Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States! Happy Thanksgiving!
We have Thanksgiving here too. All the Christmas elves come home. We talk about all the things we are thankful for. We have a big dinner. Then we all go outside and have fun! But, many, many years ago, things went a little, well, funny.
Yes, one year our Thanksgiving was a little “special”. I was flying with the reindeer. We were picking up all the Christmas elves to bring them home. Everyone else at the North Pole was getting ready.
Mrs. Claus was making a great big yummy Thanksgiving dinner. She had many elves helping her. Even Clumsy the Elf was helping her. Well, he was trying to help.
Clumsy had just finished picking some snow bananas. We grow them in the jungles here at the North Pole. Ho! Ho! Ho! No, I’m just joking you! There are no snow bananas!
Anyway, Clumsy had just come inside from playing in the snow. But, he forgot to take his elf boots off. He was leaving big puddles in Mrs. Claus’ kitchen. The puddles were very wet and slippery.
Mrs. Claus asked Clumsy to get a big bag of flour. Clumsy came back with the flour. But Clumsy slipped in a puddle. Poof! There was flour everywhere! There was flour on Mrs. Claus. There was flour on the elves. There was flour on Clumsy!
So, Clumsy went to put on some clean clothes. Mrs. Claus and the other elves cleaned up the flour.
When Clumsy came back, no one was in the kitchen. They had all gone to put on clean clothes. But, the turkey was ready! So, Clumsy thought he would help. He would take the turkey out of the oven for Mrs. Claus.
Clumsy got a big stool to stand on. He opened the oven door. He pulled the turkey out. But it was a big turkey! It got stuck. It got really stuck! He pulled. He pulled harder. He got on his tippy toes. He pulled even harder! Then, he pulled as hard as he could!
Pop! Clumsy fell to the floor. Clumsy looked up. He looked way up. Just then the turkey fell right on top of Clumsy! The turkey was stuck on Clumsy’s head!
Poor Clumsy could not get the turkey off his head. He tried pulling. He tried pushing. But it would not come off. So, he went outside to get help.
Then Mrs. Claus came back to the kitchen. She screamed! She thought someone had stolen her turkey! Was it the Grinch? Was it Swiper? She ran around the kitchen looking for the turkey. But, she stepped in a puddle. She slipped and fainted!
That is when I came in. I came running when I heard all the noise. All the elves and reindeer came running too! We saw Mrs. Claus on the floor. There was no turkey. And the door to outside was open! We thought the turkey had run away! And, when we looked outside, we saw a turkey running around! (We did not know it was Clumsy.)
“Quick, get that turkey!”, I said. The elves lined up on one side. The reindeer lined up on the other. Someone blew a whistle. Then everyone started chasing the running turkey!
He ran 10 yards. He ran 20 yards! He ran left. He ran right. Finally, an elf tackled the turkey! The turkey popped off Clumsy’s head. Clumsy was so happy he kicked the turkey right through some candy cane goal posts!
And that is why they play American football games on Thanksgiving!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you think it would be fun to chase an elf with a turkey on his head? You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Can you send a picture of the annabelle doll for me please and thank you so much byby
Ho ho ho! Annabelle might be a bit too spooky for Christmas magic. How about a picture of something festive and fun instead? Let me know what you’d like. Keep spreading joy and cheer.
my elf is naughty sometimes.
Hi clumsy! I love you!
i do too.
dod trixi class girl and doy christmas
Can you deliver a elf on the self to my house
ok if the elf dosn’t be naughty.
It would be fun to chase the turkey.
Dear Santa I wanted to wish you a happy thanksgiving coming soon and tell Martha that I love her very much Veterans Day is coming soon we should thank the veterans for there service to the country I love you very much
Happy thanksgiving to everyone all the North Pole
Dear Santa I wanted to wish you a happy thanksgiving. I count my blessings every day and every year I would go to visit my grandma on thanksgiving Day she had Alzheimer’s and she died from it in 1994 I miss her would you please stop by heaven and give my grandma a hug and kiss from me and tell her that I love her very much
Santa do you know when you’re bringing clumsy the elf to my house
Dear Santa,
Me and Anthony think Clumsy is funny not Clumsy! And also yes it would be fun chaseing a turkey with you. (P.S. Anthony thougt the funnest part when you guys were chaseing Clumsy with a turkey on his head. Love your old jokester April✌️
haha clumsy the elf A.K.A mr.turkey-head. haha what a funny name santa.
i am so sorry but that was soooo funny yes it would be fun
Yes, because I’ve never seen a LIVE elf before!
Do not worry,i want all the latest gadjets but i think its fair and square that you give some to the people who dont have any at all.
Hey people,
Nice blog Santa!!!
I liked the elf with the chicken on it’s
head too. Anyway Santa told me about this in hes email too me. Anyway gotta go.
See ya
i think it wpuld be awsome to chase an elf with a turkey on his head because you never know which direction he/she is going 🙂 anyway i just think it would be lots of fun. Merry Christmas 🙂 😀
hey guys its me trevor, i bet you haven’t heard me since i just wrote my letter to you. i had looked on the blog and i saw the turkey incident and boy it was funny and cool when i heard that you guys play football on thanksgiving.anyway i was wondering about something, is it true that you guys ride on the rollercoaster. [santa told me about it ]
thankyou for making the presents!
luv julia
I think it would be fun and did you think the turkey had a elf suit and legs and arms to on him that would funny thinking the turkey was alive haha
hey santa the turkey story was funny. i hope mrs. clause was ok. oh i read your wishes to make the world a better place and i thought that to stop some of the world hunger you could send some good food to the hungry people. i want to do that too. i want the world to be a better place.
Hi santa i am going to be adopting clumsy but please dont tell i dont want all the kids to know cos then they will run u out of elves and that would make me feel bad
No I don’t think so cause the elf can’t see where hes going.
I think it would be pretty funny for me but not so fun for the elf that has a turkey on his head. Anyway I love Clumsy he is so you know clumsy and very funny! Hey on Christmas Eve could you wake me up because I want to say a goodbye to Jake,Emma,Meggie, and Casey please and could I come to the North Pole with you oh and if you say yes could I bring my best friend in the world Emily Thibault? But if you say no it will be ok it’s just been my life long dream to go to the North Pole with the elves and Emily but PLEASE? Could I have a baby reindeer if you say no you can take the reindeer back when I can’t take care of him or when he is strong and powerful.
Does clumsy do other whacky things? Is that why you call him clumsy??
That elf is very funny? I wish you could come down to my house.
dear santa i think that be so much fun o santa did u ever get too eat that turkey or did miss claus have too make a new one if i was there i know i have a blast o santa um have any kids been to north pole not on cluding your daughter or son
What happened?! Who was the elf? That is the weirdest thing ever!
Hey Santa Where do i live? whats my address
Hey Santa,
the letter that you wrote back to me was great!! I would really like a wii but if you can’t get one it’s ok!!
I really hope everyone who is helping you for christmas is well
that was sooo funny
haha santa i wish the elves best of luck for the present making this year!!
I don’t think its a good idea beacase one of the Elfs might get hurt and then they would not be able to make toys.
hi santa, I WANT A PARE OF hELES.
Reply from the Elves:
The best way to make sure your wishes get into Santa’s book is to email Santa. They go straight in that way! If you put them on this blog then someone might forget to add them 🙁
Merry Christmas!
The Elves
P.S. What’s the magic word? 🙂
i think that chasing a turkey would be fun but it is funny that Clumsy got a turkey stuck on his head. Wait. wouldn’t the turkey be hot? 🙂
sometimes ELF’s are clumsy I don’t mean to the other ELF’s feeling
santa those elfs are so funny from that pic i could see what was going on if i was there ill eat all that turkey or chicken.
i really dint eat that much this year but i really loved the deseert table probably you to jkjk love oyur good boy bryce
Dear santa,yes it would be fun more fun if your really hugry.
what a silly silly elf.. you are spose to cook it first
Clumsy sounds like he is, well, um, clumsy! that looks like a yummy turkey. I hope you, Mrs. Claus, and all the elves enjoyed it! Say hi to them for me!
That Clumsy sure is funny.I bet the Indians and the Pilgrims would chase after him.
That sounds weird! I hope Mrs.Claus was okay! awas she alright!? Is Clumsy really that short?!!! I always thought it was impossible to be that short!!!
I Cant wait till christmas.I just tallked to you!
I don’t think I should chase any elf. If I do, I may end up on your naughty list.
Dear Santa Ilove your presents that you give to me they are so cool i love you alot. love Gina
dear santa can i meet your head elf soon can he be like my brother love you and can i help him out so if so call {phone number deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!} only santa can call or the head elf
love curtis
dear santa if clumsey is a girl elf if she is can you ask her out for me
Clumsy was funny. We like Clumsy It was funny when the elves tackled him. Can’t wait to read the rest of your blog. Thank you for keeping us posted on the happenings of the North Pole.
Get lots of rest!
I woudn’t chase a turkey but it sounded like Mrs. Clause was so sad that she didn’t have a turkey to celebrate thanksgiving.
hi santa i can’t wait until Christmas. it’s my favorite holiday of the year. if you alredy got my 3 letters. my last one i wrote you can pick me up at 12:00. thank you. i think what you wrote was awesome it sounds very funny. was it funny?i wish i was there it would be awesome. about 2-3 years ago i got one of my most favorite presant it was the slay bell i have it right infront of me i love it.say hi to Mrs .Clase and all of your ranedeer on all of the elvs for me. see you later.
i thought there were no turkeys in the north but,anyway love you lotz please a lap top
hey guys, just checking in on how the elves are going they better be working hard for all us kids i hope that you get a few good night’s sleep i’m sure you will anyway
ok cya lots of luv from Jenna xoxoxoxo luv ya
Elves with turkeys on their heads are funny. That’s nuts. See you on Christmas.
I think that is pretty funny. Is Clumsy ok? If you could send me a picture of Clumsy. Got to go dinner is ready.
I think it would be really fun to chase a turkey. It is weird to chase a cooked turkey because their dead and they can’t run anymore. Instead, people rip off their little legs and gobble them up(no pun intended!!).
hi santa its alexandra again remeber i sended to you yesterday on emailsanta *wink* i hope i am not desterbing you in enything i thin clumsy the elf is funny nice and cute
love alexandra
HAHAHAHAHA!!! That was hilarious! I can’t stop laughing it’s so funny. If any funny reindeer accidents happen, let me know right away!!! LOL!!!
Clumsy sure IS clumsy! He probably didn’t mean to run outside, though. Nobody can see with a turkey on their heads! Speaking of Thanksgiving… our Thanksgiving wasn’t THAT crazy! We didn’t have the turkey fall on anybody’s heads, except that people (really, I!) got chased with a white board marker and my dad grabbed it! Dad drew a minin marker mustache on the chaser… which was my 5 year old cousin, Thomas Sykes! Boy, he was WILD!!!! Bye, Santa!
haha those elves sure are clumsy:)
how are they?
The elf looks like buddy the elf off of elf the movie. is it? if it is tell him i said hi
ill speak to you tomorrow bye xxx
how are yer santa clouse and the elfs i realy like your website xx
hiya santa i hope you have a lovely christmas to hoho ho!
I loved the story! Can’t wait to read your next blog!
Hi Santa! I really love your emails and you will have no IDEA how excited I am about Christmas!!!!
Love from,
hey santa it would be fun to catch a runaway turkey but what if he would fall that wouldnt be funny no more
hey santa what is that elf going to do next time? hahahahaha:))
dear santa, where do you come in?(door,cimny)
yes because it would be fun metting the elf
that would be funny to see even run after that turkey { the elf} no wonder y he has the name Clumsy it fits him to a “t” LOL thanks for the chat this morning.
yes I think it would be fun. But I hope Mrs.clause is okay.
Hahaha! That was funny! Well, I am so ready for Christmas! My lights are hung,the tree is up, and I haven’t even had Thanksgiving dinner!:-)
Dear Santa,I think it would be really fun to chase an elf aorund with a turkey on its head!!I lso think it would be pretty strange too.I love you and everyone else!!
Oh, so that’s why they play football on Thanksgiving here in America! Thanks Santa!
Mommy has been good daddy has been good
santa how is everyone i hope you bring all my gifts and you are the best.
That elf is so silly! We wish we had seen him running around the garden with the Turkey on his head.
We hope no one does that to our Turkey but our Dad might!!!
that elf was quite a sight to see i wish i could go to the north pole to see it myself tell Mrs.Clause and the raindeer i said hi.
Wow! how did the turkey just pop of his head? My friend Bridgette emailed you and you said the elf making her toys was named Clumsy. I sure hope he isn’t the same elf! Love, Tynan in Peachtree City, Georgia.
Dear Santa,
i could actully imagine seeing the elf named CLUMSY having a turkey on his head!
=] i see why you call him clumsy!!
hey santa that elf thing was so funny. 🙂
where did you get the turkey? Bye, riley
yes!! I think it would be really fun!
Dear Santa, I think it would be sort of a little strange and unusuasll. But i also think that it would be quite a sight 2 see! Happy Thanksgiving!
Clumsy is realy an odd elf!!! I see why you call him clumsy!!
Hey santa I bet it was so much fun to chase a running turkey!Also, If you don’t have anough room in the sleigh for alot of things then I would rather you give my presents to the less fortunate.I think I have anough things in this house there is very few things I am asking for and this is one of them!
i think if he fell and got hurt that woldnt be fun
What a silly elf! i bet you ate the turkey afterwards you fat man santa.
Oh my gosh! I would never be able to imagine an elf with a turkey on his head! Much less chaseing it!
how are you doing with all the stuff working hard I bet. are the elfs doing ok to.Hope all of the randeers ok no sick one I hopenot.You to santa do not get sick. Befor I go I will say bye to SANTA THE ELFS AND RAINDEER AND I ALMOST DID NOT SAY BYE TO SOMEONE MISS.CLUSE