Every weekend before Christmas a different group of elves puts on a big parade. It is a lot of fun. After all, everyone at the North Pole loves a parade!
Tonight, the musical elves put on their big parade. There is lots of Christmas songs and singing. Their parade really puts everyone in the Christmas spirit! Would you like to “hear” more about the musical elves parade?
Of course, there has to be something along the parade route. That way everyone knows where to stand. The musical elves put up all the words to all the Christmas songs in the parade. Then everyone can sing along. (Not that the elves do not already know all the words!)
The parade always starts with the All Elf Kazoo Band. You should hear those little fellows play the kazoo! Yes, there is only ONE kazoo but they all play it! (It used to be called the All Elf and One Kazoo Band! HHHOL!)
The elves in the parade sing all kinds of Christmas songs. They stop along the parade route and start singing for everyone. It is a bit like carolling for elves! When they get a figgy pudding then the singing elves move on.
Of course, you cannot have North Pole Christmas music without Elfis! All the elves scream when he starts to sing his hit Christmas songs like “Blue Elf Shoes”, “Sleigh Sleigh Rider” and “Elfhouse Rock”. The air guitar elves are awesome too (they had lots of practice making Guitar Hero a few years ago 😉).
Can you guess what instruments the elves use to play “Jingle Bells” in the parade? Can you guess who pulls the sleigh?
The Christmas Music Parade Starts A New Tradition!
I think the Christmas Music Parade has the best bands. They are really good! But, I must admit, I still do not know why Clumsy the Elf always wants to play a great big tuba. He can barely even lift it up it is so big!
Many years ago, he was wobbling from one side of the parade to the other. Then he wobbled back again! All the other elves in the band started to do it too. It looked really cool (until the tuba ended up on Clumsy’s head)!
And that is how marching bands started doing the dance moves! (You should see some of the other fancy moves Clumsy has come up with by accident!)
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you like to sing Christmas songs? Do you think Clumsy looks silly in a tuba? (You can leave a message here. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I love you Santa because you send us gifts every year and your elves are so adorable. I love you so much and tell Claus that I love her so much too. Xoxo
Merry Christmas Jiana!
Ho ho ho, my heart is as warm as hot cocoa from your sweet words! Mrs. Claus and the elves will be so happy to hear your love. I’ll tell them right away! Big hugs and lots of love to you too, my dear!
I hate you Santa Claus because your send the south teddy baby elf and seacret elf call Jenny the hard ELF and bubby the hard and Logan the hard ELF and THE THREE GRICH ELF
To my MUMMY houses
Santa Claus is: best, good, nice, lovely person, friendly friend, he makes me happy, warm person, kind, generous person, him and Mrs. Claus are my family members, I love them very much. They accepted me. I’m thankful to have them.
Because of them, Christmas exist.
I’m proud to have them for my family. To have Christmas with Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus is fun. I love Christmas time because of them. They deserve to be my: family, members and friends. Rudolph is my friend also. Sweet reindeer from North Pole. I love Rudolph so much. Rudolph is a member of my family. He is special ❤️.
Merry Christmas NATALIJA!
And we are so happy that you are part of OUR family!
i wish you could meet my girlfriend summa and me
hi sannta i love the way you give me so much presants from zora
It is a real pleasher to have some of your elves visit us. I want it to snow so bad. For Christmas I want eletric scooter .
See u soon, Santa
Can I come for the elf music parade? Just pick me up at my house!
wich do you like more cooks or cakes
hi santa whats up
i hope you have a happy birthday and christmas
I think that even clumsy is disturbing he should still be loved espeshialy from me .)
I think clumsy wannted to play the tuba because elfs talk softly and thety want to talk loud!
why did you let your elfevs do such werid things?????
are your elfves on the nice or naughty list?
i think i did sorry Santa one day i will be a good girl and i wish i could see you and say hi in real life to bad i can’t well good night Santa sweet dream’s i love you
wait am i interrupting you in your sleep you told me you had 13 nights to sleep if i am i am sorry
Hi santa I think of you as a good person
i hope you have a good time at the parade
you rock santa smile i wish i could see you right now
hi santa this is bailey again i sent you a letter of what i want for christmas and i just wanted to check out your blog and about clumsy look silly in that tubu
i really love all the music when i get home it christmas music that really like all i love to do is that sing a long stuff
i can not believe that santa is bloging!
mabye he sould try facebook.
i would be his friend on there!!
hope you all have a merry xmas!!
i hope you can get down the chimney santa!here’s a joke: what is santa’s wife called? mary christmas!
i bet the elfs play a mean tuba i mean its probebly funny to see them rocken out blowen that huge thing!!!!
Hi santa i love you alot!I’m in my christmas play at church.I’m an angel.I have to wear a halo a dress and some wings.I am also in my christmas program at school.I have to sing christmas don’t be late.Well thats all i have to say bye.
dear santa,
i love you so much!!i hope you, the elves, the reindeer, and mrs claus have a wonderful christmas!!!(:
dear santa i love you you are the best thank you for coming to my house last year hope you come this year love santa
Today, 2 hours ago I was in the towns 5-12 grade band concert. I’m in 6th grade and last year I played the violin, but this year I play percussion!:) I love it!!:) My sister plays the flute. we both plan to play in High School!:)
Dear Santa,
I hope u have a wonderful Merry Chirstmas and very Happy New Year.p.s.My sister and i will leave your favorite cookies,milk,and soda and food for the reindeer. sinerly,
yes i do think clumsy looks silly in a tuba and yes i like to sin chirstmas songs. I HOP U HAVE A MERRY CHIRSTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
clumse is so funny from geting his head stuck in a tuba(laugh). why does clumse pick a tuba he can barly lift it up.:)
clumsy looks silley in a tubu. are the parades fun.
I will leave my camera in a table beside the tree so please wake me up ok and leave my present in my closet please ok
Dear Santa,
Ha ha ha!or should i say ho ho ho!I cant wait for Christmas day!thank you for everything you do!
P.S.Do you have any Christmas traditions that you do every year?
I wish I could go to a parade I’m not to sure if I’ve been to a parade. Anyway merry christmas to all.
hey santa claus I love you and I think everything is wonderful ,beautiful and magic and very very funny always (anthony)
hey santa claus I love you and I think all is wonderful,beautiful and really funny (always anthony)
Dear Santa,
I love to sing, so I ecspecially love sining Christmas carols. I am actually singing a solo in a Christmas Concert for school! I bet Clumsy looked pretty silly but, it sounded like it worked out!
ih elfs and raindeers and santa and misses claws u gies are cool
Santa wish everyone a Merry Christmas cause they deserve it. I am definitely trying to put out a lot of Christmas Spirit! Love you soooo much!
I love christmas songs they bring happiness and joy to the world.And clumssy did look a bit silly.
Hey Santa Clause or those cookies building up? I know the true meaning of Christmas, its not about the Presents, its about love and caring and holiday fun. I hope you write back to me. Your Friend Jaden
i think he would look really funny !
clumsie is so clumsie!!! and i never new he can play the tuba.
SANTA you are good person can you come one christmas eve and bring a camera wake me up and take a picture of us please love you
i love your idea of a music parade and i wish i could come
ive got a wobbly tooth and im worried about it
Awesome Santa. I just wanna know, in the christmas parade they have food? what kind of food?
did Clumsy get his head stuck in his tuba?Santa keep writing those blogs i love them and they are very funny c ya at Christmas bye!
Hi santa how are u what are you doing right now??
Only 20 days untill christmas im so excited! and you should get clumsy maybe a flute 🙂 . And santa, i wanna thank you for writing this blog, it is what makes me less hyper while i wait for christmas! 🙂
Merry Christmas
-Bethany| 🙂 |