santa:

    Beth , I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied. Especially not at High School.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  78. ther is this this bulle at my school and he pushed me and called me names

    Reply From Santa:

    Chris, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will get in trouble.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  79. dear santer i woud love a laptop for chrismas and a ds so if you see me beang good will you send me a lap top and a ds for chrismas

    love reece

    Reply from the Elves:

    The best way to make sure your wishes get into Santa’s book is to email Santa. They go straight in that way! If you put them on this blog then someone might forget to add them 🙁

    Merry Christmas!

    The Elves

    P.S. What’s the magic word? 🙂

  80. bullling is not nice because in the end people always get hurt in the end and then you have to go to thehead teacher and they still carry on bulling people

  81. Santa,my little sister is sometimes bullied,but she’s too afraid to tell her teacher.Is there anything i can do?

    Reply From Santa:

    Muireann, I am very proud of you for speaking up! Here are some things you can do to help:

    If she is too afraid to tell her teacher by herself, offer to go with her. If she likes, she can hold your hand while she talks to the teacher.

    She can also “practise” with you. She can pretend to be the teacher and you can pretend to be her. Then, tell the “teacher” (your sister) that someone is bullying you. Then it can be her turn to tell the “teacher”. Keep doing it until she is not afraid.

    Here are some other things:
    – Talk to someone who can help: like a teacher or an adult you trust;
    – Remember… telling is not tattling. Telling is what you do to help someone who is in trouble;
    – Stand up for kids who are bullied… they need your help. The best thing you can do for kids who are bullied is to be their friend;
    – Make kids who are bullied feel better. Tell them they do not deserve to be treated like that;
    – Invite kids who are bullied to play with you somewhere safe;
    – Tell kids who bully to back off… Bullying is NOT cool!;
    – Kids who bully need help, don’t hurt them… speaking out helps, bullying back does not help; and,
    – YOU help to make your school a better place by doing your part to stop bullying.

    If these tips work for you, share them with others. The more we talk about bullying, the faster we will stop it.

    Merry Christmas!


  82. I don’t know if people will say i’m a bully or not. there’s this girl at school that nobody likes and I agree that i don’t like her! She’s so annoying! She always starts these stupid arguments like ‘polar bears aren’t endangered’ she even said she doensn’t believe in you, santa!


  83. im tough and stuff like that to this kid in school i use to think it was funny but it isn’t people, i forgave that person for doing that and what do you know he said sorry. So put on a good christmas sprit and have fun but dont bully

  84. Hi Santa! How Come you’re always scared
    of people if they are coming down when
    you’re putting the presents by the tree?
    I would try to hug you this year but i sleep through the whole part where you’re
    there.It’s like there a whole bunch of cookies on the table when you left to go
    somewhere and you come back theres nothing left but a crumb. anyway can you please awnser me!! are you watching me right now?

  85. You’re awesome.Oh can u give my cousin Cody steak for Christmas?I’m really looking forward to Christmas.Merry Christmas!

  86. I hit my sister when she is verrrrrrrrrry nauty !!!!

    Some times she is a BEEP !!!!

    Reply From Santa:

    Amber, you should never hit anyone. Even if they are being naughty. You might end up on the Naughty List if you do that!

    Also, you should never call people names. That is being naughty too!

    I know you would not like it if your sister hit you or called you names. 🙂


  87. when i was in fiste grade i had bully jacub i did not do eney thing to him he stills bullues me i tri to be nice to him but nothin help me please !!!!

    Reply From Santa:

    Brenden, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will get in trouble.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  88. Tell The Teacher,Try To Stop Them but Don’t Get Involved Other Why’s It Will Turn Into A Big Fight. And Don’t Laugh Because If You Get Hurt And People Laugh At You You Wouldn’t Like It Will You

  89. Bullying isent very nice some people at my school get bullied but i never get bullied and i never bully other 🙂

    Christmas is Awsomee!!

    Thank you santa and the elves and raindeers and mrs claws and other 🙂


  90. I don’t like it when kids bully other kids. Once my friend was being bullied and I told them to leave her alone. It worked!

  91. Hey. Santa…alot of people at school call each other names…not nice…AT ALL! AT ALL! im like omg’oodness…how sad and if they cry I help them…its just liike you wanna say why you do this…man…

    XoXo…SOS (I have a name but with predators…i dont wanna..you should know it tho. Your SANTA…Haha hehe..) Merry X-mas

  92. well…there is this guy named Eli and I
    do agree with Brandon.Eli used to bully
    me and he’s gotten SERIOUS about it BUT
    NOW he’s started back up
    WHAT SHOULD I DO???????!

    Love, Anthony (Tony)

    Reply From Santa:

    Tony, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will get in trouble. Eli stopped before and he will stop again.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  93. Hii Mr&Mrs claus How are you? I cannot wait for Christmas!!! My friend Kayliegh does not believe in you!!! I hope i get a least 3 things i wanted for christmas!!

    Love Helen xxx

  94. Theres this girl at school who is not nice to me.

    Reply From Santa:

    Taylor, I am so glad you told me you about this.

    I want you to tell an adult about this, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  95. Dear Santa,

    Thank you for speaking out against bullying! We cannot hear this message enough.

    (ps I am a former teacher and I am the parent of a child who suffered from bullies.)

  96. my safty tip from school;1.say stop i don’t like it.If they are still doing it 2.walk away from them if they follow you 3.tell a adlt. they are my way of getting rid of a problem

  97. dear Santa i get bulled at school every day i cry when they bully me i tell the teacher but they don’t do any think. what should i do

    Reply From Santa:

    Tamra, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. It is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied. I am very sad that your teachers don’t do anything. But I am VERY proud of you for telling them and for telling me!

    What I want you to do is to call some people who can help you. Make sure you call a phone number for your country on that page. Even if the line is busy, I want you to keep trying. Promise me, ok!

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  98. Bullying smoullying. Whatever!
    It’s all about being “nice” to other kids.
    Theres bullies at my school.
    Tell my brother to send me back to my OLD school
    Your biggest fan

  99. I would rather be nice than naughty, because it makes me feel good when other people are being nice too. I will always try to be nice to others so they will be nice to me.If others are naughty we just walk away and find someone nice to play with. I love you Santa and I am going to be a good girl.
    Love always, Devyn

  100. Sometimes people think they are on the nice list when they’re not. I am though, even though my “my halo might be a bit crooked”!

  101. i think bullying is really wrong.
    People shouldnt hurt other people [&+ or] they’re feelings just because they want you..

  102. some people at my school bully but i do not bully because i want to be on the nice list i will talk to you later

  103. I think it is not fair to bully because my whole school is like bullys! and i try to be nice but its hard because they dont be nice to u back! Santa Rocks! santa can i have ur email because i have a email did u know i have the toothfairys email do u want it? if u do send me a message at :
    {email address deleted by Santa! Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!} and whoeber is reading this u can send me a message for ANY advice or you can just say hi and talk to me!


    Reply From Santa:

    Emma, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Many tmes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will get in trouble.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  105. Bulling is bad. Physical bulling is NOT the only way to bully someone. Talking about people, in a bad way, telling the what to do, and anything like that is bulling.( I should know!!!!)

  106. Bullying is not cool if your doing it at school because you might get suspended or might even get expelled, so thats why i think that bullying is not good to bully.


  107. bullying is not cool at any time.
    If you are a bully, not only will you be on the naughty list, but you will lose friends and the respect you think you had.
    If you are the bullied, hang in there. Even if you don’t realize it, you are stronger and a better person than the bully.
    But keep in mind, the kid who is doing the bullying, may have a harder life than you.
    So don’t take it personal.

  108. I am 7 years old and I was wondering if the bullies get at least one present? Oh, by the way, you will always be in my heart forever. Some kids at my school say when somebody is in your heart they stay in your heart. I do not like bullies. Sometimes bullies might be mean to me like this one kid on my bus. When we were coming home from school he kept on punching me in my stomach. I don’t think that’s nice. From Dawson

  109. Hi santa. do you believe in yourself? i dont think bullying is cool if you do then you’re weird. Bye bye santa i love you

  110. hi santa i have got bulled onec becuse of my hari but i try and try to not bulley them.xx have you ever got bulled?lots of love savannah kelbie


    Reply From Santa:

    RICKY AND JAK, I am so glad you told me you are having a problem with bullying.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  112. Dear santa,
    Ive been bullied it’s a very horrid feelin to be honest i still sorta am beeing bullied because im not good at speling!
    love from ashleigh xxxx

  113. Dear Santa,

    Bulling is not fun defenetly when its at school thats why my school has a bulling program. That means that if you bully you will have a really bad consequinses.

  114. dear santa there are bullys at my school and 1 of them kicked me and tripped me over

    Reply From Santa:

    Mollie, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will get in trouble.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  115. bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon vbacon bacon bacon v bacon bacon bacon baconbacon bacon bacon bacon bacon baconbacon bacon bacon bacon bacon baconbaconbacon bacon baconbacon bacon bacon bacon bacon baconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbaconbacon

  116. I know how bad bullies can be. Luckily I do not have any at my school. But for anyone who has been bothered by a bully just say…HEY! Stop bothering me! How would you like it if I picked on you?

  117. i have lots of friends but one girl is quite mean.she gets so mean that people dont want to play with her!recently she started asking to play.we dont really want her to play so she tells OFF us. the teacher is making us play with her.we dont like it.i try to walk away but every one follows.Im not sure what to do.santa please help me!!!

    Reply From Santa:

    chloe, I am so glad you told me about this. You did the right thing.

    I am very glad that you are trying to play nicely with the girl. She is trying to stay on Santa’s Nice List and make friends. It is very hard for her.

    I want you to tell your teacher what you told me. You can even show her what you wrote here if it is easier. Your teacher will be able to help you. She won’t be mad at you. She will be happy that you are trying to help.

    Or, you can also call some people who can help you. They can help you too.


  118. i see bullying too. i tell the people their not nice and they shouldn’t talk like that to them. sometimes they don’t listen but i still tell them

  119. theres this boy at my school and his name is dallas he punches,trips,kicks me. he’s really mean and i dont no what to do santa PLEASE HELP PLEASE.

    Reply From Santa:

    FRANK, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will get in trouble.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  120. I have been bullied so bad at school that i want to get a new raze it cut my self please help me

    Reply From Santa:

    Seffy, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. Remember, it is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me!

    Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will get in trouble.

    You can also call some people who can help you.

    Did you read about “hapy” here? She was being bullied just like you. She called some people who can help you. She got the bully trouble to stop. I know you can make the bullying stop too.


  121. i have bean kind of bad this year but i still think i should be on the good list because i only teazed a person pushed a person and i have bean mean tomy brother and hert him


  122. Dear santa claus
    I think you righ about bulling.
    recon that they should keep an eye out on some people. people can get hurt like someone could punch them and they would run off crying and the bully would say ‘your a cry baby’ that to me and you would be bulling.

  123. bulling is just not nice, i used to get bullied i diden’t like it but i had to cope with it then my mum talked to the bullies mum i the bullyes mum stoped her…

    …so just think if you are getting bullied tell someone please!!

  124. I cant believe how many people have been bullied in the world. I could be one of them that have been bullied because i have at my infant school i have a friend who i wont mention who always called me names and it was mostly every day he did it. Atleast i have some people who care about me.

  125. i love u santa and i love christmas and i love all the elfs because they make all the toys and i love all the reindeers because they deliver all the toys love from jade mcneill


  127. hi santa your the best and how old are you i really want to find out how old you are and how long have you been when you first stared. also i would really like to know how you do it. it would be the best if i could see it for once i bet if i did know one would believen me because they will think i am crazy and how would i have seen it because you are so secret you don’t let anyone see you and you can sneek around i think or know you should know that i think that you are great and mrs claus,your elves and every isngle person that has helped you and also think or know that all your riandeer that help leed your slielgh every chirtmas i think i know what all there names are rodolph,donner,dasher,prancer,dancer sorry thats all i know but maby you can leave me a list on christmas eve. well bye.oh and i just wanted you to know that i think YOU ROCK YA YOU DO BYE bye

  128. bullying is not cool because i WAS a bully and now im bullied.it does not feel good.you get yelled at,pushed,name called,and your feelings get HURT.

    Reply From Santa:

    genavieve, you did the right thing by telling me you are being bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me! Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will be punished.

    I remember when you stopped being a bully. I was very proud of you.


  129. everything is good i have had the bully trouble stop

    Reply from Santa:

    That is great news! I am so glad you stopped the bullying! I am very proud of you.

    You were very brave and you did the right thing. I hope other kids will do what you did. You called some people who could help you.

    Merry Christmas!


  130. Dear everyone,me and my best friend Danielle go to the playground every day.
    We go o the swings its mighty fun!
    But theres this girl called abby shes really mea to us she calls us very rudeduty words please tell her to stop.
    I trust you Santa!

  131. thare is a boy at my school he mean to my friend Sammy. so what should i do.

    Reply From Santa:

    katie, I am very proud of you for speaking up! Here are some things you can do if you see someone being bullied:

    – Talk to someone who can help: like a teacher or an adult you trust;
    – Remember… telling is not tattling. Telling is what you do to help someone who is in trouble;
    – Let other kids know that you don’t like what you see by turning around and walking away.
    – If you walk away and get help you are part of the solution (like you are!). If you stay and watch you are part of the problem;
    – Stand up for kids who are bullied… they need your help. The best thing you can do for kids who are bullied is to be their friend;
    – Make kids who are bullied feel better. Tell them they do not deserve to be treated like that;
    – Invite kids who are bullied to play with you somewhere safe;
    – Tell kids who bully to back off… Bullying is NOT cool!;
    – If it’s hard for you to speak out against bullying on your own, ask a friend to do it with you;
    – Kids who bully need help, don’t hurt them… speaking out helps, bullying back does not help; and,
    – YOU help to make your school a better place by doing your part to stop bullying.

    If these tips work for you, share them with others. The more we talk about bullying, the faster we will stop it.

    Merry Christmas!


    P.S. I got these tips from the web page “What You Can Do If You See Someone Being Bullied

  132. this year some people at my school have been bossy tol me like Monica she called me an edioit yesterday and i said we are not readeing then she stars bossing me around all the time
    From Natalie

    Reply from Santa:

    Natalie, I am so sorry that people are being bossy and not being nice. If someone is being mean to you, then tell them nicely “I won’t play with you until you are nice to me”. Then walk away and play with someone else.

    If it makes you really sad that people are mean to you, here are some people who can help you.

    Merry Christmas!


  133. I have bullies who bullie me at school and it makes me sad when I get home and I just want it to stop!

    Reply From Santa:

    Britney, I am so glad you told me you are being bullied. It is not your fault. You do not deserve to be bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me! Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will get in trouble.

    You can also call some people who can help you. If you read what other kids wrote on my blog, “hapy” called them. She got the bully trouble to stop.


  134. Well said, Santa. Hey, if you say this, maybe we could cut down on bullies! You’re saving the rainforest! I mean, schools. Umm… yeah, I’m done.

  135. Hi Santa I just wanted to say that i think that this is a good idea and there has been a little girl being mean to my little sister i think she has to on the mean list.

  136. Im sorry santa for being mean t my best friend we were just hoursing around but please dont send me on the naghty list im really really good like you told me sorry i said bad words to people but they hurt my feelings love you santa claus.

  137. bullys are so mean ! first of all people can get hurt by bullies. it doesn’t just effect the people who get bullied also the bullies them selves ! they might get in serious trouble

  138. Hi Santa! I was wonder ing if Terrence {last name deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below} is on the NAUGHTY LIST because hes been a REAL bully this year! Hes actully gotten phisical this year :,(

    He says that the only reason that hes a bully is because a sibling of his ALWAYS makes him sad so he takes his anger out on the people at school. I think thats pretty sad:,(

  139. This kid Nafis Slaped me and he keeps doing it.What should I do and it really HUrts. Nafis bullied me a lot it made me sayed.

    Reply From Santa:

    Ryan, you did the right thing by telling me you are being bullied.

    I want you to tell an adult about this right away, just like you told me! Find an adult you trust, like a teacher or a Mom or Dad. Tell them what is happening to you. You can even show them what you wrote here if it is easier.

    Sometimes bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out. They are afraid they will be punished.


  140. Well theres this girl gets bullied by two gilrs. So they think shes being mean to them, so the two girls bully the innocent girl! WHAT DO I DO! help!

    Reply From Santa:

    button, I am very proud of you for speaking up! Here are some things you can do if you see someone being bullied:

    – Talk to someone who can help: like a teacher or an adult you trust;
    – Remember… telling is not tattling. Telling is what you do to get someone out of trouble. Tattling is what you do to get someone into trouble;
    – Let other kids know that you don’t like what you see by turning around and walking away.
    – If you walk away and get help you are part of the solution (like you are button!). If you stay and watch you are part of the problem;
    – Stand up for kids who are bullied… they need your help. The best thing you can do for kids who are bullied is to be their friend;
    – Make kids who are bullied feel better. Tell them they do not deserve to be treated like that;
    – Invite kids who are bullied to play with you somewhere safe;
    – Tell kids who bully to back off… Bullying is NOT cool!;
    – If it’s hard for you to speak out against bullying on your own, ask a friend to do it with you;
    – Kids who bully need help, don’t hurt them… speaking out helps, bullying back does not help; and,
    – YOU help to make your school a better place by doing your part to stop bullying.

    If these tips work for you, share them with others. The more we talk about bullying, the faster we will stop it.

    Merry Christmas!


    P.S. I got these tips from the web page “What You Can Do If You See Someone Being Bullied

  141. Dear Santa,
    I read this and I think it’s sad for people on the bad list. At my school there is a counslor where you can talk about there problems. Her name is Mrs. Short. Well I want to read the whole blog. I bet it will be the best in the WORLD!

  142. i have been a bit bullied at scholl once.i was walking in the playground when a boy called jack called me a very rude word he did it for a couple of days but then i told a teacher and he got told off.

  143. I believe in Mr and Mrs clause but the one promblem is that my brothers do not believe in you two or the elfs and reainders !!!!

  144. Bulying is soooooo NOT cool!People might get hurt,it might hurt their feelings or they might feel sooooo bad they wont go to school or (somewhere the bully is)!Its soooooo NOT cool!Well some of us just call names or do somethings that are not nice,but we say sorry.There isn’t even one bully in my school and I’m proud of it!

  145. dear santa today my friends were bulling my other friend i did not here them say mean words to her till she told me i wish she could come over my house right now so we can sorght it out.

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