Do you remember that there were twin reindeer born on New Year’s Eve last year?
Well, Blizzard and Georgie Gingerbread are growing up so fast! I thought I better write a poem about Georgie while she is still my sweet little reindeer. Would you like to see my poem?
OK, here is my new poem, “Santa’s Little Reindeer”, for Georgie Gingerbread…
Santa’s Little Reindeer
A poem by Santa Claus
On the day before
Little reindeer’s big night
She looks at the sky
And dreams of her flight
She looks at the snow
But there’s no time to play
She will fly through the sky
She will fly far away!
The elves get her ready
They hurry up fast
Then they all wave good-bye
She is off now at last!
She is one little reindeer
Pulling Santa’s new sleigh
She pulls it so fast
It goes up, up, away!
She looks back down
But the elves are not there
She is high in the sky
She is high in the air
Her pretty brown hooves
Are not on the ground
Her pretty brown hooves
Move faster than sound!
Oh no! What is that?
A very big tower
Hurry up little reindeer
Santa needs some more power!
Fly little reindeer
Fly very fast
There is a big tower
That Santa must pass.
She is one little reindeer
Pulling Santa’s new sleigh
She pulls it so fast
It goes up, up, away!
Then down through the clouds
Is the first little roof
She stops on it gently
With each little hoof
Now Santa jumps out
And gives her a sweet
While Santa is busy
She eats her small treat
When Santa comes back
She is ready to fly
When Santa comes back
She’ll fly high in the sky
She is one little reindeer
Pulling Santa’s new sleigh
She pulls it so fast
It goes up, up, away!
Now Santa is done
He is done for the night
It is time to go home
‘Tis the end of the flight
She sees them below
The elves on the ground
She lands the sled softly
They’re all safe and sound!
A reindeer says “Hi!”
His nose glows so red
The elves say “Hi!” too
Then put the sled in the shed
She is one little reindeer
Getting ready for bed
She is one little reindeer
With a dream in her head
She dreams of the day
She dreams of the night
That someday, maybe,
She can fly with Santa
On his Christmas Eve flight
I hope you liked my little poem! (I think it’s better than all the tweets at the North Pole anyway!)
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Did you like my poem about Santa’s Little Reindeer? Do you think Georgie Gingerbread should help pull my sleigh one day? (You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Santa its me Ashley karra Rena sandy you favite teenager I know that I’m Not a little girl no more but I wanted this doll my hole live and It’s a reborn
To Santa, Sofia and Aimee would like some lol Suprises for Christmas.
Love you from Cornwall. xx
I love Christmas.
P.S. Love Santa and Rudolf.
Heyy Santa love your poem great sweet like a cookie I think she will love it …happy early chistmas
I think that every reindeer shall get to fly your sleigh.
P. S You’re poem was fantastic!! : ~ )
Riendeer. Mom. At. Northpole.
I really like the poem! Anyways…. why do you never talk about her along with the other reindeer?
That’s a lovely poem she sounds soo cute
very nice poem santa i like it haha u rock cant wait till christmas and i always write u remember!!
i love you santa and you are the best have a wonderful christmas
I think Georgie Gingerbread and her twin reindeer brother,Blizzard,should help pull Santa’s sleigh on Christmas eve!
Santa that is a good poem.write one again.
i love your poem it is awesome you should write more poems about the elves, the reindeer and about how it feels when you are flying high in the sky. i think she is ready to fly it seems like she knows what she is doing. you should post a picture of her does she look anything like herr mom clarice?
Yes you should let her with her Daddy Rudolph! Although my cat Tiggy loves Rudolph.
I like your reindeer I like you Santa I like your elves
Well why not everyone deserves a chance to go on the expedition of Christmas. Why not have 13 reindeer. Georgie Gingerbread can fly along side Rudolf for one night. I think that every reindeer deserves a chance to fly. A chance to be a part of Christmas. I mean Christmas is about sharing and giving and being nice right? Well why not share a Christmas night with Georgie?
hi santa can you please give me an iphone and an ipod and a wii fit plus and please say hi to everyone at the north pole for me and give them all big hug and i went on your blog because i wrote to you on emal santa and yousaid the elfs and every one wanted me to go on it
i really liked your poem i read it out loud my dad is crying have a go at a song this time about you.
hi santa how are you.I have got grumpy
tinsly toes right here and hre i spelling
this. this is grumpy specking”hi santa
how is donner.by the way i am very sprusd
.I want to stay here to be with jake
Gergeie might want to fly your sligh
hey santa i want rodough to lead th slay
that was such a good peom.i would never be able to come up with something like that !:)
Yes I think some day she will pull your sleigh. Also, For the ds I would like a pink one. Joey would like blue.
Hey! how you going i see you have a blog now i just sent you an email and you sent me one back. So thanks for that! Anyway i hope evry little bot and girl has a great time at christmas remember theres only 26 more sleeps till christmas!!!
hi santa claus i hope that you will have a merry christmas and that mrs.claus and the reinder
Dear Santa,
Yes, I loved your poem, it was magnificent! I would never be able to write a poem as good as you! I deffinately think that little Georgie Gingerbread should help pull your sleigh one day! I bet she would love it! Thanks!
hi i read your letter that you wrote to me i put a spelling mistake in my letter it was meant to say delabole and i wish you a very merry christmas p.s how is roudoulf wich reindeer had babies
im cool santa arent i(V)or (I) have a good night sleep santa
from nathan
I really cant wait until christmas
And… How do u cary al them things in your sleigh isnt it like impossibl or summett ??
Fly little reindeer Fly Yes she sould I think it could bea great idea
hi santa<3
what u been up to lately.
i have been doing lots of things:-my birthday,my party,writing my big sis' b-day party and LOTS AND LOTS MORE!!!
<3<3< 3<3< 3<3< 3<3< 3<3< 3<3< 3<3<3
thank you for the hard work you do all the year
i Santa i live in cambridge nebraska i hope you can come visit me it was my brothers birthday today he turned 20 i hope you can leave him a little something when you come love ryann
How do you make your little reindeer fly?
Next you should name them Rell and fifi
How do you get so many lollies?
How do you wacth us when your in the north pole?
oh also can you send me a pic of what the north pole looks like please! 🙂
can you take a pitcher of the new raindeer
Yes I did because I love raindeer too.
she can do she can do i kown she can she should do she sonds like a great little raindeer
your poem is really good.
i hope you and your reindeers have a lovely christmas!
lots of love from amelia oxoxo
i dont think gorgia gingerbread should ever pull your sled you should leave that for her dad and brother
wow that was grat buy the way can i have a nother elf.grumpy is not hidding any
more but i stilli want to ceap him
Desr Santa I want an elf because when you are watching the other kids and you can’t watch me I would think that you would give me an elf.
goergie should definitely pull your sleigh!!
Hey santa i had sent a messeage askin for a iphone u said u threw urs away but u never said if u would get me one do i get one??????
Of course they should pull your sleigh some day!
I love that story! i wish i was in the sky and saw that!
Yes i do think Georgie Gingerbread should pull santa’s sliegh! Remeber they are twins so i think blizzerd should! Don’t leave him out of course!
Hugs & Kisses love and always Julianna
santa i think that goergie gingerbread and blizzard should ride on the sleigh with you. P.S. I think the new riendeer should ride with you this year!!
please let me know if missis clause is dowing down at the north pole is she okay please let me know if she is verry verry okay I love you and the elvs but I love you more and mor every day love you every day as well miissis clause and elves more and more I love you more and more
I love you like jelly thots the elves say ove you like jelly thots haha merry chrithmas hohoho
love it so cute i wish i was there in the sky flying goinging hight
I think littile georgie should help fly the sleigh with all the reindeer. from ella
it was lovely she will love it
i love that poen santa. can i ask you something. is olive a real rain deer .
Dear Santa
I would like a few more things for crismas.skatboared.
hi santa i’m sure she/he is so cuit send me a picture please thank you & bye
i love christmas beacuse u come and u are my favorite part of christmas
i licked your poum send me a picher of her
Santa,i personally think that it’s a great poem .And i personnally think that Georgie Gingerbread should fly your sleigh .thanks for your time and thanks for the presents this year i love them, forever always ,Becca
look both ways befor crosing the street
Yeah! she should pull your sleigh even though she’s not a boy with antlers, but she could she’s just a Doe she doesn’t have to be a Buck just let her one day please
YES Santa your poem rocks and thanks for every thing you get me. whas your favorite xbox game
yes santa good idea she would be as good as rudolph one day lots of love darryl
I think it is a great poem. You should read it to them right away
i think rudolf should be on the right of the sled at the front and this little new raindeer goagia should be beside rudolf but on the left of the sled on the front so they could fly together
love taeya
Oh my god i love it xx its one of my favorite santa xx
You are the best writer in the world for writing that specfic artifical peom.
Yes she could pull the sleigh.
P.S I love your poem you write
Dear Santa:
I like Christmas very much! And you are a very nice person, but can you give me an advice in this days I put nervous of a little thing can you give me an advice?
i hope you have a safe journey travelling through the sky when your bigger!!
He would do a GREAT job! And I loved your poem, Santa!
Georgie is amazing. Do you ever write a poem that long before?
hey santa, i sure do hope the reinderr’s have a good christmas flight this year and many more to come..i have lots of repspect for them and what they and you do for every little kid in the world including me…you guys work very hard to make christmas christmas..tell the reindeer hi for and hope you guys will stop by my house this year..
Hi santa hannah i send you emails so how are you goinng well bye
Although she’s very cute I think you should wait a bit. Test to see how well she flys.
She should understand how difficult it must be to fly the sleigh and once she starts flying she can’t just stop because she doesn’t like the difficulty.
I bet she will be a great sleigh puller. 🙂
can i help pull your sleigh santa claus?
i liked it, its so sweet and i hope u have a merry christmas
HI santa Its me RAYLEE. i cant belevie that theres a new reindeer.
i think all reindeer should get a turn to pull the sleigh at least once so they know what its like to fly high up in the big blue sky
Wow Santa, that is an amazing poem. The little reindeer is so brave and he is amazing. Cant wait till Christmas.
i relly like your poem i will leave you a speal snake
I hope you can have Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
I liked your poem. I forgot to ask you to bring me a surprise on christmas eve. Bye Santa
yes i bet she is very cute! i bet he looks very grown up now!
10 days untill christmas
and i can’t waite
promise xmas wont be late
it was awsome
You should be a poet! I really liked your poem.
I thought that was a sweet poem yea i think you should post a pic!
how old is georgie and blitzen anway ?? and who’s gonna pull ur sliegh this year??
Hi Santa it is me again just wanted to say that your blog rocks an that you shold post a picture of you and all the other reindeer
luv ebony
dear Santa, i think she should. Can you leave me a photo of Rudolph for me this year
Nice poem! Very long as well! Can we have a picture of him please?
send me a picture of your little reindeer! THANKS
heey santa christmas is coming ,, i love your work ,, my cousins one and its his second christmas but hes not goin to be here agian becoz his mums from thailand they are trying to get his sisters from there back to england ,, but its there second try ,, so we hope that you will be able to make them have a lovely christmas in thailand too 🙂 x
Hope Blizzard does one day.P.S you forthe poem about Blizzard.
Hope Goergie will one day tell Goergie i said “hi”.love Lydia
I think Georgie should fly this Christmas Eve and Rudolph too, because what if it is foggy?
I think that she should but I think she needs a little moe pracsitus.
that was really lovely santa!!!!was that the little raindeer Rudulf?well see you onext Christmas !!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS ha ha ha ha ha ha!=D =P
I love your peom! It was sweet, good, and beautiful. I love reindeer!
i am wondering if you and the elfs can tell them that merry christmas
Let the little raindeer follow her dream Santa, Give her a try she might be good at it!
I Love your poem i have always wanted to make one like that! Nice work!!!
Wow Santa The year has gone by so fast!
don’t you think well good luck on your big night we all love you so and I think your poem was pretty good, you really made it rhyme,
santa hope you ok i am tanking you for my letter i have red it a lot of times HO!!I got excited when you told me you are coming this year because my brother luke said you wont coming hear got to go bye bye from lucia xx
Hi santa, i really liked your poem it makes me wanna fly. But of course we all know that i cannot fly. You have some magical reindeers that can fly for you.
santa that was a great poem!i bet gorgie gingerbread is such a cute reindeer!!
I loved your little poem.Also this is the first time I could see your blog so that
seems very exciting and do you know how i found out to go to your blog well i know
because when i went to email you it told
me to go to your blog so I did.I also hope you like what I wrote to you.I’m also very
glad to write at your blog.Thank you for
making your blog cause I love it.
Yeah christmas is near 🙂 And what Kylee said put a picture on.
your poem was the BEST ive ever heard! yes i do think that Blizzard and Gingerbread should fly with you on Christmas eve night!
Merry Christmas!:)
george ginger should pull your sleigh
I think Georgie should pull your sled one day Santa! Maybe not this year,but definitely when he gets older sir.
yes!!to both of your questions! 🙂
would you post a picture of her?please?
that was the most rockin poem i ever heard about reindeer! cant wait to read other blog posts.
I riely like the epeom that is the best peom I have ever seen in my inthir life
Is your little reindeer on the nice list? If he is, send me a message back and say yes or no.
Yes, I think Georgie hould help pull your sleigh one day. He probably would do a good job too. How old is Georgie anyway?
I think you should but listen to what your heart tells you.
little gerogie should pull your sleigh