Children always want to know how I carry so many presents on Christmas Eve. My jumbo size sleigh helps, but it is mostly my magic Santa bag. My toy bag never runs out of room. It can hold gigantic presents, like a bike. It can hold presents to infinity, though I’ve never tried that many.
Oh, Oh! Where’s my toy bag?
One Christmas I lost my toy bag. I looked everywhere! I looked under my bed, in my sleigh, in the barn where the reindeer sleep and in the workshop under all the elves’ work benches. No big red toy bag!
It was getting late. I had a workshop full of presents to deliver. I went to ask the toy-maker elves. They share one big bedroom. It is usually very messy, but this time it was all tidy. No little elf shoes on the floor. No toys (elves have a lot of toys) or candy wrappers.
“Good job, elves. The room is so clean. Has anyone seen my toy bag?” I asked. They shook their heads and looked down at their pointy shoes.
Hmm, I thought. The elves were acting strange. Their room was clean and they were being so quiet. That is not like my little elves. Usually they jump around and are very noisy singing Christmas songs and playing with toys.
My Santa bag is found!
Then I noticed one of the elf beds was a little too tall. Something was sticking out. I pulled, but it was wedged. I pulled harder and POP! My big red bag exploded out from under the bed. Toys, candy and little elf clothes went flying all over the room. “Ho, ho, ho,” I laughed, “What’s all this?”
Mrs. Claus told the elves she would make them special Christmas cookies if they cleaned their room. It was Uma the untidy elf who had the idea to stuff the mess in my magic toy bag and hide it. Naughty Uma.
I filled my toy bag and delivered presents in time for Christmas morning. I did find one of Uma’s grilled cheese sandwiches in my bag. It was so old, it was green. Good thing no one got an old green sandwich for Christmas!
I hope you will tidy your rooms and not like the elves did. If you had my magic toy bag for one day, what would you fill it with?
Santa Claus
P.S. What would you put in my magic Santa bag to fill it? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people would put in it.

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for last years presents Though I will not give out my name for safety I will say you got me a microscope last year.
This is what I want in my toy bag kitten, hamster and a puppy
Can I have your number please
Thanks bye
Hi Santa I have some things to ask you
.where do you sleep
.haw do the reindeer fly
.do you have a dog
.do you have a cat
Can you send me a picture after our elf on the shelf sprite thanks bye
Happy Easter can you make the Easter bunny come now
Age 37. Year old. Put me. On. The. Nice list.
For Santa Claus. Fine. Me. Paul Tan. Yes. Is. Write. Now.
I. Wante. Santa. Claus. Address
Now. Thanks you.
I would put every thing that I don’t want my brother to get and i I would totally sneak inside and win hide and seek
I. Will. Have. Photo. 1. Paul. Dec. 3. 20018
I would like in my toy bag:Bike,kitten, a pic of you, a pic of Rudolph and a pic of your elves
By Courtney
I would hop inside of your toy bag to see what it would be like inside. Have anybody from the northpole ever done that? And do you know what the biggest toy you ever put in you toy bag was?
HI hohoho i like when you say hohoho
I will put in my our generation doll clothes
I would put all my stationary .Because I have got a lot of stationary and I don’t know we’re to put it all.
Bible’s because they have to know the true meaning of Christmas
Here here comes Santa Claus here comes Santa Claus riding down Santa Claus lane
I love you so much! I would put a lot of toys in your bag!
Hi Santa you are the best I hope you have a good time on Christmas day and eve
i would put jupiter,mars,and the milkyway in your bag
You are AMAZING!!! So cool. I will be good
How can you get around the world in one night? You are AMAZING