Ho! Ho! Ho! and Merry Christmas!
Well, the reindeer and I are very tired!
It was a very long night. But it was a very fun night!
Most important, I hope you had fun this morning too!
The same as every year, there are many people I have to thank for helping me.
Thank you for making Christmas merry!
I want to thank the elves and reindeer. They are such good helpers. Hurray for the elves and reindeer!
I should thank the grown-ups too. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without them. Hurray for all the grown-ups! (I hope you thank the grown-ups too!)
Of course, I have to thank Mrs. Claus! Hurray for Mrs. Claus!
But most of all, I want to thank all the children! I want to thank you for the nice drinks and treats for me and apples, sugar, carrots and other goodies for the reindeer. Thank you for the great letters and emails too! Hurray for you! And “Thank you!” for watching me on the Christmas Eve Santa Snooper also! I hope you liked it.
I hope everyone enjoys the presents that I brought. After all, the elves worked very hard making them just for you!
If I couldn’t make Christmas merry…
I know there are many children I could not bring any presents to this year. Or maybe I had to bring them a present different from what they really wanted.
I am very sorry if I could not bring you what you wanted. You really wanted it, I know. You should know that I am so sad I could not bring it. I know you are sad about it too.
But, I want you to always remember something. Everyone at the North Pole, and especially me, love you very much. It does not matter what I bring you. I still love you — almost as much as your grown-ups do!
The most important gifts are the ones that I cannot bring. After all, Christmas does not come in boxes and bags. It does not come from a sleigh or a store! If you have people that love you and a warm, safe place to live, then Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!
Merry Christmas Day!
Santa Claus
P.S. Did you like the presents? Did you also like the Santa Snooper? You can leave a message for me. After that, scroll down to see what others have written! And lastly, big, warm Christmas hugs!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
dear santa clus ithink that is avery goood idea you need aelf like andy cason your friend andy
dear santa clus for christmas iwould like some jellly belly candy your friend andy
Hi Santa,
I would like an aeroplane for christmas please, chocolate, new headphones and some new clothes
Dear Santa letter to see the president.
Email address. Night. Santa. Claus.
hi Santa its Cody from Rice MN i just wannted to tell you ive been really trying to bee good this year i want for Chrismas is a Michael Jackson Thriller doll soccer ball bike iphone6spluse Michael jackson This is it shrit
IM ALO A Michael Jackson Dancer
santa can i have american girl doll and clothes for her and boots kneen high 8 pj 14/16
dear santa, i want american girl doll and a and clothes for my doll and shoe for her and make sure to fill my stoking please i just need that stuff and do not for give about slippers size 8 and boots knee high
dear santa, i want american girl doll and a outfit 14/16 and clothes for my doll and shoe for her and make sure to fill my stoking please i just need that stuff and do not for give about slippers size 8 and boots knee high
Dear Santa how many elves do you have
santa you don’t need to worry if you didn’t get me a presant in 2018
love cooper and celeste we love christmas cooper is my dog. cooper need treats for christmas and a dog toy and dog cookies. i really need slippers and pj and candy and a beanie boo.
love my dog cooper and celeste me and cooper are happy that it is all most christmas this year
Dear, Santa I loved the play doh set you gave me last year I only have one wish this year it’s that my mum to not ever be in pain
Dear Santa Claus,
In this Christmas I want a story book and a diary. Hope you will be eating healthy foods for Christmas or you will be sick. Thank you.
Hey Santa, for Christmas I would like a basketball hoop, a bicycle, a pair of white gloves, and a PlayStation 4.
P.S., December 9 will be the first-year anniversary of the passing of my dog Lisa. I still miss her excruciatingly.
i love you Santa your my bestie for the restie
could you bring an elf on the shelf to my house for the rest of 2019 December.
Friends have told me that their elf on the shelf has been a little cheeky.
I really hope I can get what I want this year please could I get a puppy a pug please I been wating like 8 years and my family have been working so hard to get lots of money jest for Christmas and my dad does songs and drives to a music studio in London to get money so please Santa your my only hope Santa ✌ oh and thanks for last year for my suicide squad album I’m only 8 years old thanks ❤ from keeley – may spark
dear santa i luv u hope u make my bf happy to this xmas plz santa i believe your come to sandhurst i would like pink ugg boots or pinfore dress
Dear Santa Claus
i would like pink unggh boots and iphone 7 or ps4 ive been good this year how is mrs claus and my cutie pie ruldoph missing you i believe your come to sandhurst i never see you even when i sleep cant hear you luv u santa claus i got enaged to my bf Nigel i want him to be less stressy and more happy this horrbile boy athony stevens becky windind him up santa i wish u make him be more better and happier this xmas this time for me plz santa xxxxxxx
hey Santa I really like the presents you gave me last year but the smart watch was a little bulky
ps. Its almost Christmas in 2019 (you odiously know that) I don’t really know what I want so can you get me a surprise gift love your friend Annabelle
Christmas was so fun last year! I went to church and the adults were speaking and speaking(the most born bit) . After church ,EVERYONE CAME TO MY HOUSE TO HAVE A GIANT PARTY.Only a 5 people could go upstairs.I only think Santa/St Nicholas is 99% real and 1% he’s not .
I know I am your favourite girl. All I want this year is a skateboard.
I am your favourite girl. I know it. I have tried to be very good this year and I did not swear once. I helped my parents carry the groceries and I cleaned my room I even tried to not complain what we r having 4 dinner. This year I would like a skateboard. I can’t think of anything else to say.
I would really like any puppy, any puppy would do. I’ve been waiting 12 years.
I really wanna puppy. Golden retrevier. Named Willow. Female. Also, I want my girlfriend to be happy!!!
I’m so excited for Christmas this year. I have been helping out my family and my friends.
dear Santa you are amazing and i can’t wait for what you bring me this Christmas cause i am sure i will like it a lot also say thank you to Mrs clause and the reindeer because i am sure they need some love and comfort too
love from Florence
Hello Santa I Love You Guys So Much! Thanks So Much For The Presents You Gave Me Last Year (2018) By The Way This Is What I REALLY Want For Christmas..
LOL Surprise Camper
LOL Surprise Chalet
Santa My Parents Say That I Might Not Get The Chalet But Please Santa Please I Know Im Your Favorite Girl! Oh and My Parents Say That I Can Have The Camper But Maybe Not The Chalet! I Hope Im On The Nice List! Love, Mia By The Way I Want The Camper and The Chalet!
Yes I reAlly liked it thank you next year you you make me a phone ps did you like the mine our and the milk
hi santa i want a i phone 8 dirt bike my mom wants new carpit candy hehe
dear santa
i know iv been a bit naughty but can i please can i have a hello dreamhouse and also a bendy barbie and please reply
Hello santa! Its me Olive AGAIN! I would like two normal elves and to take back my others and for the two normal elves to be a boy and a girl but I would also like A beanie boo and lots of other beanie boo related stuff
Thankyou for thinkng of me
Olive xxx
Hello SANTA! I would really really really really really really love if you could take back all of my elves and get me two normal Elves a boy and a girl because all my elves are nice and I love them but they arent the normal ones so please get me a normal girl and boy elf for christmas! I REALLY LOVE YOU SANTA YOUR SO GENEROUS! THANK YOU FOR THE PAST YEARS! Your the BEST!!!
Love Olive
Dear Santa,
My name is Vinny, and I love you, Santa. Can I please have the Blippi Garbage Truck? And I like the big,Thomas the Train set.
Thank you, Santa, for thinking of me.
I love you Santa all the time one day. Can I have a Christmas book for this year Santa
dere Santa I don’t care what you give me all it madder is jisses
Can you come Into my room on Christmas and leave a note on my desk so I know you were there!
thank you for the gifts this year. did you like your mince pie
Dear Santa Claus, I would love for you to get me a iPad for Christmas,from.C’Nai Green
Santa! This year I’m being and elf for Halloween! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE (like I love it more than the word love) Christmas!!!! Thanks so much for my presents!! XOXOXOXOXO
i miss seeing you i wish i can see you again with out scaring you
Hey Santa I am always excited for Christmas I can’t wait for Christmas this year Top on my list is a Nintendo switch and a just dance dvd for it.
Hi I love what u got me last year xoxoxo
I’m ready for this year big Christmas travel Even though I didn’t see anything but Christmas tree will be filled with presents underneath the tree and I wrote a little note for you (Santa).
I love you and I hope you can pray for me because of my seizure issue I miss you
Hey Holly, I saw your post and was wondering if you’d be interested in an event gift? Like going to see a concert or broadway musical? My favorite broadway musical is Wicked, the story of the unlikely friendship between Glinda and Elphaba before Dorothy dropped in. If you love music just as much as I do, I’m sure you’ll love the musical! Or maybe asking for Santa to help you plan a vacation, like Texas or West Virginia/Washington D.C. Love you, dear sister!
And another thing: Don’t fall for the devil’s tricks!
I loved the presents. Thank you santa. from Rhian
Dear Santa,
I asked for a dog last year but my mum and dad said I needed a new bike so you got me that instead. I like the bike but their are people at school that are bullying me and I just think that I could use a dog to feel better. After school I would cuddle it and play.
Please bring me a dog.
yes SantaI rellayl Like meinerfaft and asl9o i want a miencraft xbxi bundele Because i acutally LOVE xsbxi and RObolx GIftacard and i also want aw naewa nintiedno switch because I droppped my nintednoit Siwthc Adn it caracked im so mAD :0o)))(9(9((( Please givew me good presents sandta I have been really godo this yur POleassweaa apleasase santa you onyl gave me a intnenod 3d sa last syear ansd ai askded for a nintedno 3ds Xl ok sonat aso jsut lsisten and give me waha t I wanT i promois e i will start sleepign at 9:0- instesad aof dten oclo ck Becasue My momy Got mad at me for lseppign So late goodbey santa lOOOOve YOuouUUU!! :)))
Elf. Pet. For. Christ.mas. Paul
I love Santas joy and the passionhe gives to us
For your love and passion
Hi santa,
I love you so much.You’ve done a very hard job.I would like harry potter earings,And a harry potter necklace.And some santa earings and a santa neackals.I love your amazing blog.I liked reading it.I know you ‘ve done a very good job.you don’t have to give me it if you dont want to.Just chill out and give me whatever you want to.I love you so much.You are my best friend.You are very amazing.I love how you help out.When can we see you in real life?
You did not give me toys but I still played with my sisters and enjoyed even though I was a bit grumpy.
hey santa i wish you would give me the stuff i want this year Because you give me the stuff every year
hey santa i hope you give me what i want this year
i have been very naughty this coming year
santa you did not bring me anything for Christmas so its very important you do that this year or I will think Santa is fake
Magic. Power. Harrypotter. Broom.
Fed. 8 20019
Hi Santa i’m Sorry that I’m writing to you a little later but there are so many things to do on EmailSanta.com so I just found this now.Thank you for getting me so many gifts that was very nice of you .Thank you for Leona my beanie Boo and the beanie boo backpack and the beanie Boo book and the Beanie Boo surprise they were all very thoughtful please let the elves ,reindeer, and Mrs. Claus know and the biggest thank you to you Santa
Hello my name’s caris and I would love to see mr elf please xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Thank you for all you have done Santa! <3
Dear Santa,
Thanks so much for my gifts I spent most of my morning on it because we’re not allowed to open any more presents than.
I hope you enjoyed the cookies we layed out for you we almost forgot to lay them out (not trying to bragging but I was the one that remembered)
Dear Santa,
Unfortunately I’ve only seen this after Christmas but gratefully you gave me the gift that I had wanted that year,so I just wanted to say thank you for it.We almost forgot to lay out the cookies and milk and carrots (not trying to brag but I was the one that remembered) and it was already about midnight or one o’clock,so as this letter draws to an and I just want say thank you for my lovely present
Santa you did not give me anything I wanted for Christmas you didn’t even come to my house
Thank you for all of the gifts and I don’t know what you want to bring me next year. I hope you are doing well and the reindeer are resting because they are probably woo rout from the running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Thank you for the dork diaries books and I wasn’t expecting all of them and yes I did like the Santa snooper merry Christmas to the reindeers and Santa clause and the elves and miss clause and I hoped you liked the chocolates and some biscuits and a glass of milk for the reindeers and you.
you didn’t come to our house christmas eve
Iol i did not get an xbox for chrismis can u gimme’ that next year? sleep well santa,and the raindeers!
my name is mahfuz also I did not find a present since I was a baby oh well I gess I ll just stay lonly merry christmas
Thank you so much for all of the Christmas gifts hope you enjoyed the cookies and milk
Hey santa thanks for the fun gifts i loved them so much and I want to thank u sooooo mucho for everything u brought me even tho I don’t know which ones u brought me
Yep, that special Rubik’s Cube.
In fact, it’s the most special present I’ve ever received.
I like my presents Santa! I also like the Santa Snooper too! I love you Santa! Our Christmas still in our hearts
i never got what i wanted its sad i wanyted a gift card
thanks for everything!!!
you are on a tight Christmas night!!!
hey santa can you still come drop of my gifts that i sent you the wishlist
Hi Santa, I’m ready to Open some Gifts
Dear Santa Claus,
Thank you for the gifts you left for me under the tree. I’m enjoying playing with them.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Naomi Igwebuike