Zhu Zhu Pets! A lot of kids are asking for them this year. They look like little hamsters. The elves have been very busy making them.
Mrs. Claus is not sure if she likes them or not.
She is a little afraid of small furry things.
As I said, the elves have been very busy making them. They have made a LOT of them. After they make a pet they put it in a special box. It is a VERY big box. It is a VERY full, big box!
Well, Clumsy the Elf had to move the box. Do you know what happened? Can you guess? Well, you will not believe it!
Clumsy moved the box and… nothing happened. It was safe! But then… the box fell over!
There were furry little Zhu Zhu hamster pets everywhere!
They like to run. Oh, my. They really like to run!
Zhu Zhu Pets On The Run!
They ran under shoes.
They ran under chairs.
Why, one bunch of pets,
Ran thru elf underwears!
Then I ran in,
To see what’s the matter.
And Poor Mrs. Claus,
Was stuck on a ladder!
She was yelling out loud,
“Shoo, pets, shoo!”
And I laughed so loud,
My belly shook too!
But we picked them all up.
We put them away.
Safe and sound,
(We hope :))
Until Christmas Day!
(OK, that was a silly sort of Santa rhyme wasn’t it!)
Well, we did not find all the little hamsters. So I hope no one is too upset with us if we cannot bring them their Zhu Zhu pet for Christmas. It is most likely still playing at the North Pole. Somewhere!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Now, Mrs. Claus calls them “shoo shoo” pets! Do you have a pet? (You can leave a message for me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!).

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
To Santa l want a baby dolls and her accessories too
Merry Christmas!
Oh, what a wonderful wish! Baby dolls and their accessories sound like so much fun! Be sure to send me your Christmas list at this link too: https://www.emailsanta.com/email_santa.asp.
Why wasn’t u here last christmas
Hi Mrs. Clause! I’m Emma from Mansura! How is your Christmas
I hope I dont get coal. Mrs. Clause I hope you dont get Zhu Zhu pets stuck in your underwear like the elves. I love you Santa Clause and thank you for bringing so much joy to the world. You really are Gods Blessing and a Saint. Please have the elves keep working and I know you are all doing a good job.
Zhu Zhu Pets! I have the game on my DS. It is an old game. Now, zhu zhu pets are colourful and look a bit less like hamsters. They have bigger eyes and patterns and bright color unlike the originals. The originals looked like real hamsters. I am 9 but for some reason i know a lot about the 1990s and 2000s. I have 3 modern Zhu Zhus, but one of them is broken
Hi hi Santa
Would you come to my house tonight and visit me before Christmas
I really miss you she really want to touch your beard
And make sure you take a shower
Hello Santa I have been good and bad this year
I whant a Apple Watch and iphone 7 for chirstmas please
Dear Santa,I really miss seeing Thomas I hope I get him back this year I want a iPod and a alive horse for Christmas that would be the best thing ever thomas is the best elf ever thank you so much for giving me such a amazing elf thank you for give me and kids all across the country gifts we are so thankful love you santa mrs clause and thomas
no pet but I can help for the magic key! ok it fell close to…………
no I cant
I have a pet it a dog and it boy. he just a good boy but bark like nicely like saying hi and his name is max.
I have two zhu zhu pets my mom is mad at the dog uhoh
We have four dogs! My favorite is a golden retriever named Annie. THANK YOU FOR BRINGING HER!
Dear santa I hope those zu zu pets arn’t evil because I put that on my christmas list
i love santa the elves mrs claus and everyone in the world
dear snata
can u bring me zuzu pets?
Ha ha that was pretty funny as a candycane!!
I have a Kung Zhu Pet and I’m waiting for some money to buy it armor but i’m getting there!
I have three. My friend has a cupboard full. May I please have some more. Thank You
i have a brid call babby chikinea and dog name leroy
i just love Zhu Zhu Pets there so cute and fluffy!!! i have quite a few but i hopethey dont run into my mums ew.she would freak out or have a heart attack so yeah!
Please can you get me a Zhu Zhu pet…. Thank you Santa…. I love you from Bella xoxo
I like zhu zhu pets because they are soft.
Zhu Zhu pets are so cute and fluffy they run every were
hey santa i wish you could bring me a xbox360 w/ 2 wireless and fable 1,2 and 3
and halo reach for xbox360
hi i know your very busy this year with reading all of the christmas lits and telling the elfs to make them but donk wake me up on christmas eve
Hi Santa
I cannot believe that I am actually e-mailing u!
I’m soooooooooo excited and I hope I do get a Shoo Shoo pet LOL!
That was a cool story Santa. Is mrs.claus alright.
Please get me a Zhu Zhu pet.
I hope I dont get coal. Mrs. Clause I hope you dont get Zhu Zhu pets stuck in your underwear like the elves. I love you Santa Clause and thank you for bringing so much joy to the world. You really are Gods Blessing and a Saint. Please have the elves keep working and I know you are all doing a good job.
I do not have a pet and by the way how is everyone going.
Dear santa will yo give the elve and rain deer some thing for me they ave been working hard this year and i will pay you back with cookie and eggnog thankyou
we have a dog called benji…don’t worry if he barks he’s really friendly really, a cat called Charlie who keeps taking the christmas tree down and an old bunny called thumper and a zhu zhu pet called winkle…the dog and cat aren’t to sure what to make of him though lol 🙂 xxx
I have one cockateil, named Elvis and 3 hamsters. their names are: Radar, Kiki and Creamy. But Creamy isn’t doing too good.
Dear santa,
i love christmas
hi santa i am verry exetied about christmas i hope you have a wordful christmas to i havt to go my techer i telling for me to get of ader school i wull aks if i could go on my mum and dads computer by merry christmas to you santa xxx
i have 3 big zhu zhu pets and 1 baby zhu zhu pet. i also have a kitten named leo.
sup santa those zhu zhu pets crawl every where if my mom saw that she would scream like this AHOHHH AH EEE like that they do actually creep me out a little bit to is mrs claus ok though i hope she is there is one still crawling around some where well i would check the reindeer barn i guess
hello santa, i have 2 cats and 2 dogs well peachy is the younger cat and yoshi is the older one. my god dezzy has been barking away he is a naughty dog if you ask me. dezzy well he always chews on shoes you should give him no food for christmas. dezzy is a bad bad dog but dezzy has just one problem he just barks like i mentioned before jack is the younger dog but he is badder than dezzy which i dont get. now lets go on to the cats peachy meoms and she sits on my head at night. peachy is a very good cat and you could give her any cat treat in the world. now to go to yoshi, yoshi meoms and she scratched me once and twice and a lot of times. yoshi i would say just give her a little cat treats thank you and have a safe trip. (:
I have 4 pets. 2 are chcolate lab puppie,that’s a girl,and her name is molly.and 1 mix that I cant figure out! that ones name is daisy.1 is a cat,his name is milo. And,as you notice, I said 4! And I do have another,thats a kung zhu,He’s a green pet,he’s furry,and his name is…. .Sergant Serge! I have his armor,some where in this house, but I’ll find it,yes I will,some time in the future… It’ll run all around with its armor!And scare the the pets around the house!
I have two dogs. A german shepherd and a terrier mix. My mom and dad rescued them both. The terrier mix from under a car and the german shepherd from a German Shepherd Rescue Center. I love them both very much.
i love you santa claus and mrs.claus.
dear,santa what kind of cookies do u like? what kind of milk do u like? If this is to much im sorry.: (
That, is a funny name shoo shoo pets.
Was Mrs Claus really on a ladder and I think that is funny
I can’t believe they went out of control. Man! I really wish I had santa’s phone number so that i could actually tell him!!!!
I used to have a dog named truman.But he died on my friends birthday
I am not sure if I like those pets.
I do have pets I have a dog and 2 Cats
Well I really don’t have a pet
because my dog had to go with some
I have a pretty black lab her name is Roxy Bell
how do the elves look what are there names also i really want to see the reindeer can i see them just wake me up
I don’t have a dog anymore beacause
my dog had to go with someone eles.
I have 3 zhu zhu pets. I have 1 girl her name is Jilly.I have 2 boys there names are scoodels and rocky. I love them. they are a big hit. Hope you get 1 if you want 1.
yes i have 5 dogs and two chinchinna. i have two dogsthat are outdoors dog and three indoors dogs. and the chinchinnas are my btother.we just got two puppies for a eraly christmas presents bella and lilly. well that make 7 pets so bye.
Hi how are you doing hope that you got all those SHOO!SHOO!pet and that more people believe in your real.
yes i have a pet its a cat so wacht out but i wont wery about it she is tarified of strangers
love taylor
hi,santa i love your story it was funny .is mrs.clause there?
My Zhu-Zhu pets run all over the place too. I have 4 of them, but I would like more. Especially Jilly and Mr. Squiggly and Sweetie. I love them all.
Have a good night Santa and I hope to see you soon.
Well I think it is funny that Mrs Claus calls Zhu Zhu pets shoo shoo pets
have a merry christmas santa i have a zhu zhu pet my cat loves it.
Ha ha i bet mrs.clus is going to freack out if she sees another one of those.I hope you have a very merry christmas and to all who arnt naughty.
can you give presents to adults too.
Hello!! Santa for Christmas can I have Zuzu Stuff? Please? I hope my Zuzu has not run away!!
hi santa i like your story it,s funny
I do have a pet he is half shitsoo and half pooltl.He is relly fun and nice.
I relly want a Zhu Zhu pet but its ok if you cant give me one.why dose Mis.Claus call them shoo shoo pets.I am relly excited about Christmas.
hello. um…. i really like christmas but some people dont believe in christmas why dont they ?
i have 3 cat’s (Cloud,Coco and puddin)
and 1puppy she is part maltese part shitzu and part bichon frieze her name is Molly
I do she is half lab and half retrev and her name is Lily
Hi santa and mrs clars my name is Candace I carnt whate untill you guys visit my house.Say hi to roodof for me and the unther raindeers and other people at the north pole.PS bie
Me and my little sister have almost all the zhu zhu pet kinds there is.
I really love zhu zhu pets I only have 1.I would really want more.
My sister said she has heard you in the night!She satys up really late , she said she heard some jingle bells!!And its really funny because I woke up just after because of my silly zuzu because it makes noises and she said just after she heard you say ”Ho ho ho Merry Christmas, and G’night mates”!
I love Zuzu pets!I’m the same girl from the other ones Lily.Zuzu pets are so much fun , zuzu pets are on the run !!Well the centenily are now!!I hope there not too cold!!Oh no not Clumsy AGAIN!I just read about the ginger bread house incedent!!
HI!Santa this is Isabella to start with i do not have pets but i want one i want a dog or a cat p.s i would like seeing you Santa
love Isabella
I’m REALLY happy that you found some of the Zhu Zhu pets! Or else they could have run into a polar bear!! 🙂 😉
how funny i have one and my cats are scaed of it like mrs.claus p.s u rock santa
hey santa my name is alexandra but please call me lexie.i am 9 years old and i LOVE cristmas!did u know that in CCD we do a christmas play?!? my cat Maui (meowie) wanted hi say hi and mmeeooooww
I really want a Zhu Zhu Pet for Christmas, they look like heaps of fun!
I though your blog was sweet and unquie even though you told me the truth I just don’t help but wonder why not build A Zoo for all the furry little criters then mrs.claus won’t have to get stuck up a ladder.
Do something less complacated for once.
P.S.S- santa do abit of exacising.
Hi Santa! I didnt believe in you that much, but as soon as I looked at your site I new you were real!
zuzu pets are kool my sis has lots of em
Wow! I would love to have a zhu-zhu pet, all of my friends have one. I hope I will get one in my stocking this year. Tell all the elfs, Mrs. Clause, and the reindeer I said hi! Merry Christmas!
Hi Santa,
I really like chrismas it’s my favorite holliday I hope that tickels your wiskers (*wink*) I want to get a zhuzhu pet or the dsi game like the zhuzhu pet one or the one called petznursery2/or1 (*wink*) Bye the way tell Mrs.Clause that theres nothing to be scared of (and at first I was scared to) (*wink*) but ounces yyou get use to it it’s easy and tell her to start out with Jillian (she’s really gentel) (*wink*) if you don’t know who she is she is pink and white only exsep for her eyes (*wink*). Well thats all for rite now bye santa
Your’s Truley
P.S tell the elvs I said hi and the raindeer.
P.P.S I think Mrs. Claus should give zhuzhu pets another chance
yes as a matter of fact i have to zuh zuh pet’s my cousin bradley has way more then me and he’s only 3. love tatiana
i love zhu zhu pets and santa and reindeers and elves
I have 27 zhu zhu pets. I am trying to collect them all. If you could leave me alteast one, that would be awesome!
I had a hamster but he passed away. 🙁
hi it is luc forom last time my dog love you and the elf her name is riley
i have 3 zhuzhupets 1 of them is a princess another is aplain 1 but i love them all ps. do you have any zhuzhupets
Hi santa! I have 3 zuzu pets! Their names are Sweetie, Patches, and Cappichino! My favourite is sweetie, she’s pink! Thanks for that story santa it is very funny!
i have one zhu zhu pet his name is buck and he is so cool like you thank you for being so amazing at what you do ihope i will be as you and as nice as you you are like GOD He loves everyone no matter what conditions we are in i like you for being that way love you always rylee
xoxoxoxox oxoxoxoxoxo xoxoxoxoxoxo
I really would like a zhu zhu pet i dont have one but they look cool
I have a baby on but I would like a zu zu pet if that is possible father christmas teee tee teee
i have two zhu zhu pets and the hamster ball hahaha boom boom lol
My uncle has 8 pet cornsnakes and i like to put them all around my neck and watch tv with them!
I do not have a pet but hopefully i will soon (Zhu Zhu Pets)
All my love Emily
Dear Santa
i have 2 zhu zhu pets Scoodles and Moo and i would really like Pinky
merry Christmas and good bye
I have a german shepard who is pretty small for the type of doggie
I have seen Zhu Zhu pets running all over my school yard on Tuesday. It was crazy.
i rele want a zhu zhu pet for crismas
It’s me Haley . I’m visting your web site please send me a letter after this. Santa you are so sweet to me. tell the reindeer I said hello. tell the elves I said hello. tell Mrs.Claus I said hello. I MISS you so much.
Hi Santa I only have one Zhu Zhu pet and idk what to name him and lol I like your new tittle called Escape of the Zhu Zhu Pets. They always do run very fast and walk very fast and they can even talk. I like having pets that don’t do anything really stupid.
I have a little hamster named Aphordite she is named after a certain god.I bet if you bring Mrs. clause to my house she well be scared and wake all of us up!
I have a pet fish. I hope you find those hamsters.
i have a zhu zhu pet to his name is mr. squiggles he’s pretty and fun.
I have 8 Zhu Zhu pets. There names are Zuzu ( from the Zhu Zhu Wild Bunch) Pipsqueak,Moo, Chunk,Rocky, Spottie,Tex, And Jilly.
i have 2 zhu zhu pets called Jilly and Scoodles this year i would like Bamboo and Snowball plese
thats a very funny story santa but it is ok to be afraid of zhu zhu pets but on christmas i relley want the zhu zhu pet carly
dear santas elevs
hows it like being a elve
Thats funny. I want zhu zhu pets for christmas. I hope you have enough!!! Oh ya and i am sorry for being bad last night.
Dear Santa, yes I have 1 cat. Thats all we have. Why because my sister is alergic to fur. Well have a fun year. P.S. if you don’t get me a zoo zoo pet it’s ok.
i have 2 pets but my girl dog is having babies can you get alot of stuff for them please
well as all my friends at school are asking for a zhu zhu pet (not the boys) but they want the houses and clothes to but i dont want one i think there to girly for me as you know but i used to think they where great
beware of our dog gandalf the great dane and also the great hat stealer
Nice Mrs. Claus. But I’m really sorry for what happened. It’s ok to be afraid of some type animal. Allie used to be my friend and she’s scared of Kitty Kats.
2009 Christmas my sister asked for some and got some.Guessing you had a lot When you were in Auburn Massachuttes.
I hope you find the zhu zhu pets. I love my dogs Chloe and Colby, and my cat Cleo. Could you please leave some treats for them?
i do not want a zhu zhu pet and i think you could make the people who will not get zhu zhu pets something extra spicial
i got 2 of those shoo shoo pets and my girl dog tank likes to run after them.
i think that is a very silly and very very funny story.
ive can help mrs cluars by strooking my real hamtars
i got a puppy a month ago.he is awsome!
i havent got a shoo shoo pet as Mrs Claus calls them but im having one for my birthday.i have got a real pet it is a boy dog its name is Diesel.
i have 12,000 and when i put them down they run up my underwear
looks like you have a lot on your hans mr.santa claus.
i have 4 zhu zhu pets called patches,peachy,cappuccino and ryder the rockstar
If they were real hamsters I would strock them.I love animals!
i alerdy have 7 zhu zhu pets so i do not need anymore
my dog charlie evry time rudoulf is on tv he licks him HO HO ho ho
my hamster, charlie, who is 2 wants to say hello to rudolf xxxx
i have 5 zhu zhu pets or shoo shoo pets but 2 of mine got lost by leaveing it on all night
One time I was at my cousins house and she turned a Zhu Zhu pet on and we couldn’t turn it off. When we thought it was turned off, she put it on her shoulder and it got caught in her hair!
🙁 We got someone to get it out. Now we know don’t put a Zhu Zhu pet on your shoulder(if you have long hair) if you don’t know how to turn it off!!!;)
Dear Santa,
I Hate zuh zuh pets i would like a phone blue nose friends a telescope and animatazz
LOve Abbie
hope you find the zhu zhu pets they can be a little koo-koo like a clock koo-koo! haha!
hi santa love you and i hope that you will give my mom and my dad a gift from you!!i believe in you!!!
i have 1 cat named sugar,1 dog named macy, and 1 fish named smileyface.
santa you are the best ever i hope i see you this year if so will u leave prsents under my tree in my bedroom
please can you watch teddy and molly, (my cats) when you come down the chimney!! as they are only babies!!! thanks santa xxxxx p.s see you next month when i come to Lapland!!! xxxc
well i have 6 zhu zhu pets.the first one is named jilly, I also have winky, scoodles, nugget, another scoodles and babycakes. they are really funny and run around chasing my cat puddinghead all over the house. winky makes cow, pig, dog and duck noises. And I almost have all of the pieces to their rooms. I love my zhu zhus.
That is the most holarius story I’ve heard of. Hopfully mrs.Clause dosn’t find a hampster in her closit.
Weird story. I bet the elfs were runnig EVERYWHERE! And when Clumsy elf dropped the box complete silence and then you were ALL scattering around. I cannot wait for Christmas. I wake up really early because I want to open my presants and make some for my Mommy and Daddy. I think this year in 2010 I will wait because I want to sleep in. Once I woke up really early and I thought you would see me but you really were not there so I had no idea. I have a lot of stuff on my list this year and I just wannted to know your E-mail address. Okay? Please reply and what do you want me and my mom to leave on the dining room table?
hi santa ust wondering what you would like the most for me and my sister to leave on the table for you for christmas and also your raindeer especially rudolf for you milk and cookies or a candy bar and for your raindeer cookies or veggies please reply
My mom makes me waie until she wakes up so she can make sure you aren`t there.
hi zuh zuh pets are so cool but i think that real pets are better oh and santa thanks for your lovely email back it really touched me i wont be upset if i dont get an ipod touch and as i might as i woud like a fit boyfriend i do not think i will get one i am glad rudolph glow when i mention him here rudolph the red nose reindeer xx
i love elfs i relly want one for christmas i will cry intell i die if i dont get one.
I hope we willhave a white christmas this year!
dear Santa,rebecca and delany have been very mean to me for the past four months they have made me cry,alex is the only kid in my nighborhood being nice to me.
i even have two bany “shoo shoo pets” to
how funny i have a ton of them i want more cause you know cute
I really likeed that i wish i was there to help.
ok santa i hve 2 real hamsters and they r so cute there names r honey and cinamin and when honey my hamster git my dad and my brother and me hade to try and kech her but he couldent shei s very fast and she jumped so we hade to get a bucket to catch her it was si fun but scary :0 🙂
I have a chihuahua named tyra oxoxo Regynne
zhu zhu pets are funny my dog bigmack was chasing them in the house they kept on going places in the house
Zhu Zhu pets! are you kidding me?! My gosh! I think you shoud restrict a couple of them Reply back
ha ha,that is realy funny why is mrs.claus afraid of them.
Dear Santa the zhu zhu pet escape was pretty funny tell Mrs. clause i said don’t be to scared of zhu zhu pets because they don’t have teeth or even a mouth for that matter.Have a good day and a Merry Christmas love,Hailey
i want a zhu zhu pet and house because then i willnot have to clean the mess up lol!
I have a dog and a cat.The dogs name is T-rex.The cats name is Junie B.
I have a dog named winston and hamster! my hamster reminds me of those zhu zhu pets! she always want to run away! see you on christmas!
i have a zhu zhu pet there realy cool and i have all the bits to make there cage my little brother has one to but no bits to make a cage he makes one out of lego lol 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
dont mean to be rude but i have never heard of zhu zhu pets
Please get all the zhu zhu pets in the town for me and my sis!
Our zhu zhu pet ran over our Hard game of dominos! LOL!
Hi, I got to be a luky one and get one same with my brother we love them thaks aginlove ya ho ho ho ho
i have 2 zhu zhu pets Pipsqueak and Num nums!
Dear Santa,
What is a blog? Do you know who’s on the naughty list? Are there any girls on there? I hope my brother Tate is never on the naughty list!
yes,a puppy named zoe. can get me a zhu zhu pet?
Thats kind of funny mrs.Clause does not like zhu zhu pets. There so cute. I am going to get them next year for sure.
LOL! that was so funny! I love you and the elf’s. See you later! It’s 7:00! Bye!
That was so funny! We love you here down in McKinney TX! School got canceled because of ice. It’s 6:43 am! Bye!!
Hey santa I got a zhu zhu pet this christmas and i love it
LOLZ!!! Santa i was just watching the news (Fox 13) and they spotted u!! Are you ok with that? btw i have 3 pets.2 birdsand 1 dog. Oh wait I 4got 2! Landen and Kyle!!! 2 little brothers!!!!
what are zhu zhu pets? do you have any pets santa? i have 3 i have two cats named dopey and shonti this year is shontis first christmas. i also have a rabbit named kirby this is his 2nd christmas i think well will you send my rabbit for chritmas a new coller because he brock the other one into peaces.
Wow Santa- that’s amazing. All because of one elf all your Zhu Zhu pets have almost escaped and some actually have! I want a Zhu Zhu pet for Christmas but if some have escaped I understand if you can’t bring me one. Please Keep that one elf on the ‘Nice’ List. I’m sure it was an accident.I liked the story. I love the Rhyme.Well by for now. Tonight’s christmas eve!:)
i want 1 really bad even know i don’t know what it is
I think little kids should ask for real hamsters instead of Zhu Zhu Pets. A real hamster would be a lot more fun to play with and so many animals need homes.
i really want a zhu zhu pet sooo bad please! !!!! funny about mrs clause on the ladder
now all you need to do is add little laser beams to them and you can take over the world santa!
haha funny story!
P.S. what do you want to eat at my house when you come?
Dear Santa;
Your story was very funny. If you find all the zhu zhu pets, I would like to have either Num Numz, Chunk, or Pipsqueak (for Katherine) and Mr. Squiggles, Patches or Chunk (for Andrew). Please thank the elves for working so hard.
wow!! clumsy must be very very clumsy if he tiped the box over tell mrs claurse im not fond of hamsters ever or rats
Im so sad. santa claus could you make me feel better? do you go to church?
that was very very very funny santa i like that story
im always the first one to get up on christmas
I have two cats. Lucky is new. Can you find herr and give her lots of presents? I love her, except she attacks Biscuit and she’s mischeivous.
Hi Santa Claus! I’m getting a Zhu Zhu pet from my mum for Christmas! I can’t wait! They’re so much fun! xxoo (kisses 2 hugs 2)
Dear Santa,
If you have any problems with your Zhu Zhu pets, like a real hamster, set out some carrots or yogurt so the Zhu Zhu pets will go towards it and start eating it. It’s not Clumsy’s fault they fell over and yesterday I was a little bit clumsy myself! I broke the toilet paper holder in the bathroom! And I almost broke a candle when I was walking upstairs I kind of slipped and knocked it off the shelf!
WOW! SantaClaus the ZhuZhu pets are out of control but make sure you find it and have a nice Christmas.
thats funny santa i have been asking for those zuh zuh pets to
i have 2 dogs one is named tanner the other s named sophie
I heard on the news that they were dangeres
I thought the story was cool!I want one for Christmas.
Dear Santa
I have a pet named Nala. She’s CRAZY! But I heard on the news that Zhu Zhu pets are dangerou to have. I just heard that part.
HA HA HA HA!!!! im still laughing about the part with elf underwear! HA HA HA HA HA HA!! i laughed so hard that after a while, my tummy hurt anyway, MERRY CHRSTMAS!
And a Happy New Year!
i heard that mr squiggles is contagous so dont get the kids sick!
What is a Zhu Zhu pet? Well, it’s me again, the Vegan, and I am here to add another hippie mark to my record. I have no TV, and have not seen the ads.
It doesn’t really surprise me that I haven’t heard of them; most their advertising was probably done on TV, a child’s strongest influence. I know that’s true of my aquaintences. So why would anyone bother to put ads anywhere else?
dont you all get exsited on christmas the best time of year
Haha that was funny. 😛
I do think Webkinz are better than Zhu Zhu pets though. They just look like ordinary hamster toys to me.
Merry Christmas! Hope you find the Zhu Zhu pets!
i hate zuh zuh pets because one got stuck in my hair !
I want Zhu Zhu pet too. p.s MERRY CHRISTMAS
that is really funny i want a zhu zhu pet i mean shoo shoo pet they r really cool im 10 years old and i want one
Dear Santa,
I hope you can come for Christmas this year. I hope you are having a great time with Rudolph.
I hope my zhu zhu pet gets here ok. Thank you for coming this year. Merry Christmas Santa!
Love Olivia
i have been looking all around for them for zhuzhu pets
hey santa its me again i forgot to tell you that i all ready have a dog named winston but i would really like another one for winston to play with please
well if you cant get me a zhu zhu pet it will be fine
HAHAHAH, That was a funny story. My little sister wants one really bad!!!! Merry Chrismas, Lauren
i think that sounded very offensive for Mrs.Claus.
yes i have a pet her name is asia she is a german shephard dog.why does mrs. Claus call the hamster things shoo shoo pets?
that was a cool story!!.i liked the pictuer it was funny.
i would really love a puppy for christmas mayby a german shepard. love x
Reply from the Elves:
The best way to make sure your wishes get into Santa’s book is to email Santa. They go straight in that way! If you put them on this blog then someone might forget to add them 🙁
Merry Christmas!
The Elves
P.S. What’s the magic word? 🙂
i cant wait untill its christmas day love natalie x.
what would you like to eat for when you come to my house.love nataliexx
i cant wait till christmas i wake up at five in the morning
🙂 I never heard of them here in VA. I really Want a Real Puppy. Maybe a Bichon Yorkie. There so pretty 🙂 Nice Story Santa !!
We Love you Here in James City Countyy!! 😀
awsome santa i have herd of a zhu zhu pet i think there cool btu my nefus had one well something that look like it and did stuff like it well merry christmas santa i hope u find them all 24 more sleep i am so exsited!!!!
funny story my lil sister wants one soo bad when she sees one on the tv she makes a big whole lecture about how good it would be to have one insted of a real hamster lol
Ha ha thats funny that Mrs. Clase was skard!Ihope that your elfs find all the zhu zhu pets!I hope that Clumsy is OK. HoHoHoHo
Ha ha! That is really funny! My sister really wants a Zhu Zhu Pet. I see them on TV commercials. They look really cool. Bye for now!!
that was a cool story. i liked when the zhu zhu pets escaped.