The elves and I had a funny idea. Did you know that elf names are very long? They are often very funny too. What would your name be if you were an elf? Well, I have just the thing. My Christmas name generator will tell you. All you have to do is use it. Then, you will get your elf name. Shall we start?
Your Christmas Name Generator
First, find your elf first name. Choose the month you were born. That is your elf first name.
January: Tinsel
February: Ivy
March: Berry
April: Gifter
May: Toy
June: Crackle
July: Snowy
August: Merry
September: Squirt
October: Red-nose
November: Speedy
December: Cheery
Next, find your last name. Choose the year you were born. That is your last name.
2019: Sheep-Head
2018: Pudding-Nose
2017: Laugh-A-Lot
2016: Gift-Wrapper
2015: Toy-Maker
2014: Fancy-Pants
2013: Cherry-Blossom
2012: Van-Perry-Winkle
2011: Helper-Helper
2010: Shoe-Maker
2009: Laughy-Laugh
2008: Big-Ears
2007: Fuzzy-Wuzzy
2006: Grumble-Tooth
2005: Bum-Waggle
2004: Duck-Egg
2003 (or before): Von Old
We are getting there. Next, choose your title from the Christmas name generator. Look for the first letter of your first name.
A, B, C, D: the Brave
E, F, G, H: the Excellent
I, J, K, L: the Funny
M, N, O, P: the Wise
Q, R, S, T: the Beautiful
U, V, W: the Fast
X, Y, Z: the Clever
The Last Step For Finding Your Name!
Whew. Almost there. This is the last stop. Find the first letter of your last name. This will tell you where you are from. Which elf kingdom do you come from?
A, B, C, D: of Bubble-land
E, F, G, H: of Fartle-brook
I, J, K, L: of Silly-chester
M, N, O, P: of Poo-poo-de-sloop
Q, R, S, T: of Trip-slip-gloop
U, V, W: of weird-lick-slick
X, Y, Z: of Rumble-tummy
Have you done it? Now, put them all together. Would you like to hear my elf name? It would be:
Cheery Von Old the Beautiful of Bubble-land!
That is a very silly name. Can you find your Christmas elf name? Use the Christmas name generator to find out. Are you done? Can you send me your silly name? I bet it is really silly. What other silly elf names can you make up?
Merry Christmas,
Santa Claus
P.S. What is your elf name? Leave me a message to tell me your elf name or what other funny elf names you made up. After that, scroll down to see everyone else’s silly elf names!
A message from the elves:
You can write Santa a quick message here. But, if you want Santa to reply, then you should send a letter to Santa from this web page. Then Santa will reply to you fast as reindeer fly!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I need a elf name
Ho ho ho Annie! How about the name “Sparkle Snowflake”? It’s full of magic and cheer, just like an elf should be!
love you santa
Merry Christmas! Oh, I love you too, Emma! You make my heart jingle with joy. ❤️Santa
Speedy sheep head trip-slip-glop this one I make my funny name is it good or bad I don’t know how to do this I simile do this
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho, what a funny and clever name! Speedy Sheep Head Trip-Slip-Glop sounds like something my silly elves would come up with. It’s wonderful!
clothes and shoes
new playstation 5 game
cheery von old the beautiful of bubble-land
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho! What a fantastic Christmas wish! Be sure to write to me at https://www.emailsanta.com/email_santa.asp so I can hear all about it and share the joy with the elves!
December 13 2024 at: 7: 23 you have to come to my house in night time and keep my gift if you can come inside of my house please come otherwise you keep in the outside my elf name is fancy- plant
Merry Christmas Nivedya!
Ho ho ho, what a wonderful plan! I’ll do my very best to visit your house on Christmas Eve night—my reindeer and I are experts at finding just the right spot for gifts, whether inside or outside. And Fancy-Plant is such a jolly name!
Make sure to send me your gift request at https://www.emailsanta.com/email_santa.asp so I’ll know what to bring!
December 13 7:38 My is name elf is red nose fancy plant you have to bring my gift in night time no one should know you came here
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho, Red Nose Fancy-Plant sounds like a truly magical elf name! Don’t you worry—my visits are always a big secret. I’ll tiptoe so quietly, not even a mouse will hear me.
My name would be Berry Gift Rapper exerlent
Merry Christmas Ella
What a simply wonderifus name! HHHOL!
My buddy is berrry
My kingdom is the kingdom of Fartle brook
Eva and Ava will be my two new elfs names
my Elfs name is buddy. i Really like him.
come to night to my house
My elf name is toy cherry blossom the funny
My name is squirt cherry blossom of funny Chester
my elfs name is
Toy fancy-pants the wise from poo poo de sloop
I love my new elf name!It is so funny!
Hi Santa! My elf name is Squirt Fancy-Pants the Beautiful of Weird-Lick-Slick!
Bro I’m ‘squirt shoemaker the funny from Trip-slip-gloop’
my elfs name is Squirt Van Perry Winkle the beautiful of rumble tummy
uhm i got Tinsel Fuzzy-Wuzzy The Funny of Bubble Land
Hi Santa please may I come to the North Pole!
no santa is living in a secret place
Christmas 1
41dn dap 0003381451
300b 4exp
18eyes bro
elvie juggley bobobbo bababab bananananana
My elf jam is Ivy Cherry blossom the size and I come from trip slip gloop
I forgot my elf’s name can you plss tell me
I live at Poo-poo-de-sloop
My name is Cheery Helper-Helper
My elf name is crackle fancy pants and I’m beautiful and I’m from bubble land
My elf name is snowy fancy pants the beautiful of farther brook
My elf name is: Snowy Van-Perry-Winkle the Beautiful of Fartle-Brook.
I think my elf name is fun and funny ( the reason I put my elf name and not my real name is because I am not supposed to post it sorry)
My name is Tinsil Cherry-Blossom the Beautiful of Trip-Slip-Gloop
my elf name is snowy laughy laugh the brave of bubble land
My elf name is sparkle and I think I’ve been nice. It’s finally the day before Christmas Eve. A year is a long time. And the mall is better to see people especially Santa Claus. I think I’ve been nice because I been nice to my family and friends, I helped the people in need, and I do chores at home and finish all my work.
My elf name is red-nose cherry blossom the funny of trip-slip-gloop
Hi santa i cant write a list this year im afraid but for christmas this year i have a big wish. You know my dad died when i was around 6 years old and this year i want to meet him and tell him i love him. Also you know im death so its easier for me to write it this way thank you santa
I´m so sorry for your lost lilly 🙁
Hi santa I can’t write for Christmas but am I on the naughty list but its fine thank you and marry Christmas
my sisters elf name is cheery gift – wrapper the brave from the kingdom poo poo de sloop and my elf name is speedy fancy pants the funny from the kingdom of trip slip gloop
I would be squirt big-ears the brave of bubble-land
It so worked my elf name would be Tinsel cherry-blossom I am the wise and I come from the land of poo-poo-de-sloop
Merry Cherry-Blossom the Beautiful of Poo-poo-de-sloop, lol
My silly elf name is Speedy Bum-Waggle The Funny of Bubble Land.
speedy fancy pants the funny trip slip gloop mine is super funny
speedy fancy pants the funny trip slip gloop
My elf name is, “Ivy helper-helper the brave of bubble land”
Hi Santa I have my elf name and my elf name is really funny!
My elf name is gifter laughy -laugh the brave of bubble – land I know it’s my elf name lol it’s funny
My elf name is Gifter Laughy-Laugh the Brave of Bubble-land I put it all together so it’s this name : Gifter Laughy-Laugh the Brave of Bubble-land
Yes I have done the elf name search and now I put them all together and Santa Would you like to hear my elf name and It would be gifter laughy -laugh the brave of bubble- land
hi my elf name is really funny hope u laugh or think it’s funny I think it’s funny my elf name is
red-nose van- perry – winkle the wise of trip-slip-gloop
my elf name is red nose chery blossom
Hi Santa my elf’s name is Henrielda
I have 5 elves. Sparkles, Holly, Baggy, Max, and Goldie!
Even though I am 55 you made my day by replying.
My elf name is Squirt von old the funny of silly Chester.
My name is Arianna but my elf name is so funny
hi santa i got my elf name is kinda silly its,merry helper helper the excellent of bubble land
hi santa my two elf name is: Dasher – boy snowy – girl ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
hi santa how are you ? good to message you because i love you
Crackle laughy laugh the great is funny
My name would be Merry Van-Perry-Winkle the Brave of Bubble-land!
Dear Santa,My elf name is The Funny ShoeMaker
Snowy Von Old, the Wise, of Bubble Land
HII SANTA im Dawson umm i have a question why u say HO HO HO!
Some of the parts of my name are true.
Hi Santa it’s Anna can you visit Jamie on Christmas Eve night because he s been poorly with his fits at home bless him
Hey, my name is David, and I am 15 years old.
My elf name is Red nose cherry blossom the brave of weird lick slick
my elf name is snowy helper-helper the brave of weird lick slick
my name is Squirt Helper-Helper the Excellent of Bubble-land
I don’t like my elf name it’s embarrassing me
my elf name is cheery cherry blossom the funny of trip slip gloop
Hi my elf name is… toy hubbuba
Mine is tinsel helper-helper the beautiful of Fartle-brook.
Ivy cherry blossom the funny of bubble land
I am Speedy Helper-Helper The Brave of Bubble Land!
My elf name is toy cherry blossom for short
very funny becouse i love elfs and its cool
HI this is speedy helper-helper the beautiful from bubble land oops i mean Ryelee!
Hi santa its me ryelee my elfs name is sparkles but her name wasn’t on the list
are going to be a sleep girl and girl when you come to our house
Hi! My name is Ruyi. My elf name is Berry Van-Perry-Winkle The Beautiful Of Fartle-brook.
Mine was Toy big ears the brave of fratle brook
My elf name is squirt shoemaker the excellent of silly Chester
my elf name was mary big ears and the wise of bubble land
Gifter Von old the brave of fartlebrook
hi! my real name is not above. but my elf name is! (My real, non-elf name is Lily)
Hi, Santa! My elf name is Speedy Laughy-Laugh the Excellent of Trip Slip-Gloop.
My name is Emeli and my elf name is Red nose helper helper the excellent of silly cheese
My name is gifter van-perry-winkle the Excellent of weird-lick-slick
my name is snowy toymaker the brave of bubble land
mine is merry van-perry-winkle the fast of bubble land
santa my elfs name is alf not snowwy
my christmas name and normal nikname i stinkpot and baby
MY ELF NAME IS : IVY Van-Perry-Winkle the Funny of Poo-poo-de-sloop
You a so jolly and that my name and my brothers name is Gifter fancy-pants the funny of trip-slip-gloop thanks hope you have a merry day.
My elf name is Toy Shoe-Maker The Beautiful of Trip-Slip-Gloop. I wonder why elf names are so long and silly.
My christmas name is: Cheery Helper-Helper the Excellent of Fartle brook
Berry Brave of Silly-chester Cherry-Blossom
My name is Crackle-Laughy Laugh-The brave-Of Trip Slip Gloop! haha so funny!
My elf name Snowy Cherry-Blossom the Cleverof Bubble-land
cherry big ears the wise of bubble land
Toy Laughy Laugh the Wise of Bubble Land!
I Cant get over how bad and weird my name is. Try saying THIS 5x fast!
Hey my elf name would be tinsel shoe maker the excellent Fartel – Brooke. Are you excited for Christmas Day as I am right now it’s Christmas Eve. Also have I been good I am Gabriella May Eisley
Squirt shoe-maker the silly from Poo-poo-de-slop
Good morning santa and Ms claus today is Christmas eve.
I was Merry ShoeMaker The Brave Of Bubble Land
Santa I got gifter for my elf’s name on the generator in real life my elf’s name is Shelfi.
My elf name is Merry Van-Perry-Winkle the brave of trip- slip- gloop!
merry shoe maker the brave of bubble land
And I’m snowy helper helper the brave
Hi Santa you possibly don’t recognise me because I’ve had a haircut my elf name is Gifter toy-maker the brave of bubble-land
My elf name is gifter that’s my first elf name I can’t really tell you the rest it’s too long is that ok?
This made me laugh so much my mouth is sore
My name is
Berry Van-Perry-Winkle The Funny Of Silly-Chester
Fits me
Hey Santa it’s me and Nevaeh again and I really like to see all kinds of stuff info about you and there’s only two days until Christmas once today’s over one it’s going to be Christmas Eve and then you’re going to come and then it’s going to be a miracle because like dude Santa’s coming
My names is red nose jingle dells. Midnight
my elf name was speedy,fuzzy, Wuzzy, the brave of bubble land.
Hi Santa!!!! I love Christmas, it’s the absolute BEST time of year!!!
my name would be Merry Big-ears the Excellent of Fartle-Brook.
My elves name would be the brave laughy-laugh squirt of bubble land
My elfs name would be Speedy Cheery-blossom the wise of Trip-Slip-gloop but I wanted to call it Jingle like Jingle bells
Merry Christmas Santa can I come to the North Pole and can you arrange something so I can be there
I made up the brave cheery sheap head in bubble land
i love xmas it is the best time of the year besides thanksgiving and my birthday.
My elf name is BerryHelper-Helper the brave of weird-lick-slick!
I am berry shoemaker the funny of bubble land
my elf name is crackle laughy laugh rumble tummy
my name in elf is snowy help helper the beautiful of trip slip glop
Here is my elf name: Snowy Cherry Blossom The Excellent Of Bubble-Land
i hate you i say bad words in class
Ivy the funny Van-Perry-Winkle of Silly-chester
I never thought I would be a shoe-maker of Fartle-Brook!!!
my name as a elf is merry laugh laugh the brave of trip slip gloop
i cant wait for christmas! yay!! and my name is berry helper helper the fast silly chester
this is a funny elf name merry criustmas Lily
my elf name is berry van periewinkle the brave of trip slip gloop.
My elf name is Toy shoe maker the funny of weird-lick-slick
My elf name was Ivy Van-Perry-Winkle the Brave of weird-lick-slick.
My elf name is Gifter Helper-Helper the Beautiful of Fartle-Brook.
omgomg bella i can’t believeyou forgot your elf name! >:0 UNACCPTBLE
gift wrapper the brave of bubble land
omg is it really you santa well i have tryed my best to be the best kid i can be even though sometimes it gets a little bit out of hand and i kinda go coocoo ps. i love you santa oh by the way Merry christmas and a happy new year everyone i love you all
My elf name is Merry helper helper the wise of weird lick slick
Mine is “Squirt Von Old The Brave Of Silly-Chester”!
…Which is better than some other names.
My name is Toy Van-Perry-Winkle the brave of silly Chester and Fartertle brook
the elf’s name is merry helper helper
My elf name is Crackle Shoe-Maker the fast of Rumble-tummy
Sooo, my name is Tinstel shoemaker the beautiful of Trip trop gloop land.
My elf name is: gifter cherry-blossom the excellent of bubble land
What time do you come to my house chrismas eav
from brennan
Hi Santa!! My elf name is, Cheery Fuzzy Wuzzy the Beautiful of Rumble Tummy!!
Don’t you think that is a funny name??
My name is Berry laughy laugh of Bubble land.
gifter shoe-maker the beautifulof fartle brook
MY elf name is speedy helper helper the excellent from fartle brook
Dear elf my name is Henry you probably know my name because you see me every Christmas do you like being a elf? Is it really cool? Or is it boring?what is your name? Do you know how to make toys? Is it true that the elf’s make us presents? Do you know I have seen Santa at the North Pole. Lots of love Henry xxx ps I will send you a message again soon.
Hi Santa! My elf name is Toy Cherry-Blossom The Wise of Bubbleland!
Snowy Laughy-Laugh of Bubble land is my Elf name
Merry Helper-Helper the Wise from Fartle-Brook
hey santa im filipina from samar calbayog city and wish you see my wih my wish is have a cellphone loptop and money thank you
My elf name is Snowy shoe-maker the Excellent of bubble land.
hi i know u are real but would u bring me what i want but u never get me what i want so here we go i want the new oculus quest it cost 299 thx if u will ever come!.
Snowy van-Perry-winkle the brave of bubble-land
my name is Ivy helper-helper the wise of weird-lick-slick
heyo im gitter shoe-maker the brave poo-poo-de-sloop
My elf name is really silly it is Ivy laughy- laugh the funny of fartle- brook.
Tinsel helper-helper the funny silly chester
My Christmas name is snowy. van-perrywinkle the brave of bubble land
Cheery laughy laugh the brave of silly Chester
I am Speedy Laughy-laugh the wise from Trip-slip-gloop. My brother is Speedy Van-perry-winkle the funny from Trip-slip-gloop.
Mine is Tinsel Van-Perry-Winkle The Funny of Fartle-brook! It is amazing how this thing works!
My elf is: Crackle big-ears the beautiful of Bubble-land.
Mine is berry van perry winkle the brave of bubble land
october red nose 2009 laughy laugh n the wise n poo poo de sloop
Mine were Crackle, Helper-Helper, The funny and Fartel book
Toy Laughy-Laugh the Brave of Bubble-land
My elf name is Toy shoe-maker The brave of trip-slip-gloop
my elf name is Ivy helper-helper the Beautiful of Bubble-land my friends elf name is Snowy helper-helper the Excellent of Farter-Brook
My elf name is Ivy Van-Perry-winkle the exellent of weird lick-slick.
Snowy Van-Perry-Winkle The Brave Of Bubble Land
my name is squirt big ears the wise from kingdom poo poo de poo
my name is lily but in my mind i am a elf and my name is cheery cherry-blossom the funny! am I funny? I do not know!
my name is toy helper-helper of bunden
my elf name is: Gifter Helper-Helper The Funny of Bubble Land.
Why such a sad name?
The Brave Kween Of Roses
this is weird i was thinking i am more of a snowy the white elf of the mountains
my elf name is snowy shoe-maker the beautiful of Trip-slip-Goop
My elf name is Berry helper helper the exleent of fartlebrook
my silly elf name is the cherry butt of bubble lad
my elf name is Snowy Shoe-Maker the Wise of weird-lick-slick
my elf name is helper helper the rave of brooklest or somthing
hey santa tell mrs claus i said hi and call me
my elf name is toy cherry blossom the wise of bubble land that is a funny name
My name is Tinsel Laughy-Laugh the Excellent of Bubble-Land
i have 2 last names i have 2 elfs it is
I need to talk to you about something
I need to talk to you it’s a bit important but can you look at me from your gloop please or something and am going to clean my room later
hey my elf name is toy fuzzy wuzzy the beautiful of a trip slip gloop
my elf name is ivy laughy-laugh the clever of a trip slip gloop and how is me and my brothers 3 elfs doing
my elf name is ivy laughy-laugh the clever a weird lick slick and how is me and my brothers 3 elfs doing
My elf name is Cheery Laughy-Laugh The Funny Of Fartle-brook. XD
my name is poppy stroud but my silly name is Blossom ivy
those are really silly things to be a name.and there also very funny. I even laughed at my silly elf name.
my silly elf name is this:
Hi My name was my name was gift drawer helper helper the beautiful of Poo poo de sloop
Hi santa! I took at test to see my elf name and it was Tinsel shoe maker the Wise of Poo-poo-de-sloop! Funny name right? I’m smiling right now just because of the name!!
My name is merry shoe-maker the beautiful-of trip-slip-gloop
Weird …
What up
My elf name is red-nose shoe maker the excellent of fartle brook
I have a silly elf name .
I hate my elf name
It is the worst thing to happen to me !!
Snowy Cherry-Blossem the Beautiful of Bubble-Land
I want to be good friends with you! Wrigt back if you agree we could be friends! Bye!
P.S. I’ve allways wished to have a ride in your sled!
Dear Santa,
I always love getting letters from you! I would like to be very good friends with you. I always wanted to meet you in person! P.S. I have a book called “I believe in Santa” and I really do beleave in you!
Please can you send me a picture of the classroom
My name is “Toy Big-Ears the Funny of Bubble Land.”
mine was ivy laughy-laugh the funny of poo poo de- sloop.
Mine was red nose laughy laugh the brave of bubble land
my name is Cheery Shoe-Maker, The Excellent of Bubble-Land
well mine is louie please take him to va with us
dear santa claus my elfmamewill be nicolis a russolillo
Hi Santa, My Elf Name is:Berry Fuzzy Wuzzy of the Brave Bubble Land
Hey Santa I am really bored could you send me some coloring sheets pls and a letter telling me if I have been good. I hate being stuck in quarantine since this corona virus. Now I’m going to celebrate something and that is staying of school.My name is cheery big ears I can’t remember the rest sorry. I love dancing and singing so could you send me a karaoke pls and thank you.
my elf name is Red-nose helper-helper the funny of silly-chester
My Elf’s Name Is… Gifter Helper Helper the Beautiful Of Bubble Land
I did this to my little cousin and her elf name is The Beautiful Berry Pudding from Trip-Slip-Gloop
My elf name is The Brave Cheery Shoemaker of Bubbleland
Addison, we have the exact same elf name! HAHAHA! Cheery Laughy-Laugh the Brave of Poo-poo-de-sloop!
My elf name is Cheery Laughy-Laugh the Brave of Poo-poo-de-sloop! Hahahaha!
my elfs name is cuddly fuzzy its a nice name right
Hello Santa,
My elves name is Christmas (Cris) for short.
My name Is kinda funny,
Berry Big-Ears the Excellent of Poo-Poo-de-Sloop
Toy Gift Wrapper the funny of bubble land
My elf name is Speedy Helper-Helper of poo-poo-de-sloop xD
My elf name is Ivy Helper-helper the funny,from Bubble land
-Lyla Black
hi i am savannah people always say you are fake but i wont to know the truth about you
Mine is Speedy helper-helper the wise of bubble-land
Mine is A really funny one it is snowy helper- helper the funny poo poo de sloop
Crackle-Laughy-Laugh the wise, from Poop-Poop-de-sloop
My elf name is Speedy Helper-Helper the Wise of Fartlebrook!
von freckonbrook freckonbrook village. elve name too.
hi santa my elves name is called tinsel laughy-laugh the beautiful
Berry Bum-waggle The clever of Bubble land
Hey Santa and elves, my elf name is really, really funny. But I think it goes along pretty well.
My elf name is red nosed laughy laugh the beautiful of silly Chester. That is somethin else
stopby house next year mn55079 do not miss it tan house lift size house im good men im on nice list
stop by Christmaseve next year paulshaw tan house lift size house dec 24 Thursday 2020
My name is snowy shoemaker the beautiful of trip slip gloop
Santa claus forget to come to Illinois and level me toys for my dogs and wamens biboveralls size 20 and tools for my husband
Snowy helper helper funny the Chester
Snowy shoemaker the funny bubble land
Because Christian people bellive in Jesus.
Dear Santa Claus I need your help please if my family said up in morning and my uncle want truck Christmas and me apartment all my self please give me chance I know God love you and I want for Christmas twilight saga fan may I talked with Jacob black please let me chance guys chance know him thought have a friend forever I joke Bella and Edward very much cool romantic and real life love story
my name is Berry laughy-laugh the beautiful
My name is Berry Laughy-Laugh the brave of poo-poo-de-sloop
Hi Santa my Elf name is Tinsel Helper, Helper The Beautiful Of Trip Slip Gloop
this is my funny elf name
natalie hobson
My elf name was cheery laughing laugh the brave poo poo de hoo
I hope you have fun delivering presents
I got Crakle helper-helper the brave of trip-slip goop
I LOVE CHRISTMAS TIME. Also my name is the same as yours maddy 321
My elf name is red nose fuzzy wuzzy the beautiful of poo poo de sloop
My elf name is merry shoe maker the wise of bubble land
Merry big ears the beautiful of bubble land. My we’ve name Santa!!!
wow……….. such a weird but fun name ^-^….* after trying to tell my fam what my elf name was clearly* ………@-@
dear Elves I thought that my elves name was … snowy crazy jones because first I named it JOLLy then DOlly and now snowy I am so comfused
My elf name is Crackle laughy laugh the funny of Bubble land
This is pretty funny I love this site
hi i know you are real becus my parents say you are!
my elf name is berry shoe-maker the wise of the weird-lick-slick. welp. im not weird.
I’m Gifter Von Old The Brave of Fartlebrook!
my name is squirt von old the brave of silly-chester
What is the elve and reindeer name that I have?
My elf name is toy helper-helper the clever of rumble tummy!!
my elf name wold be merryshoe macker of poo poo de sloop.
My name is berry Helper Helper The beautiful of lick sick
Crackle Big-Head the brave of Poo-Poo-Dee-Sloop
my elf name is Merry Big ears the brave of bubble land
tinsel shoe maker the funny of bubble land
Hi Santa my elf blanket is Ivy laughy laugh the brave of bubble land
Welp… hey Santa. My elf name is Berry Shoe-maker The Brave Of Slip… can’t remember the rest. Anyway, hope ya have a great Christmas! I hope I’m on the nice list. Also, I just was the Christmas movie, “Klaus”. It explains the origin of Santa. It’s really fascinating, even though I know it’s fiction. Btw, I’m 9 and a girl, not gonna say my name cause of privacy reasons, and yeah. Merry Christmas. (P.S, where your supposed to take a poll on who will guide your sleigh, it had an option of ‘Olive’. I may be stupid, but I didn’t know there was a reindeer called Olive!)
Hello this is shy ware and to y’all Merry Christmas
Your kind lovely sweet amazing and most of all fabulous
My elf name is Berry Helper-Helper the wise of poo poo de sloop
my elf name is tinsel shoe -maker the clever of I forgot sorry
My elf name is ‘Gifter Big-Ears Excellent of Bubble-land’ !
Snowy sho maker the excellent of poo poo ‘re sloop out o correct has taken over i can spell right I’m embarrassed
i love you you are the best please give me my chrismas list that i asted you thank you my lovly santa cluse
Santa, I wouldnt celebrate Christmas without you. My Christmas Elf name is Berry Helper Helper The Beautiful from Bubbleland. Here is a picture of me, the kid with hands in my pockets. See you Christmas eve!
My name would be Tensile grumble tooth Bubble Land
merry laughy laugh bubbly land that is my name of my elf name i am a brave elf
hi i love you i believe in you but my friends do not but i do
love you i want some horse playmobile contry and an laptop or a phone or tablit love you again i hope you read this message
i cheacked on your app i am on the good list i saw my name on it thankyou
Hey Santa! I hope I am good this year.My family is divorced and I’m really sad because they always fight:( Well I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
please write my good list or bad list please.
Hello! Please Send The Polar Express My Way Tonight!
My elf name is “Crackle Van old the Brave of bubble land. How do you like that one!
find out santa did here paul house stop by on Christmas eve night pray for santa claus thank ful you
put my on the address on the map for santa claus nice list
look out size Christmas light own 1 st house on lift size house do not miss it im ok / letter to messge im happy night im going to dop gift tan house
rindeer light elf light angel light on dec 24 / 20019 on tue love you mrs claus /
Speedy shoe maker the funny ?somewhat? Chester
Big ears
The excellent
Trip slip gloop
My new elf name is Squirt Shoe-maker The Beautiful of Fartle-Brook this is so funny and silly!
my elf name is red-nose laughy-laugh the beautiful of silly-chester.
my elf threw up today. he ate to much candy.
My elf name was ivy shoe- maker the Beautiful of fartle brook
iPhone x box with original cable and adapter mobile
Watch 2.0+ smartwatch built for kids with 2 bands
Etna products the claw electronic arcade game
E100 electric scooter
Novelty battery-operated water spray mini fans
Personalized santa surveillance camera
I love dancer prancer dasher vixen commet cupid and donner also blintzen and Rudolph there the best but can i come too the north pole my ear is chipped just like your toy maker elves
Hello Silly Elves,
My name is “The Brave Cheery Laughy Laugh!”
I am from the place called Trip – Slip – Gloop!
Unfortunately I curently do not have an Elf ,but had one named Peppermint Sparkles.
One day she did not come back from the North Pole , so thinking and trying to think positively ,but I am succeeding because I am Student Represenitve for class and classmates! Tell Peppermint to come back where we have an open place and piece of heart for her!
With Hope Peace And Graditude in the world!,
# Elliethebeast!
Hi santa
My elf name is red nose von old the funny of funny of poo poo DE sloop
Dear Santa Claus hi it’s jeffrey DiAntonio from wildwood New Jersey I have been a very good boy this year of 2019 season I want a stuff Anmial from Macys and a appple watch and some new toys see you soon love jeffrey
Merry Christmas to the elves and Mrs Claus and Santa.
Name is Toy Big Ears, The Beautiful, Of Trip Slip Gloop
I am Ivy Big Ears, The Brave, Of Bubble Land
My elf nale is gifter big ears the wise
hi my elf name is toy shoe-maker the beautiful of silly chester and my raindeer name is Lucky star !!!!
I love Christmas it is so fun with the Christmas games merry Christmas to you
My elf name was Crackle Big Ears the Excellent from Slip Slop Goop, Santa!
Crackle laughy-laugh the fast poo-poo-de-sloop
Haii Santa! My name was crackle shoe maker the beatiful of trip slip loop! What a funny name!
Toy(May)Shoe-Maker(2010)The Brave(A)of Bubble Land(C)
my name is shadow my sister wanted to name her snowflake like in the movie but i liked this my real name is bella but everyone calls me shadow
My elf name is gifter helper-helper the excellent of Fartle-Brook
my elf name is…………..capt in underpants
my name is cheery big-ears the brave of trip-slip-gloop
Santa thank you so much for everything you are so jolly
Cherry-fuzzy wuzzy- the excellent-silly chester
Amy Christmas day and boxing day of the week after that I was just wondering what the week after that,but the way the week before you go www
speedy laughy laugh the brave that was my elf name
my elf name was ivy big ears and buitiful.
My name was Cheery Shoe-maker from Bubble land
my elf name is Crackle Shoe-Maker the Funny of Silly-Chester
My elf’s name is chery big ears the excellent
Crackle Shoe-Maker the wise of lick-slick
Hello how are you doing I hope everyone is on the good list 🙂
Dear santa,
I love Christmas! It is such a good holiday!!! My name from the Christmas elf name generator was Cheery laugh-a-lot the brave from weird lick a lick! Haha!
My self name is Snowy Laughy Laugh of brave fartle brook
my elf name is ivy fuzzy wuzzy the funny of bubble land
My elf’s name is gingerbread my brother is Dominic’s is named Rudolph
My elf name is Speedy Grumble Tooth.I forgot the rest.
hi santa my elves name is chocolate chip cookie
scout is my elfs name and no that’s not right
My elf name is crackle duck egg bone
hi my name is Lisa and I am nice and I help many people out on the bus and at the store and I held the door open for people
my elf’s name is RED-NOSE – BIG EARS
My elf name is snowy laughy laugh the. Beautiful of bubble land
My name is speedy laughy laugh the brave of weird lick slick!
H Santa my elf ♀️ name is Ivy!
lift side house tan show mrs claus paulshaw send me a letter for santa in mail box formpaul
i have and will always believe in you trust me my mom got a pitcher of part of you
I am* who writes you a lot of email right on your screen . If you ever want to know what my name will be if I live in North Pole then it is , I swear.. ( Cherry Von Old the brave of poo-poo-de-sloop)
my name is Snowy helper-helper the beautiful of trip slip gloop
Meet ball. Dinner. Night paulshaw
Santa. Claus. Elf.
My elf name is Snowy Laughy-Laugh The Funny of Trip-slip-gloop. Ummm…………
Mine fits together perfectly, it is Ivy laughy-laugh the Funny of Fartle-brook
Harrypotter. Journal. Book note
This see can. See 3 book
My name would be:
Cheery Fuzzy-wuzzy the buetiful of Fartle-brooke
Hey Father Christmas my elf name is jolly sparkle merry Christmas
hi my elf name is merry helper-helper the excellent of bubble land
The brave
Of falte-brook
Dear Santa
This year I wood like : makeup ty clothes from hollister Hair proteus ring phone case pop socket
my girl elfs name is noel sparkle my boy is buddy and my little elfs are buddy off of the movie and grich from the movie
Mine is Toy Big-ears the Funny of Bubble-land
I saw my first Christmas advert yesterday!!!
My elf name is…… Gifter Big-ears The Excellent.
I’m so excited for Christmas, I hope I get lots of cool presents.
My Christmas name is tinsel helper helper the brave of fartel brook
my elf name is crackle grumbletooth the brave of fartle brook
Mine is Toy Fuzzy-Wuzzy the beautiful of bubble land
Santa I’m probably not going to get anything for Christmas this year I don’t want anything, give it to help charities and the poor! Santa please help! x
My name is Denise bum waggle, the excellent of silly-chester
I am Ivy Laughy-laugh the brave of trip slip goop. I know santa real, my folks(parents) told me. I love and believe santa in the Heart! UwU
Hi Santa,
I guess this is kinda silly. I know I have to keep the manic of Father Christmas alive and I always loved he thought of Santa Claus. I know that when I have children I have to bring them presents. But. I was wondering if this year you could make a special stop in heaven as my mother is up there and I know she loves magic as much as me. She’s been there for 15 months now and I know she would want a pair of Moshulu slippers. Please tell her I love her more and more. Thank you G xxx
Tall. Coming. My house. Santaclaus. 5970295thstacy
My elf name would be
Berry Laughy-laugh the brave of Silly chester! LOL
My name is merry bum-waggle the excellent of poo-poo -the -sloop
Hello Santa how are you I am so excited about Christmas and are your reindeers ok I am 9 but my mum thinks I am 11 because I am so tall.
mine is tinsle big-ears the excellent of bubble land
My name is to silly so can’t also guess what I have a boyfriend called Leo
Hello Santa, my mums Christmas name is Merry Von Old the Funny of Bubbleland!
Bye x
Merry fizzy wuzzy the wise from poo-poo-de-sloop
I am Toy Laughy-Laugh The brave of Bubble- land
My elfs name is snowy the shoe maker the brave of bubble land
hi Santa my elf name buddy and my reindeer is named sugar cookie and now I just opened my saint Bernard his name is brownie can you say hi to my elf and reindeer
My elf name is Toy Shoemaker The Brave Bubble-land I hope you like it Santa.
my name is tincel fussy wuzzy the funny of fartle brock
My elf name is toy shoe maker the beautiful of fartle brook
my name is cheery bum-waggle the funny of bubble land
Please tell Kirk the Elf that I said hi
To Santa my names is speedy laughing laugh the funny from the bubbly land ❤️
My elf name is cherry big ears the funny of trip slop gloop
mine is berry shoe maker the excellent of fartel book
My christmas name is ivy fuzzy wuzzy and oh dear i forgot the rest
mine is red nose shoe maker the funny of bubble land and my sisters is red nose shoe maker the brave of bubble land, i’d like mine to be berry helper helper the fast of rumble tummy and charlotte would like her’s to be snowy cherry blossom the brave of bubble land
My elf name is cheery von old the beautiful of bubble land
My dog name was merry laughly laugh the clever one of silly chester
My elf name is Ivy Fuzzy-Wuzzy the wise of Po-po-de-slop
I’m. Give me. All gife. For. Christmas.
Puppy pet. Christmas
Christmas. Magic. Power. Santa. Bell
Texi cab. Maiel Part. Christmas
Magic power. Santa. Key
Puppy. For. Christmas.
Texi. Matel. Part. Christmas
Christmas. For Paul.
Cookies. Santa. Milk
Christmas forpaul
Christmas. For Paul Trach can. Vikings. Angel. Talk to me. Christmas
Bulid. House. Games. On. My. Lap top
Christmas for. Paulshaw
Paulshaw. Send. To. Mrs. Claus. Letter
Elf. Pet a Saint Bernard tradition book
Elf pet reindeer
Elf. Pet
I ella and I fro poo poo sloopy
My name is Tinsel Laughy-laugh The Brave of Farley-brook
My name is Crackle shoe-maker the fast of Fartle-brook.
My elf name is Merry Laughy-Laugh the Wise of Bubble land .Have a merry Christmas!!
I got tinsel something, I don’t remember, sorry.
Hi santa my name ( x mas genorator) snowy helper helper the wide of poo poo sloop
Hello Santa Claus you going to be able to get a good day today
My silly name was ivy shoe maker the wise of bubble land. 😛
Hi Santa I know Christmas is a long time away but I want to tell you my elf name: Ivy. Shoe-maker the excellent of poo-poo-de-sloop
hi my sowny sleepy head i like an dog i am 12 years old.
my elf name is the beautiful cherry fuzzy-wuzzy and the kingdom I came from is fartle – brook lol
mine is cheery/big ears/the brave/trip sip gloop
Mine is red nose fuzzy wuzzy the excellent of trip slip gloop. lol. That is funny. This name CRACKS ME UP!!! Who thought of these names anyway? LOL.
merry helper helper the excellent of weird lick slick
#soweird #naturaldisasterssuck
tinsel laugh-laugh the excellent poo-poo-de-sloop
ivy shoemaker the funny of silly chester
gifter laughy-laugh the wise of silly-chester
My name is speedy helper – helper the beautiful of
Cartel brook
My elf name was berry laughy laugh the beautiful of tricky slippery goop
Gifter Laughy Laugh The Brave Of Wierd Lick Slick
Santa you are the best person ever !!!! Thank you for all of my presents #you are amazing !!
My name is tinsel shoe maker the brave of trip -slip – gloop
my elf name is…. Squrit Laughy- Laugh the brave of bubbleland !!! HA! HA!
Hi Santa Claus i want d to think you for my Christmas gives you give me and you a ‘re very kind men and you fong my cat Areo to giving him some Christmas gives too and i want to wish you marry Christmas and happy now yare and can you come to see my cat areo and doring his Christmas gives too tonight and doring some more chocolates for me too tonight and i will go to bed too tonight marry think to you Santa Claus too and you are my friend Santa Claus and i love you so much my friend Santa Claus and marry think to yours little happrs too Santa Claus and marry Christmas to yours little happrs too Santa Claus and yours wife is my friend too Santa Claus and i want a sister too Santa Claus and you are very nice big fat man you are too Santa Claus and marry Christmas all to you Santa Claus and i want to wish yours wife marry Christmas and happy Christmas too and i hope you are have vary good morning to Santa Claus and i hope yours wife have vary good morning too Santa Claus and hope yours little happrs have good morning too Santa Claus and i would like to wish yours pat cat happy birthday too Santa Claus and i am very sorry about yours mum and dad is die too Santa Claus and i am very happy big girl too Santa Claus and i hope youre vary happy big fat man too Santa Claus and i hope yours wife vary happy lady too Santa Claus and i hope yours little happrs vary happy geys too Santa Claus and i hope yours pat cat vary happy pat cat too Santa Claus and i hope all of you’re vary happy people too Santa Claus and hope you are ok too Santa Claus and i hope yours wife ok too Santa Claus and i hope yours little happers ok too santa Claus and i hope yours pat cat ok too Santa Claus and i hope all of you ok Santa Claus and i hope you are have good day too today Santa Claus and i hope yours wife good day too today Santa Claus and i hope yours little happers good day too today Santa Claus and i hope yours pat cat good day too today Santa Claus and i hope all of you are good day too today Santa Claus pelaese Santa Claus came back to my home too tonight marry think to you too Santa Claus lots of love form love form beck y
My elf name is merry big ears the excellent of trip slip gloop
Cherry Grumble-Tooth the brave of bubble land.
mine is red-nose fancy pants the excellent of poo poo de sloop sloop
mine is snowy helper helper the excellent of fartle brook! LOL!
My name is Tinsel Big Ears the Funny of Trip-slip-gloop
Santa I may sound Stupid, but my name is…
Berry Helper-helper The exelent of Fartle Brook.
I was born In march, 2011 First name Evie Last name Dornan!
Santa, My elf name is: Snowy Laughy-laugh The brave Of poo-poo-de-sloop!
My elf name is Tinsel Helper-Helper The Excellent Of Poo poo de sloop sloop
mine is crackle shoe-maker the brave of bubble land!
Mine was tinsel shoemaker the funny of silly Chester! I love it!
Squirt Laughy-Laugh the Beauteful of Poo poo de sloop
tinsel shoemaker the clever rumbel-tummy
Squirt fuzzy wuzzy the brave of fartle-brook.
hi my elve name is Bud ligth very not intelligent and is good
in math Bud ligh run very fast and he is yough he is 8 years old is very not like the french and he work like a master is boys and he like video game he like eat mushroom he play to video game in computer with keyboard and he hack or cheats all game (o_o) 🙂
Like “Kadence “ was saying never judge a book by it’s cover.Nowadays no-one believes in Santa and sort-of make fun of people who believe in Santa .So keep up the work Santa My name is :Merry big-ears the beautiful of Poo-poo-de-sloop.LOL
Cheery Grumble-Tooth the Funny of Bubble-Land
My FULL ELF NAME IS: Tinsel- Laughy -Laugh – The Beautiful- Of The Silly Chester!!!
This name CRACKES ME UP!!! Oh!!! I will not be sad if i do not get all the things i want for Christmas case I know you will never dought me cause I BELIVEN YOU!!!!
I really feel bad for santa Claus because nowadays no -one believes in santa . I mean I’m 10 years old and eveyone in my class doesn’t believe but I usually don’t argue with them and I feel a bit left out . Does anyone feel that way ??????Please reply!But here’s my elf name
toy shoe maker the funny of fartle brook
My elf name is Snowy Laughy-Laugh the clever of Poo-Poo-de-sloop
Mine is Speedy Big-Ears the Funny of Silly-chester
Hi santa,my name is red nose fuzzy wuzzy the brave of bubble land.Now that is a long name.How are you at the north pole?That’s my elf name.
mine is toy fuzzy wuzzy the brave of poo poo de sloop
hey my name is,
snowy big ears the excellent of bubble land.
Santa I have A weird Elf Name!
It is Toy Big Ears!
I feel bad for santa because people say his fat well guess what people No matter what they look like doesnt mean their different and also doent mean you can judge them their looks. Imagen if you were just like santa and people judged you how would you feel i know i would feel disappointment and really upset so NEVER and i mean NEVER judge a peraon by their looks.
mine is Speedy Bum-Waggle the Brave of Fartle-brook
Hay santa my raindeer name is pudding ❤️♀️♀️
hi santa my elves name is candycane❤️