Would you like to find out about my famous red hat? After all, everyone loves Santa’s red hat! I just wouldn’t be me without it!
Well, it is fun to work here at the North Pole. We all love it. But sometimes it can be hard for the elves.
Do you know what it’s like to feel like you are not good enough? Well sometimes our elves feel that way too.
One day I checked on the elves making toys. There were elves making toy robots with red lights. There were other elves making shiny flutes and drums. Great work!
Then, I saw Mouse the Littlest Elf sitting in the corner all alone. She looked so sad! (BTW, if something ever makes you really, really sad, I want you to call some great people who can help you.)
I asked her what was wrong. She told me that she had tried to make a shiny robot with the other elves. It was too hard. The buttons would not work.
She told me she tried to make a flute. But it would not make a sound.
Mouse looked so sad.
“You don’t have to be good at making those toys, Mouse!” I said. “What do you like to make? What things make you smile?”
The Secret of Santa’s Red Hat!
Mouse thought about it. Then she showed me the scarf she had on.
“Well, I made this, but it’s just a scarf.”
It was a very nice, red scarf. It looked very warm. And it had puffy white balls on the ends like snowballs.
“That’s great!” I said. “In fact, I need something warm for my head while I fly!” Mouse smiled a great big smile and told me that she could help me!
From that day on, Mouse makes me a new red hat with a white puff like a snow ball, for every Christmas. And she is wonderful at her job!
And now you know all about Santa’s red hat and why I wear it!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What is something you are good at? What makes you smile? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Dear santa you are cute and u are lined u help your miss reminder elf and I would like for Christmas quest 2 perfume key holder 2 ebox games baby dolly’s
Merry Christmas Lilly.mae!
Ho ho ho, thank you for your kind words—they warmed my heart like a cozy fire! Your Christmas wishes sound wonderful! Be sure to send me your list here: https://www.emailsanta.com/email_santa.asp.
I’m good at horse riding and dancing but the things that make me smile are my family and friends and you,santa.
Hi Santa:) you sure do make people happy I bet mouse was so happy when you asked for her help so cute. I think mouse is a bit like me because I always think I cant do anything but when I do things that make me smile I am not bragging but I am class:)Also I think your red hat looks so fluffy would you mind bringing me one on Christmas Eve that would be great:)lots of love
santa clause even saying it makes me exited 😀
i am good at looking up stuff on the internet and what makes me lagh 2 tell joke 2 people would you like 2 here 1 why does a cow say moo his horns dont honk
well i am good at knitting but i’m still learning.and people say i sing really well!!!
i like to make pepole lagh and it makes me lagh to
The thing that makes me smile is you,Santa
I am good at dancing. The thing that makes me smile is my sister.
hey santa you need to ask your elf to make you a brand new santa outfit like white under shirt,red jacket with green poms around the wrist,red pants with green poms around the anicle,black leather boots.
hey Santa is my best hero but my halo is a little cricket i am a drawer to but i am not that good to bad i cant blog tomorrow its Christmas Eve! so i wont be blogging tomorrow i have to get cookies ready and if there isn’t cookies we’ll make some I also have to peal the carrots for Blitzen because he is my favorite and before I go I am having dickeys Christmas dinner on Chistmas it cost 40 bucks I can tast the turkey now!!!
i am good at caring and sharing and making people smile!!!
hi Santa!hopefully you wear a short sleeved because it is SUPER DUPER hot here!well, for winter anyways…
I love your red hat SANTA!MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I’m good at drawing… I love it so much! Oh man…. 🙁 I only wish that Christmas would come just a little faster! By the way, I’ve heard you on our roof many times on almost every christmas Eve, and as soon as I hear sleigh bells, I BEG myself to go to sleep! 🙂 I find that so exciting! I wish I could meet you in person… oh well. 🙂 See you (sort of…) in four days! I’m so excited!! 😀
What can I say… I’m CRAZY for CHRISTMAS!! 🙂
hhhol, that is a cool!
the littlest mouse is so nice!
Hi Santa,
My parents say I have many talents. My favorite is music. I play cello, saxophone, piano, and guitar (Which I figured out rudolph on!) Anyway I hope you have good luck on your trip! 5 more days
i love your red hat and by the way you was on the news the other week
dear santa this is franklin again i sent you 11 emails i hope you get them your friend franklin joe bbowning
I am good at soccer and i love playing it!!!
I am good at horse riding
reading math english playing the recorder and rapping nicki minaj songs
mmm…a red hat well i no i dont a wear red hat but…….at christmas that is ohoh….one more thing i hope you have a merry christmas
dear santa tell the elves and the reigndeers that we said merry christmas and mrs claus a very merry christmas your friend franklin browning
dear santa you have a merry christmas and a happy new year and hopefully next year you can come to my house your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa iwill make sure that you have milk and cookies and the reigndeers carrots your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa i wish i could visit you at the north pole it would be great your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa is it cold at the north pole do they have a dentist up there i watched that christmas movie of rodoph the red nosed reindeer where one elf wanted to be a dentist your friend franklin joe browning
I am very good at gym and dance one of the best
dear santa this is franklin again i still believe in the magic of the north pole my mom says you are real wish your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa merry christmas and ahappy new year your friend franklin joe browning
I love your hat my favorite time of the year is Christmas
Something that makes me happy is writing letters to u! and to play with my dog and anything to do with christmas!!!! i love christmas!!
how old are you santa claus?can you give me a gift for my birtday
Have a Merry Christmas!! !I love you!!
Doing school work.p.s.why is your hat red
It feels awful when you feel like giving up so dont give up just try your best and you will do it.
I could TRY to make a red scarf like how Mouse did :-}
Hi santa im a bit lonely i think im getting bullied i dont know plx help poeple
i love you.how do get in my house.what is your favorite color.what do you do to help the elves.do you like christmas music.do you like christmas.what is your real name.and what is your wifes real name.
santa you have such cool blog it gave me a idea to try to make my own blog also you are #1 <3
i liked you blog can u please send me a ELF ON MY SHELF I HEAR HE MOVES
So that’s how you got your red Christmas hat! I didn’t even know that there even WAS a story behind your hat! That’s so cool! Tell Mouse I said great job! And tell her that if you look at what you can do, you’ll find that it can be a big change in history or even anything! Merry Christmas! Have good days and nights! 🙂 🙂
your hat is awesome i wish i had one.
also i also like it when people smile
the things that i like are: at christmas when you deliver my presents and ferreo rochi wich is choclate by the way you told me to write a comment and here it is’ santa please read it.
Hi Santa can you bring me a red hat on Christmas Eve
your red hat is very nice i love you
Hi Santa, I love your hat it look’s ever so festive I would love it, my fave Xmas film is the Polar Express!
I’m good at drawing! I drew a picture of you yesterday Santa!
P.S I have a red hat just like yours!
hi saanta i,ve always wanted to wear your actural propper hat because it looksn really cosey inside.
Making people happy makes me smile 🙂
And having friends and family over to celebrate Christmas!
I am good at helping people, creating art, reading and writing. What makes me smile is being with my family and anything that has to do with Christmas
Friends, food, music, my family and sports make me smile
I’m good at sewing, going to school, puzzles, and getting a cup of water all by myself.
hi santa i have a red hat just like your’s! I think that your blog is cool. have a nice trip. p.s. only 20 more day’s of letter’s then it’s time to fly! p.p.s MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I love Harry Potter. I’m the youngest in my family so sometimes I feel like the littlest elf.
I like seeing people smile. It makes me smile when others smile.
I will not brag, but i am a good girl and get all my work done in class, i help people, and care for them. i am very friendly so i have many friends!
I am good at baking Christmas Cookies. I smile when they look prefect. I sure do love the holidays. Santa I loved the go cart you brought me last year. Hope you have a safe flight on Christmas Eve.
Love Kaylen
What I am good at and makes me smile is helping others. Also, making jewlry. Helping others is fun and around Christmas time gives me and the people I help Christmas spirit. I make jewlry so I can sell it and make a profit such as the free enterprise system. It’s also fun to see people when they smile at my jewlry and when I help them. I’m also good at playing with my friends. It makes me smile to see them smile!
After all you don’t have to be good at the things your friens or family are as long as you are happy with what you are good at.
I love to be active when i play it makes me
enjoy it
got your letter i love it have a merry chirstmmas xoxo
But i am good at the flute and i need a new one!!
dear santa i realy like your hat . i like the colour red.nobody could wear it better than you
Your mouse is the same as me not good a one thing buit graet at another. I am good at playing football ,rugby and tennis and rubbish at golf
I think I am good at dancing and swimming! Something that makes me smile is Christmas day because you give me lots of the things I want and its just a lovely time of year because you get to spend lots of time with your family 🙂 I love you! <3 xx
I like doing sports. I’m good at playing football. I smile when I score goals
I am good at Soccer,Netball,Singing Christmas Carols and Best of all I like to Dance to Music For Babies and adults and maybe For my age group.
Dear Santa
Some people in my class think I am REALLY rubbish at drawing But…
I Know that I am really good at making things with old bits and Bobs
From Rose
i love sports. being outside makes me smile.
drawing, beading, dancing, soccer, gymnastics sports, swimming, math and reading, science, being polite and helpful are all things i am good at.
When I scrapbook with my grandma, it makes me smile!
I’m good at singing and dancing. I’m mostly good at ballet and singing. I sing about my feelings and sometimes songs just pop in my head. It is cool because whenever I have a cool idea and it is quiet time I sing it out loud and I just want to be alone to sing it.
Santa this year i want to see your face on Christmas then you can sprinkle me with magical dust and i won’t R ember that way i have the best Christmas in the world:)
That’s great one day I hope I can wear it
I never really knew why you had a hole suite. maybe the next time you tell a story like this you should tell about the suite so we know the whole thing instead of just the hat?
Hi most of my friends at school say that they dont beleve you. But i say that that is’nt true.I believe you santa claws! MERRY CHRISTMAS SANTA CLAWS!.
I’m glad Mouse is able to help out and feel better about herself 🙂 Everyone is good at something!
I’m good at writing. I am 4 years old, and I write my name and other words.
Dear Santa,
I am good at making cookies, and keeping my room clean.
Merry Christmas Santa!
Dear Santa,
I am good at coloring and I will leave a picture for you!
Merry Christmas Santa!
i always wondered who made your hat. . .Muse made it!
i always wondered who made your hat. . .Of course, now i know that mouse the elf did!
Dear Santa,
One thing is… Well, I am good at alot of things like sports, games we make up (sometimes), maybe board games. Thats all I can think of. What are some things your good at?
HEY SANTA! It’s me again! I LOVE your stories! And I love you too!
Santa i hope you can bring me back my baby cat Po….<3
Why cant santa wear a blue hat or any other color hat
I am glad to hear that Mouse found something he is good at. 🙂 I am good at soccer. I play goalie and forward. O<:D )
I felt that way too last week at the funeral home when mommy died. all the adults kept telling me i coudnt do something becuse i was to litle. finaly aunt dodi told me i cold stand with her to welcome peple and tel them abot mi mommy. they rele liked lisening to my stories and it made me feel beter talking about mommy.
aw. poor elves everyone of them is worth it!
sometimes i feel like my parents like my brother more than me
hi i love your hat i wore a santa hat yesterday becuse i was on the burks fall skating club float it was fun
dear santa your hat is so cool i love it i wish i had one just like it love sydney
i know how u feel my brother is so mean to me and is hard work
I’m good at drawin.Just yesterday I drew a nutcracker that looked real!
I’m good at dancing. I’m kinda good at skating but not that good. I’m good at being helpful and kind. Sometimes I can be good at telling jokes.
Having fun makes me smile. For instance using my sewing kit . ( it teaches me 2 sew!)I also like trying to knit the scarf you left me last christmas! ( not that i can knit it )
Dear santa
love ya red hat the fluffyness
I can’t believe that’s why Santa wears his red hat! I never knew!