We do lots of fun things at “Ho! Ho! Halloween” at the North Pole.
We play Halloween games.
And we do fun Halloween crafts too!
The elves love to paint and colour things. They paint:
Bats and cats and witches hats!
They colour tombs and brooms
and funny costumes!
They use stickers to make crafts
and have lots of laughs!
Then we carve some pumpkins. We carve really silly faces on the pumpkins. A pumpkin with a face is called a jack-o’-lantern. But did you know something? We call a pumpkin with a silly Santa Claus face a “Santa-lantern”? Ho, Ho, Ho!
Some of the elves are really good at carving. Do you see the photo of the pumpkin they carved?
And we sing silly Ho! Ho! Halloween songs too. (See, the elves do more than sing Christmas songs!)
This is a silly one that the elves’ wrote:
Oh, you’d better not shriek,
You’d better not moan,
You’d better not howl,
And you’d better not groan,
Santa Pumpkin is coming to town!
He’s gonna find out,
From goblins he meets,
Who deserves tricks,
And who deserves treats.
Santa Pumpkin is coming to town!
Clumsy The Elf Halloween Crafts
Clumsy the Elf always carves the silliest pumpkin faces. But he always makes a really big mess. He has so much pumpkin on him he is orange! So, we have to get the hose. We hose him down to clean all the pumpkin guts off of him!
Clumsy the Elf likes to surprise the other elves too. After we carve a silly face on a pumpkin, he likes to wear it on his head! Later, he will sneak up on an elf and go “Boo!”. It just is not Halloween until Clumsy pretends to be Mr. PumpkinHead!
Happy Ho! Ho! Halloween!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you like making Halloween crafts and Jack-O’-Lanterns? (Scroll down to leave a message for Santa or to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Hi santa claus I did you for my pumpkin project and all of my friends liked it today i might be doing it.What I want for Christmas is a new doll set,dolls,a purse with dimands,high heel wedges,high tops,dresses with dimands,a crown,make-up,magic bubbles
i really miss 2008 because i misss being younger and getting more presents.
Santa this is Jordan kiefer here. i believe that you are real .
hi! santa.I’m back.
Icame on you and Mrs.Claus and the Elves blog.
I like it so far.
I can’t wait until 48 days.
carving pumpkins is a lot of fun, and seeing them glow after carving them. i love hallooween.
I carved a pumpkin with a cat on it, and it said ‘boo!’ under it. I won second prize for it! xx
hey i love you a lot santa and i really believe in you but sometime i want some advice and you the one i think of oh and my parents. your the one that i think of the most though. santa my friends think that your fake and our moms or dads just put your name on it but i try to tell them that is not true and try to tell them that your real but sometimes i wonder if there right or wrong and then we get in a fight if your real or not please tell me that you are true….
from needs advice from santa
hi santa i believe in you and i can’t wait till christmas eve and christmas day
i love you and the people that say you arn`t reall make me mad ………
So wicked
how can people say ur not real
hi am kaitlyn glover and in your letter you said you couldent wail until you saw what i wrote so here it is i tottly love what you do for halloween and tell clumsy i said be carefull withthat pumpkin on his head!!!