The builder elves have been hard at work. They are putting together the sets for the upcoming Christmas show.
They built a fake fireplace and furniture for a pretend family room. Then they went home for the night. They were pooped!
Clumsy the Elf wanted to prove that he was good enough to join the building team.
When the other elves were gone, Clumsy went back into the workshop.
He worked long into the night to finish the family room set.
It was hard to do all the work by himself! He couldn’t hold boards up and nail them at the same time. A board would fall then a nail would pop out. But, he did his best.
He finally finished the walls. He was so tired he fell asleep right on the floor.
This morning, the other elves came back to work. They found Clumsy curled up and snoring. The elves also saw all the work he had done. They giggled.
The builder elves woke Clumsy up and pointed to his work. Clumsy looked at the elves and wondered why they were giggling. Then he started giggling.
What Happens When You Are Clumsy With A Hammer?
The whole set was tilting to one side!
Clumsy realized that he could not do such a big project on his own after all.
The elves had to start all over. This time Clumsy got help from a few other elves. They worked as a team. They were done in no time – and it was done right!
Now the actor elves will have loads of time to practice before the big performance.
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. How was Clumsy with a hammer? Did he need help? Have you ever tried to do a big job by yourself? Did it work out better than it did for Clumsy? You can click here to tell me about it or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Hi santa I was in my family room and watching poppels and the toy I wanted is the surprise so better save that toy for me on Christmas Day I can’t wait to see the toy
And also I’m giving a chance for my grandma on my dinner spot because she wanted it very bad so I gave it to her and I can’t believe school is starting tomorrow so I better make sure everything is set and ready to go
Hi santa I was in my family room and watching poppels and the toy I wanted is the surprise so better save that toy for me on Christmas Day I can’t wait to see the toy
And also I’m giving a chance for my grandma on my dinner spot because she wanted it very bad so I gave it to her and I can’t believe school is starting tomorrow so I better make sure everything is set and ready to go
Wish me luck and I hope that toy I want is my reward
Hi, Santa it is your favorite girl from St.Charles… Leah Young. This Christmas I can not see my dad so I was wondering if you could make it extra special for me and my sister Harper? Love you.
I tried to make a volcano once by my self. I did it wrong
i went for christmas a crossbow a ground blind camo pants
I hope you can build my presents clumsy if you don’t i wont care just make me the same things that my friends want. by Emma have a good cristmes
one time I had to take care of my dog home alone and I had to do the work all day
dear clumsy thank you for makeing me those three plushies for me thank you
I tried to build a wood mini house all by myself I couldn’t hold the planks up and use glue at the same time. Nobody was there to help me because my sitter was outside my mom was at the store and my dad was working on our shed. Finally my mom came home and she held the planks up while I glued. After we finished I started painting the house. After I was all done the house was beautiful! We put it outside by our porch. P.S. Before my mom came home it was a gluey mess!!
I went into my room because I was mad at my partner Ally. So I did my scince project myself. It was really hard but I couldn’t do it so I talked to my teacher Mrs.Solarchick and I got a new partner and we made a project together and we got a A plus.
That clumsy old elf is so funny! I bet he is the funniest elf at the north pole!
When I tried to do a bigg job it didn’t work outso good for me
Christmas isnt about presents! Its about sharing our love with everybody else, giving to the less fortunate help on the cold December nights, everybody deserves love at christmas its when you put aside your differences and work together to make christmas truly unforgettable! Oh and 5 months to go 🙁
I think clumsy needs you to teach him how to build toys
i love the story you just told about that it is funny.sometimes i do clumsy things too! ha i just said clumsy.love you.good bye santna claus. i have go to bed so early.
Santa hello I olnly just want to say that you for coming to our house
this os my joke santa:Ho ho ho!me:hi i want 1 electric gutar. santa:ho ho ho im not open. me:but u have other kids in line….. a guy:ya!me; wen did u get in the conversation?the guy:now. me:o.santa ho ho ho merry christmas!me:i told u i want 1 electric gutar!!the guy:yaya!!santa:ho ho ho mery christmas!!!!me: good greef.so funny hu i love my jokes
i luv CHRISTMAS to me its about presents but not to everybody else!same here Emily!by the way
HaHaHaHa! Working as a team always works! Merry CHRISTmas!
hey Santa is it true you have a daughter
Yes, indeed Santa’s niece at your service!!! yes Santa has a niece !!!
well clumsy the elf talked to me earlyer and he was very,very clumsy to me
I’ve tried to do somethings by myself even if it’s a bigger job than I can handle.But what i’ve learned is sometimes you should just ask for help even if you think you don’t need help you might really do need it.So elves think before you do something that might be to big for you to handle.LOL
Oh my clumsy is so clumsy. hahaha … hahaha!
I love santa I’m pretty sure everyone loves santa oh I forgot about the elves and the reindeers
why am i on the naghty list send my dad an email
bring me to your place i would love it please I beg I have been good 🙂
I did the dishes all by myself with no help and nothing went wrong.
hi santa one time last christmas i help my dad put together chloe’s new bike
Ha Ha Ha those silly elfs always doing funny stuf.
It’s ashanti again.but I want to thank the elves for all the work they do and Mrs.claus for helping them work Marry Christmas to every one at the North Pole
I had to take down a big sign with concreat on it by my self! I hert my shoulder.
hi Santa,
I once tried to bild a roking horse by my self.It was terible,worse than what Clumsy did.i could not even get a peice to go on the body.I asked my friend and even together we where not able.I found a better way when my dad lended me a baricade.P.s even if my dad had to take my roking horse appart i had fun bilding it.
Yes before I was in charge of painting four wooden post things to hang crosses (for Christian solider), and star of david (for jewish solider) who had died in the Irag war all by myself. I worked many many hours and many many days up now we have a place to honor our soliders nextto the church I go to.
when i was helping my dad in the workshop i helped him to fix the baby excarvater