Ho! Ho! Ho! and Merry Christmas!
Well, the reindeer and I are very tired!
It was a very long night. But it was a very fun night!
Most important, I hope you had fun this morning too!
The same as every year, there are many people I have to thank for helping me.
Thank you for making Christmas merry!
I want to thank the elves and reindeer. They are such good helpers. Hurray for the elves and reindeer!
I should thank the grown-ups too. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without them. Hurray for all the grown-ups! (I hope you thank the grown-ups too!)
Of course, I have to thank Mrs. Claus! Hurray for Mrs. Claus!
But most of all, I want to thank all the children! I want to thank you for the nice drinks and treats for me and apples, sugar, carrots and other goodies for the reindeer. Thank you for the great letters and emails too! Hurray for you! And “Thank you!” for watching me on the Christmas Eve Santa Snooper also! I hope you liked it.
I hope everyone enjoys the presents that I brought. After all, the elves worked very hard making them just for you!
If I couldn’t make Christmas merry…
I know there are many children I could not bring any presents to this year. Or maybe I had to bring them a different present from what they really wanted.
I am very sorry if I could not bring you what you wanted. You really wanted it, I know. You should know that I am so sad I could not bring it. I know you are sad about it too.
But, I want you to always remember something. Everyone at the North Pole, and especially me, love you very much. It does not matter what I bring you. I still love you — almost as much as your grown-ups do!
The most important gifts are the ones that I cannot bring. After all, Christmas does not come in boxes and bags. It does not come from a sleigh or a store! If you have people that love you and a warm, safe place to live, then Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!
Merry Christmas Day!
Santa Claus
P.S. Did you like the presents? Did you like the Santa Snooper? You can leave a message for me. After that, scroll down to see what others have written! And lastly, big, warm Christmas hugs!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Thank you for your love, Santa!
But, I do not worthy your love.
Dear Santa I love you very much and I wanted to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year tell Clumsy I love him very much and Happy new year and tell Martha that I love her very much hope you have a safe trip Santa
Oi eu quero muitos jogos e livros
Att: A sua preferida
Hey Santa! Can I track down your presents?
Hi Santa Iam On The Naughty On Nice List
Email Santa.com
Is so much fun to be on
Love Jennifer
Hey Santa it’s me christian how is your day going today
Hi lm in love with you Santa so much
papa´ noel bebe pebor puiero1
i love rodeer i love roduf see you next year
i love you santa your the best i see christmas movies and netfilx i really wanna she you your self in a movie
I fell down the stares and it heated.
hi Santa !
its me Jazzie I cant believe
i’m leaving a comment!!!
i’ve been trying to be good this year but
i’m being both and i was trying to be on the
nice list so i’ve been curious if i’m on the nice list
so i downloaded an app that shows if i’m nice or naughty and i was nice!
have a merry christmas Santa Claus!!:)
I really love the color red a lot I like the reindeer do you have I wish I was in the North Pole but I can’t live there
Dear,Santa i want you to end coroanna virus so i can have big christmas parties
Dear,Santa next year watch for cameras trying to get you on film and if you find them just keep putting the presents out oh and come see us and bring snowball when you do.
What’s a santa snooper and do you know how old i am???
Hey Santa you should come visit Abilene TX very soon
Hey Santa when will you come to Abilene TX
I wanna see you and give you a big hug I wanna take a ride with you to the north pole
How many presents do you have to wrap?
To santa
My name is Georgina hope you are well
I hope your elves and reindeer are okay too.
Thank you for my presents.
Love georgina
Best wishes
Dear Santa I would like a miralouis toy paw patrol toy and pj masks toy
my sister didnt leave anything for you sorry she mean
merry christmas santa are you coming or not it doesnt matter santa if you dont bring the present to the children they still love you no matter what it doesnt matter if you dont bring to me you can take a rest santa do you like muffins and juice i will leave it on the table for you bye and merry christmas joy and laugther melissa 10 august 29
I can’t wait to see what I have for Christmas
i would like a new pair of shoes some pillows and some lose pants
can everyone see what i am writing??
안녕하세요. 산타클로스!
저는 올해 레고프렌즈 여름 워터파크를 받고 싶어요!!
오늘 밤 보내주실 수 있나요?
Hi Santa! Please be safe today! Hope you come to my house! Do your reindeers like carrots?
Dear Santa Fod Christmas i Want Blue WwE Universal Championship
Hi Santa this year Can I have nail polish and fake nails that has glue nails thank you and merry Christmas❤
Hi santa i want to let you know that be safe around this world
Hi Santa i like your Christmas snooper it was good I have to ask you some questions how fast are your reindeer and how do they fly what do reindeer eat
Hi Santa!
Please be safe when you’re making your way around the world in the 24th. As always, we’ll leave out cookies and milk along with carrots for the reindeer!
Merry Christmas!
Serenity is an excellent opportunity for you and your elves and the raindeer
Thank you for the new elf Francis you got us Merry Christmas
hey santa i really want a puppy and a hamster
hello santa im kaliyaah i just wanted to say that i love you also one day i want to be a new santa miss santa ill get everyone presents
hi santa what i want for christmas is a galaxy note 20 and Rozlyn to be my girlfriend and a new german shepherd.
Dear Santa, can you please help my Dad work less but still have enough money for the family, i also really want a Pandora Charm Braclet and a Puppy!!! Love you, Asta
hi santa my elf ‘s name is Tinsel and I’v asked her a few questions
My elf’s name is… Speedy Cheery-blossom the wise of trip-slip-gloop
hey santa can you take me to the north pole
Hi Santa!!!! Can You send me a picture of Santa?
Hi santa this christmas I want to see my dad I havnt see my dad in over a year and I really miss him hes in prison and I know it might be a little bit difficult but please try your best i know that if you try hard enough anything can happen please I’ll do anything to see my dad again i just want us to be one big happy family without my dad being all aggressive i hope i can see my dad again you can bust him out of prison or something i hope i can see my dad again ps on christmas day please can I see you I really want to so I can prove to my sister your real my older sister doesnt believe in you but I do now I’m going to write you a letter speak to you in a minute
Hello Santa i hop you give me what i wanted i wish i could see you but the corona stay safe and Merry Christmas Santa
Hi Santa!! How are you? I hope you have been having a good year. I heard that Christmas was going to be canceled. What do you think about that? What does it mean? Have a good day!! Merry Christmas.
hello santa i hope you get me what i want love you i wish i can see you but the corona i know you do not have it but just to be safe
hello santa i hope you get me what i want love you
Dear Santa, I really want a puppy! I beg you!
Can I see you on christmas one more time? please santa?
Your Blog is amazing. I love it. When will baby blizzard and Barney lead the sleigh?
thank you santa very much!i know that it is hard for you and your elfs wrap the presents,put them in a box,put them in a slay,delivier them all to people in the whole word,and,to go back in time.i know that you and your elfs are tired,and you have to do stuff a lot,so,if you want me to help at the north pole,just write me back and sent when and how and how and when will i see you!after all,i do want to make special art stuff for all the people in the world and you can teach me a lot and lot of stuff,so,write me back or write my mom.well,thanks.
ps. on christmas i am going to see if i can see you
Am I on the good list? My favourite present to have would be an alexa
espero que estes muy bien! Y los renos también! Pues queria preguntarte si pudieras dae la receta para hacer galletas navideñas! Muchas gracias, un saludo para todos! Tu, lo renos, los elfos y por supiesto, LA SEÑORA CLAUS! Se despide: ♡Eimy♡
Hey Santa Claus I just wanted to tell you that I know how hard it is to deliver all the presents to them kids. I will understand if you can’t get to my house and deliver some presents to me because I know how hard it is deliver all the presents so it’ll be perfectly fine if you can’t get to my house because I understand how hard it is for you. It is really rough for me to because my maw maw passed away a couple months ago when I heard about it I started crying so hard it broke my heart into pieces and my two dogs passed away and then that made it even worse now we only have 3 dogs I really feel bad for everyone’s parents that passed away or grandparents that passed away it’s just so sad when those things happen and when Christmas is right around the corner it just makes it even worse because they are not there to celebrate Christmas with you and my mom’s side of the family is just about all gone but she still has me and my dad and my dad side of the family and that just makes it really hard out there for some people it’s just really really really sad when those kind of things happen I know I wrote a really long letter just for an 8 year old but it’s just something I wanted to get off my chest and talk to you about it but now it’s off my chest feel a little bit better oh that’s all I wanted to tell you . Have a Merry Christmas please tell the elves and reindeer and mrs. Claus that I said to have a merry Christmas two. I know somebody also said this to but this is true and it just is not right for everybody to die and passed away this quik. And I want for christmas this year is a apple watch I reallly wanted one so bad that I am crying every night because nobody will give it to me!!
why was my elf sick ? (her name is Elfelf) as you probally know (right ?)
Santa so sorry I was upset you got me battle ship and i wanted lego police and sorry i didnt leave you some sweet cookies or a brownie Santa please for give me
Santa I can’t wait until Christmas it is my favorite holiday of the year I hope I get an elf this year maybe next year I’d be very delighted to have one I love when you bring all the children presents you’re so thoughtful for doing that I hope you have a good Christmas and mrs. Claus, elfs and the reindeer and all of them.
hey santa i just wanted to say do u remeber my christmas wish.
1.christmas hairband
2.big squishy
hey santa i just wanted to say do u remeber my christmas wish
Cool. This boy at school he is aboly Oscar
Christmas is the best time of the year!
Hi what is your real phone number and your real email and your real address and can you tell one of your elf to come to David house
I love love love love love love Christmas
santa is real. he give you presents and eat the cookies.
Hi, Sant
I hope you are doing well! Snowball ( Our elf) has been good do far! How are the reindeer? I hope you have a merry Chritmas!
Hi santa it is me naleeyah i want to know if i could have a i phone 11 or a i phone 8 and i want to know if you can talk to my dad and tell him i wish he can be a little nicer to me because i feel like he hates thank you and bye
2.nerf gun
4.ps4spiderman game
5.how to train your dragon-disks
6.spiderman web slinger- INPORTANT!!
hi santa look, i know it is hard to deliver presents around the world so when you come to my house ill have a gingerbread man and some milk waiting for you. also, the things i want for Christmas are: 1. skateboard. 2. ps4controller. 3.ps4spiderman game. 4. Spiderman web slinger you can only make the web slinger if you want i’m not picky i’m grateful.
If possible, can you leave a note to my parents so they (especially my mom) don’t get discouraged about working so hard for me and my sister. I know an encouragement from someone as important as you will surely cheer them up!
I would like two black elf on the shelfs.
P.S can Bubblegum and Chip stay after christmas
hi Santa !
I just wanted to tell you that I hope you have a awesome Christmas and also make sure to social distance : )
also , I have a few things on my Christmas list
Anna and Elsa frozen 2 dolls
LED lights
Addison Rae merch
Hi santa it’s mekhia u already know I really want a hoverboard plz get me one it would be amazing if u got me one plz do get me one.
Hi, Santa clause I made a horrible mistake. my friend and i are like BFFs and we been friends since the first day of school. And I have a friend that she does not like. So what I’m asking for Christmas is how to fix that promble.
Love: Mackinzie
santa is so funny men thanke you
Hi santa Claus I want to be able to get a chance of winning the champions league
Hi santa Claus I have been good this year
I can’t wait for Christmas the songs presents and the snow ❄️
Hello Santa I want a Air hockey table for Christmas and A a blanket and Candy canes and Cody is excited for Christmas and we have a new baby and his name is Braylen and we have 2 puppies there names are Oreo and Skittles and my mom has you on messages and you messaged my mom
i like you to help my friends in need of covid -19 oh and P.S. Make sure mr elf sees us very soon
i would like a elf for chirstmas that you please drop it of at Marewa school
Thank you Santa Claus you are the best man for Christmas and thank you for all you do love you Santa Claus
Hello I want a new wheelchair this uear pls bring it u left it last yr
Thx Emz
hi santa i love you i cant wait for christmas this year and my dog couldint either
Hi Santa Claus!!,
I’m very excited to see you In Xmas 2020!
You always made sure you see the kids of the earth are happy and excited for Xmas!
I hope we get to catch up!
Love from , Teigan
Hi santa
How are you can’t wait to see you on Christmas eve love you xx
Santa can I be Santa the next Santa when you re tire
Santa is the best in the world about giving presents
I would like to know if you can catch covid-19
hello Santa,
how are you this fine day?
are you even up?
My name is Emma
hi santa i want for christmas is a nitendo switch case
Hey santa we really need you this year. I hope you are doing well and getting everything good and ready. What I want for Christmas is to bring my family happiness because this year hasn’t bin the best I hope yours has gone better. wish you the best in your travels ❤.
Hi Santa Can You Bring Loads Of Presents
Hi Santa I am On The Nice List Or the Naugthy List
Hi Santa Claus can you give me a present!
I want a dog I want a Xbox games I want a cellphone I want a babyailve D’s games clothes and shoes MacBook makeup!!!
I want a dog DS game Xbox games babyailve cellphone clothes shoes MacBook
I want lot of Christmas presents I hope you get me gift for me I will be happy today!
I love I love this app so much and made me cry because it kept on saying how Santa loved me
If yoy can not Bring my suff i am toys like 2 slime ,shoes it is 3 and sister want lol dolls Dog toy. Toy car
Hi.Can I get an IPhone XR, or a IPhone 11 or IPhone12 please
And a.PS4 and a Apple Computer and
I really want the hyper House and Sway house Merch and Gavin Magnus And Piper Rockelle Merch hope you can get it for me
Love Kellie btw it my birthday on 22nd of November 2008 that was when I was born but I’m gonna be 12 years old can’t wait but I’m 11 now so I hope you are ok xxx
Hey Santa! Can I have a golden retriever for Christmas? I have been asking for years! I also have an elf. Her name is Loddy. I think she is lonely, I also don’t think that she would mind a friend
Hi Santa! I love u so much and thank you for all you have given me!
Thank you Santa! Merry Christmas, uhh early Christmas mean! Love you <3
hi Santa can I get a puppy and a PS4 for Christmas. thank you for all the presents!
Dear Santa I can’t wait for you to come in 72 days I love u Santa merry Christmas
i hope you have a very good day, make sure to get lots of sleep!
Dear santa thank you very much for all the presents i like them thank at the north pole
all i want for christmas is to be a really good singer and famous
Gracias santa a mi y a mi familia le gustaron los regalos
hi Santa Claus I love Christmas and thank you for giving us presents
Julie i miss and Carlos and Roger when do i see you with our cousins
Hi Santa Umm I think of u guys ,,
Hi I’m Blake I do take naps a lot I would go outside not getting the virus
Hi santa this is steven i want nubest tall 10 t flight simulator and fifa 21 and UEFA champions league ball 2021 and soccer cleats a android phone and sim card also Adidas jacket
I love you santa you have the best toys ever
work on be nice to people and do be safe and want you know want lots of toys and makeup bed sheet and big gift lol stuff and a big backpacks with stuff in it then cd musiic and new hats and gift card craft stuff
Santa elf robot doll and Mrs.I have a sister Samantha that is Sarah I love you want to do homework Sarah Santa elf robot doll and Mrs.I Rachel they Barbie dolls and Anna birthday in September or Christmas and Christmas. Eve Lawrence and Anna eat food how to play with me is Sari and samantha was Barbie singing princess bride and groom smiling you is going on with the monster then get cream and and Zoe story Barbie avant calendar calendar you!and then her Sari have been working hard work tinker with me elsa and Anna birthday party at my name is Sarah Samantha that can you tell her Samantha said you have a car and samantha world to get out early morning and Christmas is going give it Barbie avant avant calendar and Barbie story English speaking in Barbie avant gard you are going through some presents a camera and you can do games
Hi Santa!I feel sorry because you work so hard even with the elves and Mrs. Claus and I wish
you good luck with next year and have good rest. last Christmas I kept on using the
google Santa tracker and I saw you were in united kingdom or Iceland or something?
Please be healthy and rest. My dad has a lot of work so I will tell him to go to sleep before twelve o clock in year 2021 so at midnight he won’t bump into you.
I drew a purple wolf on my laptop. Stay healthy!
p.s I think Mrs. Claus makes great cookies!
Hi Santa!I feel sorry because you work so hard even with the elves and Mrs. Claus and I wish
you good luck with next year and have good rest. last Christmas I kept on using the
google Santa tracker and I saw you were in united kingdom or Iceland or something?
Please be healthy and rest. My dad has a lot of work so I will tell him to go to sleep before twelve o clock in year 2021 so at midnight he won’t bump into you.
Stay healthy!
p.s I think Mrs. Claus makes great cookies!
Deliver. My. House. Harrypotter. Wands. Xbox 360 games
Hi Santa!!
I really liked your presents and stuff!
will you have to social distance in year 2021? I remember the time when you got me an amazon fire tablet! Most of all, please rest and stay healthy ♡
hi Santa please come to chritchurtch new zealand I would like a pet bunny please thank you
Santa I want you to put up a camera on your sleigh and then turn it on when your about to leave on Christmas eve so we can see what your doing
hi my name is Seth if you have got an email before you may know me I will be eight just five days before chrsimas today august
I loved your presnts last year though I looked at the website for the first time in july or june
Hi Santa,
This is Tia I am 18 years old and I live in Houston, Texas.
I want a hoverboard, roller derby roller skates size 4 an Ipad , and an Everstretch Flexibily door strap for Christmas. I’ve been a really good girl this year.
Love Tia,
Santa come to hunsville and i want a hamster and my sister to stop being me an and 1,0000000000000000000 dollars
Santa home to hunsville and i want a hamster and MacBook and Nintendo switch and i iPhone 11
Thank you Santa for all What you bring We have a lot of toys and now And I think We should give our toys away now Because we have so much toys!
Hi Santa
please come to India
I want a Golden Retriever puppy
hey santa i want a iphone 11 pro maxx
Hola Santa, espero que estes muy bien! Y los renos también! Pues queria preguntarte si pudieras dae la receta para hacer galletas navideñas! Muchas gracias, un saludo para todos! Tu, lo renos, los elfos y por supiesto, LA SEÑORA CLAUS!
Se despide: ♡Eimy♡
Hi Santa the first time my lil sis had her first present I was so happy for her
thank you Santa you are the best person i know some of my friends think you are a myth told by our parent but know that is not true
Hi Christmas is nice
Thank you
Thank you Santa for all you’ve done it must be hard for you to deliver and make presents every year especially during this time good job I believe in you you can do it yay!!!
Hi you look amazing i just want to give you a big hug
dear:santa i wish you come here in phillipines i like pressend
Mira what happened with hang with cousins and your brother and older brother and sister I mean when are you coming back
make sure you give me a ipad by chirstmas eve!
love nickarussolillo 5/15/2020
Oh Santa, I love you so much and I wish I can see you for more than just Christmas.
santa after you deliver the wonderful gifts to the kids do you ever get tired or the elfs even if you had a bad day and stuff.
Thank you Santa Claus you make everyone all around the world happy. Thank You.
namepaul night before Christmas book
you did not give me what I wanted but I understand you need to give so many people presents and I was not that nice this year.
Hi santa merry Christmas see you soon ring me
For all that you have done I will thank you for all that you are and all that you do is special to me and you bye .
you are the coolst……………….
Hey Santa this is Christian this year for Christmas I want to give my mom something nice in the picture is me and my mommy
I love the Christmas snooped it was beautiful I love your video I can not wait into Christmas I don’t know which present you are going to get me
You are my favorite holiday and I would love to be on the nice list (Well I maybe might already).
sorry that my cat eat the cookies Santa. xoxo nickali
Thank you for my phone and my laptop I loved them!
I got everything I wanted for Christmas!Don’t tell my parents but one day I want to be an Elf on the Shelf because I love elves and I want to talk to one and meet one.Also I would like to meet you one day!Thank you for everything you give to me!Please don’t tell my parents but you are the only person who makes me feel like I belong and matter.I also love that you talk about Jesus in every note you write to me.I hope you have a merry Christmas in 2020!
I liked all of my presents that I got THANK YOU SANTA
I love you Santa ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Santa I was truly happy when I got my presents and I love you too much
hi santa i am brodee jankowski i live in the united states of america and i just wanted to say that thanks for all yu do and i am so greatful for the big santa bags you gave me and my siblings that had amazing things in them i have a band consert and i am playing the frwnch horn and i am giving it my all and i love you santa i have always loved you so i hope you have a holly jolly christmas it is now 2020 and i am glad so i love you see you next year
love brodee
Thank you for my kitchen and bunk beds. I love you Meery Christmas.
Brock me too! I am right now 10 years old and will be 20 years old I hope you enjoy Boxing Day and every other holiday in Australia because it will be a while until Santa comes back I’m in the United States of America and the only holiday after Christmas is New Year’s Eve I don’t personally know you but I hope you have had a great Christmas! Enjoy Boxing Day,
Angelica Pascale-Willig Hugs from the USA
Hey Santa, It’s Me Brock Hamilton From Australia, Today Is Boxing Day In Australia And I Am Super Sad (Kinda Sad) about Christmas is over because Christmas is the best, Jesus is the best, elf ms Claus & reindeer are the best, the presents are best. Of Course I can’t forget you. Your my favourite person ever. Thank you for the presents I really appreciate it. Sorry i wasn’t on the Santa Sooper, i was on google Santa tracker. Probably Next Year I will go on Google Santa tracker & The Santa Snooper. So Santa, loves and kisses from Australia. You are the best. I hope we enjoy your flight for 2020. We are starting a new decade, i bet the 2020s are going to be great! I Am 13 years old right now & In 2029, I will be 23 years old. Man I am getting old. So Anyways Bye Santa and I see you next year. Enjoy your rest & I hope you are going to have a great preparation for next Christmas.
Love You Santa
From Brock
i did not get a present even though i sent an email to you.