Do you remember last Christmas? Rudolph and Clarice had newborn twin reindeer.
We were so excited we tweeted about all the fun at the North Pole!
Well, we have great news this year too! Would you like to hear it? (No peaking at my photo!)
The Santa Claus Christmas Blog
Santa Claus, Christmas and Life at the North Pole!
Do you remember last Christmas? Rudolph and Clarice had newborn twin reindeer.
We were so excited we tweeted about all the fun at the North Pole!
Well, we have great news this year too! Would you like to hear it? (No peaking at my photo!)
Today, Rudolph the reindeer wanted to write something in the Santa Claus Christmas Blog.
It is a little hard for reindeer to type of course. But, the elves made a special keyboard for Rudolph to use. After all, lots of pets send their letters to Rudolph the reindeer. I think the pet’s owners help a little 🙂
Here is Rudolph’s post!
Every weekend before Christmas a different group of Santa’s helpers puts on a big parade. It is a lot of fun. Everyone at the North Pole loves a parade!
Tonight, the reindeer put on their big parade!
Do you remember that there were twin reindeer born on New Year’s Eve last year?
Well, Blizzard and Georgie Gingerbread are growing up so fast! I thought I better write a poem about Georgie while she is still my sweet little reindeer. Would you like to see my poem?
Continue reading “Santa’s Little Reindeer – A poem by Santa Claus”
Every weekend before Christmas, the elves put on a big parade. Did you know that? We have a lot of fun. After all, everyone at the North Pole loves a parade! Do you like parades?
Tonight, Mrs. Claus and the Christmas Baking Elves put on their big parade. They make all the yummy Christmas treats at the North Pole. Would you like to hear about their parade?