Lest We Forget, November 11th is a very special day.
It is not a day about trick or treating. That is Halloween.
It is not a day about gifts from me, Santa Claus. That is Christmas.
It is a day about a very different but more important kind of gift.
Lest We Forget, November 11th is a very special day. Some of my friends call November 11th Remembrance Day. Some call it Armistice Day. Some call it Veteran’s Day.
Lest We Forget What Today Is About
This special day is about the gift of freedom. It is about the men and women who gave us that gift. Today we remember what they did for us.
Lest We Forget, they fought, and are still fighting, in wars. They fought so we could have freedom. Many of them died. Many more of them were hurt. We must always remember what they did so we could have freedom.
Do you want to know what I do after I bring toys on Christmas Eve? I like to do it very much. It means a lot to me.
Lots of kids send letters to ask for things for moms and dads who are soldiers. These troops are gone from loved ones. Most are far, far from home.
They give up fun things at Christmas time. The troops work hard to make sure we are free. They take care of others and keep them safe.
Boys and girls miss their moms and dads who are troops. Their moms and dads miss them just as much. The letters ask me if I can do something nice for them this time of year.
My Special Delivery
So early Christmas day when I have brought all the gifts, I drop bags from my sleigh. The care bags hold small things to remind the troops of home.
Treats like candy canes, fruit, nuts, cards, and letters from home. These things let them know we think about them at Christmas. They are still in our hearts when they are not here.
“Lest We Forget”
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you know someone who is away from home? Can you think of one thing you can do to let them know you still think about them? Do you have a great idea to help out the troops? You can click here to tell me or scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
hi santa i think you are cool. thank you for all the gifts.
hey are you doing today i want lots of prenats and justin biber for christmas for real and jason aldean for real and big time rush for real and jesse mccartney for real i want prents everywhere aound the house
Love it!!merry christmas,i went to show my respect on poppy day in my local town!
I was in the march on poppy day xx
My great grandpa Carl was in the military. So was my grandpa Robert. He is still alive but my great grandpa died because he got to old. 🙁
never forget what they have done for us.they rock
My father was in the Army before he met my mother. He was asked to go back but he said he had to spend time to us. I feel bad for all of you guys that have relatives in the military. PLease dont cry
i would like to help the end of war so would many war a little things that stand in our way of freedome i know that everyone dreams of peace so y dont we axsepte that and stop the conflict us children will be adults and mabey we can turn things around! Thankyou for those who have died and suffer for us we now have the freedome we want but what about them?
My moms friend is in the military he has to move all over the USA. Santa I think that you are so kind for doing that for our troops over seas. Merry christmas! ~*Julia*~
One of my brothers was in the army.I’m glad he is home with his wife and daughter.
My dad used to be in the army. If you have someone you could send them a letter and video chat with them
santa we did are reambers day monday at school but it was sunday one that day we think of brave man who went war
I do not have a friend our family fighting but i think on christmas eve you shoul send the children with them picthures of there moms and dads and give them a pic of there kids
You know solider are not the only ones to miss out on Christmas. I have to miss out on seeing my kids on Christmas too, because I work. Hope next year I get Christmas Eve and Christmas day off. But I better not hold my breath. lol
Happy Veteran’s day, Santa. We will all remember what these brave men and women have done.
My friends big brother is only 18 and is away fighting in afghanistan for freedom<3 Lest We Forget
How do you fly one day and get so many children. I love you❤.