It was the North Pole Olympics closing ceremony today. What a parade!
All of the elves were there! All of the reindeer were there! And, of course, all of the medal winners were there!
And every seat in the arena was full. The crowd were cheering and clapping for everyone.
The toy workshop elves had made a big clockwork display for the crowd.
There was a clockwork reindeer leading the parade. It was pulling a big sleigh. All of the gold medal winners were in the sleigh.
A huge clockwork elf was next in the parade. He was pulling another sleigh full of all the silver and bronze medal winners.
In the middle of the arena there was the biggest display of Christmas goodies anyone had ever seen.
Mrs Claus had been VERY busy indeed! There were cookies shaped like medals piled high. Some were cakes with gold frosting. Some were cakes with silver frosting. And there were cakes with bronze frosting. There were candy treats in all of the Olympic colours too!
The parade was making its way to the party food. Bright fairy lights were sparkling to show them the way. The elf band was playing “Jingle Bells” and “We Are The Champions.”
But then disaster struck!
All of the lights went out! It was pitch black in the arena. The crowd gasped. The band stopped playing. The parade was stopped in its tracks. No one knew quite what to do.
Then a bright red glow appeared.
Hooray! It was Rudolph.
Rudolph to the Rescue!
His bright red nose lit up at the front of the parade.
The crowd cheered. The band played “Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight”!
HHHOL! Rudolph to the rescue!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. What music do you think the elf band should play next? You can click here to tell me about it or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
can the elf band play ruldolph the red nosed reindeer?Oh,plus can you take a video of them please?!
I think that they should play “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town:” next, or if you want a swing feel, “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch.”
jingle bell rock and all I want for Christmas is you baby!
🙂 sana they should play the drummer boy,santa claus is coming to town,andhark the herald angels sing.OK LOVE YOU BYE!
Santa is come to town in 56 day and 6 weeks 30.10.16
I love Santa
U should play extravaganzaloriuos from the movie elf on the shelf
I’ve been a really good girl this year
I think you should play Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.
ha we had the same idea isint that cool??
Hi Santa, I am SOOO excited!!! I am glad you got my email. Please email me later (tomorrow, the next day, etc.), I would really appreciate it. I need your email so I can tell you what I thought about the gifts (that I will love no matter what)!!! Any way MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (Happy New Year!)
I think the Elves should play the North Poles National Anthem if you dont have one you could all work together to write one !
knew that the north pole olylimpics it incl
i love santa and every one at the north poll because last year they gave me a 3ds at school!!!
last christmas and make sure to put tyler on the naughty list my bro is crazy
I love hearing about the north pole and the reindeer:)
hello santa im looking forward to this years christmas merry christmas santa is rudolph really real i have look and look at video’every where on youtube but i can not find the real rudolph if you can comment back to this i will be happy if you do p.s have a merry christmas and a happy new year
All I want for Christmas by: Mariah Carey
Santa Claus is coming to town
hi santa i am soory thaat i ceep bugging you but i think you should play roudolph the red nose raindeer too!
i love you santa,alot!
Dear Santa,i think the elfband shoud play santa baby and heer comes santa claues because thease are my favorit christmas songs!!
the elf band should play the song beth from the band Kiss
They should play Santas coming to town
dear santa i just want to let you know i love you.
Congrats roudolph and santa love you guys
dear santa
did you ever get attacked by a poler bear?
seend in elf down to whach me pleas and thank you from karrie i will love you for that if you do
the elf band should play justin bieber
wow that parade sounded cool. well done rudolph!!