One day all the elves were busy making Christmas presents in the North Pole workshop. All of a sudden there was a bright flash of light and BOOM! Everything shook and even the Christmas lights went out for a second. Mouse the littlest Elf came running to me. “Santa Claus” she said, “I’m scared!”
“Its ok Mouse” I said. “Its only a thunderstorm”. There was another flash of light and then BOOM! Mouse quickly grabbed hold of my hand.
“Mouse, would you like to help me make the thunderstorm go away?” “Yes, I would” she said, still scared.
“OK, the next time we see a flash of light we’ll start counting until we hear the thunder go BOOM!”
There was a flash of lightning right away so we started to count: “One… Two… Three…” BOOM!
“Now”, I told Mouse, “lets count again the next time we see lightning”.
We waited and then, FLASH! “One… Two… Three… Four… Five… Six…” BOOM!
“Santa” Mouse said, “We did it! The thunder is going away! We counted all the way to six that time!”
So Mouse and I counted every time we saw a flash of lightning until the thunderstorm went away.
North Pole Weather
Now whenever there is a thunderstorm, Mouse the littlest Elf is still a bit afraid but she always helps me make the thunderstorm go away by playing “One, Two, Bye-bye Boom!”
She says that she hopes you play that game too anytime a thunderstorm makes you scared. 😊
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Are you a little afraid of thunder like Mouse the littlest Elf was? What do you do when there is a thunderstorm? (You can tell me by leaving me a note. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Hi is there Thunder outside in Dunfermline
I have always wondered…isn’t hard to keep track of everyones names? Wel I think you rock SANTA! (smile) (lol!)
I always just shut the curtains andturn on the lights and turn the TV up loud and stay with my mum. I’m still scared!
i am scared of lightning to but now i know what to do thanks to you.
Please can you help my brothers girlfriend get better for Christmas she has got the dreaded Cancer disease and she is doing a wonderful job to help fight it. I wish her the best.
I have never been scared of thunder but my little sister is terrified and we do that and it always turns her frown upside down. Also I have a question…
Do you have an elf called Molly?
this year i want one new computer with camera and a studio magic fabrik
i am not scared of thunder or lightning
I’m scared of thunder a little, but I’m also scared of rain. Why am I scared of rain? Because I sprained my wrist trying to jump over a big puddle.
i was never scared of thunder storms!!!
I turn off my tv and lights and I
where can i find pictures of rudolph and his family. thancks
hey hey hey storms my dog hates them
the story about the mouse was ok but it wasen’t grat
i love when the power goes out but not too long i hate thunder storms ecspecialy a tornado.merry christAS SANTA!!
I used to be afraid of thunder. Last year, I ran out of my room screaming.But then my dad told me a funny story. I am learning Greek mythology in school, so my dad told me that thunder means the gods are bowling. I laughed and laughed, and even though I don’t believe that story, I’m not so scared anymore.
ai remaimbr un valtaminse day ai youse so scarde dat ai yount undre te rocing chaire.
i am triing to be good.do i still get presensts
I did the same as you did Santa Claus.
I hope that mouse figure out about thunder storms some times i get scared when i am in the dark.I love what happens in the north pole.
me and noeleen are scared of thunder
hi santa i am so exited for christmas are you looking forward to christmas like i am.
I hold my daddys or mummys hand or I cuddle my mummy or daddy
I am abit scared of thunder, for example if it struck our house and it fell down. IMAGINE!!!…
And I go into my tree house when I was little because I didn’t realise that trees could be struck. LOL.
But now just sit in my living room and watch T.V.
Thanks for reading my Comment.
dear santa claus
yes because i was at my first day at sandcross and a streak of lightning shot down i was the only person that screamed cringe in fro
I sit in the basement where i can not see the flash of lightning! I turn the T.V up loud so i can not hear the thunders BOOM!
i’m not always scared of thunderstorms.well have a good christmas and a happy new year.
Im so exicited for christmas watched polar express 4 tmes the past week 🙂 merry christmas everyone:)
When there is thunder and lighting I cover my ears up and make sure my pets are safe.
i do be so scared i don’t do anything
from dillon drogheda,ireland
When I hear thunder it never scares me to much but it makes me feel a bit edgy. O_O
I used to be scared when i was younger, but i remember my mum told me to get my gel pens i got for my birthday and draw (i drew a rainbow dog! 😀 ) then i realized i wanst scared anymore, now i cant wait for the next thunder storm! 🙂
Merry Christmas! 🙂
Hi Santa I was really scared on my first Thunderstorm in my life!
dear santa and mouse i have been afared of thounderstorms so i play 1 2 bye bye boom
RIGHT thats what i gotta do!
poor mouse i’m sortof scared of them to
well merry chrismas and a happy new year
Tell her it’s okay! When a thunderstorm comes to my town and blows off the lights and shakes my house I wake up and go get my mom and she then sleeps next to me until it goes away. 🙂
I used to be scared of thunder but now i’m not scared of thunders. Back home in the Philippines I was scared of thunder and I had to cry and all sudden the power went out and my babysitter lit up a candle to not make me scared then the powers came back up. Thank goodness me and my family were safe. I am a big girl now and I am not scared of thunder anymore 🙂 🙂 😀 onlu my siblings are.
Dear Santa-
I am a little afraid of thunderstorms, too. I just wait and wait and wait. Now I’ll count 1,2, bye bye boom!
Thank you Santa for that story.
Love, Jinga
hi santa i hope little mouse feels better i like thounderstorms at night because ifs it at day time i cant play outside with all my toys and i like all the history you wrote on ur blog
AWW I love mouse she is so so so cute
My sister is sometimes scarred of thunder to merry christmas and a happy new year
hi santa my friend is beside me her name is sarah but we prtending sarah is ivy but my name is ivy so shy is sarah
hia santa im so exited for cristmas eve
hope you and raindeers and elves are doing ok oh can i have the 77hits thank you santa a merry cristmas and a happy new year
i think that story was sad i am cring loads of people died so well done for dieing for our country.
hello Santa and the Elves in the north pole a big merry Christmas and a happy new year i am looking forward to opening my presents on Christmas day.hope you are keeping well
love from holly
I am afraid sometimes of thunder. I play with a game.
Love Simon
Dear Santa, you are the best! i love Christmas!
hey Santa! i already follow you on blog…hehhehe…. i am very excited!!
when i was younger i was super scared of storms, now im not as scared. merry christmas everyone
i go running to my mom. sometimes she lets me in her bed.
hey santa i am afraid of thurnderstorms and every time we have one i go and hide cause they r so scary
I sometimes make a fort for like a little shelter and play a game it fun
I sometimes make a fort for like a little shelter and play a game where i turn off all the lights and use a flashlight its kinda fun
I would not mind but a little scared.My sister is a little scared.
Mouse dont be scared its ok. It’s only thunder
hey santa its me johnteas i think your awesome and i would love to get to know what your doing write back when you get a chance
Thank you for the letter santa, i hope you have a safe trip. I am sure the reindeer dont mind trying on the clothes Mrs. Claus makes. They look real cute I am sure…Have a great night
Love Hailie
When there is a thunderstorm, I go to my mom or dad, or I go to my bed. Maybe when I get older, I might read a book while in bed.
I ignor it and if my house shakes I sing song like Hossana and How great is out God. And i will say aso say a prayer so that everbody would be safe!
I don’t get scared, so i don’t do anything but i think it is cool that the storm went away when you guys were counting
im not that scared.i watch the rain poor down and watch the lightning
hello my name in madison rose roveto and i think that u did a great job with his one two boom bamm i think and who ever u are i think u did a gret job wow i said it own two times
I loved the story.Is mouse really real?Ok the story was a little scary for me to.safe travels love Clare.
Well that same exact thing happend to us here in Phoenix…but there weren’t any mice. Instead my dogs started to bark like crazy and it kept me up ALL night!
i am a little scared but now i am not when i got too 9 years old!also now they dont really come back to much anymore so that is good.bye bye BOOM
I love thunderstorms. Whenever Mouse gets scared again Santa you should shut the blinds and give her some ear plugs. I hope Mouse will be okay next time there is a storm. Tell her Hi for me and my brother.
i am scared of thunder but my daddy taught me that trick and now whenever there is a thunder storm i can be brave like Mouse 🙂
Funny! My dog is scared of thunderstorms, and so am I!!!
in that was it a snow storm or a thunder storm
That was an awesome story. Is it true? please write back at {email address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
i didn’t know you had thunderstorms at the north pole!
So cute! You could maybe ask Mouse if she wants to post something on this website! I’m sure everyone would love it!!
once it was bad and i ran to my downstairs so if woundn’t get me and it worked i count all the time i also play a flash light game where you play hide and seek but with a flash light for the tager
hey my name is victoria .i am 17 .i just want you to know that i gave santa my list to you know what i want thank you
Dear Santa,
I think Mouse is probley a lot like me. I don’t understand why but that is always how I acted when I was about 6 or 7 years old! I’ll email you right after I write this. Bye bye
i pretend the clouds are bowling and when the thunder hits its a spare and when lighting it a strike
well….i think this blog is absolutly amazing cause i mean look at it it looks pretty kool too me hahaha and i lke to blog its all i ever would do to be honest with you.. .hahaha well getting ready for chritmas so goodbye!!! Merry Christmas ever body hahaha or should i say hohoho hohoho .. .haho
WOW! THATS TARBBLE! Did any thing happen to the rain deers?
dear mouse,
i feal the same way. ok?
come up or remember funnier or sadder things
Dear Santa,
Well I kind of get a little scared of thunderstorms. But, whaat helps me is that the thunder is a bowling ball and the lightning means it is a strike or a spare! So sometimes I might think,”I guess it is bowling night for the Angles!” So… it is OK to be scared, so it is no need to worry!
Can I have book of shadows
Hello I have never talked to you.
I am sometimes scared but not always.
Love Rohan.
mk429pj only santa you knowwhat it means.
I really liked that story, it was touching. Its like your the hero
i think that is a fuuny stry!i cant whait 4 christmas!first message!
oh ya first message!i think that is a fuuny story!i cant whait 4 christmas!
did anyone else get scared besides the mouse? i hope you and the elfs are ok. it sounded like it was pretty scary. was everyone ok in the thunder storm? did something good or bad happen. please send me a message back. thank you santa you are a angel on top of the tree and you are also a star on the tree to i love all the reindeers names. i love christmas. and i also love santa because he is the star on top of the whole world. sincerly yours Alayna
Today I filled the advent calendar and then my cousin came.We played in the snow and we made snow Angels.IT WAS THE BEST DAY IN THE WORLD!
When there is a thunderstorm, I go in my room, I put my head in my pillow, I put the blankets over me, and I say “Go away thunder” as many times until it goes away!
I am not afraid of thunder storms, and I love you Santa.
That is a good story. I hope Mouse feels better! TELL HER WE HOPE SHE DOES!
I am always afriad to see a flash of lightning.
That is cute I’d like to meet mouse.
I go to cuddle with mommy and daddy.
I liked reading your BLOG about your story and house Mouse after that thunder storm that night? hope shes ok now thank you
If there was ever a thunder and lightning I wold do what Mouse did. Ilove you santaclaus
Hi santa my little brother likes this story… He said thank you 🙂 so thanks for this story.
It’s a good,good story. I love it so much i could read it over and over and over again.
tell mouse i dont like storms eather
i am not scared of thunder and lightning
I do get scared of these too. They are really dangerous.
I breath in and out to calm my self down
Freakyy ! I could only read the begginning! First comment! Love you Santa, and the elves, too, of course!
yeah i don’t like thunder OR lightning,but certain places and certain times i’m, somehow OK
thats really funny but i hope i don’t ofend mouse.
Good suggestion santa will try it next time we have a thunderstrom but we dont have many, which i am glad about!! 🙂
i am not scared of lighting but my dog and cat are my tropical fish dont even know whats happening lol let it snow let it snow
ilove u so much santa love you lovre you
I will try that out When I next hear thunder!
One two bye bye boom is although silly but why would thunder be in the north pole i meen its so snowy.
that must of been a pretty scary storm well got to go well bye-bye.
hi its me again. can you tell mouse i am glad she is not scared anymore!
Dear Mouse and Santa,
You mouse don’t need to be afraid of the
Thunderstorm. sometimes I get afraid because the news say to stay away from the window when I go to bed I sleep by the window and I also get scared of tornado’s.
your story rocked.Is that a real story of did you and the elfs make it uo?
When there is a thunderstorm i dont really get scared only if it is close. It is really loud. I normally build a small den and hide in it because i get scared or if i am in bed i go under my cover. Sometimes i cry because i dont like the noise because i think i am going to die or something. Even though i am 12 years old it is still frightening to me. Love you lots SANTA !
im not realy scared of thunder storms because i live in arizona so we need rain for the ground. sometimes i go out and play in the rain. its allot of fun maybe the raindeer can play sometime.
i’m really looking forward to christmas day. and guess what my 10th birthday is two days after christmas (the 27th) xxx
If i’m scared of the thunder or lightning i just go and hug my mum or if it happenes while i’m in bed i hide under my quilt untill i go to sleep or untill it stops.
I love Christmas especially spending time with family eating giant turkeys!!!
opening presents lots of christmas trees and lights.I love that feeling so so so much
How are you Santa???
i cinda am afraid of thunderstorms but what i do when i get scared is i hold one of my sibling hands or i go in my parents roomand snuggle in with my daddy you no thank you for asking me that
ps thunderstorms are cinda cool too but then agian scarry
santa its me you said you really wanted me to see your christmas blog well now i am here!!write me back
that was really funny santa my sister is like mouse the elf
hope u can see me when it is xmas i love u loads i carnt wait untill xmas what u and the elefs what have made and deliverd i hpoe i am on the good list
thats not good the sound of BOOM is not a good sound but they’ll fixit??????? =}
Hi Santa,
I have always loved your presents every year..! ANd i am really thankful..! Some people don’t have anything..! I hope you love my special christmas cookies this year
hi santa i thought that was a pretty good story. mouse sounds so cute could you ever send me a picture of him with all the other elves and mother clause and if posible, mabe even you. my email adress is {email address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!} thank you very very much. i hope you can send me a picture
love madison
cant wait till christmas and hope u have a good trip santa !!
once there was a thunder storm were i live and the lights went out and i got realy scard but in a minute they were back on. everyone gets scared mouse at times !
hi santa
i dont really like thunder storms either to tell the truth
hugs and kisses from elisabeth
when i here thinder and lightin i shake a little bit but i ignore it bcoz i kno that it wont harm my house
dear santa that was very funny and tell mouse there is nothing to be afraid of i hope you have a safe and a Merry Christmas
That must of been a very scary time for the elf because the lights went out.
I was scared whe I was 4 and under but not now im 7 now!Mouse must be really young because she is scared of thunder and she plays one two three boom!
realy the lights whent out ehy did u get scared? 🙂
A thunder storm is nothing but giant lights in the sky to me I even, how you would say, exiting i love the power cuts!
Hi Santa,
I like your blog! Very funny, How big is mouse? The size of a mouse?
bye bye! Oh, And MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I think mouse is rilly cute , and I love
evrything to do whith christmas.
I just want to be the first one to comment so here i go …
hello this is a great blog ! i hope your not spending all your time on here instead of making presents go on go make some presents for all the good boys a girls and make some coal for the bad boys and girls ..
Best Wishes
Your sincerley
Réme x
hope you have a great christmas
hope your all very excited and cant wait for the big day !
anyway i have to go now so i will speack to you on christmas eve ! x
i use this website EVERY year !!
love you
best wishes
Réme x
poor little mouse i bet she was scared i once hid in a cupboard when a big flash struck over our house so i dont blame mouse!
do you think it will snow for Cristmas day in hampshire???
im a bit scared as well but tell mouse there nothing to worry about when you have best friends to look after you
love oliver xx
I really like you santa and on christmas Eve could you wake me up so i can meet you please and could i have an xbox please thank you love you bye
this the best sant and i wish that ican be at the northpole
This sounds illy but I block my ears, scream and hide under a piece of furniture when its like and exploion sound but when it’s normal i just dont worry and sometimes block my ears when it make me jump.
WOW that must have been scary for MOUSE
wow that sounds well good i wish i was there except mouse she must off been scared
I hope you, Mouse the elf, Reindeers and Mrs. Claus are okay!
i sleep with my mom bc i am so scared of thunderstorms
Nice blog santa clause! You are very creative. I always have time to check out your blog! Speaking of thunderstorms, it was rainning outside when my mom and I were decorating our CHRISTMAS TREE!! Maybe I can come back tomarow. Bie-Bie!
I know this is a really common phobia. I used to be petrified about thunder storms! But now I’m not scared at all! I love to stand in my garden and watch the lightning and listen to the thunder.
poor mouse i feel so bad because he is so small and there is a thunderstorm.
it was so funny i could get on fly like crazy!but good thing mouse is ok.she kind of got me scared for a momet.
I am terrified of thunder storms so now i will play that game
I am not afraid of thunder or lightning. I put earmuffs on and I can’t here anything. From Alyssa
Poor mouse.I am scared of thunderstorms too.it’s hard to get over it but my mommy helps me.I have to get over it though it’s not gonna be to easy
No I don’t get afraid of thunderstorms anymore but I used to. Merry Christmas!!
hi santa that was a good story I’m glad you found away to make mouse not as scared
wow that’s a good story when i was young i was a little bit afraid of thunder storms but I’m glad you found away that mouse wouldn’t be as afraid of thunder storms and that was an amazing story maybe i can try that with my dog cause he’s afraid of thunder from, eva
That is so funny my sister Jordyn when she hears thunder she runs up to me and grabs me and screams then I tell my sister it is only thunder:)!
You know Santa I can see where that little elf is coming from, because if your small like me big things can scare you I mean im 13 and I’m still a little scared of thunder and lighning
Y’all really have thunderstorms at the North Pole.
…kool… sweet.. .epic…pie… random…
I love your story!! Keep writing!
I ma kinda scared but not as much sense I was like 4 years old it gets realy anoying I do get over it thoe!
Santa when I hear thunder I count to 10 and cross my fingers then hope for the storm to go away.
Say Hi! for Mrs.Claus and the Elfs.
Santa i think that the thing i want the most is a toy Star Wars slave 1 ultimate battle pack. tell the elves Rhett says “you work so hard! i appreciate you!”
When there is a thunderstorm I hide under my bed or I go in the basement & chew on my fingernails!! That’s gross, I know, but that’s the only thing to do when there is a thunderstorm. I shouldn’t chew on my nails. I will try your suggestion next time!! Thank you Santa!!
I say “Rain, Rain… go away. Come again another day” 🙂 Merry Christmas xo
i wouldnt blame her . but how does it thunder storm there oh well Santa would never lie i love everyone at the north pole
Hi santa how are you? Am I on the good list or the naughty? Well I got to go now bye.
poor mouse the elf i read it all a little bit a go
that is the funniest thing eevveerr!!!!
I am not scared of thunder storms, but I like watching them light up the room. I can also sleep right through them. My friend says, “No I am not 1 bit scared of thunder storms. Although sometimes when I hear thunder and lighting it startles me a little.”
its okay mouse(: i love you!27 days away!!!! <3
Mouse is like me.When there`s a thunderstorm and the lights go out I get scared too.And I know it is`nt fun.
Thunder storms really scare my 2 puppies.My 3 year old puppie crawls over my Face!Silly Isn’t it!
If I was Mouse , I would have been scared too.I don’t like thunderstorms one bit! But now they’re not so scary. Isn’t Mouse you’re baby? Even if she isn’t , say hi for me. Thanks!!!
Hi Santa,
I can’t believe there is only 28 more days till Christmas! Christmas is my favorite holiday and it is so special because of you!! Tell all the elves, the reindeer, and Mrs.Claus hi for me….. and tell them how great of a job they are doing….same with you!! Thank you so much!
Was mouse okay, and did the thunder storm cause delay to present?
I love thinderstorms at night because it makes me fall asleep quickly, but I hate them when it is during the day because I would rather be outside. When it gets really bad that is when it gets scary..
that thunderstorm sure did sound scary!
That’s so sweet Mouse. I’ll have to try that next time there’s a thunderstorm. It’s very interesting.
go to my mom and dads room and sleep with them then i would go and get my little brother.
oh im sorry mouse i feel scared like that when storms happen.your not alone haha haha!!!!
I go in the basement and if it goes boom so loud I go downstairs and hide behind a box.
I am a little scared of thunder storms too. Tell the elf that I feel sorry for him!
Thats what i do when there is a thunder storm and now Mouse knows what to do when there is another BOOM 🙂
Dear Santa,
I am really excited that Christmas is almost coming. But what I wanted to tell is I really want to see how it feels like to ride on Santa’s sleigh.I love Christmas.
dear santa my Brother and me our exicted for christmas xxxxxxxx tell yor with dat I lic yor dres
xxxxxxx … xxxxxxxx
dear santa my name is called Charlie santer who lives in fleetwood with my sisters Emily my mum Debra and my dad William.I would like you to send me a letter back please and I love you so much cause of your nice costume
bye bye give your wife love from me Charlie xxxxxxx xxxxxx
hello everyone
i am really excited for christmas only 28 days
love grace
Hi did you hear thunder outside
Dear Santa,
What I do During a ThuderstromI just keep calm
Hi Santa, I’m scared of storms only when there really big and trees look like there anout to fall down. When it’s only rain and little thunder i like it, it makes me really sleepy. Did you know that when you and Mouse counted to six that means the middle of the storm was six miles away, my dad told me that, are you scared of storms? Have you been in a bad storm on Christmas while you where giving out presents what wass that like?
I should try that next time there is a thunder storm.
that was cool.I hope mouse is O.K.i am scared of lighting as well good buy.
i love thunderstorms because there so cool!
On Friday the 26th of October I did a play and I was in the wife swap part and I was narrator two Cheryl cole and I was really scared but I didn’t minde then I did it and it was all over by the end of the day and I said to my self least thats over
hi santa it’s cheyenne.can you write back
I am so glad that your alive.I love evrey thing you do.Excpesely leave presents under the tree.I love you so much!!!!
Dear Santa Claus,
I am not afraid of thunderstorms but my dog is.I tried your “One,Two,Bye-Bye BOOM!” game with him and it worked! Thanks for the help! Im sure Adam isnt that afraid of thunderstorms anymore.
Thanks 🙂
yes i am a little afraid of lighting because when i was on my bus to school i didn’t see lightning but i did see a house that had been strucked by lightning and it wasn’t pretty. When there is lightning i always try to be the smallest. because lightning hits the tallest point.
I go down stairs and bend over like an armodilla and say ” please don’t hurt me” I am silly!
I do the same as mouse the littlest elf the more numbers you count the far away it is
bye bye santa
i go and tell the teacher or my mum and dad or i just be brave
i for get about it and say it,s not there.see you soon love, emily
when there is a thunderstorm i huddle up in a ball on the couch
well I don’t mean to be offensive but I would be like the little elf terrified
I am not afraid of thunderstorms. If there is one I just keep moving on with my life.
Hi Santa Hope mouse is feeling better we dont like thunder either .
I every one! When there is a tunderstorm
I go to my bed and sit there and whach t.v and hug my pellow and if the light goes out I get a flash light and put it on the table and make shadow pupits! I also still hug my pellow! Hope you like my ideas! Hope the mouse and the little elfs like my idea!
Bye Bye BOOM!
All i do is wait for the storm to go away!
Hi! I’m scared of them too! What I do is I get my fav stuffedie then get a movie I love watching and then I don’t feel so scared.
I love Christmas!!!!
that was the best story i ever herd marry chrismas
It is fun having two elves watching you.they always get into mischeif.once they tried to climb up my chimney.
Hi Santa Claus do you remember me from yesterday.
hi santa i heard that you put my sister on the nuathy list .
I am 11 and I am still scared of thunderstorms I have to cuddle up to my mother. Santa today is my birthday
the story reminds me of my dog when we have thunder storms and we if it didn’t stop by the time we go to bed she gets in bed with me and my mom and she has a thick fur coat so she keeps us warm all night.
I think it was funny. It looks like the mouse was brave.
it was very cool because the little mouse elf sounds like my dog when we have thunder storms
i wish everbody a happy christmas and santa and mrs santa to so have a happy christmas everbody
wow sounds scarry.i hope i does not happen again because i sounds like Mouse was really scard
I’m scared when there’s a thunderstorm because I am scared it will hurt me.
I scream when there is one!! he he
Hello, Santa, Elf’s, and reindeer !
I hope mouse gets over her fear of thunderstorms(i sometimes get scared as well, shhhhh):) the fact about thunderatorms is everytime the second hand gets to the twelve thats when either lightening strikes of the thunder clashes i cant remember out of which one it is 🙂 frommm charrlleeyyyy xxx
was that real thunder because my friends do not no if you tell the truth.
No, I’m not scared of the thunder but there was a lightning and it was really scary.
i also count santa it always goes away