The archery event in the North Pole Olympics is for elf and reindeer teams.
Kissy the Elf teamed up with Dancer. Clumsy the Elf teamed up with Rudolph.
Continue reading “Christmas Olympics – Day 11 – Archery Ah-Choo!”
The Santa Claus Christmas Blog
Santa Claus, Christmas and Life at the North Pole!
The archery event in the North Pole Olympics is for elf and reindeer teams.
Kissy the Elf teamed up with Dancer. Clumsy the Elf teamed up with Rudolph.
Continue reading “Christmas Olympics – Day 11 – Archery Ah-Choo!”
The elves joined in with the Olympic Reindeer Games today.
They had a shot putt contest.
But they used snow balls instead of metal balls! Thank goodness!
Read on to find out what happened in this funny story.
Continue reading “Christmas Olympics – Day 3 – Elf Snow Putt”
Yesterday there was a big snowstorm at the North Pole. The elves worked so hard all year to get the gifts ready.
Now we are all stuck inside.
So Mrs. Claus decided we should have some fun. PJ Party fun!
Would you like to hear about our PJ Party? Then keep reading!
We put the sleigh away today. And just in time! A huge North Pole snowstorm hit us. The snow piled high on the roof. It even blocked half the windows. We could barely open the doors through the drifts of snow!
Would you like to hear more about the snowstorm?
Life is crazy at the North Pole.
Before Christmas the elves race to finish the toys. The reindeer are busy training. Toys are piled up to the ceiling.
After Christmas things are a little different! Continue reading “After Christmas at the North Pole”