After flying all over the world on Christmas Eve, my sleigh is very dirty. So today, I took it to the North Pole Sleigh Wash. After all, Santa’s sleigh has to sparkle! The elves worked hard to get it nice and clean.
Would you like to hear more?
Well, there were lots of cookie crumbs on the floor and seats. Eating cookies while driving the sleigh can be very messy!
As I travel, my sleigh picks up all kinds of treasures. Some of them fall inside. Some of them get stuck to the outside.
We flew through a field of tulips in Holland and one fell into the sleigh. Rice from China spilled onto the floor.
A lei is a very pretty necklace from Hawaii made from flowers. The elves found a lei on the back of the sleigh! (Can you say “lei in sleigh” five times fast?)
A shamrock is a three-leaf clover that comes from Ireland. Some shamrocks stuck to the bottom of the sleigh. It must have been when we stopped in a field for the reindeer to have a snack.
Tinsel from Christmas trees always sticks to my bag. It falls off onto the back seat. Clumsy cleaned it up and he got tangled up in the tinsel! (Can you say “tangled in tinsel” five times fast?)
Santa’s Sleigh Sparkles
Candy canes were stuck on the runners of the sleigh. They can be very sticky! The elves had to scrub and scrub to get them off.
I even heard the elves say, “I can’t believe Santa’s sleigh gets so dirty”. “Yes, but look at how clean Santa’s sleigh is now!”
The elves did a great job getting my sleigh clean and shiny again. Just like a red nose! Now it is all ready for next year!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What other things do you think the elves have to do once Christmas is over? What other things do you think end up in my sleigh during my Christmas Eve ride? You can click here to tell me or scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Holllo santa
Andrew went computer and Christmas book make video for you
Merry Christmas Andrew!
You are so very kind and thoughtful!
How do you deliver present in one night
Hi Santa just wondering is it weird to think ab
out Christmas in July? Please help! P.S if you have an opinion feel free to tell me! Merry Christmas -Only 176 days!
hi santa I love you you are the best
dear santa i really thank you for the presents from your angel nyomi
I think all the elves have to get ready for another year of making toys and probably a ton of other things! I think maybe grass, ornaments, and grain that people put in their yards for the reindeer! Thats all I could think of!
I can’t put my christmas tree up today!
I think your elves also had to get things ready for next years Christmas. Do you have more than one coat?
I would want to come in your sleigh too! I cant wait till christmas! And by the way…..DO you like the cookies called sprits?
Hey Santa!! I ask this every year, but last year you said i could ride you sleigh. You can wake me up when you come drop my presents off. I will help protect your sleigh and also I will help your elves!! please santa!! Btw I need your real email!!
Wow Santa! Can I come on your sleigh?That would be fun!
I do believe in santa still and i am 13 years old
hi santa its me virginia campbell i think that was a lot of stuff you got stuck to your sleigh
well santa that will happen all the time because for a very long journy you will need lots of food,and your slay must be masive the elf must be ecsausted 🙂
I think chocolate might get stuck to your sleigh
please sumit this I really want a puggle or beagle from harrison puppy gallery
Hey, my name is Bethany and my brothers name is Eoin we all love Christmas and that feeling on Christmas Eve night, we just get so happy it is unreal! We love Santa and we love Christmas and PRESENTS!
Love from,
Bethany and Eoin!
I think when christmas is over that the elves make toys and clean stuff.
Dear Santa I can’t wait till you come to my house on Christmas eve
I will leave you yummy cookies and milk and carrots for the raindeer
Love rosa
hi santa that is cool that you have memories from the places you go to!!!
someone some thing mean abut you his name is Bob on pg.#6
; ] hahahahah hahahahaha haha hehehe hehehe
what is does the north pole look like right back soon
Only 118 more days until Christmas….don’t worry I’m counting. I love Christmas!
santa how do you get a cross the whole wide world in 1 night is it so hard to
your fat and i hate u and lose weight
put it all over my house its going to be like my teeth
i want for christmas is dirtbike gear dc clothes clone shoes ps3 controller iphone ps3 games
Hey,Santa Christmas is only 4 months away i want Chirstmas this year i want a gutar and art set and Santa your sleigh really does sparkles
Hey,Santa Christmas is only 4 months away i will Chirstmas this year i want a gutar and art set and Santa your sleigh really does sparkles
Hi Santa I know its 4 months till Christmas but I’m very exsited about it but I want a new american girl doll a mini fridge a tea party set 3 american girl doll beds and I will send a list of what I want with my elf on the shelf LOVE YOU!
i bet the sleigh is shieing biger than my teeth
Santa your sleigh really dose sparkle.but I wated to talk about something else.
I know that christmas is 5 months away but I’m just really exsited.hey Santa hear are some things I really want for Christmas.A Minnie refrigarater I pod touch pink diary with a lock a drum set a electric guitar a microphone a keriokimachine an art case And that’s all I love you Love Maggie
Santa, I feel ill. I wood of helpt you cleen your slay. I am the best at cleening. You shood of asked me. I dont wont much for crismoos but I do wont to go too legoland bifor I go back to scool. My mummy sed I can go too Creelee but I wont too go too legoland. On crismoos eev I will leav you cookys xxxx
I love Christmas. Sorry santa. I asked for soil and dirt- stuff for my fruits, veg and plants. I have greenfingers! I’m jolly glad that you gave me that soil because it’s amazing. Best I ever had. I’m so excited about christmas- it’s only 168 days away! I’ve made my christmas list already- A new spade, a packet of strawberry seeds, a mesh sculpture and a scarecrow making kit. It’s a tough life, living on a farm. Anyway, I’d better go now because I have to do my homework.
Hi Santa!! I love you! I cant wait for Christmas!
A snack and drink for all of you and the recipe for the snack. P.s. what’s theo
hi Santa,its me again.i think that the reindeers got tired after washing and cleaning all that stuff.i think they should be given a treat. love ndhi
Tommy if your reading this I really miss you
are the elfs makeing presents for me now
Hey Santa my little bros still beloved u hays
dear santa you are my biggest hero so could send me a picture of you with your autograph on it through the post if you do i will really appriciate it.
i love you santa….even though I didn’t get that present I wanted last year….I love you!!!:)
you did a good jog cleaning the slay i bet it looks osome and we are fixing 2 clean our play room
Santa will you come visit me at the high school sometime?
Merry Christmas Santa ruldoph Mrs.Claus have a merry Christmas happy New year I love you Best friends forever love you lots like jelly tots with lots of love Katie
Dear Santa i like the sparkles on your sleigh they are wonderful i love you i can’t wait until you land on my roof in 2013 i love you Santa i won’t be mad at you if you don’t get my ipod I love you too much to be mad at you i liked your email yesterday like you said bff best friends forever
Santa i loved all the Prestents you brought me in that lovey sleigh of yours me and my friends loved all of ther prestents to 🙂 Smile
i cant wait to get new stuff for Christmas well gtg love ha
The elfs have to work on next years presents
Christmas Eve is when i will be back! DAN DAN out!
Can you tell me what a secret bully is. I learned it in social group.
hi santa, can I have a paintball gun for chistmas
I think that maybe some milk might of spilled in the sleigh when Santa was drinking it!
hi santa i am 10 years old and i am in 4th grade and you are super nice to all of the kids and i wish that you your my papa and Ms claus was my grandma !!!!
can you please send me a picture of your sleigh drity and clean
I bet oncce you got home on Christmas Day you were tired and so were the reindeer!
ive always loved you.how do you go all over the world on christmas????
Hi Santa Im 8 years old and Im in 2nd Grade. I love you Santa. You are so cool and awesome.But Santa I really hate school!You are awesome cool sweet kind helpful kindful and nice.I wish you were my grandpa.
thats like my house because my house is very messy. hahahahahahahah! when do you leave the northpole santa?
i think that you might get milk from sweedin
i luv 2 wash my mom’s car. 😀
ps: it’s fun. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I think some pizzas might get stuck in there from Italy maybe!!! <3 xxx
hmmmm who would leave cookie curmbs on santas sleigh and didnt clean it up!
I love the north pole i heard about that !