Everyone here really enjoyed the Christmas joke contest between the elves and reindeer. It really got the reindeer into a silly mood before Christmas! Do you want to know how silly?
Well, the reindeer got so silly, they started making up Christmas songs. But not just any Christmas songs. They changed the words to Christmas songs everyone already knows. They changed the words of those Christmas songs into “animal”.
Here are a few lines from some of the songs the reindeer were singing. Can you guess what these four songs really are? Its kind of a puzzle and a brain teaser too!
Song #1
Baa-Baa got run over by a reindeer
Squawking home from our house cat mouse eve
Song #2
Bee fish ewe a furry cat mouse
Bee fish ewe a furry cat mouse
And a puppy ewe deer
Song #3
O cat mouse flea
O cat mouse flea
Fly leaves hamster crow changing
Song #4
Iguana hippopotamus fur cat mouse
Own-flea a hippopotamus will mew
And now… More Silly Christmas Songs!
Song #5
Santa paws is comin’ to town
Santa paws is comin’ to town
Song #6
Duck the halls with boughs of jolly
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Song #7
I’ll have a blue Cat Mouse without ewe
I’ll be so blue just thinking about ewe
Decorations of red on our green Cat Mouse tree
Won’t be the same deer, if ewe are not hare with meow
Song #8
Then one froggy Cat Mouse Eve
Santa came to say…
I think I have a North Pole brain freeze after listening to those silly songs! HHHOL!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you like silly Christmas songs? Did you like the reindeer’s silly “animal” Christmas songs? Leave me a message if you know what the songs really are or if you can think of other silly songs. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
that was funny
Ho ho ho Niquila!
Yes, the reindeer love to sing silly Christmas songs while they practice flying. Another one of their favs goes like this:
“Jingle hooves, jingle hooves, flying through the snow!
Prancer slipped on a candy cane—oh no, there he goes!”
Maybe you can make up your own silly Christmas song too. Keep smiling and having fun.
We wish you a Merry Christmas, Santa is coming to the town, Jingle Bells
Merry Christmas NATALIJA!
The elves ❤️ your singing!
I don’t know can you tell me
I love these songs. I have always loved Christmas. Please come up with more.
Hi everyone I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas that’s all
Deck the halls with bells of jelly
Follow Lala Lala Lala
the raindeer on the bus goes ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho hgo ho
all there the town
Hey Santa Is the elves flexible I am I do gymnastics I am a level 10 Gymnast can you do a Round off backhand spring into a front layout
oh that was lovely and sweet like farther christmas
hey santa i’ve been really good this year that i might stay up and try and see you
How do you know I think I would to infect Abigail I love Christmas
Dear Santa,I have been very good this year
Expect that I have been sick in hospital with a sore leg
My leg is better now I’m ok now so Santa please give me good luck and good dreams and I will leave you out some food on Christmas Eve and I can’t wait to see I what have got from you on Christmas Day
Love Alison
i love chrismas songs i lisin 2 them on my mp3 player even when it is not chrismas i love your jokes
Hi Santa mi Austin I wood like some Ben 10 stuff for Christmas this. Year pleas Santa I have Ben good thes year
Santa can you tell me what year was you born in and do you have a brother and do you have a elf called Buddy.
i luv the jolly thangse u do i oso luv u to
dear santa please give my cousins lots of presents
dear santa pleas visit my cousins chayla and chesa
dear santa i believe in you your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa merry christmas safe trip
hi i am hoping for a laptop for christmas
Dear santa always new you were real because you always bring me presents and you eat all the cookies and by the way I love your wonderful songs!!!
i cant think of eny sorry……..i wish you a merry christmas i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!!YAY!!!
number 1 is grandma got ran over by a reindeer.number 2 is we wish you a merry christmas. number 3 is oh christmas tree.and i don’t know what number 4 is?
santa can get my elfs back PLEASE!! i have been whating my elfs back sents i sent them they are fun to play with they are soooo carzzzy i love them and i love you tooooooooo!!!!
Hi Santa i heard your elves are really good at making security camras i was thinking if you could make me 20 of them with a coumputer so i can see whos doing what.and i would like some walkie talkies thanks your best bud Michael:)
santa,is the light in my light bulb,
the sun in the sky,
and the glime in my eye x
The first one is “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer,” the second one is “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” the third one is “O Christmas Tree,” and I don’t know what the fourth one is.
hi i love thos sons hi ellvs how you doing tell santa i love him so much aswel LOVE YOU TO ELVS AND MISSIS CLAWS AND EVERY BODY ELSE WHO LIVES IN NOTH POLL
we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new yair
Dear Santa Claus how are you Doing today and Santa Claus I love you very much and Santa Claus I missed you very much love Maria
Dear Santa Claus how are you doing today Santa Claus I love you very much and Santa Claus I missed you very much and tell all of your reindeer that I said hi and Mrs.Claus and Santa Claus call me right now fi you not busy ok p.s. Do you know how to sew love Maria
dear santa,
i love the way you give us presants don’t stop please you are my whole world. Someday on cristmas can you come vist our house early in the nigt of course.Send me a e-mail soon okay.Love you see ya in December…i think.
those songs are so silly. Santa claus.
I love all the songs they are asome just you know
Sorry i did not mean to call you bruv
Sorry Santa about that!
the fist song is rudoph the red nosed reindeer . the second song is the 12 days of christmas. the third song is oh christmas tree. and the fourth one is we wish you a merry christmas. can you make more please thanks santa reindeer elfs and mrs.clause love shyanne.
we wish christmas a merry christmas:)
we eat pie all day
we eat pie all day
we eat pie all day until we say hey
Thank you Santa for myself and you too Santa I think it is nice of you to give girls and boys presents and all around THE HOLE WORLD is magic real send me back. P.S. Love FAITH at your blog
I LOVE THE SONGS! Could you think of more?(Wink!)
lucy o lucy oopsy doopsy lovey dovey
cat mouse rat hat knat knat
i love those songs their realy funny.
And guess what last week I got 5/5 stickers every single day of the week.
lots of love from Jess.
on the 12th day of christmas my brother gave to me 12 burned out light bulbs 11broken laptops 10 moldy pizzas 9 nasty gym socks 8 squealing pigs 7 empty puddinng cups 6 ugly ducklings 5 onion rings 4 screaming monkeys 3cans of spam 2 snappin turtles and a pop tart toaster pastrey
jingle pigs jingle pigs jingle all the way all what fun it is to ride on a one pig sliegh
Here’s a funny Christmas song (Snoopy’s Christmas) translated into LEGO:
Twas the Minifigure
During Lego Star Wars
Agent Chase and Inferno
Brick knob Cylender
Green Army Men Brick Ninjago knob
And built LEGO Harry Potter Malestrom.
i have a silly christmas song. oh a cat waket down the hill all nite bla bla bla baa cats are bad bla bla bla bla cats are nice bla bla bla!!!! silly rite?
HA! HA! HA! whats the first one called (Wink!)
i hope you have a good trip love kayla
Santa your blogs are funny and intristing
santa Im so exsited for you to come my brother said he wanted a xbox 360 I would like an Ipod touch.oh I forgt I Was sending you about your silly christmas song by the way they are very silly……… .Love: Gabrielle & Lynden
6 9 mouse
6 9 mouse
stay and play
stay and play
stay and play
6 9 mouse
stay and play
for me.
Could you please tell me who wiil guide your sleigh this year
i know what all of those silly songs really are o christmas tree, we wish you a merry christmas , grandma got run over by a reindeer.
that is really cool i know the second one is we wish you a merry christmas but i dont know the rest x they should really make up more songs
Merry Christmas and happy new year’s
It’s so funny and am 10 years old and zoe my frand is going to comme here play with me and we are going to have fun satuday and i wish you have a amasing chrismas.love you santa clause.xoxo
Dear Reindeer,
The songs are awesome! You should make a lot more songs, please. I love to sing and make up song too! Thanks bye.
Dear Reindeer,
The songs are awesome! You should make a lot more songs, please. Thanks bye.
o santa in a flea o santa in a flea o santa in a flea
Cat dog mous, cat dog mous. Kittys puppys to.Randeer rat and small meercats and lamby lion ewe.I know my song was silly but I loved it so much.By.Allie
omg i am so exited for christmas only 10 days to go!
Hi, I really like the songs we guessed all of them but the first one. They were really cool. Tell the reindeer to keep making them up and that they are AWESOME!!
Those Christmas songs were great!!!! Ilove them!!
Great I loved the songs they were great and awesome I hope you like what I said sincerely,Catherine
the songs r funny u have some silly wones
i love u i will sit some cookies out ,cold milk
I think number one is Grandma got ran over by a Reindeer. No. 2 We Wish you a Merry Christmas. No. 3 O Christmas Tree. No. 4 Hark the Herold Anglds sing.
that was horibol but a littleb bit funny and a little bit good
hi santa
they are silly songs aren’t they!!!!
From me
hi “santa” i hoe you can bring me the things that i want thank you, kirsty.
oh christmas tree was one of them.. my son says that it was really funny for me to read it two him and lol. tell them they did great job of it!
song 1 is grandma got ran over by a reindeer, song to is we wish you a merry christmas, song 4 is O’ christmas tree and song five is i want a hippopotimouse for christmas. thats what i think any way 😀
Merry Christmas 😀
-Bethany| 😀 |
I love you santa!! please come to my house!! ps: Could you leave biscuit for puppy, Nellie? (she loves milk bones!)
With love, olivia 🙂
dog goes bark,
dog goes bark,
dogs bark all the time,
i can not wait until 12 days because i will see that u ate our snack. thanks santa
Hi Santa I hope you can bring me what I want for CHRISTMAS.
santa I hope you can bring me what I want
#1 is Grandma got run over by a reindeer #2 is We wish you a Merry Chridtmas
#3 is O Christmas tree
#4 is I wanna a hippopautamus for Christmas Those are really tricky!
song 1 grandma got run over by a reindeer
Song 3 Oh Christmas Tree
Santa, how many hours does it take you to get around the whole world in one night?
I know more about christmas than any one except you. You pause time on christmas eve to past out all presents to everyone.
Dear Santa I really liked thoze silly Christmas songs because I think there really funny.
i know most of the silly songs but the last one. i love that the raindeer made up the silly songs. cant wait till christmas comes 12 more sleeps :p
hi santa i have read your blog it is funny even the silly rainndear songs
are funny say hello to all of your raindear for me see you.
I LOVE YA`LL ! ;):);):);) ;):);):);) :);):);):);):)
Dear Reindeer,
I love your sily Christmas songs! Can you make more? All of the silly animal songs should be on TV! Can you make one that says something about fish?
Yours truly,
hey santa i love your reindeer Rudolph the best!!! :ps Ihave a reindeer Girl named Clarice and been good too she sould be on the nice list +She said hi +She said good manners+ good words+She sang you a song here it is tell Rudolph to hear too and my deer is 1000%good!! your best friend Brianna!!!
wow 12 more days until christmas I’m so excited
dear santa
I would like a i phone a dsi just dance kids and a laptop
Hi santa it’s me again i like your blog i am going to tell my teacher to go on here so my whole class can write to you oh and my birthday was December 11,2010 that was the day we had breakfast with santa and it was awsome!
We Miss You A Very Cat Mouse And A Silly New Pear
hey santa you ar great 🙂 i love it at christmas when i leave goodies for you and i wake up the morning and you have ate them:P cant wait 12 days to go ! yehe
Ho Ho Ho Santa you are amazing.How do you go all around the world in one night?
Hahaha those are so funny!!!! You really rock Santa!! 10 more sleeps until Christmas!
pleese can i hav a new tv for crismas and a tedy ber froom hamlys in londn fom rebecca
Hi Santa! i am ready for you to come to my house!!
hey santa im sick on christmas, not cool bye
hey santa please come to my house ho ho ho
santa i have been a realy really really really really really good girl and your best friend amy
I think the reindeer Christmas Songs are very funny!
I like Rudolph the best!
cat mouse can leave a comment
cat mouse can leave a comment
cat mouse can leave a comment,
and lave hamsters behind!!
you rock santa!I cant wait til x-mas!
Dear Santa,
merry christmas
please may I have a xbox 360, computer and a DSI thankyou
from Joe
p.s. it is joe who you what to come on the web site
Dear santa
you are so cool i hope i see you on xmas eve and all your reindeer say hello to mrs clause for me im going to leve u some cookies and carrots
from Jessica
santa claus
you are so cool .
hope i see u on christmas eve.
lone from tayla-jai collins xxxxxx
YT7Tㅍ러ㅣㅑ며ㅗㅑ도ㅕ호려ㅗ배ㅕ호재73ㅑ냦8뱁8ㅕ8밴지 데버 ㄴ’ㅈ[ㅛ더ㅓㅓㅓㅓㅎㅅㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
hello elves what is up how have you bin chirstmas is in `3 more sleeps i cant wait . is it nice and cold we just got 20’c of snow
christmas is here let’s do good things and make some toys and fix things christmas is here so be good and i will make you something too!!
I’ve done it I voted For biztsen
dear santa i dot khow the sing have i being good this year santa happy Christmas and a Happy New year everone and a Good Night x x x x x x x x x x