Would you like to know what it is like at the North Pole?
It can be a pretty silly place! Especially in the morning. Especially when it’s time for elf breakfast! Would you like to hear about breakfast with the elves?
Well, when the elves wake up they all slide out of bed… on their slides! They have a quick wash. They brush their teeth. Then they put on their little elf outfits, hats and pointy little elf shoes.
Then they all go to the Great Hall of Elves for a big elf breakfast. As soon as you walk in the door your tummy gets hungry. It is from the smell of fresh maple syrup and candy canes. Yum!
The elves sit in little sleighs to eat their meals. There are great big bowls of food. There’s lots of healthy food like apples, berries and snow bananas. And there’s lots of yummy elf food too like candy cane oatmeal. And the elves really like the hot maple syrup elf cakes (with chocolate pickle sauce of course!).
Then an elf will ask, “Does anyone have any maple syrup?” All the other elves answer, “I do!” Then they ALL bring their little bottles of maple syrup to that elf. In the end, that elf has so many little bottles that you can hardly see his sleigh!
An Elf Breakfast!
Mrs. Claus and I visit each of the little sleighs. We talk with all the elves. We take pictures with them too. And we share cookies and hot chocolate. Then we have a real nice little visit with each elf. The elves love silly Christmas jokes and we all laugh and laugh!
Whoever eats the biggest, healthiest breakfast gets to keep the Big Spoon for the rest of the day. It’s a REALLY big spoon, bigger than an elf!
But you can tell when the elves are full. They ALL start burping! Oh my goodness what a sound!
First one starts and then another. Pretty soon the whole hall is full of burping and laughing elves. Then, when Mrs. Claus has had enough of the elves’ being silly, she rings her shiny silver bell. The elves ALL stop and say “Sorry, Mrs. Claus”.
Hmm, I wonder if that’s where the Christmas song “Silver Bells” came from?
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What do you think would be the silliest part of having an elf breakfast? (You can tell me what other silly things you think elves do at breakfast here. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
can l have phon
Merry Christmas! Oh, a phone sounds like a very exciting gift. Be sure to write me about it at https://www.emailsanta.com/email_santa.asp so the elves and I can check your list! ❤️Santa
hi santa I wate to come to the north pole so I will give you all my cokeys
can I have your pone nuber
can I have your phone nuber
Think that it is very funny when t
hey burp. And have i been good this year
To see them burp is very funny and eat nicely
thank you now i know santa claus is real
santa can I work for you and be a hq and go to the north hull every day or live there
I think the silliest breakfast would be throwing the food at each other!! Okay that would be one crazy breakfast.
Thank you so much I never knew what elves eat but now I do
can you get me a jewlery box and jewlery
Santa I think the elves run crazy and you join in because you eat so many cookies and drink so much milk. I also think Mrs.Clause Thinks it is so funny that she starts taking so many pictures and videos her camera is full by 10:00 A.M. And then she rings the bell and every body goes back to their sleighs. Then you pick the one to have the giant spoon. I thin Sherlock elf starts working on the Naughty and nice list. The you send everybody to work in their departments.Then they all start making toys for all the good litle boys and girls. And then some elves make cole sticks and cornbread for the not so good little boys and girls.
P.S.those elves are so silly cant wait until christmas
hi santa I like to call the elf but it say you are busy and santa how can I be becom an elf?
Hi Santa!!!! I just read this and served my little elf on the shelf friend some maple serup and chocolate. (because we don’t have candy canes)!! You might know my little elf friend, pinnochio! I know every night he tells you how I’ve been but because theres so many elves you might forget! I was so happy to see him this morning!! hope to see you soon!
hey elfs tell Santa and Mrs.Claus i said
Dear Santa Claus,
I really want my elf Eliza to come when she finishes with the toys and chores.Can you just tell her that and when she can come she can just knock and someon will open it.
i think the els should dance around like crazy!
Santa how many people are in the north poll , and do you and Mrs.clause think it is weird for a 10 year old still writing to Santa.
hi elves say hi to santa please i bet your busy making presents sorry if i didube you. but please may i have a laptop top from santa thank you xxxx
ps. rember to tell santa thank you bye
I think elves tell silly jokes to eachother and make everyone laugh! I really wish I could join in!
elfes please comment back and tell clumsey i said i trip over things once and a while but not as offen he trip’s over cell phones and come to my house santa now’s where it is i’ll stay up and wait for you if santa lets me so i’ve got to go p.s. do not trip over cell phones why would they be on the floor
this is cool elves please comment back ! p.s. i dint put my phone number or email for saftey and stop burping mrs.claus is going to like me because she cant here me burp and less stress at the north pole and for your guy’s tummy’s and for santa claus and who no’es mabey you’ll get a call from me on christmas eve and i keep in touch with this web site and you guy’s and tell clubsey to stop falling over somthing he invented!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i like the part where the elve start burping and then mrs.claus rings the bell and they all say sorry mrs.claus
I think the elves ride rund in there sleighs that would be funny
I think that when the elves are eating breakfast, they tell each other jokes and make silly faces
I love to breakfast,are your Elf like breakfast ?
what does the raindeer eat frome natalie
I think the elves use their imaginations a lot at breakfest.of course there’s nothing wrong with being silly especially at christmas time! p.s. it makes life more exciting sometimes!
how many reindeer do you have
how many elves do you have
keep warm up in the north pole with mrs. claus, your reindeer, and your elves.
I think the funniest part is when it’s like a chorus of birps…BIRP BIRP BURP BURP…BURP!!!
i think the elves would eat with rudolph they would also eat red rassberry cake and pancakes with red rassberries and red rassberry surup and scrambled eggs and red rassberry juice !!!!
i think the elves would eat with rudolph they would also eat red rassberry cake and pancakes with red rassberries and red rassberry surup and scrambled eggs an
i think the sillest part was when an elf askes if somebody has syrup and the sieigh is full of bottles of syrup that you cant even see the elf!
Santa Claus,
Which of your reindeer has been on your team the longest? How old is Rudolph? About how many elves do you have?
hi santa i hope that you can come to my house this year and i hope that you know what i want
Hi santa hope you enjoy delivering all your presants to all the good children this christmas !!!
thanck you…..jess
hi santa what a cool brefeast If you can write back please do I love you santa and wanna talk you so bad! call me!
i love you santa and the elfs to.i hope you love me to!!!
Dear Santa Claus,
The only thing I want for Christmas is my Nanny Stephane
P.S im serious no joke
it was funny! i love you santa
love, molly
Well,Santa thanks for the presents you sent me you are the best give a hug to the elves and Mrs.Claus
it would be so fun the food doesent sound yummy but i would love to merry xmas bye
whats with the elves being silly im mean really
I think they would…………………
…..like fart!
i think the part that is funny is when all the elfs go BURP! That is the funny part. And one more thing another thing silly and fun at breakfast is sitting with santa and telling christmas jokes.
Santa may I have a pair of wings that can realy make me fly
I wish i could have a meal like that!Now my brother just burped!
i love santa i believe in santa and the presents<3
I think the part that was the most silly was when the elves each sit on little sleighs! Ha ha he he ha ha he he ha ha!
what a funny thing what elfs like to eat! Chocolate pickle syrup! I didn’t realize how different elfs are from us.
me and my family were at a hotel and my sister was making me laugh so hard i fell of my chair and every body went quite and then i did a small burp and a girl said ‘look daddy that girl burped i am going to try it’ i was really embaressed
dear santa claus you and your wife are the best will you bring me some thing for me ok
thank you for bring this thigs
to:santa claus
i think this is funny, when Mrs.Claus has had enough with the elfs burping and lauphing at the same time he he he. she rings her silver bell and they stop lauphing and burping and say sorry Mrs.Claus all at the same time.
santa that so wird i am eatting a candy cane for brakfast=0
I wish I lived at the North Pole I bet it would be so much fun Love you santa
do you have any other silly funny yummy breakfasts? why do you have so much candy?you sure eata lot of candy
Hahaha i would love to spend a day with the elves!
sorry i’m back again one of my sisters friend said hello
well you know how about they put there face in there food hahaha hohoho
does rudulph sing the song the made him
Do ealvs sleep withe each other. At breakfeats do the ealvs be rally silly.Or do the EALVS spill stuff on eachover. Write back to me alexa
giggle ell really funny and orquard jokes ha ha ha!!
I think it will be even sillier with having the queen come to have beakfast with them every morning
Do the elves drink stuff llike, orange juice at ther north poll?
Do you get really full after you go around the world.
Can you like,,,,, freeze time!
I think elves, straight away on the morning go and check the reindeers or food and warmnss. ( ovbiously, they need to keep warm in time for x-mas)
Love your BLOG by the way!
I think the elves would spill syrup on each other!!!!
I think that it would be very funny if ALL the Elfs started to have HUGE breakfast fight.With their syrup’s and hot chocolate and oatmeals.:)
you can get chcolate straberrys with shugar on top
That is so cool santa hop you reply ho ho ho love from tom
That would be funny, having breakfast with the elves!
hey mr.santa and mrs.santa can i please be a elf. i’ll try to do good at school mr.santa and mrs.santa i love all yall please send me back a elf joke i looked at elfs jokes there funny to me there aleryes
My brother is like a elf then when he is full he burps then i say uhmm and he says sorry katie
elf are so silly because they always do funny things like jokes and other things.
Dear Santa,I hope that your christmas full of laughter and joy. P.S. COULD YOU DELIVER PRESENTS TO MY FRIEND MATTHEW FIRST.OH,I ALMOST FORGOT MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
i would like a donkeykong for the gamecube and a toy cat and bacugauns
i would like a hexbug nano for christmas
santa is it all ways snowing at the north pole id love to try mrs clause yummy cookies elfs shur do seem funny
Hello Santa my name is Madison. I have Cerebral Palsy and I would love to have the gift of walking. I have never known what its like to have my legs work. I think your a wonderful Santa and I and my parents miss my brother Aaron who is in Heaven. Please
i think they would tallk about who their going to gomto this year
can you please bring christmas ealy but we cant waite any more long please can we come to your northpole tommrow and you come to are home love nat and jac xxxxxxx xxxxxx
hey santa i will wright a card for you this year p.s you rock!!!!
i.hope.atyou.have.a.good. christmas.
i think they eat candy canes and each have a pitcher of juice each i believe they enjoy it and talk and decroate the tree only 1 ordment each day for each elf
Hey, Santa. I hope you have a good Christmas. I bet after elves eat, and burp, I think they wash their faces.
Love, Katie
i think having elfes in the house would be really fun.
Dear Santa,
I have a couple questions for you. How many elves do you have? And how long have you been Santa?
It would Be so much fun to have a slide on my bed! It would make me actually want to get out of bed in the morning! 🙂
my breakfast is good to and i will like to leave you some breaksfast but it’s gonna be very cold but i will leave you some good cholate cookies on my kicten talbe there are not goona be burt and please take the elves and mrs.claus a cookie to
I think the elves dance on the tables!
Dear Santa,
I think it would be a ton of fun to eat breakfast with elves! Apparently, they really like candy and maple syrup!! But, I am glad they eat fruit too!! Can’t wait till Christmas!
hey santa can i come to the north pole
Burping, laughing, falling off the sleigh, silly outfits, silly hats, silly dresses, snoring and talking in their sleep, dancing and singing in their sleep, sleep walking, sleep walking trying on outfits, turning on the water in their sleep,
I wish I was an elf. I think that it would be very fun job. I want a slide in my bed!!! Do you think you could help me with that?? Just kidding! Do you reply on your blog. I really like to read it!!!!
hi santa.I hope kissy is Ok.i THINCK that
evey elf is funny and grumpy my elf even
if he i grumpy a hide`s he is ok for me good buy
hello elves,
i have heard from santa you have beeen bust making my presants i cant wait to see them i will make sure i will leave you something nice:’)xxx
i believe in santa and i am already 11 years old !
hi santa im alreat in forth grade!can i tell u a little screat? ok. my brother hunter useal is notty u can tell the evls that.can i ask you a qustin?ok.here it is .am i on the good list or bad list?
do people say that to you too…………..
oh My i really want a slide on my bed now that’s fun and i wish i had a spoon bigger than me :}
Maybe another thing the elves would do is make up these silly words and say Merry Christmas and stuff like that
do the randers tern in to ronten toten randers
i can’t wait till christmas. but i don’t want to miss the other fun stuff to.like the christmas parade and christmas eve.bye the way my favorite part of christmas and December is the beautiful lights everybody puts up, all the goodies in the stockings and cuddling up by the fire all snug in warm socks with a nice cup of hot chocalate.
I like the sound of candy cane oatmeal and it sounds like the elfs are very funny when they burp!
i think they alsorun around chasing each other until you say STOP!!!
The way they are so small, i would feel like the odd one out
hello , how are you , i can’t wait untill christmas ,my friend are silly they told me they don’t believe in you but i told them don’t be silly of coruse he is really as you sent me a letter . lots of love from alfie anderson from high wycombe
Hello all that have replied to this wonderfull story! class one- it is very fun having a slide on my bed! Arianna- keep counting down and it will soon be chhristmas eve!!! Michael all of the elfs her are doing great thank you,buddy is doing fine he gulpt down all of our maple syrup today!! Well if you want him to move why dont you tell him how you feel. thankyou for replying and hope we can talk to eachother on the net sometime. xoxoxox
wow that’s really silly and do you have to go though that every morning? the meals sound really yummy i wish i could have that for breakfast every morning especially the candy cane oatmeal yum! well see you later
hi santa in my home did you know your sled lands on the section were my room is.
im so glad christmas is a holiday and im lucky i have lots of love from my family
Dear Santa that sounds pretty silly imagine if you decided tto have pancakes and the elfes get some on their heads1
It would be cool to be an elf for Santa Claus.
Hello, Santa! How are Mrs. Claus, the reindeer, the elves, and of course, you doing? Hoep you’re doing well. Make sure to tell everyone I said hello! I can’t wait until Christmas! Just 28 more sleeps to go!
it would be fun eating with elves and having a slide on your bed!
burp pardon mee 🙂 lol it must be funny!!
I think just the laughing and joking is hilarious. I would love to get to eat breakfast with the elves as well as with you Santa and Mrs. Claus.
I think they would spill their cereal and their milk
Thats sounds great and I wished I was their and I love the sound of the nice food I wished I tired some.
hope your okayon christmas annd dont hit a bump in the road.
remaber wen my dad forgot to put the fier dowen and you came dowen the chibney by the way sorry about that.
Santa i can not wait till christmas!I hope you get me a nintendo DSI. please write back!
dear,santa i really whant you to have a sleep over at my house and i will let you have my sofa because i use that one for my pressies and the blankit is on the 1 seater it is brown and fluffy can you send me your phone number on here thank you !!!!xxxxxx
The elves look up how to make the toys they are making that day and listening to music while they what for you to come around!
personally the funniest part is when they burp thats fhHOnny (that’s a pun by the way) HO HO HO
i cant whit for crismas did you know thats my farite holiday
P.S O+O+O+O+O+
Awesome story! I’d love to have that for breakfast every morning!!
hello santa claus i cant wait till you and your reindeers visit my house i will make sure the house is tidy and there is no mess and how is your elves are they ok please reply soon thankyou for listening
jaycee xxx
i want a wonderful family christmas and to see evryone getting on
do the elves have gigantic big burps or are they like, really small? p.s is mrs.c really strict about them? or when she rings the bell is she trying to hide a smile?
hi sana how ru i love ou sooo much hx
hi santa ! I want to say that the elves seem pretty silly but they need to screw their heads back on and get to work because their are lots of kids who want to have a very merry christmas.love MYA:)
ps. last year i saw a elf get caught on the news !
Santa I hope you reply! That’s quite the story. I just finished watch Elf, that’s always funny! and i think the funniest thing would be them all giving a tiny bottle of maple syrup.
i hope you had a good thanksgiving now have a good christmas
we want a slide onour beds too. the elves are very funny i would love to come and see them olivia loves elves hannah wants to see santa she loves santa claus! welll put lots of gifts in our stockings merry christmas hopefully hear you at christmas! bye
i will be good so i can ge my chrismas prensent’s on the 24 and open them on the 25 day
dear santa can you take me my dad and mom and also sister to the north pole for breakfast on the 30th of november
im only 9 heres my e-mail {email address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
santa I don’t know how funny things can get until you read this it was funny i fell out of my chair
I bet the elves are burping and jiggling around.
I think it would be fun to have breakfast with elves.
i think the elves would be so weird if they started burping and laughing at the same time. that would just be crazy!
have a very merry christmas love molly!
Hi Santa.
Can you let my elf Holly Jolly know that I said hi. Thanks.
P.S. I am 11.
Cool.Maybe, I can go to the elf breakfast and I could be the Guest Aperence.
hey santa i was wondering since your elves r so greahow many do u really have?!hey elve checking thank u!
hey santa ii was wondering since your elves r so greahow many do u really have?!hey elve checking thank u!
it is so cute, hi i am 9yrs. old and live in florida.
you are so kind and I love Christmas
What other silly things do elves do at breakfast?
hey how are you. i will have your cookies
ready for you and the milk yummy yummy milk i love milk. see ya
santa would you mind sending me the song the 12 days of christmas please
I want for chistmas is a family but with your help it will be great.
It would be funny to be there when they all start to burp!! I would like to taste a snow banana. Alex
I think it would be funny when they all eat the biggest breakfast they can then have to hold that big spoon. Charly
I think I would love to have a slide out of my bed! Mummy
hi santa i cant wait till you come to my house ill make sure ill be in bed extra early so come early to me please.hope you think i was a very good boy this year
love you micheal
2 years of age so my mammy wrote this:):)x
WOW! thats cool i wish i had candy cane syurp!
Slides on the bed!!! I woud love that! It woud be a good start to evey wonderfull day.
This is a really silly blog .My teacher at school is really silly somethimes he does not even teach anything.ps email me @{email address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!} cant wait love Alexandra Drsek
I can’t wait till Christmas! Are the elves building toys right know?!?!? What is yall’s dinner like, is it crazy like breakfast?
Santa I wish I could live up in the north pole with you!I’D LUV A SLIDE!
i think you are a very cool guy ! i also really want a wii ! i bet the slay is a very heavy thing. i think you should be a movie star!
i think the elfs wood be happy to start a new day and eat ALOT!see you soon!
oh no elves are sliding down my key board !!11!
asd fgh jkl;q ertyuiozxcv b,zzxsd crfvbghn jl1985h
I want to know what elves do after they make the presents. What do they do for fun when they are finished working? I think they play on their slides.
do the elves put maple syrup on everything like buddy does inthe movie ELF
dothe elves put maple syrup on everything like buddy does inthe movie ELF
Once everybody kept randomly laughing for no reason =) =)
funny really because my hole family was there.
yesterday was thanksgiving!!
I just love christmas don’t you. I love all the Presants that every one gives me. So thank you Santa and Mrs Claus and all the elves for the Presants that you have gave me. And I love you lot’s like Jelly tot’s.
hi santa claus hows it going at the north pole? its good where i am it is actully snowing!
I think i understand mrs clwaz pain. I hate when my bros burp. its just gross dog!!! And this is comin from a teenage gurl who acts like a boy. *sigh*
the sillest part is them all burping and the food and the slides .
WOW elves BURPING that must of been quite a morning ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
lots of love
i think that they aa lot of silly thing like sonw mans hate thats a tipe os cerial bye the way ii love you santa bye
I would love 2 have a slide on my bed!
I can’t wait for Christmas! There is 28 more sleeps until Santa Claus and his reindeer arrive at my house!
hay Santa class how are the elf doing hows buddy the elf doing and has pop elf can i tell u a secret i what my grandpa to move her to south Dakota to Garretson and for him to stop smoking he all redye had a heart attack and i do not what that to happy again he lives in Iowa