Today Clumsy and I decided to help tidy Mrs. Claus’ kitchen.
Of course, I am never sure if Clumsy is really helping or not! 😉
Would you like to hear what happened?
Mrs. Claus works so hard keeping the North Pole nice and clean. She really loves to cook too. But sometimes she needs a little break. I thought it would be very nice to help her!
After we had a lovely dinner, I asked Mrs. Claus to sit down. I just wanted her to relax. Clumsy and I would clean up everything by ourselves. We decided that Clumsy would clean the dishes. I would mop the floor.
I went to the cupboard to get everything I needed. When I came back, I got such a surprise!
Mrs. Claus’ Kitchen Claustastrophe!
Clumsy was holding the plates up so that Rudolph could lick them clean!
I let out such a shout of surprise! Clumsy got a fright and dropped four plates on the floor. Crash!
Well, I told Rudolph to go back to his stable. Clumsy started to sweep up the broken dishes. I filled my bucket full of water and turned round and tripped over Clumsy. I guess I was the clumsy one today. There was water and bubbles everywhere!
We made so much noise that Mrs. Claus came into the kitchen. I thought she was going to be angry. I thought she was going to put us on the naughty list!
No, she just laughed at us.
“Santa you stick to making presents for the children. I will do the cleaning.” She laughed. Clumsy and I laughed too.
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S What do you do to help around the house? Do you clean up like Clumsy? You can click here to tell me or scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
hi santa
Merry Christmas!
Hello there Alyssa! How’s your Christmas spirit shining today?
I would like a horse with a gate and things with it merry Christmas for 2025
Ms claus my name Jennifer I ask you questions about elf on the shelf
Hi Santa Claus,
I’ts me Jessica I have been really good this year!
love, Jessica
I help my mom and dad clean up the kitchen after dinner.
I love to clean it is one of the things I do best hey Santa I have a home work it is about writing a novel pls can u help me out
hi there santa claus my name is jasmine i am 14 years old and i have been nice this christmas
I am so sorry to correct you but instead of Christmas don’t you mean year.
that is funny elves are so small you can’t see them and then you trip over them
To help around the house, I put my laundry away
Hi Santa Claus,
It’s your favorite girl in Harlem ga
I know you come to my house every year but my own family doesn’t think you are real
So I have to take a tape of you so they will Believe me.
Can i have air force 1’s with a pink swoosh and a cute phone case for my iphone 13
I have been helping my mom unpack our new house
I have to do dishwasher and many other things!
Hey Mrs. Claus what are you doing? I know you doing the kitchen cleaning yourself so, my dad is good cook he is a good chef do you like cooking I bet so anyway dad you make some cookies for Santa he always like it ok take care yourself and no crash the dishes ok
I know I don’t have my daughter but can you make sure my daughter has a fantastic Christmas
I am happy about the new features “Chat with Santa”. Thank you.
Writing a letter to Santa is my Christmas tradition now.
Santa you really do stick to making presents and I’m not just saying it because I want toys this Christmas it’s true.
P.S. I hope I’m on the nice list.
1.Xbox 360.
2. Jordans.
3. Iphone 12 Max.
4. Posters.
Don’t you already think santa has a lot to do already
santa will you face time me on christmas eve bye okay well i better go so i can listen to my new christmas musisc called frosty the snowman
I love Christmas every year merry Christmas santa and mrs claus I been very good this year I what for Christmas talking doll with blue eyes doll with blue eyes teddy bear.
paul not live far away from home
thake you santa claus i if you come by home for christmas eve mnight ;ask me now
sleight bell
Merry Christmas santa beki I been very good this year I what for Christmas talking doll with blue eyes doll with blue eyes teddy bear
I make my bed. Put my little brother’s toys away and I vacuum because I have four dogs!
hi santa i am arielle and i am seven im going to tell you the thing i have to do for chores and they are: sometimes wash the dishes and i cleen my room and put the spoon and forks where they go and i wipe the doornobs and i sometimes i make my own food
That is very jolly mature for your age HHHOL.
P.S HHHOL means ho,ho,ho out load
Hi Santa! My name is Maraki and I am 9 years old. I love you! Your the best!
This year I have gotten better grades, and I have been helping my parent’s by raking the leaves, washing dishes, and cleaning my room.
PS. If you see my parents on Christmas Eve, they just want to see if your real or not.
I not a nice guy to talk to or anything but I get a big big red smack on the top of my bum bum it hurts my bottom hurts
dear santa i cant really think of anything to put on my christmas list execpt for a frozen 2 couch that can turn into a bed 2 a little tikes princess cottage play house 3 a frozen 2 scooter 4 a princess play tent and a adopr me play set. santa here are the most number 1 things i want for christmas 1 i really want this the most of all ok 1 little tikes princess play house 2 frozen 2 couch that can turn into a bed 3 a adopt me play set and last a frozen 2 scooter those are the most number 1 things i really want for christmas
Me loves you forever friends with you and your family
You spilling water and bubbles is so funny
Hi that all lol sorry but if you guys want me to come over and get you
That sosososos funny ☺️ oh elf’s ahaha
Oh oh please let me come in the yours home clet me now
All gift my Paul shaw house.
Down stairs my dedroom. Door.
Games Xbox. 360
Have. Gateat. Day. Santaclaus.
One. Mile. Paul house. I’m. Good. Man. It year. On my. Nice list. Bee good. Man
Magical. Power. Santa Claus. Book
For Paul video Christmas gift . Forchristmas. Thanks you
I don’t really help much. I do tidy my room from time to time or just hep tidy downstairs.
i do the dishes to help around the house ^^ and also im 11 nice at times can i have a ibsf
I love Christmas and I want you and santa claus get me and Oliver and Luci a elf on the shelf for Christmas and please send a email please and also please give me santa claus phone number
I will sometimes handwash the dishes It’s pretty fun, actually.
I like doing the Dishes and Cleaning Everything
Santa I will like to n.a. a elf to help you wrap presents.
i do the washing and organise the house
hi santa clause what are you doing right now?
I do help my mother if it is possible
u real boi u want people to believe u so guess what U REAL BOI
I cleaned the dining room, wash the dishes, took care of my cat’s, and dog’s.
WOW! IM TALKING TO SANTA!!!! i like house work and making my own inventions like you and the elves. i guess you could say… I was half santa and mrs claus! i also like to show people the way… so im like the reindeer aswell! have a good time at the north pole. i dont mind what i get. LOTS OF LOVE…
i do allot of house work though i don’t like it
i help my mom some times clean the house
I do the laundry and help around the house when needed. Anything to help my mom and dad.
I once went to the north pole in my dream. But I didn’t see you there 😉
Hey santa you might want to check clumsy’s family tree we might LONG-lost cousins he sounds Almost as clumsy as I am! 🙂
Do the dishes sweep the floor tidy up the liveing room and my bedroom houver up
i have to tidy up my room although i often dont want to i do because i know it helps my mum
dutgirl x
i clean up our family room.and unload the dish washer.
I am always picking up my room!Any little object out of place I freak out!
To help around the house I make sure my room is clean and I vaccume.
I take out the rubbish, walk my dog, help Mum bake cakes, cookies,etc.I also clean my room and sometimes help Mum wash the dishes
I take out the trash, clear the dishes from the table, make my bed, help put laundry away, I gave my old toys away to other kids.
I help make the dinner and clean the windows sometimes and also walk my dog so he wont destroy pillows and stuff lol
i clean the dishes and i somtimes mop the floor like dad
I help do lots of things, in fact there are too many to put down!
i thought that was nice of you santa
hi santa i like your emails mayb someone will have a go
i love commenting on your stories santa not long till xmas
I always have to keep my room tidy i would never get clumsy to tidy my room i think he would make even more mess!
poor clumsy he really does try to help but he is so clumsy i guess thats were his name comes from!!!!
im muslim but i still wan some presents please
hi santa i got your letter i like it
i am begging you to not let clumsy the elf make my toys i am begging you please not after what he did with the plates
I think that in the inside she was a little bit angry. But you made me laugh when i read it.
I clean up when Dad tells me to. I also clean my room.
in my house i always make my bed. and i sometimes do the dishwasher.
from arann
Turn on Christmas lights in the house
Help Mom with cooking and cleaning
Act nice
haii santa i would exaiting 9 sleeps go ,i feel soo happy now , i going make christmas tree on my window rhigt now !!!! how are you today on chritmas eve xx love you soo much and happy new year and elf toooo x
i always make sure my room is clean and i clean up my toys after im done playing with them
I like to help mummy and daddy by sometimes doing the ironing-only when either mummy or daddy is there though.I also help by keeping my room tidy and doing the washing – up.
Elves should be careful. And Clumsy seems very clumsy.
Dear Santa Clause,
I help my mom clear the table and wash the dishes after dinner. I once told my mom to go bathe my baby sister and I would do the dishes for her. I was also clumsy and broke a glass. My mom came into the kichen and didn’t say anything. She just smiled and said we had pleanty other cups the same. Looks like I won’t ever be doing the dishes alone again.
Hey Santa I wanted to tell u how I clean up the house.I help by cleaning the floors,my room,the rugs,and my bed.My mom says i”m a big help.Take care of the elfs and Mrs.Claus.
Your friend,
Hey!! I do some chores around the house.My parents appreciate the work I do.
HI Santa!i do some chores around my house. my mom really apperciates it well anyway hope you got me that i pad 2!
I want Rudolph to glide the sleigh so Santa knows where to go and to see. I want Rudolph!!
I take my plate out and do other helpful things
In my house I always do the tidying. My mum never does the tidying she is always at work. P.S: My DAD sometimes does the CLEANINIG!!!
i help by doing the loundery and sometimes the dishes!! i love to help out and its not just for the rewards!!
well i do all the things none off my family do it just me
i am having christmas dinner in my house this christmas
i allways go on Santa tracker on christmas Eve it is AMAIZING
santa i voted which raindeer should gard the slay on christmas and i think rodolph because the noise is really bright so he would see where he is going.So everyone vote for rodolph or santa wont now where he is going.We want rodolph
Hi! how are you hopefully you’ll be done in time to take all the presents to everyone christmas eve that night.
HO!ho!ho! I’m a clumsy girl.
and Mrs Claus i hope you take care 🙂
oh santa youre so funny, i love you, love charlotte (15) xxxxxxx
hey this is sydney from mesa i heard that you sent some eleves to watch the naughty and nice list down her so i hope i be reallty good today bye! love ya!
santa me a jaizy have been realy good girls so santa any way how did it get so dirty omg!!!
to help out around the house i fill and empty the dish washer i also help out with the clothes washing.and clean the animals but thats all.
I help my mommy make dinner!I listen to my mom! I play with my puppy luna
Hahaha…. LOL… that is so funny!!!(:
Can I help? LOL
Heyy Santa, Clumsy ,Mrs.Claus and the others,
I LOVE the that yall posted that is funny!! that must be fun!! LOL (:
Megan and Madalyn
It sounds like you’ve had a great day. i normaly fold the washing and sometimes help her get the washing of the line. I put the dishes in the dishwasher and somethimes unpack the diswasher 🙂
i for got to say one thing the cover meant for my ipod touch 4th generation [white] P.S. i or got to say please leave me a note at my house and a picture of the reindeer counting rudolph the red nosed reindeer if you do that i will give you goodies whate i will give you goodies any way one thing i love you P.S. please have me over some day and i will do the dishes for you i also sent you a letter from monticello and it said to reply back i better go good night
i love cleaning so much have me over some day to help you clean up also i have not seen you yet so this is what i want for christmas gray uggs apple ipod touch 4th generation [white] i also want a cover
Wow, do you still have dishes now? I hope Clumsy did not break them all! No offense Clumsy…. Tell Mrs Claus I hope she gets new dishes to use for everyone and Merry Christmas!
santa clause that is so funny. And by the way if you need help cleaning dishes I am good at that
that is so funny love you Santa Elves and of course Raindeer!
this is soo soo funny!
I always wash the dishes. I can also light the fire so when my mammy comes home there is a fire lit for her. Say hi to Mrs. Claus for me.
Aww…. poor you Santa! One time when I helped to wash up, I spilt water all over the floor, and my Dog kept on slipping over on it! It was really funny, but mum made me mop it up strait away!
Haha Santa Claus that is soo funny that is what my sister does with plates she holds them up so my dog Salem can lick them clean it’s such a funny sight! : )
I like very,very,very much.
love william
your silly santa your clumsy not clumsy
I like to help my mum get everything ready for christmas,like the tree and all the decorations and i like to decorate the table on christmas eve ready for christmas dinner! 🙂 i love you santa!xx
well i help my mum clean around the house and sometimes when she is in bed i clean around the house and surprie her and then i make her coffee!!
I don’t clean up much but I love cleaning my room! I do it every time I am free. I love having things nice and tidy!
I S0metimes clean my r00m or do the dishes
Umm are you black not in a races way i am just curious, and do you go to Drummond elementary school?
pefume makeup set nails jewerly lipgloss
merry Christmas wish list bakugan ,hot wheels garage ,book