North Pole — (Dec. 21, 2010) – Santa Claus’ personal doctor, Dr. Alf Doctor, today told the press that Santa Claus and the reindeer are fit to fly Christmas Eve.
“It is true”, said Dr. Doctor. “Santa Claus and the reindeer had their annual doctor visit today”.
When asked to tell everyone how Saint Nick looked, Dr. Doctor replied,
“His eyes — how they twinkled!
His dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses,
His nose like a cherry!
He had a broad face,
And a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed,
Like a bowl full of jelly!
He was chubby and plump;
A right jolly old elf;
And I laughed when I saw him,
In spite of myself!”
One elf reporter asked where Santa Claus was today. Dr. Alf Doctor replied that Santa was very busy. He was getting his reindeer and sleigh ready for the big night.
Another elf reporter asked Dr. Alf Doctor if he had any worries about Santa’s health. Dr. Doctor said, “He is feeling great, but Father Christmas does seem a little skinny this year. I put him on a strict diet of milk, cookies and other yummy treats Christmas Eve. That will give him the extra energy he needs to deliver all those presents.”
Dr. Doctor also said that Rudolph’s nose is glowing very bright.
“His nose it glows so bright,
It really is a sight!
So I say, here today,
With merry and delight,
Rudolph can guide the sleigh
For Santa’s famous flight! ”
Of course, the elves make sure Santa and the reindeer stay healthy and safe on their big journey. They track him using on Christmas Eve. As a bonus, people will be able to watch live texting between Santa and Elf Control as Santa makes his famous flight Christmas Eve. There are always some fun surprises!
Dr. Doctor ended the meeting with, “I hereby certify Santa Claus and his reindeer fit to fly Christmas Eve!”
Merry Christmas!
Dr. Alf Doctor
P.S. Do you think Santa is ready to deliver all those presents?
(You can leave a message for Santa Claus. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Stop. Bey. Paul house. Stacy mn55079 lift house. Magical. Power. Harrypotter broom sticks fly in sky
Thanks you. Santa Claus. 11:08am
Yes I do, Doctor! But, it can be very cold in some places, so be sure he dresses warmly!
santa i would love if you sent us pictures in your sleigh anddo a webcam of your flight and when you are going to our houses oh santa dont get stuck in our chimminey its very very VERY samll be careful from you biggest fan
Hi Santa it must be very bussey7 for you this year it must also be hard to setup all of the raindeer i have to go but i hope that you have wonderfull christmass.
Santa I can not wait till christmas it’s going to be amazing. Me,my mum and dad are going to be putting the christmas tree and the decorations up in 7 days which is the 10th of December 2011.
hi i am a gril and i miss my grandma can u till i love her ok i love u to
is the north pole very coolldd?
is the elf’s working hard(i hope so)
bye bye bye bye
xx 🙂
a think that it really rocks its totally cool will have to look at it again soon!!xxx
santa iwrote all the letters for you
i dint understand the story but my comments are always long and im sorry i couse you guys to get behind but its just that i have a lot to say becoase its santa and everyone loves santa and beleves in santa and my sister she’s 14 and she beleves in you st nick sorry i wanted to try to call you somthing else for once!):
dear everyone at the north pole, you are awesome, jolly, and nice i wish i could come up with you and help out for a day or two with my family there two.-Aidan-10 years old.
Santa ill always believe in you don t stop beiliving
hi it is me again i got a gift for the elfs and he it is i love you elfs and i always will and same to you santa oh i almost forgot santa please can i see you on christmas eve night because i want to for real give yo a kiss and i want to please kiss and see the reindeers.
love you all and mrs claus and i always will.
p.s i want to kiss the elfs and mrs claus oh and this again i love you all and i always will love laryn.xxxx and love you all.xxxxxxx xx
nd i almost forgot ill be nice no more tuff
hey santa im at your blog its relly nice like you i hope you have fun giveing presents to kids around the world
dont worry about treats from us this year
we have homemade mince pies and cookies athough the cookies are a tiny bit burnt
i love you all at the north pole!!!!my friends and i love sending you emails and getting some from Santa!!!!i love your work so much that i wish i can help you deliver presents around the world that is so awesome!!!!oh and did you know my birthday is on Christmas that is so cool right!!!!oh and is Christmas on the 31 or 25 can you please write back please cause some of my friends say it’s on the 25!!!!oh and say hi to Mrs.Claus for me please!!!!oh and can you send me a picture of the north pole please!!!!oh and what are your favorite colors and shows cause some of my friends want to know oh and what are your favorite kind of cookies i want to know so i can put up your favorite kind of cookies out on Christmas!!!!i love you so much!!!!
santa claus ho ho ho how are you doing today. I bet your packing all the gifts for us I knew. i love you santa. THANKS!
hey santa i wanted to know if i could have an elf like my friends mckenzie holder and samantha hadley please santa im begging you thanks bye
mackenzie hendrix
hi santa its me again beth and megan.We would like to vist the nouthpole some time this year see what it is like.
Santa would you come to Seongnam city and give me some real two puppies? So, I’m really excited. Today my condition is very fantastic. How about you Santa Clause? And if you give me two real puppies I will give you some hugs and I will give goodies and I will give you some cola and reindeer food.
Okay Santa, just be sure to dress warmly, we don’t want you getting sick and not being able to deliver the presents.
how are you doing elfs i hope you happy deniska is riting this leter could i be a elf
hi santa is it hard riding a slegh please respond!!!!
i got about 32 gifes for christmas because i am a only child
hi Santa i did get gifts i love you!
good luck santa i am following u right now 🙂
bye bye santa.
Im going to write a letter to you now but it doesnt matter if all of them get to me.
From Corey
merry christmas and a happy new year.
I hope you get your letter that i gave you tonight.
T will leave you a present at the door and a mince pie on the wall in the living room where we get presents.
Indonesian RedCross
said Merry Christmas for you and your family, happy new year with happiness and peace.
santa, have a safe flight aroung the world tonight can’t wait for tomorrow to open up all of the presents! love always sophie
hey hey santa ur soo awesome i love ur elves and every one !
Hi Santa
I am 9 years old
And i cant wait 2 see all those prezzies under the christmas tree tomorow morning!! Well i hope i do get prezzies
I would like an elf too please and I hope I am on the nice list also I believe in santa clause but some of my friends talk about santa too!!!! But I believe in him and so should all of the other children in the world. I ALWAYS go on this website
Hi Santa! We accidently messed up the cookies because my sister used the wrong flour but we will fix it! One queston, Do you prefer milk or egg-nog? Wait, what do the reindeer prefer? BYE!
Wow,Santa you really took time out of your day to wright that emil.Thank you
dear santa
how are your reindeers?
and how are you?
and are your elves?
Hope Santa likes the treats I give him(reindeer too)
My sister and I do think u are fit to fly but we will leave lots of cookies
sorry santa I accidently said in my list garfield vol 2,5 and 6 . I would really like Garfield volume 2, 5 and 6 Fat Cat 3-Pack. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
cant wait tell your big night hope you will have fun put the presents under every ones tree my brother is not being so bright or nice or how ever you put it he fights with every one but im not sure if the puts him on the nouty list but that is what you do im not you but i wish i was you cuz your job i have been nice my sister dos not think so o if you give me a dog dont put it in a bag o can it be a puppy o and put it in a cenole o get my dad eney thing that is a elephant o if you can can i get a furreal i want a doll put if you can not give me one im fine with that i write a lot well have a lolly time on the big night and good luck raindears 🙂
work out hard so u can eat lots of
p.s. bring some cookies back for the elves they work all year to
reply soon
dear santa i want a elf for chirstmas and a nice one please and my friend has one and i dont want to be left out
Yo my clawz hed da bomb!!!! he my homie s in the red an white trim dogz!!! peace
i want a elf for christmas a nice one please and my friend has one and i dont want to be left out
I love Christmas and I like Santa Claus. I know I’ve been bad, but I’ve been good too. Can you still get me presents? Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Hanaukah. Love, Griffin
I know I’ve been good, but I’ve been fighting with my brother lately too. I am still going to try to keep myself on the nice list. Tell the reindeer I said, “hi!” Kota is going to send the reindeer an email too. Love, Rue
Im really gratefull for all the hassle you have to go through to get the childrens presents ready.
I will always believe in you! xx
Love from
Elisha xxx
santa i WILL have a hole box of cookies and a milk in a plastic cup so you can snack house to house oh and my next next next doopr nabour got a new dog and its his first christmas so leave dexter a nice bone for me! love always
willow 🙂
Dear Santa I hope the elves are doing a good job and helping you xxx
hi santa how are you and the others in the north pole
dear santa I read your letter and I thourt it was OK but there is a nother thing ai whant for christmas it is a phone and thanks
I really hope i get that black xbox and kinect xbox for xnas.p.s I really like santa and the elves and i believe in santa and the elves
i hope i have been a good boy it is 3 more sleeps xoxo from shayden
dear santa,
hello i would just like to wish you a happy christmas and a happy new year say hi to all up at north pole
hope you have a good flight ,
Dear Santa, Thank you for giving me some presents I can’t wait for Christmas so I can get them. mummy made you some cookies and we will leave them out for you. We don’t have a chimney but we have a magic key that we will leave out for you. Lots of kids in Christchurch don’t have chimneys because of the earthquake and they may not have a magic key so you can use mine to get into their houses if you like. I would be sad if they did not get any presents because you couldn’t get in. love Frazer – 5 yrs – (dictated to mummy)
Dear Santa, I will promise that I will leave you some cookies and milk out and some carrots from our garden for the reindeer. I hope you have a lovely merry Christmas and relaxing new year after all your hard work. Love and huggles from Alexandra 7 years old.
Im in fifth grade and i still believe in you!!!
dear santa when u fly on christmas night becarful and have a safe flight.
Santa, I am very glad you are fit for the sleigh ride! I will be sure to leave you milk and cookies on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas Santa!
that is great i love Santa and all the raindeer
Don’t worry Santa,at my house your diet with be followed…I will leave out lost of yummy treats for you! Love Ya Izzy xox
Santa wake Cooper and i up when you get to our house if you want to!!! i would like to meet Rudolph! please put a picture of rudolph on our Christmas tree!! please have him put his hoof pint on the picture. 🙂
dear santa i really want to fix my additude and my complaining and crying but lately i’ve been trying to fix my additude .oh also i’ve been praying alot at night wich i should have been doing for a very long time i really hope i have not been naughty like last year i hope im doing pretty good i know your reindeer have been i hope im doing as good as them tell them i said hi oh and the elfs ill write you more love you always monique.
you need to eat more cookies and drink more milk and get fit for the flight becauseyou can’t let us down.please write back before Christmas.FLY SAFELY!
charlie johnson
i am on the blog you where talking about
No matter what people say or if
i am 1,000 yrs old I WILL STILL BELIEVE IN YOU!
santa how are you doing and your elf and the raindeer and miss.clus doing ? How do you get around the world in one night.
Hey My BFFL dosen’t have really good christmas sprtit but I still love her can you help? Thanks,my email adress is
Merry Christmas ! and a happy new year !! Love,
for Christmas i want a pink i pod,two games for ds that are crafting mama and petz nursery 2 and a i pod touch those things i want for Christmas i live in so tell me when is going to come my presents that i want
yes he will be ready for christmas eve to bring gift to little boy and girls
There’s an Elf on the Shelf at our school that reports to Santa. I know its going to be tricky to come up there because there’s going to be a big snow storm. But Rudolph’s red nose could lead the way how dark it is. Love, marcella
Santa i love you a lot hope u have a very merry chrismas up ata the north pole
No matter how old I am……….I still believe. Grazie Babbo!
I shurely think Santa is ready and steady. I hope the raindeer are too!
Yes of course Santas fit to fly what would we do without him who agrees
hello santa please forgive my brother for saying he wants a tricycle but he really wants a atv for christmas
Hello again i was are clearing the road on the drive.I’ve been shopping with my mum to get the christmas food.I am really great about you coming to my house and dropping my presents off.
for Christmas i want an i pod touch and a Tv,a Dvd player and that they make it around the world save and i’ve been a really good girl this year:)
Yep,I think he’s ready all right!
Very nice of you though.
I think that I’ve been a little bit naughty,But I should still be on the nice list.
I Cant wait to see what i recieve i hope Santa and The Reindeer and Rudolph A Safe But Fun Journey Round The World I Hope You All Have a Very Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year xoxoxox
i hope santa brings me lots of presents then!
hi i cant wait for u guys come out to my house bring gifts too tank you for you done
well ya cause it is great to see hat said he ready to go fly
We all want to ride in your sleigh. Do not forget to take us in your sleigh please.
Santa i recomend not eating too many cookies because if your not careful your belly will EXPLODE!!!! I am getting excited now see you in 3 days time
Hi Elves 🙂
I am really happy that santa wrote back to me. I really loved the letter but also can you make me a Dsi, Dresser and a laptop? I really want those things that I’ve asked. Its gonna be a great christmas this year. Tell santa I am going to leave cookies and milk for him, Can you tell Mrs.Claus I said, hi?
Well I got to get going to school.
I hope my day in school is good ! 🙂
Gtg to school now.
Bye Elves , Mrs.Claus, Santa, Reindeer.
Have a very safe christmas this year !
Dear Santa,
Thank you for last years presents.. are very kind..can we see a picture of Rudolph?
We would love to see the elves aswell and Mrs. Claus.
Are you and Mrs. Claus 110 years old?
Santa you are the best lots of love
We hope you have a very good Christmas
from First and Second Class
Poulfur NS
i think santa is fit to fly! but juct incase, on christmas eve, i’ll leave him a extra treat to be safe everyone else gets presants 🙂
-Bethany| 😀 |
Santa is ready to fly chrismas eve because i believe in him. GOD BLESS YOU ALL THIS christmas and new year. Ruzenka in cape town.
Please Read This Santa!!!, I Hope You Can Make It around the World on Chrismas Eve!!
I Hope Cupid can Lead the Slegh on Chrismas Eve!
Grace 🙂