This is Santa Claus, reporting to you live from Day 7 of the Reindeer Games Olympics!
Did you know horses take part in the human Olympics? They do a sport called dressage. You say it “DRESS-aaaage” (it rhymes with massage). It is part art and part competition. It is just like ballet for horses!
My reindeer Dancer wanted to do it too. She wanted to win a gold medal! Today was her big day. It was her chance to try dressage.
Lots of people ride horses. Disabled people ride too.
Did you know that some people ride reindeer? They are very lucky people.
Today, a disabled elf rode Dancer. He was a very good rider. Dancer was sure they could win a gold medal.
Dancer knew what she had to do. She knew every step. Dancer thought she knew better than his rider!
The crowd cheered them on. The judge watched closely. Then Dancer got nervous.
Oh no! She forgot what to do! But her rider did not forget. He showed Dancer the way. Phew!
Dancer and her rider made a great team. Dancer did her very best ballet steps. Her rider made sure she knew the way. What a splendid performance.
Reindeer Games Olympics Are About More Than Medals!
Dancer’s rider gave her a big hug and a carrot at the end. Dancer felt very proud. It felt good to be part of a team.
“A hug is better than a gold medal,” Dancer thought. She gave her rider a big reindeer lick … SHLURP!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Sport is for everyone. Do you know any other sports that disabled people play, like wheelchair basketball? Do you think a hug is better than a gold medal? You can click here to tell me about it or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
i wonder what time santa comes to co.tyrone at
Hi elves and Mr.and Mrs.Claus. I hope everything is going to be safe in the North Pole and on Santa’s trip around the world. I wished I could see Santa but I will be asleep like I’m supposed to be. 🙂 I hope Mr. and Mrs. Claus have a great Christmas, and the elves too. Merry Christmas! 😀
Dp you like dancing because you all ways look very fun and happy.
What about wheel chair basketball. And yes a hug is always better than a title belt (wrestling) or trophy or medal especially when its from someone you love.
i love you i hope you will have a great christmas just like iwill. thankyou for all my gifts even though they are not here yet but i bet they will be great just like you are and will always be like that santa your quite a gentle man are your raindeers well fed you might w ant to hold down on the sugerplums my freind so you can fit into the chimney.love reese.
I love every single reindeer in the world! Even if they get rained on. I have a baby doll that is dressed up just like you Santa but it is a girl. Her name is Rosette but I might change her name to Mrs. Clause. I love you santa and tell your wife that I love her too! I got a Christmas story that is only about elves and I only saw you once. xoxo
I have a few things to ask how do you get into house is besides the chimney
disabled people also play basket-ball!They do it in wheel-chairs!
P.S. i saw you today at the mall!!!!
I love you santa,
Hi,santa! your a nice person and so is ms.Claus,too!I love your reindeer’s so much that I want to see them.
Ummm people can race and run like the guy in the olympics without lower legs he was awessome!! they can also swim!
i love you elfs you are the best workers and i have an elf on the shelf i have two of tem their names are Samantha and Samul
Is it like the olympics but during Christmas
Really cool! I hope you do well Dancer. I’m crossing my fingers!
A hug is better then a gold medal. 🙂 Good Job Dancer!
this sure looks like a magical day dosent it dancer HO! Ho! ho! xxxx
Sport is not just for normal people,it is also for the disabled people and dancer is not only proud of his self,I am too!
Hi Santa when you go in to some ones house do there dogs bark at you because i got a new dog this year and he barks at everyone
wheelchair bascketball is very good I like the way they can do wheelys and go backwards.
wheelchair rugby is one sport they can do. yep a hug is better than anything xx
I think it is far than just having normal people play because that preson could of had been very good at any sport and it takes sport to a new level so I em going to sit in this spot and say more disabled people in sports