It is getting very close to Christmas now! Quite a few kids are asking “What is Santa Claus’ phone number? What is Santa’s email address?”
Yes, many friends want to phone me. The elves tell me every time they hear someone asking, “What is Santa Claus’ phone number?”
Others want to mail a letter to the North Pole. The elves tell me every time they hear someone asking, “What is Santa’s address?”
Would you like to know the best way to “talk to Santa” right now?
What is Santa Claus’ phone number?
Well, many kids want to talk to me right now. I would love to talk to all of them. But I have too many friends! If I talked to everyone by mail, email and sleigh phone, I would not have enough time to get ready for Christmas. And that would be sad!
So, the elves did something many years ago to help me. They set up a special webpage. That way I can keep in touch with all my friends! If you ever want to leave a message for me just “email Santa“! It has a special connection direct to my computer at the North Pole. I promise to write you back as fast as red-nosed reindeer fly!
I read every message I get on emailSanta.com. Sometimes, though, I make mistakes. Silly mistakes! One year a boy asked for a NintendoGameboy. But I read his letter too fast. Do you know what I brought him? I brought him a doG by mistake! He was very surprised but he loved his puppy. I hope it is OK if I make a mistake when I write back to you (I say silly things sometimes if I do not read carefully! HHHOL!)
Some friends want to know “Santa Claus’ phone number” because something is making them sad. If something is making you sad, you can email me to tell me about it any time you want. But I also want you to talk to your family and friends about it if you can. You can also call the great people at one of the phone numbers on my telephone Hotline page. Make sure to choose a phone number for your country. These great people can really help you.
Internet Safety First Always!
I do prefer it if you email me. Of course, the elves have made other ways to talk to me too. Many of these are safe. But I want you always to be careful on the Internet. There are some bad people in the world. Remember my Internet Safety Rules to stay safe online:
- Always check with an adult before giving out your full name, address, phone number or school name.
- Always tell an adult if you see something that you know is wrong or that you do not like to see.
- Never write back to something that makes you feel uncomfortable or uneasy.
- Never tell anyone a credit card number or a password.
- Never send out your picture without asking a parent.
- Be careful when someone offers you something for nothing, such as gifts or money.
- Never say OK to a gift that means someone will visit your home.
- Never meet someone you have met online in person unless you check with your parents and an adult goes with you.
Have a Safe and Merry Christmas! (And I hope I do not bring you a dog by mistake! Honest, it only ever happened one time! 🙂
Santa Claus
P.S. What things do you do to stay safe when you are on the computer? Do you think emailing me is the best way to talk to me? Do you still want to get “Santa Claus’ phone number”? You can tell me here. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Salemburg nc
North Carolina
Christmas 1
Thank you December 25
Merry Christmas Brandon!
Dear Santa Claus and miss. Santa welcome to see you see San Antonio Texas imarge park mall freshman school art class summer school Del Río high school Del Río San Antonio Texas Santa Claus hey. Santa Claus merry Christmas see you soon ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. Ho ho ho ho ho ho smile pizza hot dog taco hamburger soda ice cream
Great work be happy Guy letter Santa Claus mail box
Charile Rudolph baby girl today 6 o’clock night time I love you South Park Chris
hey santa i have been good and naughty this year and i know you are on your sleigh but do you have my presents and when are you going to my house i cant wait to open presents!
love, levi
Merry Christmas levi!
Christmas really is the most wonderful time of year. I hope you track me on my Santa Tracker!
I’ve been very good this year. So I would like my driver’s license from the DMV and 2013 dodge ram 1500 Laramie longhorn White with gold trim
Merry Christmas Justin!
Sorry, but I think you’ll have to do the driver’s test yourself (the elves legs won’t reach the pedals). Good luck!
I would like to know what you r phone number is
News phone dolly walk and cry
Hey Santa. Cauls Be Good. Day From. Nicole. C
der santa clusa tom dogbig nate eletonio potniis pgrtle ptno prie mpcdpay pae witphy fm book elf lette form santa mom santa clusa tomarnano dogbig
Message Father Santa claus
Chief Elf Richard Nice List
Help People with Christmas Eve and Day’s work to Be in The North Pole
Karen crafts deal Santa I want have medium wood flute for Christmas gift Miss parents
Heaven I believe Santa clause Santa latch hook junior mints smarties savory magazine
Woman world mag taste of home mag
Slow cooker recipes for woman frist mag
Hi somebody is not listening right now yes
Hi Santa! This is Julian! How are you? I was wondering if you can send me a phone number
Not to be rude, but you said for the title what is Santa Claus‘s phone number and email address and you never really answered it
Please help my family to find a home
I hope I can’t wait to see you on Christmas.
hi santa its nice to meet you i hope you have a wondering day it was great to chat and
next bright me a elf
hi santa its nice to meet you i hope you have a wondering day it was great to chat
Am I pregnant with twins
Hey Santa hey Santa, can you buy me a new company iPhone iPhone 11 Pro Max JAXON
Hey Santa, how you going? It’s me Xavier trees, boy
Hi Is Isabella I have good dear Santa Claus I would like to have monster high doll Disney 3 zombie A detention doll mla eive Audrey uma mermaid doll color changing Disney princess Taylor Swift album Billy Eilish album thank you so much Santa clause merry Christmas And one more thing Will you be happy if you get me this toy Barbie doll. princess Barbie popstar thank you so much
I am good I just need to get you number it does not say it
Santa Claus
my nieces are being very bad this year and all of them is getting coal for they been very bad and naughty but Santa Claus i am a good man and i am a good man all year around and now i can drive my car and i told my nieces to stop coming over and pulling my cats tails and strangle them to death and if they don’t stop i am going to tell my brother in law to do something about it and if they really don’t stop no more computers at all.
Hi Santa, please show me one picture of reindeer.
Journal book
New coat
Dear Santa Claus I think I have been somewhat good and I would like for you to make my Mom and Daddy happy and to bring me a lionhead rabbit and to bring world Peace and I would like you to bring my dog Rocky a new collar and a new leash please and thank you have a great day and tell Mrs Claus that I said hi from Gabi
My name is teagan and who is your favorite ice age and oliver and company characters ps I hope you are real
Hi I am teagan and I am 14 years old and I am in grade nine now who is your favorite ice age and oliver and company characters ps my are shira and diego and crash and Eddie and sid and granny and buck and zee and georgette and tito and dodger and rita and Jenny and olive and fagin and Francis and eistin
Hello Santa I love your elves and you present
Santa Christmas
Hi every one North PoleHow are you all keepin
whats your name????????????????????And adress
dear santa claus and mrs claus hi how are you doing i good i need your help come see me my birithday if you want ninterdo siwth and phone please
Hi SantaI really really want an elf on the shelf please mail to me where i live in the united states i believe in you bye
Dear Santa can y you send my 3 presents pls you did not come to my house last night so can you come in the afternoon pls thank you
Hi Santa merry Christmas I believe in you and love u
can I sing you a song but where should I do it because I don’t have face book or tweeter
Dear Santa,
There won’t be any presents under my tree this year.
I am so sorry for that but I’m only getting gifts from my friends this year too because I got my gift way back when. Merry Christmas Samantha, hope this makes you feel better!
Dear Santa
Barney Put purple and green polkadot
Magic flag Dinosaurs North Pole nj
Stuck Chaming him I love you you love me with your best friend can be back to big Bay And kissing do you want you say you love me too Thank You Michael Amy Allen Sister Luci Tina Joshua Barney s Waiting For Santa
Thank You
Hi Santa my name is Abbigail . I’m stressed out right now. I just had knee surgery. And I can’t walk right. Can you help me please. From Abbigail
Please to can you call to me
santa call mom phone
I went see red nose reindeer top house I went go North Pole with you Santa Claus I went talk to elf to I went take a picture with you, ms Claus, elf to
Merry Christmas
Happy new year
Love farina
dear santa I have not seen a elf in my home so please bring me 1
Hi my sisters has really been naughty this year not tidying there rooms or listening to my mum please don’t come this year
Hi Santa remember me we are best friends please let me have a holiday with you at the north pole i have 6 elves on the shelves Sprinkles Meatloaf Eli Jingle Elfie EJ tell me how they are going
Santa get Danny Bonomo the yolo liv. Box portable all in one mutliti camera live streaming box
Our samsung it is na wokinking propley
dear santa claus what toys elsa anna barney bear pen paper mate ink joy gel 0.7 money cash big phone box phone box phone box
panda exrpess
pizza my heart printer piama
Maleah love real life suff she love you in every way and all of you And who your family names and can you write back
Maleah love real life suff she love you in every way and all of you And who your family names and can you write back
Hi Santa I’m Emma and I’m nine and ive been really good
Phone and conputer and cowgirl boots
hi my name is haylee i live with me and jenna and ryan and bonnie and casey i have a lot of cousins i go to washington and i am doing great i am 8 years old and i alonoy want you to make my family a little nicer i will be 9 on june 30 i want a real elf some lols and mom and dad to tell me who jeffy is but they don’t one thing i really wan’t is a real life reindeer
hey stacy you are so nice to me can you put me on the nice list this year what is santas phone number i am 8 years old how old is santa.
Hey Stacy i love you so much. But when i grow up to be 18 could you still be my elf? You are so nice to me. Can you tell Santa that i said thank you for putting me on the nice list not the naughty list. From Haylee. To Stacy and Santa
Santa why you didn’t bring my gifts to me do not buy the TV we didn’t have a Christmas tree so I will owe my life to put in by the TV we had signs put up we didn’t receive no GIFs and we had milk and cookies for you did you pass my house by accident
Hi santa my name is bonnie thank you so much for letting my elf manny come I want tennessee volunteers pajamas and Tennessee volunteers house shoes
Hi Santa i wish you merry christmas and happy new year i wish you health,happiness and love and success Santa behind the fence behind our house at Bratislava region in Slovakia behind our house is a bag with letters for you Mrs. Clausová please before the night 23 th December 2020 to the north half let there bag in the morning do not read the laundry and after all, deliver to your grandmother and the spirit of Christmas, you also have presents in them and join us for hot chocolate and cake! my wishes are not material is enough only if mom comes on Christmas day we will be healthy, happy and when I take the exams at the end of the semester and it snows and please let your mom pay attention and invite you with your family when you go on a sleigh for dinner or get hot chocolate and cookies .wish you nice day and
don’t forget those leaves behind the fence and in the letter for you and Mrs. Santa Claus is a postcard send the elves for her today so that all the mail in the plastic bag gets to the north half!
Hello Santa Claus I want a bunch of presents this year I’ve been a good girl this year cut your mom tell the Elf on the Shelf I said hi Kyle Rudolph and Dasher and prankster that I said hi
Merry Christmas Monse! Everyone was tickled when I told them u said Hi! Rudolph’s nose got really bright.
Hi kid I am 14 years old and I am excited for Christmas this year
Ps who is your favorite singer
hi santa i think i have been good this year and i love christmas it is my favorite holiday and i want anything you bring me i want a teddy bear a bufific 1 too and i know you know the bear i want i am 9 years old and anything form dogo santa for moose and elmer i thin thay have been goood too love mac to santa
Can I please have my got to go Flamingo and can Laura please have Fifi the Flossing Sloth.
Thank you Santa
Love Ava
Dear Santa,
My fiancee and I had a big argument back in November, and I fear that we may be breaking up. It is my sincerest wish that she can re-unite with me. I want more than anything for her to be healthy and happy. I want more than anything for her to be able to share her deepest fears and worries, no matter how difficult the subject. I want more than anything for her to feel emotionally safe and secure. I fully recognize and understand my failings in this, to date. And for that, I am truly sorry. I am working on myself to make the personal changes necessary to grow to be a better man, to make these things happen. I hope and pray that the changes she will see in me give her hope for a brighter future together. I always have and continue to believe that what we share is truly something special and is worth fighting for. While it is true that I acted badly and ran away from the situation, I am not running away from her. I am always here for her, whether she chooses to keep me, or not. I will always be here when she needs me, when she wants me. I want her to feel free to push me away. I want her to feel free to say “No”. If she does says “No”, I will leave. But I will never go far. I want her to know that I am hers, forever.
Hi santa claus.
I live korea.
please com 남양주시 와부읍 덕소리 진도 아파트.
I want a bmx16 inch.
paige i hope that you are watching me
hi santa i have cleaning muy bed room all the time now what would say to that
see you on christmas eve when i go to bed early on the night when you come ro
Hi santa how are you going today i be good can i have a xbox 1 with game and a heap of movie and tv show and heap of gave card from jordan
hi santa can you give a picture of your self or one of the elfs moving plzzzz
ps:i know u r
pss:can you get me my own phone
Dear Santa,
I would like to have Pokemon cards, a Bakugan toy. One more thing, I would like to have an imoo watch phone.
Dear Santa,
I would like to have a toy robot for Christmas.
I want woody and Buzz light year sensory chew toys soccer ball and a football
Yes I would want your email and phone number.
Dear santa,Santa i am really sorry that i touched the elf i was just so sad that he was not moving so i touched him.i do not have any cinnamon to bring him back so what do i do?I would only like night vision goggles or v-bucks or video games it does not matter i am not picky.Have a merry christmas-Shawn
I Promised Extra Good This Year Plus Next Year Coming UP And IF Delivery Comes Bubble Wrap That’s Good Therapy For MY Hper-Flex Fingers.
hi santa i what my phone back and i what a elf on the self and im 11 years old
hey santa it me Aliyah Bookman i want this year is LOL set nail poish set and some clothen and fack nails and a kitchen set love Aliyah.
Please can i have the iphone 12 pro max and i rolex please
Hi Santa,
My name is Ben and I am 8 years old – I would really like a present making machine this year and it would mean the whole world to me if I could ride in your sleigh to help deliver presents – I have my own (pretend) Santa bag too!
hello Santa this is me Aaliyah and I wat a walkie-talkie and a robot
Sana po magkaroon ang nanay ko po ng laptop at sana dinpo magkaroon si nanay ng gamot ng isang taon at sana din po magkaroon po ako ng cellphone salamat po Santa
I am looking foward to 2021 because a new pretty cure series is coming
well I’m currently recovering from isolation I’m ok
well im currently recovering from covid
am never gonna have the best xmas ever 🙁
Hi Santa,
you sent me a letter today that you can not bring dogs or any animals. I asked for a dog so when I saw that you brought another child a dog! 🙂 maybe you can get me a puppy :)?!?! I really hope that you can! that’s all I really want, a puppy from the shelter would be lovely! I would love to bring a puppy home from a shelter!
Thank you Santa xxx
Dear Santa Claus,
Can you bring my dad home for my birthday, but let me still be able to celebrate with my friends? It would mean a lot to me. I am going to email my class elf about this too. Please Please Please Let This Happen!
-Chloe H
Dear Santa Claus,
My name is Chloe. I am 11. I only want one thing for Christmas, my dad to come home for my birthday. I miss him and want to be able to celebrate with my dad and friends. Can you please make this happen? I will never ask for anything again if I can celebrate my birthday with my best friends and my dad.
To Santa Family
Happy Christmas
Elf on the shelf Come watch me please
Sparkle Schafer Elf on the shelf can you bring him here tonight please
Elf on the shelf can you send him Tonight
HI Santa can you please get ,me a cardboard rocket ship. Also maybe a kids skateboard. My older sister ants covid to go away, and be able to run track this year really bad! MERRY CHRISTMAS;)
my name is : chloe age: 11 i will be 12 in may 2020 i want a elf really bad like crazy can i have one please please….. and what is your phone number i will not tell no one and i want the iphone 12 and we all believe in you santa i also want ipad and a airpods the 11pro airpods please and that is all i want and one more thing i want is a gocart and a nintendo switch game mario party
hi Santa my baby brother is 3 and he wants a yellow car and with magic. thank you Santa
Hi Santa this is Michelle and I have a huge favor to ask!
santa i know you are real i loved my present last year but this year i want a ipod touch 7th genoration! and a roku tv thanks SANTA
Hi my name is Candace I am 7 years old I was born with a outie now I have a innie
Hey santa can a elf come to my house.Me and my brother Klate have never had a elf on the self.we live in TN.
We ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ you Santa from the Andregg Family
I want phone 12 pro and I want a bike, I want chrome book
Dear Santa, Can I please have a dog and a ps5 and milemorallas game
But I really want the dog
Thx Santa hope you get the dog for me
Dear Santa, can I please Have a dog Ive been good.
Thx Santa I hope you get me a dog
Dear,Santa I have been nice can I have lol dolls for Christmas. Please it is my favorite.
chrishara Hey santa claus what do you i want for christams
Can i please have a electric guitar Santa also merry Christmas.
Hi Santa This is me Rakshat.I want some things for Christmas. I want a phone which have ram 8 internal storage above 100 GB please,please,please,please
Hi Santa This is me rakshat . I want some things for Christmas. I want a phone that night please which have ram 8 internal storage is above 100 GB i have one phone but problem so many ram is 3 internal storage is 16 GB and hanging problem in am playing free fire that time i will touch one button by mistakely when i am playing that time it will back please, please, please, please, please, please, please,please
Hi Santa How are you centre Are you good centre I’m being good how bout you is it cold in the North Pole and better will be the house rain the is going as common cube for Donner in Blixen how they going now the outer the going Good Hope help myself a common alright vicenta merry Christmas
Hi Santa This is me Avianna. I want some things for Christmas. I will have to do a zoom with you probably Tomorrow night or something.
austin michelle good day christmas watching me santa
good morning santa come soon and i wish you cancall just messige my mom text herfirst so she nows its you santa.
much love Lilly
Hi Santa, it’s Alana here i am 13 alright anyways i wold like a iphone makeup and makeup brushes and some candy if it’s to much to ask!! thank you 🙂
wold like a iphone makeup and makeup brushes and some candy
Hi Santa it’s Me Anthony I want a ps5 and a faster go-kart so I can beat my dad with his bike
I was hoping he would bring winx club ps2 game one that was not cracked or scratched
Hi Santa Claus I want money and a new house and a new car for Christmas
Hey Santa can I please have A PS4 I have been really good this year and I have been getting strait As
santa did you get my chirstmas list last night from my elf.
santa did you get my list from the elf last night
hi santa did you get my christmas list
P Santa Claus can you get me a price for a new apartment for next summer piece thank you
I would like a date at a restaurant but please merry me if your 20 to 19
I want a girlfriend who is pretty and is not pregnant yet and I would like to merry her if she is livening indepent and and a ring that pink would drive a Ford truck and go hand in hand
Hi Santa I would like to say a big hello to everyone at the North Pole in Canada
Dear Santa,
I hope there is no crona vires up in the north pole.
P.S, I’m 9.
dear santa clauus
pen paper mate ink oy gel 0.7
moneey cash big
phoneunboxing hello
panda exrpess
pizza mmy herat
printer pixama
My name is Lifnic I am from India I hope you will come to my home in the Christmas Eve please. I like you and Mrs Claus very much
can i have a elf house with all the stuff that a elf on the shelf would need thank you.
Hi my name is Izzy I love you Santa and Mrs. Claus too and the elves too I hope you will come to my house on Christmas Eve please love from Izzy
Hi Santa please tell me your phone number so I can call and talk to you privately since it is my first of receiving a present from you oh Father Christmas
dear santa clus for christmas iwill let you take some doritos chips too put into kids stockings your friend andyyyy
I. Have. A. Great. Night. Santa. Claus. Love. You. In. Or. In. Heart. Mrs. Claus. Tomorrow. July 281983. Old. 37 year old. Paulshaw. Tuesday. Best. Elf. All. Year. Long. Kiss. Me. Great. Year. Staril Down bast mart. Paul shaw. In. Bed. Bedroom. Letter. I’m. So. Good. Men. In. Nice. List. Put. Down. Top. Bed. Puppy pet.
July. 281983. Tuesday’s. 37. Year. Old. Paul men. Put. Me. On. Nice. List. On Top. Santaclaus book
Happy. Brithday. Paul.
I’m. So. Good. Men.
For Christmas, May I please have a puppy? A golden doddle to be spshifk
santa i still want your phone number and call you now and talkng with you sweet words.
how manny diferant restrants are there in the north pool
Dear Santa Claus for Christmas I want a Xbox from Seth xoxoxo
Dear santa how are you doing ,i am doing fine what have you been doing lately
hi hop you day address paul house weerd r nice list put in santa book good men all gift all my Christmas eve night tal santaclaus and mrsclaus elf put in or work shop santa claus one mile house tan big love you mrs claus
put on the map good man on nice list
stacy paul house tan one mile
Santa it’s me again Ashly I want to know what’s your phone number so I can see your face but but not really your face I would I just want to see I just wanna see what presents are going to get me but I’m gonna tell them both OK
Garnet Gould.
Sudbury Ontario
Your best friend Garnet Gould.
LEGO taxi
LEGO ute
LEGO buses and trains
Pull ups a
Santa, My Grandpa has NO water No showers, No sink. instead he has to collect rain water!! So one of my wishes is for him to have water for christmas. Type #NeedWater for my grandpa!!!!
Hi Santa all the way from connecticut! I wonder if I could have a drum set for christmas???? And a skateboard!!! If u read this i would love for u to answer!!!
Hello Santa! Even though it’s only June, I look forward to Christmas! I told my friend and my cousin about this website and they said that they might try it out! If you guys are early Christmas lovers too, type #EarlyChristmasSquad!
santa tell me your real phone number
santa please give me your phone number love you
What are your elves names and phone numbers?
Hey Santa you are my best buddy for ever and the only thing that I ever wanted to say to you is what is your real phone number so that I can talk to you love nick
Your The Best Santa, I Want Some Gifts Please
Dear Santa ,
I am RaiHan. I am 12 years old. I was be good this year. I love vampires. So my Christmas wish is i want to be a vampirefor this Christmas .
And lastly l have a question? When i die can i ne a elf with you?
Can i become a vampire
In my real life
what santa is ture some kids have low blood and they would will not walk loveZaylee
can you plese get a photo of jeff and send it to me
dear Santa
can you send me your email because I wish you could?
Santa please give me your number I want to call you
Hi Santa I’m very happy at the moment and I can’t wait for the next Christmas to happen! I want you to come back all ready!
hi santa can you email me thanks merry christmas
santa can you vizet my hous pls u pls wake me wup pls!!!
I don’t think Emailing on the internet is safe, but I trust anyone who believes in you Santa!
I Gus Mentzel would like coal for Christmas
Sophie wants to have extra time with her elf and have permission to touch her elf and the number 2 thing she wants is for the poor to have food and shelter.
Santa, for christmas please may I have a red sledge and a boomerang and a ice scraper
Hi santa just want to know am i on the nice list?I love you bye
SANT PHONE NUMBER NOW ????????????????????????????????????????????????????
it my house street. Tan. House. Address. On. Nice list. Paulshaw. I wanted Christmas I. Wante. Christmas. magicpower Santa Claus. Key .
hi santa this Christmas I wold really like a blue pony
HI Santa I have a challenge for you its FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY”S the challenge is to survive to the 6th night and do the TJOC AKA THE JOY OF CREATION FNAF GAME. and you tell me how well you did and from #1-10 how you felt being jump scared. OKAY BAH BYE ( *v* )
Hi, Santa I hope your having a good year. This year for Christmas I want, Nerf delta trooper, world war Z [ps4 version]
Nerf Long strike, a Pappasan chair, and a war Robots gift card.
P.S I hope the pappasan chair fits down the chimney.
dear Santa can you bring me collins key sweatshirt merch, please?
xoxo maerry christmas
dear grandfather this year i want a remote control and remote control Albania Elbasan
stacy. Street. Lift. Size. House. Stop. By. For. Christmas. Eve. Night. Nice. List. Josh. Patrick. Annette. I. Hop. Get. Gtget. Jod. Elf at north pole. Santaclaus. Work shop. Good. Job. On. Gift.
Small. Locker. For. Paul Dec24 /20019. Tue.
Own 1 one. St. House.
hi, Santa I miss Christmas we are barely doing any of the things we used to do around Christma. my elves even get tried some times. so for Christmas, I want fun traditions with my family back thank you Santa
can i have your phone number and address and email santa email addresses!
may i have santa’s phone number and email address?
I will never stop believing in youtube. Love,Andres
Santa can I please have a Surface Laptop 3
Dear santa claus,
my parents got a email from you that states that the elves might save Christmas and the people around the world will all be able to get presents.
Love Katheryne
Dear Santa,
Can you please send me a picture of Rudolph?
I love you santa for all the gifts you bring and for spending all year round making presents for us! Thanks so much!
santa, please bring me roller BLADES cat NAMED PUMPKIN PIE AND A FLUTE. love shane8
I want your phone number so I can talk to you about my elves sparkles and buddy and jingles.
Merry Christmas to the elves and Mrs Claus and Santa.
Hi Santa I have been really good this year and I want a lot of presents and I miss Christmas eve and I like spending time with my family on Christmas eve
yes emailing is easy.
you should make an email that yo can just press compose and then send instead of going to this website.
Send meh a photo of you, Mrs. Claus, the elves working, and every single reindeer
could you send my elf Brutus to my home
I want a Stefon Diggs #14 vikings jersey and a PS 4 for Christmas.
hi santa claus the letter love paulshaw
Deer Santa
Can you give my uncle a car not a toy car and i really want computer plz and thank you.
I im so good it year put or paul shaw address on nice list good
magical power elf rog box blue talk to me gift street mn 55079 lift size house tan sligh big red tall men for paul shaw gift stopbey on Christmas eve night magical power santa claus red rog box talk to me on gift send to mrs claus dec 12/1/20019 I hop veary happy at northpole working santa shop gift
Dear Santa,
I hope you are doing good. I hope you can send Steve back. l have now moved to my uncles house but I hope Steve can come to my uncles house. I only want a ninjago lego set with the new Zane. I know you have been watching me. I hope I have been good.
P.s. I will leave you plenty milk and cookies.
Love Brailyn
Hi Santa is this really you? Can you tell Jingles my elf to come to my house tomorrow in my room
I want a new ring new dress and some new bobbles merry Christmas to elves and Mrs Claus and Santa
Hi Santa Claus i have a question for you can you let Herbie and Rosie the elf on the shelves that we adopted come back to the St. Francis tonight please. Thank You Santa Clause For Reading My Letter I Hope That Herbie and Rosie will be back tomorrow i am looking forward to seeing them tomorrow if you let them which is why i emailed this to you cause i want them back tomorrow. 🙂
Hey Santa. My name is Isaac and I am 9 years old. Santa I had a younger sister named Eve but she died. I really miss her Santa. She was the best part of my life. I dont know what to do anymore Santa. Can you make me feel happier? My parents fight all the time and I do not know what to do. Sometimes I think I should be dead with my sister. Please make Christmas nice.
Thank you for tell me Santa Claus’s number
i am SOO EXSITID to get PRESINS this year love Linkin
santa,can i please have your phone number?
hi ,
For this Christmas I want my mom.
Dear Canta-Claus Can you plzz pick up Lilly P Christmas Present, Lilly not going to bed want she told
Hey santa I still want your phone number
I want more makeup please Santa I miss you and love you
Hey Santa I really believe in you so can you please get me a suitcase! Thank you very much!
hi santa, my name is caylee [kk] and i want purple wireless headphones plz. thx
Dear Santa,
I think that the best way to get ahold of you is by call and text, plz give us ur phone number. I think it would be easer than emailing you.
je maniut DE mes Amie Emma Deanny Francesca se son tous des fille gentille…
j’aimere les revoir
im looking forward for u to visit my house santa hope i can get this year santa please
Hi Santa I’ve never done this before
But I’m doing it because I believe in you
Plz Santa I want Playstation4 for Christmas
Plz don’t fail me
Thank you
Dear Santa,
My wish is that people would learn proper spelling and grammar. This page was a nightmare to read through.
Bowling ball wth all colers light red
Santa is ery smart and my grandad said that you are fat but I do not baleav him.
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is to be able to see my dad once more, I haven’t really seen him since he died when I was not even 2. I just want to see him and get to know him. It has been 12 years and I really don’t remember him at all. I’ve only seen pictures and heard stories. I don’t want pity, all I want is 10 minutes, just to get to know him, I know this message really wont work, but its my last shot. I don’t care if it’s even in my dreams. I just want to see him.
hi santa i have been good hope u can get it to me tuesday please
I love Santa Claus but I came on this website to find your number but it doesn’t say your number anyway I still love you there are apps where I can call you so it is ok
I live in Miami, OK. I want to see an alphabetized naughty and nice list, and a PS4, and Fifa 19. I hope you’ll tell me your favorite kind of cookies.
Hi Santa I’m quite young at heart. So I say again at heart. I’m one who strives with torment and tears. I had to write you Santa because everyone needs to find that one that they feel that they can open up to talk to. Santa Things that I see people do and how they talk to me make me feel low down. This is when I should have went to my Mother and family and sat down and have an open heart and talk to them about my feelings. I am much older now. I have lost my hearts will to love anyone. Because of how I have been treated. I don’t know how to love anyone Santa. I lost my will to love anyone at a very early childhood. But I always believed in you Santa. I always had hope in Christmas and waiting for that day to come back where I could find love again. It makes one feel cold inside without love. It makes one feel uneasy inside without love. It makes one have no sense of direction without love. And I felt like if I didn’t find someone soon to talk to soon I was going to have a heart attack and stroke. This is real Santa I wouldn’t have bothered your time if it was not. One thing that I want more than ever to to have love in my heart. Because without it one is worthless. There are other things that I want for Christmas. I am a singer and songwriter. Which you might think that this is a joke. I just wish that scientist could find a way to make people grow back new sets of original teeth. And not false teeth. That way I could a new smile again. Yet I have teeth. Santa I am a singer and songwriter and novelist. Santa I get paid by a royalty distribution and royalty collection agency. They collect my royalty world wide. Santa I was wanting somehow make it so that send all the songs of mine that I send to them that they distribute them world wide and I ask that I have the talent to produce good and the best of music. My royalty collection agency is suppose to pay me monthly. Santa I am in need of a great sum of money. I ask that my songs that have been played for this quarter just this quarter for now an accumulated the sum of $24,000,000.00 and be paid to me this pay period which is December around December 22, 2018- December 23, 2018. Santa I ask that you give me the talent to open a business a music business and I ask that I be a success. I ask that I have good employees who do their jobs correct with out troubles and complaining. I ask that I have more that enough money and the correct guides lines to pay them. I ask that I don’t try and don’t cheat them but always pay that is owe and that is due. Santa I ask this Christmas eve and Christmas that I lie down and every night and get the best of sleep and that you give me the talent to play a musical keyboard and guitar. I ask that you give me the talent to be the best singer, songwriter, lyricist, keyboard player, guitar player in the world and that there has ever been. I ask that you to give me the talent to read music and write notes, melodies, tones and write sheet music. Thank you Santa Merry Christmas to you Mrs. Claus and the Elves. And Santa I would like to wish people all over a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years. Christmas December 25, 2018 and New Years January 1, 2019. Thank you Santa and Mrs. Claus and the Elves you all are doing a great job.
I want 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000v-bucks
I was wondering if you could bring me a DOG and a BUNNY, Please reply if you are ok with that!
My parents have a lot of Internet rules they say that you cannot unsee something
Santa have l be good. Santa l want hover board and some other stuff on Christmas.
Hi Santa I’m isabella genford I am 19
I want a red car as well
You are awesome and I want heaps of drawing things
santa can you send me a picture of you and your elves/if you can, you also pleasesend me your phone number
hi santa
i wish i could c u real life
buh anyways do u really exists
if so then i would like for u to present
me a headfone
thank u
i luv u santa claus
Dear santa clause I would like 10 pack of word searches for Christmas plus I would like my new niece or nephew to be born right away
Dear Santa, i will not be at my normal house this year as I will be in Pt. Lincoln.
I have been really good this year.
Thank You Santa
I love you Santa and I can’t wait till you come again this year. You are always so good to me. What cookies do you want this year?
people say your not real but I still beilive in you
Santa I want a life sized child doll.
hi santa Claus what your real phone number
Santa, I wish to visit you one day and to give a very jolly hug to every one including the elves and raindeers too.
You have sent nice emails back to me Santa
santa, how did you meet mrs claus, whats her real name, how many kids must you deliver to, who was your first reindeer, how long have you and mrs claus been maried, and have you ever delivered presents with mrs claus.
dear santa, do you see all the times youve been caught on camera, if so, what do you think, and if not, can you do a reaction blog/vlog.
dear santa ,
are u real
iwant a mackbook pro
karoke michiene
brocklyn and baily mearch
room decor
backing ware for me to make u cookies
hi santa i would love a picture of your factory
I want to be nice everyday day and night and I love you Santa Claus and Mrs.santa Claus too
Dear,santa What are you doing right now
want. I. Want. for. You. Paul.
i juss hadda do it too em
deer stanta,
i luv all yer fashun syle
yoo r a fashun cing. you inspir me everee dae. i want too hog yoo. yoo r bewteefull and a totall bayb. i em jellis of misis claws. i want too reemov herr frum yer lif. i want too liv with yoo insted.
if yoo want mi eemale just missege mee bacc. i wil eegerlee ahwate yer reespons.
all i want fer critmis is yoo baybee.
Dear Santa can I see Mrs. Claus
Tyler cove round rock 3309
To santa. Claus. Call.me. At dinner.
Dear Santa I been a good girl this year and yes I do still believe in Santa Claus and for Christmas I would like some new head phones please and don’t worry Santa I will leave you out some food on Christmas eve ok and go to bed early and brush my teeth just before bedtime and I will listen to my mom and dad and I will promise that I would be good on Christmas day ok love Alison Jane Bush
Yes i want o know what santas phone number is can someone write me back
adios santa
i want a peice of string
i dont know what for
but i really really want one
ill be your best mate
im australian
ya yeet
hola santa
barb the strip
Till. Santa. Claus
Computer. Red.
Man. Jersey. 4xl. Ram names. Back. Shaw
Hi can you please respound it would be cool to sse you and your elfs
Hi Santa,
You are the best
I hope your are well
From Emily xx
santa please get me a baby born for christmas.
Buy me hd radio boombox rokut Walkman flip cell phone Walkman hd radio dell computer tower garil friend
Hi santa!I want to message you!Phone please!
hello santa i hope ur doing good santa this year i want new branded phone and earphones and new branded sony camera and swimming suit .
last year i was waiting for u but u didnt come to my home and gave me gifts i didnt enjoy my christmas so i hope this christmas u will give me or if u wont give me i will become mad
please please please please santa.
from jennifer
padmaraonagar secundrebad india 500061
hello santa i hope u are doing good and i am your biggest fan of you santa
santa i want a new branded phone and new branded sony camera and earphones and swimming suit i hope you will bring me these gifts .. i hope u will surely to my house in padmaraonagar secundrebad india.
hello santa i am a biggest fan of you i hope u r doing good i want a new branded phone and a new branded camera and swimming suit i hope u will bring me love u santa
Dear Nicholas I am a disabled person with 1 disability group I have a head injury epilepsy and I would like to get from Nicholas gre black on ps2 delta force black down team saber on ps2 and a sweet gift from Nicholas let santa bring gifts on December 25 at 5 am greet Damian
Dear Santa Claus
Want do i want for Christmas
RCA Bluetooth home theater system Samsung Galaxy Tab remote control helicopter Bluetooth speaker karaoke machine solar fan hat weather radio waterproof fitness Tracker solar LED stake light mister banks Bluetooth headset audio fm transmitter Blue Little River Band shirt shorts socks jeans pants shoes mens underwear
From Donald
hey santa for christmas please give my dad a 2018 chevy silverado
Can l have a MacBook Air and aNintendo switch please
Same I am A big Fan of santa I love him
Dear Santa Claus,
Please bring me the following.
I like the color orange and like to read.
But I will want to get these items I wish I could get. But if I do not get them I will not be mad. Maybe other family members will give them to me.
Skechers Luminators, The Ultimate Batmobile robo tracks and some other stuff on my Christmas list. and maybe a dog!!
Have a great. Bye .
Will u come to my house if I leave my camera on
And also in 2015 I asked u how do u get in and u drew a santa and wrote secret
hi santa it is emma B i was wondering if i could have a rose gold iphone 7 with cute phone cases to fit and can i have a bluetooth speaker rose gold hoverboard if i could have both of those i would be the happiest girl in the world because i have really wanted tose things for a really really really long time so if i can have those things you will make me really happy. Thank you so so much and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Emma B
dear santa hello can you come and see me in walewsas I am moving there lots of lovevrrom sean
I am Pradyot your biggest fan. Can you give me your phone number?
HI! I’m Sadie and I want a REAL PUPPY and a REAL KITTEN for Christmas!
Dear Santa:
Could you please tell me your phone number?
Dear Santa:
Could you please tell me your adress?
Please reply!!! Your making me sad, also sorry im writing soooooo early just making sure you know!!!
There is another CRAZY way to tell you what i want for christmas, its going to the North Pole and talking to you in actual life. One problem though, I don’t know how to get there! Please write some advice on it thank you! P.S. I still want yout phone number!
I miss flash. Can you send him back?
Dear Santa. I Wuld Love A Girl Elf For Christmas This Year . Thank You . <3
I want to be a elf when i die♀️
hi santa what is your phone number thank you i love you so so much merry christmas love lily
I love you you are really amazing and I am very thankful for all of the presents how old are you and what is Mrs Claus first name
I love you please give me a puppy I wish that I could kiss you at the North Pole also how do I get your reply
I think that emailing Santa is the best way because normally he’s probably busy and can’t accept calls it’s also better to email Santa for many other safety reasons like people being able to see your phone number and tracking you
Hi Santa Clause I am Aditi and I didn’t get a gift this year. I am so sad. Maybe next year…
hello Santa i want to become an elf just like the rest of them
hi santa i have a question for you
do you have children
no200 hope hey not to be rude but you skipped my house and its only 11:44 please come!!
Hey Santa this is bailee brown and albrey Grovenstein we just wanted to tell u that what no matter what people say u sre great .
Hi, Santa!
My name is Sophie and I am 12 years old. Lately, I have been hearing things like ” Santa isn’t real and ” You are too old for Santa”, but I think that you ARE real, I just want some proof. If you are real and these are all just lies, please leave a note in my house tonight when you deliver my present.
Hi Santa, Your the best thank you! Also, People say your not real I don’t believe them because who else would give presents? PARENTS!?! Anyway, I love I love you!
Dear Santa i would like to send you a private email where can i send it to
Thank you and merry christmas
I love you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lots of love Lily
My parents say they have your phone number is that true also they say every parent in the world has your phone number.
How old are you?
Santa I want to call u now.
Can u send me your photo pls pls pls
Hi, Santa My name is Kaylee and I’m sure your real!
I love you so much santa you gave me everything i wanted for christmas!
Hi Santa i love you and Merry Chirstmas.
hi santa can u guess who i am i get lonely alot hope am not disturbing if u can please send me ur phone no. i promise not to use it wrong please and thank u
Hey Santa!!! I have a question for you, How old are you?
Hi! Santa please tell me your phone number please. My (Elf on the shelf) is doing fine. I got good chocolate for you and I LOVE CHISTMAS!!!!
Can you send quava juice to my house? The YouTuber not the actual juice. Lol . I really want to meet him and play a little.
please bring me back to the north pole
Hi Santa!!!!Hope you get my letter!!!
I think it is good cause you get in touch with us on your Santa email all year around.and even Rudolph can get emails to
Are you going to Preston panthers Christmas Party tonight
I love you.what is you phone number please tell me ☎️.
Hi, Santa!
Please come to my house on Christmas.
This year I study very hard, and also I act kindly to everyone.
I did homework very well, and listen to my teacher very well.
Lastly, I company well with my friends.
here at 9 hurley pl we all love you and we all hope you have a merry christmas and a happy new year all like as. we all start to pack on the 28th of December so we can go camping in tents and you can see us sleeping
hi santa can you give me your tphone number or your email? thx :L
Just a friendly reminder—my email if you want to keep in touch with me! See you soon!!!
I just wanted to ask you if you are a real person
Thank you
I know your real Santa hohoho! love u
santa what you email and phone number
Dear Santa, Hello Santa me and my sis would like a phone a computer and a lots of toys please
Love you Santa
From: Alize and Abbigail
Last message today! I am going to bed now but sorry. I know could you do magic to melt the ice (not snow)(get more snow). Bye bye.
I’M doing acarology singing tomorrow! I love you all the time❤❤❤. I love u Santa
Hello Santa it’s nice to see you today.❤. I will give you a question…………………… Why didn’t you play with my tennis ball l gave you last year? Now a joke…………………………….. Why are snowmen called snowmen? I will send you the Answers layer OK .
I am 57 and I still love you! xoxo
Now, how about iPhone X this year?
I love all your renders expressly forth( if that’s how you spell it).❤. I will have to finish the rest tomorrow OKAY
Emailing is ok to do.
But I still want your phone number
Ok love you xoxo
Hello Santa I hope you don’t make any more silly mistakes. I do that at school some times. I saw you playing boling on a wee. Why didn’t you play with my tennis ball l gave last year(or it could be the year before). Shall I give you my Christmas letter on new year’s Day so you can take your time reading it? I think my dad will be a bit confused and my mum. Shall I send my brother’s list as well? Just to let you know my birthday is on 27th of May. In sted of playing on your wee why don’t you send me a Christmas card(of you tell me your birthday I will send you a birthday present and a birthday card)! DON’T FORGET A CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO MY PET HAMSTER RPNZEL!!! Please reply back
Lots of love from Reanna
Dear Santa,
Im Braelyn! Im a 12 year old girl! Im in 6th grade. I am the only one that still believes in you. everyone else asks me scientific questions like “well how does santa fly” please, how do i prove to everyone that you exist?
Hi Santa why do you where a red suit
Tell Rudolph Mrs clause I love them booth you’re awesome hohohoho merry Christmas my friends don’t believe in you but I do cause your awesome
Dear Santa Claus,
I absolutely love you and your so kind, to those who could be less fortunate or just humans in general, well a few things that I would LOVE for Christmas in number one some Gymnastic airmats/ tracks. Second of all I would love a rose gold or white or black segway, a HP socket printer, virtual reality goggle and money.
Thanks Santa, I love you santa, kind regards imi, ( aka your biggest fan and Best Friend. ) thx
santa claus is 1847 years old on 6 december 1866 love michelle saunders
I love you and Mrs. Claus. We will have cookies for you this year again with milk.
Say hi to Rudolph!
1Alram clock 2squihhy 3elf shoes . That’s all
1Calender 2putty 3elf shoes . That’s all
Hey santa how is Mrs clause and can you come to my house and can you get me a rubber gloves small and medium purple and operation kit gown gloves mask and a football and deliver them to my room and it should say proud to be foxhill owls
dear Santa
pleAse let my daughter be a good angel the rest of this year and next
#santa i love u do you have a evil santa
I want to text you so give me number
I want for Christmas is a iPhone 7 Plus and I want for Christmas is a new backpack and I want for Christmas is new shoes and a hoverborda. Tell your elf’s I said hi and hello.
17 days till CHIRSTMAS SANTA!!!! :DDD <3 <3 <3
Santa are you the actually St.Nicholas’ s son ?????
Hi Santa how are you I hope you are eating healthy food and thank you for sending me your Santa letter
Hello Santa
How are you doing what now
I just trying to call him on my husband Matt he’s at respond my phone call from me last night and this morning either he’s respond my phone call from me last night and this morning
Can I please have your phone number thanks!
Can i get you number please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
hi pleas can I have your phone number
Can I have the phone number to you santa? Thank you love you?
Hi Santa sup you’re kind. I’ve been good all year so plz may I have some things on my Christmas list bye
Dear Santa,
There are many things that I would like for christmas because I never get something so I want a house( i am homeless) and family(I am an orphan).
hi hows it going what is your phone number
How many toys do you make in 1 year?
Dear Santa I just want yo know if you are real?
Hey Santa,
I wish I could help you on the sleigh run with you. I worry ’bout you.
You are Awesome!!
santa claus i been good girl at minot nd
Santa i cant even believe that the days have gone fast but on December it has been really super SLOW
Hi santa for Xmas I really want a trampoline but only get it if you can thanks your friend holly.
Hi santa for Xmas I really want a trampoline but only get it if u can thanks your friend holly.
Hi santa for Xmas I really want a trampoline but only get it if u can thanks your friend holly
Hi Santa can u please send me and elf on the shelf thanks merry Christmas
hair dye
gell pens
size 4 sneakers
dear Santa, my friend Victoria and I had a play date today. Her mom said she has your phone number.
hi santa,can you please tell your phone number&email address.i really want to text you
Santa, can you please bring me a girl Chihuahua for Christmas please. I now how much responsibility it is to take care of a pet . Please can you put that underneath the Christmas tree with the most glittery bow on the present. Me and my sister always wanted a puppy for chirstmas. Everytime I ask for one, I never ever get one. Is there something wrong with me that I always want a puppy every single Christmas? Is there something wrong with me!
can you give me your phone number please
Santa this your I want a dirtbike and some timberlands notindoswitch
Santa the emails are tiring can i have your sleigh number well phone number please?
Hi Santa its mya your favorite girl in Jacksonville I hope you write back love you
Hey Santa so I know you are real what did you get me for last Christmas
Please can me and my sisters and brothers have more elf buddies?
P.S. I love christmas!
hi SANTA I love Christmas it is my favourite time of the year because i get presents and because all my family come together and spend the day having fun and all sorts of things oh and can you seen me a picture of your elves!!!
can I please have santa’s phone number or does he just do e-mail?
Hello Santa Claus when are you coming to my house how are you
Can you send 2 elves here a boy and a girl elf please
Hi Santa and everyone! So close to CHRISTMAS!!CANT WAIT
Please call me ….am I I’m the naughty or nice list?
hi santa, can u really try hard to call me
I want a Fitbit and thank you for sending Madalee.
hi, I was wondering if i am on the naughty list this year P.S i would love Tenny Grant the american girl doll sorry to bother you xoxo Addie
Dear santa if you are real do you know where my house is?
Santa I would like to have a toy elf to play with and hug.
Hi Santa I really, really want a hedgehog for Christmas this year. I love hedgehogs, they are my favourite animal ever! We already have a bearded dragon called Brock and he has written a letter to Rudolph. Have an awesome Christmas!
Lots of Christmas hugs and kisses!
Season’s greetings from Serbia by Your little helper.
I’m a proud ant and helper I love you merry Christmas
I want to know your phone number please!
Are you coming on Christmas or New Year???? I really want to know!
Hold me doh doh doh hold me doh doh hold doh Dow doh
hi my name is trinity and how old o you
Santa I’ve been looking for a santa coat like yours and I can’t seem to find one do you thank you could help meeee pleaseeee?!!!! Happy thanksgiving sweetie pie
hey santa it’s matthew i hope i’m not catching you at a bad time
hey I just wanna know what’s your phone number I’m sorry I’m just sad that I cant text or call u in true life love u and miss u love Savanah
can you give me a photo of elvis waking.
Can I get something early if if you can tell me and I will give you my list it’s only 1 or 2 things
Hi santa are you getting mt letter because i mailed it to you last night if you did get it can you write a letter back to me right after you get my letter
Can I have email or phone number yours
Hi Santa, hi
I hope your enjoying in the North Pole it must be chilly there
I hope u can talk back later
_ From a girl you Know
hi santa how are you know my cousin harrison’s don’t you. I’m just asking what is your phone number
Hi Santa Claus I just wanted to say that I love you very much and am I on the NICE LIST???????
Dear Santa What? I’d like for Christmas a dell laptop computer with chrome and Face Book and some games like Dr. Mario Tetris ,slots ,search words, a Diamond Ring for Paula Baker Size 10.5 p.s. can you get my mom a Copper pan set for Christmas?
hi saint nick
thanks for the dog you got me.
can you email me some time.
call me Baker NOT NOT Caley.
bye saint nick
Santa please certify that i will be in sikkim on 24th december
Dear Santa,
Thank you in advance for the presents. Hope you’re doing well.
Hi Santa I hope you are well I am looking forward to Christmas and to hear from you how are the elves?
Stay well!
I want a beagle dog with four legs that barks
; dear santa claus for chirstmas i want black red beats headphones and black red beats speaker and a karoke machine thats what i want for chirstmas please.
from cori schoen im i on the good list santa from cori
Dear santa claus I have been very good this year I would like to know how miss claus is I believe in you I will leve you out milk and cookgs on Christmas Eve I would like for Christmas new game disney magical world 2 and Nintendo 3ds in pink please disney princess pjs merry Christmas from gemma
I love Christmas but you need to be safe☃
Hi Santa,how are you” I’m July 16th 1975.☺was my birthday “I’ll still believe in 4 ever to, love always.Shoreline WA one.
some people bother me am i one of your fievoret girls
Hi santa can I have your phone number instead I want to hear your voice thank you so much and see you on Christmas
To santa I am 11 years old and I want a new bike with a basket so the dolls can fit in please
Whats your phone nimber.can i het contact sulution to make slime with
Please tell me please your Nintendo network I’d I love to play Minecraft Wii U with your great awesome amazing fantastic elves please.
Want want is santa cales
Phone number
hi santa if you can can i please im despret for this what i really wants is a …..REAL
Dear Santa how is all the RainDeer Doing ? and how is mrs. clause Doing ?
also hows your elfs doing this year ? and when i am on the internet i play my computer games 🙂
demeli waxta baba❤️ bu 21ilde sene ilk defedi mektub yazram. sebebide oduki menim bidene Ruslan (poncik) adinda cox istediyim adam var. ama eyni weherde deilik. yeni ilde biryerde ola bilmirik. imtahanlari var cunki ama men istiremki Yeni ile onla biryerde girim☺️. sennende istiremki Yeni ilde burda olsun poncikim.☺️ birde bu ilde coxxxlu coxxxlu Xowbextlik getirersen bize❤️ Inaniramki mektubumu gorub Istediklerimi getirersen
Call me please i what phone for Christmas do for get to come to my house this year
I Khow we are best frinds Santa XOXOXOXOXOXO
Dear santa I belaeve in you for ever, and a happy new year and merry christmas to all and good night
Hey Santa Just want to say I love you And Mrs Clause And everyone eles at the North Pole. All I want is a tablet with a usb input and a sports bra. And you if you want you can reach me
Hey santa , it’s Kayden! This year I will be sending you a lot of emails
Hey santa it’s Kayden this year I am beginning for you to wake me up when you come to my house , this year I will be sending you a lot of emails
can you please tell me your phone number!!
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas from Arkansas,
my husband died last April. i’m miss him.
i can’t stay in our home because i can’t pay for it now that he is gone, i have to leave here soon. i need a place to live for about $300.00 a month and must allow 2 cats. Santa, please bring me and my girls a safe place to live soon. i must be out before Christmas and leave my church family.
thank you.
i’m heart broken.
Hi santa my name is aayush i am 8 years old and i would like a drone and xbox
His santa my name is aayush and i am 8 years old you are the best santa
; dear santa clause for chirstmas i want a xbox one x game and xbox one x microsoft headset and black beats headphones thats what i want for chirstmas.
Hello Santa! Can you please get me an Apple Ipad. Last year you got me an Acer computer-tablet. By the way, thank you for the Acer computer- tablet.
i love you santa can i have an elef on a shelf
its nice to here you and ur kids @ wife are safe
Santa you are the best! Last year you brought me what I wanted! thank you so so so much
May I PLEASE have a phone or a new Ipod
Can’t wait until Christmas
Real Italian greyhound puppy please
Please tell me your phone number and email because I really want to text you!! Thanks!!
hi santa, can you get my famliy an elf on the shelf, pretty please?
please get me an elf on the shelf please.
santa can i please get a ( real) hourse at christmast you know where i leave dont you if you dont know you will see dream high tutoring thats where i leave and please i want a hourse(real) and thank you SANTA CLUAS!! and merry christmast!!!
hi santa this emilie marie adele champeaux brisbane australia i been a angle this year
lock key back up after you finish dont tell enny one be tween you and me and juliette and my suport worker quick resonse carers
Hi my name is Dominic and I was wondering If you can come pick me up at my house and send me to Willam blount For good intell 2020
hola santa danos tu numero de teléfono
hello santa may you give me a photo of you
Hi Santa my name is Ella i get sad when it’s not December because christmas is my favourite time of year and i hate when it ends so for this christmas can you please give me something that makes it christmas spirit everyday.
I wish you a merry cristmas and a happy new year
I wish for a watch from Costco or. Walmart I think it says vteck watch its blue and it can take photos
Love ,
Dear Santa its Kaylee I just sent you a not I now only 75 days utill
I cant wate all I wont in holle in tire world is a ipod
hi santa i want a bluetooth pa speaker and a 24 pack of coca cola and flamin’ hot cheetos chips
Lana is not naughty can she a bike plz
hola papanoel quiero una table patines el bolso de soy luna la casa de barbi
Can I please have you number Santa
Hugs and kisses from my family
I really love you Santa keep on working hard every year that comes and goes!!!! Bye bye now
dear santa hello hope you had a nice sleep
these are what i want
scrap book
number 3 harry poter
sparkle dress
alam clock
lights for bikes
bikine puzzle book
secret safe diary
alettrich tooth brush
dear santa hello hope you had a nice sleep
Hi im athena and i am 14 years old
How is my elf on the shelf. Her name is marla sparkles
Can she come back early Because im going away to Toronto. I love you santa come visit me any time you want to
Dear Mr Santa
How are you doing what now what now. And your sweet wife Mrs Claus and your reindeer and elves.
Abby McConnell hi Santa it is me Abby
Dear Santa
even i Hannah am wondering what your number is, i know i sometimes do something bad but i realy try to stay strong. but it normaly doesn’t work but, with my new friends Danel( girl) and Anna (also a girl) i always feel better. and what do you want us to leave out for you this x-mas?
thank for you reply
I really want hermione cat crookshank so much
and my presents I really want TOO
hugs and kisses
take care of your self
I want a hover board and i want a tablet
Hi Santa my name is santa and I live in nz I always wanted to call you is it fine if I had your nz santa cloud number please ??? Sorry to distract you Merry Christmas
Hi i”m Aidan. I’m 11 12 soon. I really want an Ipad Mini.
Hello Santa My Name is Sarah Loveridge i’m ok How are You
i would like a new Mobile phone For Christmas please
Hi Santa could you let my dad take a picture of you
Hi Santa can I Have You Home Email and Home number?
Hi Santa I would really like your phone number. For Christmas please may I have a puppy
Plz Harry Potter wand
Merry Christmas
Hi Santa what is your number because I really want to text you!!!
hi santa i wanted to FaceTime you but i couldn’t so FaceTime me if you can but i know your busy but i know people have faceted you before on youtube bye hope we can talk sometime
santa do u remember what i had for presents last year i really want to see if u know
Hi santa great to send a letter to you did you no that my friends have a elf just like you widh l had own well hope l send a letter to you again soon l want to send a gift to you
Hi santa great to send a letter to you did you no that my friends have a elf just like you widh l had own well hope l send a letter to you again soon xoxo
Hi Santa Claus is me again can u give me your phone number and email adress if u don’t mind……If you don’t mind can i ask how old are you?
hi Santa. It will be cool to send me a picture of u and i went for chrismas is a dog and me and my family a new pretty house that is all
Hi can i have a elf on the shelf i want a girl
Dear santa,
Please remember to bring the things I have asked for.
Thank you,
Love caitlin
Can you sen
D me my naughty or nice? Please
Thanks for being awesome and helping us everyday. Bless You. By the Way, GG on the new sleigh!
Hi, santa I wonder if you like getting these messages? I think it’s funny that you sometimes make mistakes and give the wrong presents!Hee! Hee! Hee! Any,way i would like to have some fun geometric leggings(purple,bluefish) and a despicable me 3 junior novel and a puppy(bulldog) and a iPhone 7 (gold)
I hope I can leave some cookies out for you!
Love, Emma
Hi Santa I didn’t know if I could get your phone number
Hi Santa I have herd that you have gotten a new sleigh I hope that you are enjoying your sleigh i love you thank you Santa for every thing that I have gotten for christmas
love kayla
Hi Santa you are the most amazing person I’ve ever heard of so far you have brought me presents every year but I hope you think I’ve been good this year because I think I’ve been excellent this year when you start traveling keep safe and I will leave you a drink and a love mince pie thank you for everything you do I really appreciate it lots of love Corey
hihi santa ive been upset latey with this ghost hunter having a casting contest, and i couldnt enter the contest and win a lockdown with zak bagans. its been my dream to do a lockdown. now i get to watch someone else get my dream is upsetting me. sorry for putting my troubles on u santa
Hi st Nick can I have pokemon cards for Christmas please. 🙂
i love how you always put me on the good list i sarout you santa hohoho
Hi Santa how are you I always want to find out your phone number please send me it and I can tell you some more things that I would like for Christmas and thanks so much for the letter and I’m very happy that I got an A+ I’m glad I’m on the nice list
Lots of love xoxo ❤️
Dear santa I believe that ur real and I wanna say l love u and I really want for Christmas is a iPhone 7plus and some new pare of Nike sneakers
PS.love u santa
Call me back on my phone I ask for Christmas is MacBook Air I pan good this year marry. Chrst as
Hi Santa! You are such a nice person whats your address? I want to send you a nice gift for once! Please get me a real puppy for Christmas! I want a Golden Retriver!!
Love you Sophie xx
I hope u get me a teacup yorkie plz do
Dear, Santa
Could I please have your phone number so I could talk to you and see how things are.
Love from, Shania
I still want to get Santa’s phone number
Hello Santa Claus!
Hello its your elf Madison! Can you send me a letter in the mail? You are a good friend to me and I love you very much Santa!
santa please I need only your address
Do you have any tips on how to stop bulying
Hi Santa I got applied to be one of your elves when I was doing a Christmas test
Dear Santa,
I am on skype if have the time I would love to skype with you and Mrs.Claus.
llamar es mejor porque si yo llamo vamos abrar no escribir para cansar
pero si cuando hace mensaje vas a cansar i no vas
quiero un robot de verdad que tiene control que puede hacer deberes,ajudarme,pegar,volar,y quiero un muneco que tiene camisa i jacket y cuina lavabo i sala i cuando clicka la panxa se camina y tiene sabatos bragas y tablet de jugete y tiene un television de jugete y un silla y una mochilla y un carro de jugetes y quiero un play station de verdad con control y un television para pequena de verdad
hi santa i love you am i on the good list. how old is my elf eddie. xxx
Santa i believe in you and i’m in 8th grade which is high school and i want a kitten or at least 4 or more my favorite thing to do is to is play with my dog princess presious Liberty
How are you doing how is through car on the calendar for Christmas
Hi! Can you please say hi to sparkle and kringle and say me and seth miss them very much, and we loved our presents last year and we know you’ll do good again
Hi! I love you, Santa! I would like to help you in your journey this year! I have been an awfully good boy!
Santa what’s your phone number and what’s your address too?
I really want to kiss your wonderful whiskers
Santa I really want your phone number ok Santa i miss you and I really want to see a picture of you in your sleigh on YouTube
Hi Santa, I want to know your phone number
I am a Christian who celebrate the birthday of God by praying and I want to know you phone number please.
I want Christmas this year is Orlando soccer ball
and I love you
Santa please viset me. My brother has been good and bad. Just keep an eye on him. Ok?
Santa my parents tell me you’re not real but I tell them you are I need help to make my parents believe in you
Hi Santa, I emailed a help elf. I wonder if he/she got it . I told the elf that I have to move. 🙁 So, I also wanted to know if my elf on the shelf Snowflake will move with me where ever I go. Will she ? Please answer all my qustion??
Beusty beast new movie beast McDonald’s
Max goof mc donalds
New movie – Christmas Day Price: $0.99
For Son Viktor
For Christmas
At Viktor
Note: Hannah max goof cake monster look tramas movie
As you know I’ve wrote to you before I would love your phone number because I want to talk to you in person
Hey Santa,
You encourage little children to be joyful at Christmas time and for them to be happy. You do your job well,
Love Eliza
Can I have a dog who can’t be tall and fluffy
I want your phone number please everyone is asking for this please can you give us
Santa before I came to you and said I want a doll house you didn’t bring it so can I have a IPhone 6s
Hi santa get me lots of girl toys and a dog to .
Hi santa get me lots of girl toys and a dog to .Also wake me up in the night when you come.
Please tell your number so I can call you santa
Hi Santa I love you please give me lots of love
dear santa,
can you please tell me your phone number please please. I beg you
Dear Santa,
For this year Christmas I would like to have a Iphone 6 with the case ( aqua blue aqua sky teal).
Please read it carefully and slowly~~~!!
Dear Santa,
For this year Christmas I want to have Iphone 6, pusheen cat case,
and Iphone ring stand holder with totoro on it. And the blue
otter case, the color is aqua sky (Aqua blue / light teal).
(Please Read It Carefully And Slowly~~~~!!!)
From: Ashley Jung
i want to talk to santa on telephone
Hi santa how are you could I please have a photo of your work shop
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want to have Iphone 6, pusheen cat case,
and Iphone ring stand holder with totoro on it. And the blue
otter case, the color is aqua sky (Aqua blue / light teal).
(Please Read It Carefully And Slowly~~~~!!!)
From: Ashley
From Garrett,
To Santa
I want a drone and a dash and dot set and a Lego volcano explorer set and remote control hot rod
Thank you,
hello santa plaese send me a email thank you birdie.
you are nice and I know you are real because I called you once and you answered but it was from my babysitter’s phone.
Hi santa I live in California and I really want it to snow and a iPhone 7,gutter,Easy bake oven,Shopkins,and my nana want to recover from her ill ness so that’s what she want and a car now that all she wants and I want Pokémons,and I want my mom and dad to get together my dad is in bakerfled and my moms in California please that’s all I want merry Christmas
Hello Santa,
I’m from South Africa. We are have hot Christmas here. Remember to bring your shorts.
All my love.
Dear santa
You are the best you always bring present ❤️I hope you have a merry Christmas and I have been cleaning my room about two this week what have you been doing this week I just love love you so much and the elfs they must be hard work like you I wounded what it s like to live in the North Pole have a nice Christmas and tell Miss clause I love you so much santa I m your no 1. Fan and I would love a poto of you and miss clause and elfs to please and how old are you and rudolf ☺️I love you so much
Dear Santa,
I love you and I really want a bike and a camera for Christmas. How are you doing?
Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
from Ruby the Unicorn xx
I want a real bunny, please I wanna live with my mommy soon and I want an I pad and other stuff please
Hi Santa/elves I’ve been wondering if I’ve been good this year because I’ve tried my best this year and I don’t know if it’s good enough
Hi Santa/elves I’ve been wondering if I’ve been good this year because I’ve tried my best this year and I don’t know if it’s good enough
I still want to call you. I like to hear your jolly voice!
To Santa
My elf has being bad but I got it on the 12th of December and no book with it. Bye bye Santa Claus.
hi Santa how are you. I hope you are ready to give gifts on Christmas yes. Santa I want PlayStation VR . thank you Santa love you
dear santa,
this year i would like anything how are your reindeers i hope there good. merry christmas and a happy new year
from madeleine
Santa I’m always sticking up for my friends But they do not stick up for me very well and I just do not get it at all can you tell me what I am doing wrong!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo! p.s. I will leave you a lot of yummy treats for you!! I love everyone at the north pole have a great day!! lots of love Adisyn!!
i would like to be your helper this year
Hi Santa I am Indian and every year when Christmas come I become sad because you didn’t give me gift any year. this year I want a Pikachu soft toy by you. If you didn’t give me this year then I will never believe in you.
hi santa my elf is in india xcause shiny her friend is sick im sad that ive been bad to my familly budette did not come back im realy sorry if im bad ill be better i love all of you guys even budette my elf on the shelf
your all my favorites
santa me and my sister no you are real my friends think you are not real.
my sister wants to talk to you
dear santa have u took my christmas list.
happy christmas
Hello Santa its Aran again and I’m ur number one fan more than anyone and plz when u text me back plz give me your and Mrs clauses phone number definitely goodbye and don’t forget to contact back!!
Hi Santa I really want u to come to my house plz come on Christmas Eve and leave lots of presents.Also I will leave a glass of milk and sown cookies and a glass of water for Rudolph.Please message me back and tell me if u will come to my house so plz message me back goodbye!!!
has been nasty to her sister hits and kicks me iam so sad
Hi Santa I really want a GoPro and the sims 4 and only 9 days till Christmas and I believe in u and how do u get around all in one night but I do BELIEVE
new work closes
new shoes
Dear Santa, I just wanted to tell you that a Christmas elf came to stay with us yesterday, Dec 11 2016. So far we can always find out were he is hiding. When we first found him, he was on top of our buffet, on top of the presents! Then we went outside, and when we came in, he was half way trapped in the trap I set! ( I used candy as bait ) I made a mistake and reset the trap, and at 930pm we heard ornaments fall down, and when we got to the tree, there were ornaments on the ground and a elf on a single branch! Later I heard a noise coming from the tree! The elf had climbed half way down the tree! I just decided to go to bed, and I figured in the morning I would find him some place else. When me and my sister woke up, we searched the hole house, and there was no sign of the elf. ( we named him Jingle Bells. ) I was so sad I thought he decided to go back to the north pole. But then my other little sister woke up, she saw him sitting on top of the fridge! Me and Julia were so relived! I said, “Hi Jingle”. He fell over sideways mom said, he was probably going to sleep, because he was tired from his trip to the fridge. We figured he likes chocolate cause he was sitting on top of the chocolate on the fridge… . He didn’t move yet…
any way, Bye, and please respond! ( can I have an elf on the shelf 4 Christmas?)
do you have any pets beside rain deer
do you have any pets beside rain deer
hi this is jaliah and lyllyana what we want for christmas
Jaliah: i want a iphone 7s, toys and some joy with my family and friends.
Lyllyana: i want a new Iphone 7s , to be smart and $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.01 also we bothwant food for the hungery.
we are your biggest people fans
Dear Santa I really want Mrs.Claus’s number
What Is you’re number santa please texted me back
my name is lola and i would like doll santa and mrs claus and rodolf whith a glown in the dark nose and furb conect and cumb
Hello Santa I would like a computer laptop for christmas
Hi Santa im a huge fan and i will see you tomorrow and my mom said i cant as you for an Iphone 7 rose-gold plus but, since she didn’t say not even message you i am messaging you and i REALLY, REALLLYYY want the new Iphone 7 rose-gold plus can you please, PLEASE give me that for christmas?
Santa I love you please come this year
Love Amaya
Santa,Can you help me PLEASE!!!First I had a AVM about 19yrs ago.Now I can’t walk,I have double vision,can’t wake up ever during the whole day.Have a Track,Belly Tube,Can’t Walk Ever I Really Need Your Help.
P.S wbvs. Love you ALWAYS
Angela Michelle Hess
Dear Santa you are the best my wish is that everyone gets what they want and to help kids in need it’s about what you give not what you get I love you so much thank you for being there!!!;)
santa what your phone number this from Aniya Quinn
hi santa i would like a computer and camera for christmas i promess i will be very good do you know my elf smee he is very nice can you make him fly tonight please call e in 10 minutes
Hi santa how are you doing this is Yomailette and I love you so much
i want books markers crayons pencils coloring books and lots of surprises for christmas
Did you hear about me as one of your elves. A person does not believe in you and has told lies to you about me. she’s saying I don’t believe in you when I’m one of your elves myself. She needs to be on the naughty list. especially if I’m one of your elves.
Many thanks, Jamiyka as Jack. Jack is my elf name.
what is Santa phone Number. pleas I have relay wanted to speak you and you listen and I can hear you. Thank you Santa I love you so much.
Hi Santa,
What is Mrs Claus’ real number? I have been trying to get it all day.
Ps can you change the results of the election
Hi santa I’ve been a very good girl this year love from Grace
Hi santa prove to me that your real and answer me plz don’t upset me
Well, if I’m not real, Mrs Claus will be very upset with me! -SC
Hello Santa this year I have been really good
Dear santa
I would like a letters from you in the post
I can’t call nor text you because this iPhone 4 doesn’t allow it. So I would love it if you can give me your email to FaceTime you and/or email you.
Well, thanks anyway!! Bye
Hello can you tell me your phone number and some people say your not real:)I really really want to speak to you I think your real
Hmm…I don’t have to ask for the number because I only use my iPad a lot and not my phone,the phone that mom gave me to substitute the on ethat Santa gabe me 1 or 2 years ago cos it broke. Anyway I hope I get the album I REALLY WANT IT
It would be an honor if you let me assist you with your journey this year.
Hi santa
I am hoping for a elf on the shelf because some of my friends have them.
Thank you for making Christmas so special.
ignor the last 3-4 words in the email and whats your phone number
Hi santa, Are you real??? A lot of people say you are not:(
When is Jack the elf coming??
Hi santa! Can I please have a hover board for Christmas?
Dear Santa I would like to have an iPhone 7s please because I live in Italy because I am going to a boarding school in England so I can keep in contact with my mum dad and brother lots of Krista Fitzsimmons
Hi Santa I love u so much and I hope u call me
dear miss clus iwould like tooknow how tooomake raindeer food for Christmas your friend andy
Hi I’m Dalton I’m 8 years old I love to play football and soccer but mostly I like to hang out which my family
I love you can you send a elf on the shelf here
Please tell me your real phone number
Dear Santa I just wanted to know if you were sending me an Elf this year I know you sent Jangle last year I really hope you will send me one this year just please mail me back I believe in you bye.
Santa what I want for Christmas is The calico critters mansion that comes with the gift set and all the sets for the mansion like the bedroom and the kitchen and the rest and the bunny family
From, Monica
Hi there Santa Claus I just wanted to write this letter to you because I always wanted to talk To you.
This is what I really want for Christmas a hover board three silicone baby dolls high heels and other really fun things I really hope you get this from Taylor
Hi santa can I ring you to tell you what I want for Christmas??
Hi Santa my name is leah and it was funny when you dilivered a puppy to someone .i am 9years old
Dear Santa ,I’d like to know how are you and mrs.Claus doing.I hope you and MRS.Claus and the elves doing making christmas.Also how are the raindeers doing. Please send my dear aunt Donna your E-mail adress, she’d like to keep in contact with you .
Hello Santa! I love your blog! Everything I want on Christmas is only a big hug from you! I love you, Mrs.Claus, Rudolph and the elves!
A big hug from me
Hi Santa I really want you to call me or FaceTime me so I can tell you what I want
Hi Santa I love you you are so kind I would like me you phone number and u hope I look like Lucie Morison and Eva Brown xxx
I know I been kinda naughty this year but I try my best to be good all year long it I’d really hard to be good all year round
Dear: Santa Claus This year I am good girl This Christmas I would like is (1.) white Iphone6 and I would like is (2.) Michael Jackson doll that could sing black or white (3.) I would like is hoverboard p.s can You please tell mrs. Claus I said hello to her oh 😮 there more I Will Leave You cookies And hot chocolate pretty plz Santa I ❤️You ❌❌
Hi santa,
I want a cat named Bernard that will do absolutely nothing. I LOVE you Santa. You are the BEST!
Hi santa! Can you give alvin a girlfreind? He might make a good smile!
hey Santa can you call me so we can video chat one day and try to video chat some time so we can chat and so i can tell you what i want for Christmas…please call me
Hi Santa Claus!
I’m looking forward to seeing you on Christmas Eve in my bedroom!!! Love, Madison
Dear Santa,
I’m have been a very girl this year!! Please come to my house to bring me lots of presents on Christmas.. Don’t forget to eat your milk n cookies…
I still want your phone number so I can talk to you directly and I will email you as well as send you a letter in the mail because last you forgot to come to my house and that was theere times in theere years and I was an excellent boy all those years Santa please tell me your phone number I really want to talk to and I missed you not coming to my house theere years in a row my phone number is you can call me as well I am waiting for your call or reply thank you sincerely Jonathan
Santa I won’t to be and elf can I well if you let me ask my elf to awake me and I will became and elf and I’m sad
I love santa and I will leave you cookies and milk I’ve been a good girl.
Hi santa
Can you come to our Christmas party? I’m going try to be better and listen and not fight with my brothers.
Love. Cole
Hi Santa,
I would really like football cards, a PS4, and Madden 17 for the PS4 if I get a PS4, a Cam Chanselor, Richard Sherman, and Clif Averal jersey.
P.s. You are very handsome!
Dear santa mine name is ella may dilleard your best friend i believein you i wish for magic star to see mine sister lossie mackey from family member i wish you help me to bring her back for me i pary for her very day and night thinking about her very day i wanted be spiceal for chistmas this year you are the best i wish a you a very very Mary chistmas to you happy new year to i have your special treat for you i member you’re fovottinte cholattate cover charies and diet cola to marry Christmas santa all ways your best friend ella may dilleard
Dear santa i wish you help me look for mine last sister her name is lossie mackey mine family member i was wondering if you find her for me okay i believe you with all of mine heart I am your special friend for ever i want to thank you very much marry Christmas
Can I please have either sphero or cozmo and also woowee and mabye a hover borad I would realy love that! Thank you 🙂
Can you our one of your elf’s and you can call me at 4:00 to 8:00 thanks Blake mcglinch
hey my sister have not be a good kid at all
Hi Santa, do you still remember me?! All I want for Christmas is for you to send me my true Love for Christmas or in The New year ! Am l on the nice list this year Santa ?! Also to receive my fathers money from Italy just in time for Christmas, Thank I!
I Love you Santa Claus! Love to Mrs. Clause.bye Santa!
hi santa can u plz have elfis come back tomorrow cuz nala never seen/heard about him yet and can i plz have Skylanders superchargers/imaginators and the light and dark adventure packs, and can i meet DanTDM on christmas and go on his 2017 tour
dear santa only 44 days until chirstmas so short all that i want for chirstmas is santa fliying
dear santa i will want a havar board for christmas and a teddy bear
Hi santa I just wanted to ask you for a iPhone 6s in rose gold I also wanted micheal Kors wallet and a pair of brown uggs size 8. Can I please have a baby dog? thank you santa I have been a good student this year
Dear santa from Dylan when christmas comes i want you to bring me an iPhone 6s plus and i also want nba2k17 with a 75,000 coins additional with the game and i also want some very cool stephen curry shoes.and i also want you to get me some very cool stuff.
Dear santa claus my name is Brianda Aguilar and in this christmas I would like is Iphone 6 and I would like A new Ipad tablet and I want a michael Jackson Doll can sing black or white oh and no no hair and I want hoverboard with purple I want is shoes they light in the Dark ps. I from mexico but I live in Easton Pennsylvania tell mrs. claus I say hello can you plz and I will Leave you hot chocolate and cookies #LOL xoxo I am good this Years am good girl 🙂 ps Love you santa I wish I could see reindeer fly
Hi Santa!
Can you send me a letter in the mail? What is your cell number?
Dear Santa, I want trolls, num nums, barbies & pop play, power puff girls
Dear santa
I really happy for my elf on the shelf buddy to come back on thanksgiving. I wish he could come back eraly thro please can you please send him black now thank you santa
hello Santa I am excited for Christmas this year and I have been good this year. I would really want a iPhone 5s .
I hope you read all the letters all over the world and tell the elves a said merry Christmas to them please. I hope you have a good Christmas and a happy new year
i love yu and i read your blogs alot too
Dear santa its Anna Robison here love you Santa Claus call me later
Hi can I please get a elf on the shelf I love you
Dear Santa my name is Zahaira Lofton and I love u and I’m 5 years old and I’m the only child and I will love too get toys like a car and a ps4 and a Elsa doll doll babies and a bike and the Easy-Bake Oven cuz I love to cook and make stuff and also my birthday is coming up December 18th I hope I get a latter back love u Santa Claus u like a dad too me
i hope Sarah can come back this Year. Will you send her Tonight so i can find her in my room? I made a house for her and with a little
bedroom , living room , dining room and a deck with a hot tub. please send her tonight.
Sincerly Cloey Bailey
santa i have two homes one is in stamford one is in fairfield i was wondering if you can deliver to both houses?
Dear Santa want a laptop, a iPad, a case for my phone, a pair of headphones that are purple, a stylus pen that is purple, a to go Wi-Fi box, an iPad case that is purple, a purple hair brush, 2 hatchimals.
hi Santa its me avery i want you to know i want a puppy for chritmas like matthew nocks moms puppy named lowa
hi santa,
i am adarsh bhagirutty.I think you know me because a few years ago i sent you a letter. I live in mauritius. Chrismas is near and i would like to get a nice phone which is the samsung galaxy note 5 ,a tablet called the samsung galaxy tab A and a laptop macbook
by adarsh
i want a i phone6 for chrimas becuse my fiends have a i phone 6
Hi Santa Claus,
My little sweet cousin Mollie,
She ask me, write you. She say want new Doll and new cholthes. And new toys.
Thank you! I love you!!
Aubrey LaBella
Mollie Sauer
Dear Santa my Kurio that I got from you last Christmas has broken could your elves fix it or could you please bring me a new one this year. Thank you hope Mrs Claus is well and looking after you
Hi Santa
My name is Ben Waldron.
I really relly really want weed also a pink bike with purple tassels and a my little pony helmet
Dear Santa is sended you a letter about my elfs on the shelf telling how I want my elfs to come back so please can they come back Love Allie Burchick
Hi Santa I am Henry and for Christmas please may I have an I phone 4 and lots of other things that are on my list. Also I would rilly like you to send me one of your elfes. Thank you.
Hi Santa I am Henry john Barlow and for Christmas please may I have an I phone 4 and lots of other things that are on my list. Also I would rilly like you to send me one of your elfes. Thank you.
dear santa will you send back anglcakesweet by tusday
Hey santa my name is Jordan Wilson and I want a American doll
Hi Santa I know your busy but for Christmas I want a puppy please I promise I’ll behave and also send me a text saying how is your elves,reindeer and how are you.Ho Ho Ho ho ho ho merry Christmas
Dear Santa …..my name is Parul …..and I am a very good girl ……I only need a tab {tablet} hope you will fulfill my wish ……..plz Santa
I can’t Christmas is coming in 3 more months but I want my which to come treth because I want to boyfriend on Christmas morning and to ask me to married somebody. Can you please help me thanks you so much.
Daer Santa my name is shawnte I want a iPhone a iPad baby clothes for boys and girls a efef on the she’d bye Santa
I love you do you want extra carrots for Rudolph and can we send our Christmas lists yet? SANTA AND RUDOLPH!
Hey Santa, Can you send me a pic of you and an elf together?
Love:Celeste Baker
To you with love from me of course.
Hey Santa,
Wish list that I would like for Christmas:
Things that I would like to have for Norm:(Top four things that I would like:)
-An black English Wintec horse jumping saddle please.(Just like the one that I use for at the ranch for my lesson on Monday’s when I ride Norm).
-Another saddle pad (colour White)/White on the inside and the outside of the saddle pad,around the rim will be sparkly white.
-Matching holster and lead line for the saddle pad please.
-Top 3 favourite treats that Norm likes,sugar cubes,Apple treats made in Canada,Mentos.
Technology that would like for Christmas:(top 2Things).
-An laptop
-An blue laptop cover for it,just simalual to the one my dads has for the new laptop he got for my mom,Just like it but it is blue instead.
Books that I would like for Christmas:top 1
-(Canter Wood crest,book 2,3,4,5&6)You don’t have to get me the 1 book because I already have it).
Love:Celeste Baker
To you with love from me of course.
Dear Santa I would like a phone for Christmas and fit bit also you are so nice I spends a whole year with you
Hello Santa Claus I don’t have lots of money you give me money to buy car BMW i3 electric .I want to go to all foreign countries with my parents and sister I want money for that and stay in hotel for that money also
Hi Santa what are you doing send me a.email xxx
dear santa can you tell evreyone in the nothpole and mrs.clause and raindeer and eles are voteing tell me is they say yes or no here is a list of thing i want you to give me
nerf gun, dr.pepper, pinecones, boxtrolls movie, a toy bonnie, angrybirds, trowing stars, iphone, glow pacman, glowing stars,
mcdonols skylanders, toy fox, a toy mouse, paint, lego sets,
puppets, lego ironman, atrap for wild animals,a toy kabbypatty from spongbob that what i also want for chistmas i hope your
ready to make those present i want p.b.s jeffrey
Dear Santa Claus I would Like some Grey pants Puzzle books Playsation 3 and Poaystation 4 Games Plaese Thnk you what drink can I leave out for you this year I dont think my Mum would not Like me to have a Puppy dog For Christmas
Hi Santa I love you can I get hoverboard
Dear Santa
Can you give me a pic of an elf
Hi Santa what is your email if you even have one ? I really do believe in you and Mrs Claus as well thank you for all the presents you gave and got me for 10 Christmas’s
I ❤️ You Santa Claus. I’m a big fan. Thank you for all you doKeep up the good work
Are elves hats are falling off!! So I need your phone number so that I can ask you how to put them back on
Dear Santa, our elves only move at our grandmas house so could you tell them to move at ours too??? We really miss our little elves so if you could would you send them back alittle early??? For Christmas I want a puppy and big eyed animals that we don’t have!
PS we really love you so if I could get a call from you later today that would be awsome because I have a problem that I would like to talk to you about!!!
Hi santa my little brother karter really wants a call from you but
can you call me what is your number……..
Hey Santa Claus I want 3 German sherpard and 2 puppies and 3 gold hoverboard and 1 red hoverboard and 1 blue hoverboard.I want 2 iPhone 7 and 1 iPhone 6s and 3 Galaxy s7 and 500 billion dollars and I want a 2 10 feet basketball hoop and 1 red hoverboard for gerald clerge and 1 blue hoverboard for James clerge and 1500 dollars and 1 playstation4 and playstation5 and 1 purple doll house with dolls in it for Amanda Joseph and 2 iPad for Brian nedji Josil and Monique Joseph and 2 tablet and 1 new Ferrari car for Marie Claude josil and 1 new Bugatti car for Prince steven joseph and 2 more galaxy s7 for faubert Bernard and Gary bernard and 2 more gold hoverboard for gaelle Bernard and Monique Joseph and 200 new stephen Curry’s and 200 kyrie irvings and 200 lebrons James sneakers and 30 hyperdunk sneakers and 3 skateboard for Brian Josil and 1 60in flax TV and 2 Apple laptop for Brian Josil and 2 mini hoops
santa clause can you please tell me your real phone number and am i in the nice list or naughty
Can you send buddy jingle back sometime please
Dear Santa, I just got a new elf her name is Angelcakes. She needs a skirt can you please send one to Makaylees Nay Nays house. With love, Makaylee
where you at and can you pleause give me your number pleause
santa can you give me your numder and when you on cutputer you do not talk to bad people
hii santa tuday in the georgia snow and please welcome and told me to give your letter more nothing
Hi Santa how are u what is your email address and phone number thanks
Dear Santa I would like this Christmas is a I phone don’t mind which one love elleigh xxx♥️✨
Next Christmas time I what a real horse that I can take care of it, and I what a iPhone that I can text my friends. I am 13 but I will be 14.
Hi Santa,
My name is Junior Laka, I am 12 years old in grade 7 from Mamelodi in Pretoria, Gauteng RSA. I would like you to please send me a gift as well, I would love to receive Play station and games because I like it and my parents cannot afford one. Please send it.
Thank you.
Kindest regards,
Elias Junior Laka
Santa for Christmas I want a toy train
Hey santa
This year for Christmas I want a iPhone so I can call my friends please I’m begging u couse I been asking. every year and it never happens so im getting purrdy sad so this year can u please if I so your the best santa ever thanks Kris kringle and saint Nick
Where are my panthers gloves? I have been waiting.
I want for Christmas is Apple iPhone 4
what is one of your elves phone number?
santa can you please go to young midle school
Can you make me a elf passport for next Christmas Eve
Santa you are the best sorry to say my PS you got me doesn’t work it has to do a update it gets to 37% and says an errors occurred so we have to send it back to sony
Dear Santa,
I have a couple of questions and comments.
Why do you have to have cookies and milk? Why do you only come threw the fireplace? What if someone didn’t have a fireplace? Why do you wear the same thing every Christmas? What is Mrs. Claus real name? Do you have children? Who is your favorite elf? Who is your favorite reindeer?
I believe in you but some kids don’t. I wish I could see a picture or video of you coming and dropping off presents in my house. Also, I have never had coal for Christmas. Thank you for giving us presents on Christmas Santa.
hello santa! tomorow is new year and christmas and please told me to give samsung galaxy Tab 4,santa sweater,phone and sweets.big love melano.
Dear Santa,
I have a weird question, Is Rudolph real?
Merry Christmas!
PS: Can my mom video tape you next Christmas?
Hope she can!
How old are you. What are you doing. How old are every raindeer. What are your elf’s doing. What are your elf’s name’s. How old are your elf’s.
Dearest Santa,
I dont ask you to give me all the things in the world but just some happiness that can live a long life. Please do contact me santa if you feel im a nice guy and can do more. I can just say help me santa. Thats all in my hands and afcourse my effort.
Lots of Love
Suvrit Jhajharia
i want an mp 3 player for christmas next year
Dear Santa,
thank for all my presents i loved all of them.
merry Christmas even though it is not Christmas anymore and a happy new year. i hope you have a brilliant 2016. thank you Santa for everything.
I am emer. santa i want pixie my elf on the shelf to come back halloween and st.patricks day. and taras birthday on 25th april and aoife birthday 10th sepetember. and ronans on the 29th of halloween. P.s tell pixie i said hi. love emer
I sent you a message days ago I asked you for a bow and arrow and a laptop with a cd bit and also Medal of honour allied assault for PC and also £2 million and two war films called Bataan and To hell and back on dvd but you didn’t come when it was Christmas Eve I hope it,s not because you don,t think I was good I was worried when you won,t come and there guests in my house and everyone was awake but can you bring the presents I asked you for even if it is past Christmas Eve please.
Hello Santa!! how are you and your Elfs,Mrs clause,and your Reindeers i am 10 soon to be 11 in Feb 19 can you do me a favor for my birthday can you send me a big Pressent i will really love that and thank you!!
love Cherlyn Romo
how many Elfs do you have?
how old are you?
how old is Mrs. clause
how many Reindeers do you have?
how old is Rudolph?
when do i get to see you?
am i in the naughty list and if i am why?
do you go to the beach and dress as someone else?
do you love us? please respond i love you!!!
Santa all I want for Christmas is a dog please
Dear Santa,
I just want to talk to you hear you’re real please if you get a chance call me please
santa I love you will u give me a tab elsa’s and anna’s dresses and like you r’s a real flying sleigh
Where my printer laptop and my 7seater car
Can you call me if you get a chance to your friend Bridget Browne a
Hi santa I would like a ps4
Love jay
hi santa,
i want those presents such as: an iPod touch, pet dog,new clothes, new pencil cases,new bags, story books, toy cats and dog,cats and dog stickers,shoes,socks, bracelets,necklaces,rings, underwear,
DVDs,stickers books,drawing and colouring books.
thank you
are you coming to my house tomorrow night?
i has something for you is yummy treats.
remember where i live.
looking forward to seeing it.
see you soon
bye & love you
Catherine ye
Dear Santa I want for Christmas is a puppy,babyBunny babyBunny. ,and a real baby.
Dear Santa Claus I would like a violin a iPhone6 and a computer
Thanks Julia whittaker
Hi Santa I’m Oscar I’m only 10 years old and I want a iPhone , shopkins , orbeez , a scooter , Legos , a dirt bike , mini cookie maker a mini sofa and a I touch watch please I can repay you by giving you chocolate chipped cookies yours truly Oscar
I want to say i go to my sister in corolado for 10 days chrismas
and want gift me American girl doll emily bennet new doll and new nice man for me get married for him my mother want new house and car healp me to fund a man sweet cute i love him very much
Hello Santa,
My daddy has to work on Christmas, could you please, please come tomorrow night instead? My brother wants daddy to be home for Christmas, so if we celebrated Christmas eve tomorrow and Christmas the next day, daddy could be home!
Please tell Leila, Atilla, Felix, Dorothea, Arthur, Amelia, and the rest Merry Christmas!
Callie, Penelope, and George
hi santa i love you and i what for christmas is a dirt bike and paint and face paint love from breanna
Hello Santa,I want for Christmas a I phone 5s for Christmas please Santa love u Santa merry Christmas
Santa, may I have a kitten this christmas. It will really bring my family together. You see, having my very own kitten is my biggest dream. I would love a black & white coloured one. I have two small brothers that would adore a pet to play with. I live in London, just to let you know. Well, thanks for everything.
Yours trully,
Nikola Borkowska
Hi Santa will you please answer my phone
Hello Santa for Christmas I want an elf on the shelf and many other things Im shore you know i will send you a letter so watch out i really want an elf on the shelf so can you please bring me one thank you santa claus how is every one at the north pole and how do you go all around the world and eat like alot of cookies and other stuff like that too. And sant claus please write back to me when I give you the letter
dear santa i want an Ipod .and a Puppie a Pomeraniean puppie. And i would also want a american doll and the gymnastics whole set . And i would also like these boots from justice there black and have rhinestones in the back by the zipperi also wear a size 8 in justice. i Also want beats head phones. And i also want a pair boots from famouse footwear there gray on the top they have Nitt on top and i also wear a size 8.5 women. also a crayola thread wrapper . and i also want shopkins. and an pitching net for softball. and a razor electric scooter. and a scooter that has two things to hold both of your feet sincerely mariah blake
Hi Santa this is me, Phoebe Wiese! I would like to get an american girl doll for Christmas this year and some clothes for her and the kitten also!
P.S.They are ALL from american girl!
Phoebe Wiese <3
Hi Santa I’m really happy your elves made this website!when my mom was test calling you and when I heard your voice I was scared I really hope you don’t scare any other kids because I’m only 9.oh and also could you please get me a art easel and a pack of canvases and the last thing I want is a guitar. And I hope you have a great party after Christmas bye
Hi santa,
I’m Grace. I’m 8 years old.I want the AG doll Grace and stuff to go with it.
I also want the zooer zuppies.
And I want snow a lot of it.
Hi Santa I know your busy but I just went you to call me sometime I been good this year and I am 23 years old and for Christmas I want 1 micphone stand 2 walked talkings 3 DVDs kc undercover full house drank and josh zeke and Luther and I Carly and CD player and gift cards cell phone my brother Michael he is 29 years old and my brother wents a I pad I tunes and lap top and car and hot sauce my nephew wents a lot of toys and puzzles and books and I pad
Dear Santa,
all i want for christmas
is my elf on the shelf she came last year
but she hasent came this year and also i would
a pink bike if you cant get that i would like a new
ps.merry christmas
Hi Santa I believe in you pleas eat all of my cookies by live you merry Chris,as bye lave you and happy new year
I want a hoverboard and a bardie dream house and uggs and the northface and a lpt of new and cool clothes snd thats about it
Dear Santa it’s mya I want a tablit for Christmas.
Dear Santa it’s Emily I want a puppy for Christmas pleas
Santa. Can. You. Call. Me. Now
santa can we both have a elf on the shelf please
hi santa early this year I got a call from my dad and found out that my gran father past away last year on December 18 the day afther my 27 birthday
to tell you the truth I don’t like crying but It broke my heart to not see him again
my pastor alex emaild me and he knew how I was feeling that time but I didn’t give up my faith in jesus there is a god and he is reel
from time to time my heart breaks here and ther
I don’t like feeling sad but those things happen
I like to have happy time and joyful days not sad times
tomorrow is my birthday and i’ll be 28
i’ll be at poppajohns working folding pizza boxes
your my best friend a friend like me could ever have
god bless you
love chad
Hi Santa… Thanks for putting me on the nice list… I will try hard!
I love you guys sooo much hope you have a great Xmas
Love simone
Hi I think it is not sage for children
Love simone
Merry Christmas!!! I will leave you cookies and milk
Dear Santa it is me Hannah I do not now if I am on the good list or the bad list.
Love Hannah
Hi santa i am 12 but will be 13 i will always believe in you but see i really want an i phone 5 or 6 plz tell prancer and all that i love them so verry much and i would really like an iphone 6 or 5 i will always look up too you merry Christmas❄⛄
Hi Santa…I know you are busy and it is getting close, but I sure hope you can put back an XBox 1 and black ops 3 for me and my family. Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Claus. Stay safe, and don,t catch the flu or a cold before Christmas!….Thank you for letting me talk to you. I use the internet wisely and with adult supervision. Merry Christmas Ho Ho Ho
Your friend,
P.S. We love you bunches!
Hi Santa,
We would like our elf on the shelf..Tinsel…to come back to visit us at our house.
Thank you,
Audrey and Nate
can i have one of your real elves and can ching and chang stay at my house for ever
I love you with all my heart and soul you are the best friend I ever had in the whole wide world
I need famous Justin to my birthday the 18 of June ok xoxox emilia
Dear, santa I want Justin to be my bf the famous Justin and .p.s. I will leave you cookies and milk and a little piece of carrot on the side for dancer from, Emilia
hi santa,
remember to come to my house on christmas Eve and leave presents under the christmas tree…
love you
see you soon
this chrismas i want a iphone 5c thanks
hi santa it is autumn i love you so much
Hi Santa! I love you, btw. All my friends say you’re not real but I believe you exist!
Hey Santa This is Terry Ray I have been really good this will you get me a pool table and me Bud Depree jersey for Christmas this year will you also get my Mommy Trenia Keen a personlized Mothers ring With my Birth stone April, FEBURRARY AND Purple and Ruby Red for July which is my daddy,s birth stone. With you also get me a Cd of Del Mccoury with the song you got ammniesona on it will you also get my daddy a mannice to plow his garden with
I will leave you some cookies And milk too . You and Mrs.claus come by and see please before christmas eve will you and Mrs. claus come by house and see me before christmas eve I am 20 how o years old But I still want to see you and Mrs. claus no matter how old that I get Will you and Mrs. Claus come and see here at my house before christmas Eve Pretty please I want you all too and then you can come to my mawmaw Alene’s on christmas eve night. Don’t forget to stop by my house on christmas morning and fill up my stocking Plese full of goodies and maybe ccds too . will you also get me a ipad for christmas too Please ? Thank you
From Your Best Friend Terry Ray Keen JR.
Dear Santa,
I really want a 5’s iPhone for Christmas this year. I’ll need a case for the iPhone
hi santa,im illa.16.im from malaysia..today is my birthday yet i cant feel it.I wish to have an iphone6 for my birthday as my gift.But i didnt get it..So santa,would you gift me an iphone6? Lotsoflove from malaysia.
Dear Santa,
My name is kasey and I am 12 years old. This Christmas, I want a blue cream tortie kitten. I also want you to give me the supply’s to care for a kitten. Can you also put $500,000 in my stocking? I understand if you can’t. Please send me a picture of you, mrs claus and the elves too.
Your loyal friend,
Hi Santa!
My name is kasey and I’m 12 and a half. This Christmas, please surprise me with a blue cream tortie kitten.
Can you please put the kitten in a cage with a red blanket?
Please give me a kitten this Christmas.
P.S: can you get me the kitten supplies too? Also, can you tell mrs.claus I said hello?
Dear Santa Claus,
T would like you to get me a Remote Control Helicopter and a Laptop with a mouse and charger for Christmas Please.
Dear Santa, my name is Quaniya, and I’m 9. Santa, my grandma is sick, and she needs help. I love my grandma so much. She is sad becauae she hurt her back and cant work no more. She got lots of bills. She always help people out, and nobody helps her. Please help her Santa, so she can be happy on Christmas. And can you bring me and my cousin Lyly a Snow cone maker, and my cousin Mallet spiderman doll? I love you Santa!!! love Quaniya
Dear Santa, I would like a real magic wand that actually worked and I could do whatever I wanted with it. And/or a fairy godmother to grant my every wish. Please and thank you. I’m in need of those.
Santa I want a skateboard and a popcorn machine and a ice cream maker and also a iPhone 6s
I will gave you the best chirstmas ever!!!!
Dear Santa, I am Samantha 16 years old and I want my driving permanent and a cellphone to talk to my dad. I miss him so much
Shoes size 6
hey santa im 9 year old and for christmas i want a bike and a ipod5 and do you come to nashville tn and call me any time you want to i love you santa
Santa is Riley can I get a phone I am 13 teen now lol !!!
hi santa i need to tell you i would love to get a phone and i need you to message me today
yours lovingly
hey santa can i get a fourweeler a puppey and a bb pelt gun love you so much
I want your real number & 3 Xbox games
I want a RZR and black beats and a iPhone 6 otter box
Dear Santa,
I want power ranger gun in Walmart and Ninja turtle Dino charge, I want a ninja turtle car . The legos
i would really like a phone never used and a hamster and a new long board that has the ocean on the bottom ( i will leave extra cookies ) please :-() oh yeah and maybe a tablet that is not my first choice a phone with a cool case is
Hey Santa remember me and my sister caia well I’m sure you know where my house is located here in Florida please try your very best to get us all you want I want stuff in my stocking and 100 to 150 dollars and my sister definitely wants the new infinite Disney game for xbox 360 and a lot of Disney frozen stuff…thanks p.s. please respond bye
Dear Santa I want a elf on the shelf please I never got one and a iPhone 6+ and a 4wheeler. I’m 9 I’m in the 4grade j.j watt jeresey number 99 and ever thing that a foot ball player wears
I am trying to text u but u did not say inething yet
Dear Santa, I want a iPod, Jordans, and a lead guitar.
dear Santa,
The pokemon action figures I have been getting for Christmas are getting lost and mixed up with other toys!!!:( all I want for Christmas is for to help me find them and another book that has gotten lost its called fruits it’s not mine but if i can’t find it I will have to pay for it,it belongs to the library
dear Santa claus , i would like for christmas is i would love a phone a galaxy s 5 and then i would like a cling creator and then a nice pair of high tops size 31/2 or 4 and then i would like a camera
hi santa i want an iPod touch 6 the newest i think anyways, goody basket, a really pretty necklace for amber please. I am 14 and send a letter to you everyday so could you please give me your email so i can talk to you thanks.
to: santa,
from: carol
Dear santa. I won’t a laptop for Christmas and a diary can I have a makeup set to real. Can I have a bed decoration with blanket and it has a secret poket . Can alyvea have an I phone 6 plus Nico wont’s one two gabby wont’s a tea set I ask all of them they said they wont that stuff lo
Please send me a message and can you take me on a ride on your sleigh
1. A little baby kitty
2. iPhone or iPod
3. iPad
4. Little flat screen tv
5. Carrie Underwood’s new album called Storyteller
6. A little razor like a buggy
7. A net chair
Dear Santa,
Can we get both a boy and a girl elf on the shelf. And clothes for them. Like for the boy that jersey and pj’s. For the girl that skirt that is white and red with that little ribbon and pj’s too please.
Sincerely, cheyann
Dear Santa
My elf on the shelf will give you a letter from me and if she don’t just send me a message and I will send you a copy of it
Love Katelyn
I want drums for Christmas
Sock cleats outdoor
dear santa
i want a iphone 6s or a iphone 5c and i want a new forwheeler and i want a my life doll
I want for Chramist is a toy truck.
Hi my name is Braydon 22 year old call me please?
Dear Santa Claus
From Warren johnson
Dear Santa
I know you are busy but can I just send you a letter for crismas because I have lots of things for crismas
Can. I. Have. Lipstik And. Makeup. An. Playdoa
Christmas List
Dear Santa,
I hope you aren’t too tired because of preparing for Christmas and making all the presents. I hope I’ve well behaved this year, I have had a few fight but not too many. So this is what I would LIKE but you DON’T have to give me anything so don’t be like you have to give any presents at all. My Christmas list is mostly about cricket.
Gray Nicols cricket maverick wicket keeping junior white
Gray Nicols cotton plain wicket keeping inner gloves
Gray Nicols maverick kids wicket keeping gloves
Omega wheel bag
Cricket underwear jock brief white XXL kookaburra briefs brand new free post
Crazy catch double trouble
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
FDX new kids quality cycle cycling shorts coolmax{R with circle around}Anti-Bac padding
Samuel Joseph Lambert
I understand that you couldn’t get my iPad mini so that’s ok kindle fire is basically the same thing so if you just see myself in your magic snow globe I wanted to say that I want a case for my kindle fire it was a butterfly one oh what’s your phone number Santa cause I don’t know it
can you call me
thanks merry Christmas
I wish I had elf magic like my elf fred
Santa. Can. You. Come. To. My. House. On. Christmas. An. Can. You. Bring. Me. A. Drum. An. A. Powerful. Guitar
Dear Santa,
You know how much I love you. I gave you my wish list. What is your e-mail address and phone number? Which one is the best way to contact you?
Hay santa I had a elf last year and last night I talked to you and you said yes . Can i have a girl instead of a boy like last year pretty please I am good but I will be even better
Hi Santa,
I know I have been worrying a lot this year and been acting out. I just hope my mom is safe. If it is ok with you can my elf on the shelf come to my house this year? I love you!!! You are my favorite thing about Christmas because you are nice and caring and bring kids Christmas joy!!! I am very sorry for the way I have been behaving. I hope you have time to stop by my house this year but if you don’t, I understand :)).
hey santa
hope you are having a nice day next month is christmas and i am exicted what i want for christmas is a cheer bow. thanks
dear miss clause
make sure santa dosent eat to many cookies
Hi I have been very good this year can you bring me a dirt bike for Christmas this year
hi Santa farming simulator 2013 for Xbox 360 and wwe 2k16
Dear Santa,
I have been a angle all year and I want a nerf bow, a scooter
And a purple alarm clock thank you. I believe in you 100%
Dear Santa paws,
It’s the pet cat and I want a really fun cat toy please make sure it’s a mouse everyone is saying you make the best gifts thank you.
Dear Santa,
I believe in you and I want to have a nerf bow, some furry headphones that last a long time, a radio, a robot cat you can play with. I have been a angle all year.
Dear Santa,
I’m the family pet and I want a relly fun toy ( make sure it’s a mouse) I want a toy on a stick to thanks I have been a little bit nice 🙂
Hi Santa! And the elves. I have been very good this year. What I really want is an iPhone 6. And an iPad or some toys and fun things to do this year.
Hey Santa its me kaitlyn and I want some toys,makeup,a slush maker,sweets,shoes,David Walliams books,playdough,socks,lego.
Thanks Santa
love kaitlynxx
Santa can I have a puppy and some clouthes and some toy and some shoes I was good this year.
To Santa
i have bin a good girl this year and I wanted a puppy but my mom and dad said. Santa dust not bring pets so plz bring a puppy ♥♡♥♡♥¤
And olso if u do bring me a puppy mama sure its a girl love Emma ps tell glitter flake to come over and check on me ok ok
hi santa i want to know am i to old for dolls. hi.please can i have ur phone number.if not thats ok. i just want to know why ur elves were in somebodys house not on christmas eve it was a real video too. it was all over facebook.because this man and women were hearing noises so they put camereas up and thats what they saw. bye annya. im sendin my letter to u on th 16 or 17 of november 2015. hope u see or get it bye from annya .
my brother does not believe in you he does not need toys
Hi Santa , my name is Scott I am 19 I was wondering if you were real
Hey Santa Claus I would like something for two dogs one a boy and a girl and for me I would like to have iPad. And I would like to have a a toy baby that looks really
hey Santa what is your real phone number cause my mom would like to know it so she can call you and give a report about my brother
hi i hope everything is good? say hi to every one
love from samantha
What are doing how and i whant to be your little
By Sarah I love you
hi santa you told me to post on your blog and of course i will let you know how me and my kitten get on if i get one, i have spoken to my family and they said they really want a kitten to we have came up with two names, 1- kai and 2- kiki my sister made them up, if you do get me and my sister a kitten then we will be very greatful and dont worry if the elvs dont make enough laptops i will save up so i can keep in touch with you, love you santa <3
Dear santa i hope I’m. on the good list eney way my friend tyler don’t really believe in you could you maybe help him believe please.and one more. Thing all I want for christmas is a iphone.
Dear santa, his elves, and Mrs claus……. Plz call me when your not busy I have been leaving you messages I can leave you my number sometime… At least one of u could… I’ve talked to one of the head elves before and Santa and Mrs claus please call
Hi Santa, it’s me Ivy again. I hope you got my letter I mailed to you a week ago. How is Phobee doing ? I CAN”T WAIT TO see her on thanksgiving. I am 8 years old. I have a boyfriend and his name is Blake Strong. He likes me and i like him.
We would like to have a magic wand and a magic type writer and a razor pocket rocket/ girl/ boy
See you soon Santa
P.S tell Mrs. Claus hi and your elves
Dear Santa…… how are you Tonight? how is everyone in the north pole. your special friend shannon
Dear Santa clause I really want a Elf on a shelf. I will take good care of him .oh and by the way I want a boy Elf on the shelf. Please and thank you so much. I love you so much Santa clause and MS.clause
Hi Santa I tried my best to be good
My list of toys
Mosh I monsters toys
Trash pack
Love from Jessica thank you Santa
Dear Santa
My name is Alexander I try my best of being good my list of toys nerf gun
Xbox live
Stars war
Pokemon stuff
Light saber
Spider toys
More nerd gun
Air plane
Army toys
Video game
Hand claw
Dear Santa
I’m 8 years old
Can you please give me
A ferret and a alf on tje shelf
A water proof watch of Giants or Seahawks
A r.willson Jersey
I love you Santa
From bryan
I know it is October, but wish I could see Santa
Hi Santa I am 12 years old And my elf on the shelf can’t fly please give me a idea to help get my elf better and this is what I want for Christmas a rabbit a 2 dogs and a elf on a shelf that flys at night and a IPHONE the most because I neaver had a iPhone or cell phone and a wii u and a smart watch like a Samsung or a Apple Watch or a cell phone and your phone number email and texting email for iMessage just tell me your contacts so if you put my email under a new message icon and send me a message I will just send it to me don’t forget my thing I dolly won’t for Christmas is IPHONE rabbit 2 dogs and elf on the shelf that flys at night and a wii u and nintendogs Dalmatian and friends game for Nintendo ds
Santa I would love to meet you and the reindeer in town
dear santa I would like a micheal kors bag a small one a real one please. thanks and could I have an alex and annie bracelet please merry xmas Leanne Crawford 11 nearly twelve
I will send a letter to you in November its October now the 18th
My name is Tishanna I want a game for my Xbox 360 and for my Wii and a puppy from the shelter and a laptop from Tishanna to santa
What are doing santa and I want to be your little helper
By Sarah
I love you xx
My mom said it’s ok if I can have a Real puppy. Love Hannah mom
hi there santa this is the master chief the prince of halo and universe santa cluasei need a magic genie lamp too get back on the unsc pillar of atuummn
give me a puppy now!! my mom said its ok so can you get me one?
santa I am Buddhist but I love Christmas and u please I request u to give me a gift
Dear Santa,
What is your number so I can call you!
Santa what is your phone number cuz I want to call you
Hi Santa, its van. I was just wondering if if I can get my elf on the shelf, Oogle to come a little early this year. He usually comes in November, but can he come in October?
Hi Santa, it’s me, Katie again!How are you, Mrs. Claus, the Elves and The Reindeer doing? Thanks and have a great day! Love Katie.
Here is what I realy want camera laptop elf on the shelf ,,,,,,,,,, two dogs snow glob to talk to you ,,,,,,,,, hart necklos ,,,, spell book a book the fly,,, make fairy dust, ,,,,email and addres any books shelf that’s it and here’s what I want to tell you leave your name and here s what I want you to doa thing so you come to my house come to my house today and come to my house tomorrow instead if you do all of that you rock and cool come to my house any day you want and tomorrow av I been very good ur bad dust tell me you rock
Hi Santa! My name is Katie, and I want to know how Mrs. Claus, you, The Reindeer, and how The Elves, are doing. And last of all, I want an iPod for Christmas. Love, Katie
Dear Santa Claus what’s ur cell phone number and all I what for Christmas is sonic the hegehog comics and sonic x comics and jimmy/Timmy power hour 1,2,3 DVD and Xbox and a puppy too thanks
Love Lesley E.
Hi Santa. I want a reborn baby Sofie. Could you have your elves make her for me, please?
what is your phone number and can i have all the super powers and i want to live with you right now
Santa i would like an ipod for chirsmas
hi Santa can you please call me on my moms phone today or tomormo
I HAVE BEEN GOOD THIS YEAR and I AM not sure if this is what
Santa this is Miranda can i have an iPhone 4
I need to ask you a couple of questions so can you email me and I wil email you back
I got your letter in my post thank you for the letter
I would like you to send me your phone number.
I have been really good this year and I would like a 2015 corvette, if you can’t get that for me, then I want a 2015 dodge challenger (HELLCAT) You know the ones with 707hp.
Dear Santa,
all I am wanting for Christmas is sands alive, demi lovato cd, A NEW computer and my dad to get better!
Merry Christmas,
Mia Camp
brandy like those shoes that are called supras tablet and some 1D tickets love u brandy
all I want for Christmas is a
iPhone 6
hi my elf is not moving at all can you help me?? please
For christmas i want a trampaline and books such as the baby sitters club
what your number santa please give to austraila nsw please by Isabella Vassallo
Dear santy clause I’ve been very good this year unlike the grinch
Please tell your elves to make me a very nice wooden word robe for an 18inch doll and a wooden bicycle and please get me a dog I’ve always wanted one thank you Ciara
Ps.say hello to dasher and dancer and mrs.clause and please when Ollie oliver visits every night tell me what he says
Santa I love dogs if you can try give me one if not I would like things from justice and converses I ❤️ U merry christmas
Dear Santa I want orbeez,lalaloopsy baking oven,my password journal. I live in Cameron,nc
Dear, santa
For Christmas i want a
Nerf guns
Football kickstand
Wwe men
Love, deanglo
Dear santa ,
For Christmas i want a
Ps vita
Nerf guns
Baibie suff
That all i want
Love ,chloe
Dear Santa
I have been good all year and what I want for Christmas is below
iPhone 6
Lots of Play dough
Lots of nerf guns and bullits
Office supplies
A T.V for my room
2 American dolls the names are macenna and isabell
Doll acsseries
2 Neon Fish with neon tank that glows in the dark
I want a SNOWY Christmas not a Wet Rain Christmas
I love you and every one else at the North Pole
I want a iPhone 3 or 4 please merry Christmas
Hi,my name is Ava Wallace have I been naughty?Please write me back and if I have been good please bring me any of these presents zoomer the dog please be a girl,a bike that’s pink and blue,a computer,or a phone.Thanks have a great day and year and please give some thing to my brother Liam Lucus he wants Thomas trains.Tell Santa,Mrs.claus and the ogee elves that I said hi and I made a ordement that has a christmas wish in it.And please make my little brother Liam not sick because last year me ,my mom,and Liam got sick on christmas it was horrible.Well thanks for your time bye and remember this is from Ava Marie Wallace.Bye
i really want a RC truck and a nitendo 64 with the game pokemon stadium.
Dear Santa,
My name is Joshua and I am 8 1/2 years old. I have been a good kid this year and I would like Stomp and Chomp Grimlock, 1st edition Optimus Prime, high octane bumble bee, and all 6 of the guardian of the galaxy figures.
My name is Emily and I am 4 1/2 years old. I have been pretty good this year and I would like a Frozen bike, Frozen mirror, Frozen make up, frozen clothes and shoes.
Thank you we love you Santa,
Josh and Emily
Dear Santa. I do not know if my letter has made it. (Remember what happened with monet and May’s letters!?) but again I am asking for the precious chihuahua, Lola. I promise on my honor to give her THE BEST life a small dog could have. She would never be alone when she rode in my mom’s car as a therapy dog. She will get used to her harness (and maybe a nurse outfit! Get it?). And I am sure my naughty cats will get used to her! Also beware of Cinder’s needle claws and teeth on Christmas Eve! Ow! Send mrs Claus or an elf to fetch her so you won’t have to go. Merry Christmas!
From Elsa.
Santa I would love some learning toys for Christmas thanks love u bunches
Dear santa I would love a laptop and a digital camera thanks lots of love
Santa I want a iPad and a computer and a iPod and iPhone thank you Santa I love you in my heart so much your the best Santa in my heart love you
Santa I want a iPad and a kid car and a new phone and I love you in my heart so much your the best I ever had.
Santa I want a iPhone 6 and a ipad and a kid car and a new car for my mom and I will leave you SME cookies and milk love you Santa you are the best you make me happy so much and we all love you in are heart so much
Dear Santa clause I will want a iPad mini 3 and a i
phone 5s plz hope you have a great Christmas and the elfs oh and Mrs.clause
Dear Santa I would like a iPhone 6 and a ever after high doll
Merry Christmas Santa love from Roslynn
Dear Santa I wanted to know if I could have a Laptop and a set of beef headphones.
I don’t know what I want for Christmas.
Dear Santa And Elves,
Hello I have a elf on the shelf named Jingle Bell Shackle.I live in Jackson Ohio and we recently moved from Canton Ohio.Do you know Tinsele my class elf?I should go BYE!!!
Dear Mrs.claus hope you talk to me Mrs claus and i am so glad if you talk to me and i hpe you do too.
Hi santa my name is jennalynn I would like a bunch of gum and clothes for cristmas
dear santa how are you? may i have a iphone and a trampline.
I want a brand new yamaha alto sax yas-280s silver. I want a n yamaha custom yss-82z professional soprano sax straight neck silver plated.
Can you call me {phone number deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip!}
dear santa i really want a ipod or a americam girl doll for chistmas so can you get me one i have asked my mom if we can look at them when we go to wamat because i want to see which one i want and i really want the ballareana one and some close to go ewiht it and i want to no your phone nummber ok merry chistmas santaclaus hope you have a good chistmas and tell my elf frosty merry chistmas see him when he comes. i love you santa call me when you get time and tell me if i enn good or bad ok and reece smith toch amber smith elf on the shelf on decemer tuesday the 2 merry chistmas santaciaus,
i really want a ds lite and nike elite high quarterbball socks
Hey Santa i love you can i have make -up the movie.frozen
They are very bad. They want bag of cold
I would like a sewing machine chrome book owl duck tape x10
Dear Santa
Hi so I have a elf now so that’s good and I hope you send me a whole bunch of presents so thank you ps. By bye I hope to see you soon
I love you santa you are the best I am 9 years old my birthday is15 of June for Christmas I want elsa shoes and Anna boots they are so cool and every thing of horrid henry from Ashlie
Forgot to add this to first comment but,
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! for the turquoise blue Everest Dance Bag and saphire blue pocket knife last year!
Dear Santa,
For christmas this year I would love an ivivva gift card or clothes from ivivva. I know I keep saying “shut up” to my brother but it’s hard when your siblings are annoying. I hope I’m still on the nice list and if not, I’ll try harder.
Hi my name is Jarvis and the only thing I want for Christmas is a xbox one and a photo of you and a signature on the photo. I try to be good with my step sibling but one of my siblings keeps hanging out with my cousins and I don’t have time to hang out with my cousins and all 3 of my step siblings get on my nerves. I hope I’m hope I’m on the good list. I will leave you cookies and milk. Have a great Christmas.
Can Buster and Ellie and Gracie May com back Wendsday morning.Please
For Christmas I would like a I pod touch 4 & earbuds. If I had to choose one I would choose the I pod 4 touch! I already sent you two letters, but this is what I really want!
I love you and would love an I phone 5 c blue for Christmas and can I have a photo of you please and you are an amazing person so can I have an idea from Asda as a Christmas card for my girlfriend please and I am 10 years old love you Charlie ccccxxxxx
Hope u got my other email for what I want. I have been good
Hi my name is Tess Joyce I have been a good girl I was wondering i Could call u or u text or email me. I want this Christmas is, 1. A big stuffed Olaf 3. Point ballet shoes 3. Beam 4. Drums 5.games 6. Bowling ball 7. Bow and arrow 8 an something I remember my elf Alvin and his reindeer because I miss him. Love u sant clause.
Dear Santa Claus and elvs,
I would like if one of you could me by {phone number deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
Thank you santa can I have a I phone 6 love makayla
Hi Santa what is your phone number and can you send a photo
Oh oh oh merry christmas
hello santa i want 2 met u on xmas night
hi elves and santa how are you doing
Dear santa Claus i am good this year
I would like Rayman origins for my ps3,Kirby returns to dreamland for my Wii u…and a sonic teddy and sonic game…and few surprises please..as I have been a very good boy this year and will remain too be
He santa i rilly want you to call me and my famliy because i mss you and i hope that u will come to my house before christmas to see me and my famliy plzz thankyou andi want u to get for me plzz for chrsitmas a tablet and some other little things i dont mind what i get this year alsong as you come to seee me before end of christmas thankyou so much sant i rilly miss you and ill see you before christmas ends bye santaxxx
For cristmas I would like a new scooter and some new shoes and a new game for my will
hi how are you at the north pole i say hi and please don’t bring me a dog
Dear Santa I want a puppy and my brother vinny wants a power wheels and my baby brother wants a dancing Mickey my brother santino wants alot of hot wheels cars and my sister wants a purse and mom wants a new marsadies ven Honda race car
I want an iPhone 5c for Christmas and I also want beats for Christmas thanks Santa I had fun talking to you
Dear Santa,
I want a toy Christmas tree.My sister wants a dall.
Hi santa it’s gabby and I would love to talk to you about what I would want since we don’t have Jordan I would love to get another dog for Christmas or just another animal this year we will leave carrots for the reindeer and cookies and milk for you santa!!! I hope I can see u again how I did last year I was wondering if u want your feather back and thanks do much for everything the letter, and family games and all the presents.
Love gabby
Hi Santa I just want your phone number that’s all
Merry Christmas
I will leave you carots for the reindeer on Christmas eve
Hi Santa Claus what’s up with you tell everyone at the north pole i say hi Bobbi
Hi santa I really want a samsung galaxy 5
And a puppy that is a girl please
i want a dirt bike and ps4 and airsoft gun glock 18 and iphone 5c and ps4 and more ps3 games and more guns and xbox 360 and everything
I hope I get to talk to you on the phone on day
Hi how are you I’m good have a mery chrismas and a happy new year!
Hey stanta your the nice person on earth.So what my sistr really want is doc ms stuff in table and chair.
christmas tree style with standing night {home address deleted by the elves. Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!} sincerley drew fontannaz i am 21 year old
Dear Santa hi I would like to let u now that I would like to have a muics CD and a move DVD plus make up
hey santa what is your email and phone number?.
Santa this year I want Blackhawks tickets. And I also want a puppy golden retriever. I would also like a malifacent dolls. And I would love to be one of the Christmas Elfs. Am I on the naughty or nice list. Me and my sisters would love to know. And the doggy should be a girl. But make sure she likes other dogs please.
santa i sent you a letter with the name susan opoku mensah.santa i leave in ghana so you have to come to ghana to give me my gifts.
Santa this is Carley fetters I live in silver spring md Wht is your cell to call u Christmas eve on your sligh
Hi I would like to be a elf and work and be very nice
hi i want a ipad a phone camrea a stufft animal and otheir stuff
Dear santa for christmas i want a bike a Big chocolate cake .
Dear Santa I really need to tell you that me and my family will not be home for Christmas this year.will you fly to castle rock for Christmas by the way have a holly jolly Christmas and a happy new year.
dear santa,I also want it to snow by next week it is u and god descion dont know how to spell it so please im depending on all the elves and also you……..
Dear Santa,what i want for CHristmas is a dsixl,a iphone5,and i want a kurio as in mini tablet,last and not far an baby alive that walk and allyour people at north pole a very merry christmas and a happy nmew year and one more thing i really want to visit the north pole sincerly paris
Hello Santa i want a elf on the shelf before Christmas but i do not know how to get it with out paying for it
Am I an elf?I would love tobe an elf.
Hi thank u for reading my letter I’m going into middle school and most people think u are not real bug I know u are. I cant wait for Christmas its my favotite holiday is it yours to?.you’ll be getting a lot more emails from me so byd
ilove you. I relly miss mr.jingles. can you have him to sent a email back please
and thankyou
Dear Santa,For Chistmas I want A remote control plane,pokemon Gold,Ruby,sapphire,emerald,Blue,Leaf green,fire red,Platinum A military suit size 10/12 A GAMEBOY color and K’nex.
what i want for christmas is a legos set becuse i would like it becuse im doing bilding for fair and i need someithis for fair.and aome snow a lot of snow and pleas leve me a leter for what i have been bad for and if i was good still send me one pleaseget this as soon as you can
hi!my name is Serena and I’m grateful for all you have given me.For Christmas I would like to be happy Iam 10 years old I would also like an ipod touch, nook, an elf on a
ho! Ho! Ho! Our chismas tree is not that nice so pleas make it nice and don’t forget my presents its a screen touch phone a lap top a tiara ear phone and an I phone and don’t forget my young nicole her princess dress bye santa ho! Ho! Ho!
Hi hope u busy for Christmas merry christmas to you and I wish for a scrapbooking kit as my present
Ho ho ho.
I wish i could call you.. plzzzzzzzzzz tell me your phone number because my firend got a cool from the north pole so i thort that it would me a good idea if i got your phone number <3
i what reborn baby boy and car seat for christmas
I don’t know because i would need to try it to say it and plus it probly won’t be free
Dear Santa,
How are you Santa? Do you know I am so exited that I think my head is going to expoled!.You,the elves,Mrs.Claus and everyone else in the North Pole are so great making those toys. Thank you very much for everything.I love you lots like jelly tots. Merry Christmas and warmest wishes love from Anna
santa i would love a golden retriever puppy for christmas
please tell me how do you get in the houses at christmas if they don’t have a chimney
I want to know santa’s phone number he will not let me have it
dear Santa how are you and Santa I love you very much and Santa I missed you very much love Maria
justin biber onstange play set and justin biber concert kit and sweet nothing-get the skinny shapewear leggings style 82455 miss tina-womens long ruched leggings womens graphin tee thing u so much i love u santa
hallo santa calus i want justin biber toys and booty and colther and shoes and lap top and bag
I think that it is better to email you because if you gave someone you r adress then they could track you down and that wouldn’t be good.
if my elf dont move does that mean its busy because i was going to ask if daisy henry marco and julie could stay with me for christmas and for elf day elf day is at school and you wear pjs have hot coco play with elfs read books about elfs. i promis promis promis promis promis promis i will take gooooooodddddd care of them please right back
this is not about that but do you live forever
Hi, this is David taylor.
I do Belveive an Santa Claus ms Claus
and the Reindeer also the elf’s ann the North Pole The I want is Thi Ghost With Patrick Swaze and demi Moore & Whoopi Goldberg
one more is this Howdy Doody with Buffalo Bob happy Christmas And happy new year I am a very good boy this monthbye David Taylor
iam a big fan your friend franklin joe browning
i love you from franklin joe browning
i know you are busy but does the magic work on the reigndeers to make them fly your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa does rudolph really have a shiny nose like in the movie rudoph the red nose reindeer your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa i wish i could meet your reindeers especially rudolph your friend franklin joe browning
I think emailing you and sending u a letteer is the best way to contact u
dear santa clus i whant for chrismar is a glass ring for my grilfrinder, books games playstashin3 spiderman time of eager the games a xbox 360 spiderman eager of time and batman the silem the game and a hunt gsme to pluch in my tv and new shoos and closer
dear santa i know you are very busy but if you could please stop over at my house i hope to see you on christmas eve night your friend franklin joe browning and i believe in the north pole magic i wish i could visit there your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa merry christmas to all around the world your friend franklin joe browning and i promise to help my mom and my randmother all the time
dear santa iwill put out some reats for you and the reindeers
dear santa merry christmas love your friend franklin joe browning
christmas isnt about presents its about family and friends and the birth of jesus
i know two cousins i was hopeng you could also visit chesa and chayla
my name is franklin joe browning iam 10 years old the wish i made is to see your reindeers but i dont get to i guess you are to busy to come to my house your friend franklin joe browning
yes it is because if you give them your phone number then everyone will call you!
Heeey can I take a peek at the nicee list cuz i really do want to see if i m on it and R U THE COOKIE MONSTER !!!
i forot to tell you i live in a trailer merry christmas
if you could see your way i would love to have a skate board soccer cleats and basketball goal a basket ball and a cell phone your friend franklin joe browning
dear santa you are a great man and i believe in christmas because it is the birth of jesus christ and it is a time for family and friends and not just for gifts
my bff left me for reanna and it has been absoultly terrible! nobody likes me now! tell me what to do.
i am very happy intil its christmas.
can you send a video of you to me?
for chismas can you send a dog to me i been asking forever. a real dog from megan kiecker. am i on the good list or the bad?
pleas can i see your pone number because i never sowed you befor.
Dear santa I will always believe in you because you always bring me presents and you always eat all cookies on the plate I made my self.
Dear Santa,
I’m VERY happy I found this website! Kids say that I’m old enough now to stop beleiving in you. But I won’t. I remember last year where I live it snowed, and you and the Reighndear left snow- prints leading from my yard to my grandparent’s house! It was the neatest thing ever! I LOVE YA SANTA!
ur amazing and i cant wait until christmas!!
Dear Jolly Old Santa,
whats your favorite color? whats your favorite animal? how many elves do you have? do you like dogs? do you have a dog? whats your favorite toy? hows mrs.claus? will you tell clumsy the elf to stop being so clumsy for me? am i on the good or bad list? am i your friend? whats your favorite part of chrismas? how can you survive the cold at the north pole? well bye
Your Friend,
Lindsey G.
Dear Santa,
You are amazing!!! Do you remember when I was little, how I sent you a letter, and all it said was “I love you!”? I think that every child in the world should send you one gift for all the gifts you give, at the very least! This Christmas, I would really appreciate the Tokidoki Unicorno series. And a pony (just kidding!). I’ve always wanted one though. I jumped and cantered bareback today! Love, Victoria and her kittens, Puff and Indy
I want i puppy for christmas bcaus my dog died in thanksgiving 2010 🙁
My Dad And Mom Have your Number But They Won’t Tell Me..!1 ):
i love you a nd like you and i really want a lot of stuff for christmas it means so muchh to me and it will bring me jolly spirit to but if you dont have enough room i understand..:(…if you do 🙂 i love you
i rell like this wedsit because there is alot of fun stiff to do
I hope you can get evreything done before
Cristmas. I also hope the Rudolph’s nose is very very shiny.
what is your favorite color am i on the nice list cani have a pic of you and your elev’s some of my frinds dont beleve in you how cani get them to what is the recipe fo rain deer food what iis a recipe for mrs. clause cookies
I hope u read my email I sent you and I hope u bring me something this christmas because ever since i came here i never got a gift from u.merry christmas
P.S.Ihope u come
Donavan has been very bad this year. He just choked me and I don’t think he needs any presents this year. Maybe one or two but that’s it!!! And if you could see how long his list is, you would wonder why he wants somuch since he hasn’t been good. I will keep you posted but as of right now I wouldn’t get him anything until he shows he can be good because he just choked me again
“What is Santa Claus’ phone number?”
santa please tell me your email i love talking to you all the time. your the greatest person in the world. i love you very much and bye. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I really would like if this time you get me what I want and not a airplane unless I ask for one because last year l asked for a air hogs vectron wave but instead you got me a toy airplane.
I make sure i dont put any personal enformason and ask a grown-up before going onto the computer
hi i what to know what your number is
dear santa clus i really want to call you
your address is
#1,Rudolph Way
thats true santa told me on a email promise pinkie swear love santas bff heather
hi santa
love u soo much
thanx for helping my mum and step dad get me a ds i xl
love ur BFF
i watch videos on youtube and play games
just saying hi! am i on the nist list? say thanks to the elves, reindeer, mrs.claus, all the arctic animals that prtect your magic portal, and of course you santa!
have a merry Christmas!!!!
im happy its sunday and only 62 sleeps lfet till chrismas well the days are going soo fast and my mom said doun’t forget my dog toys for my dog
this is the first year i’m emailing u my wish list because i didnt know about before i was 10 years old. so i hope to get wonderful presents from you, i know that i will get wonderful presents because you are very generous.
I can’t wait till christmas this year!
You are the best!
I love the things you give me every year!
Hoping For that IPOD TOUCH!
please come to my house this year i really want what i love i begg you on my knees pleaaaaa aase i love you so much
to dearest santaclaus
I have enjoied the christmas toys you have already brought me but I so want you to bring me these things this year 1.a baby born girl doll 2.a baby born boy doll 3.accssesories for my babys.
SantaIi really really want a ipad and a ipod I really want both of them and I will email you want I really really want and this is0 some of them.
dear santa,
i wish i could give you a present too. You bring be lots of presents every year.you are so cool i wish i could come to the north pole to visit you.I think i got christmas fever!!!
i think talking to you in person would be the safest way your bff aidan
dear santa thank you for all of my presents especislly the teddy bear, your website rocks
santa can you give me a hamster and the sipplies email me my self @ my email you know..
dear santa claus thank you that you there when i was a litte girl thank you and 17 and alawys bevile in you
Thank you for last year Santa, and I hope you are having a gr8 time at the North Pole!
Dear Santa,
I am not a child but I have always had a “child like” spirit. I also have always believed in you. I am so glad you have a website so children can keep in touch. It gives me such a warm feeling knowing that you extend such a kindness all year long. I always look forward to Holiday time, I have a God son and his family that I share my love of Christmas with. He enjoys hearing when you will be coming. I also help out the elves a little I know you don’t mind. I know you are getting ready and have a lot of work to do. Hope you had a nice vacation and are rested up for the Big Night! Thank you again for all you do. See you soon.
A true believer (I love your website by the way)
dear santa it is grace olovich i really want to call you so can i have your number
hi its lucas i like you all of you and i like too see your elfs its a good thing to seand you a meshich how are you and how is all of the reders
hi i this year i will put a photo in my card for you
from your very best friend amy
i love you so much. thank you for eveything
i want a lane frost belt buckel and a cd of 8 secounds soundtrack
can my elf on the shelf come to my house today love, steven
yesterday I lost my purse,I put it in my pocket,but when I looked I couldn’t find it. I went to lost property and they said they didn’t have it.
Dear Santa Thanks for all those wonderful toys this year see you soon love your friend jariah
I relly love your name. and yor elvs are relly good toy makers you are relly kind and hamsome and you are splended.
love frome bella couldridg
Dear santa, I am always gonna believe. So can you bring me an 32GB ipodtouch with a flower skin? PLEASE! I am 8 Years old. thank you!
Can you please get me a GIRL PUPPY??? Please tell me yes or no.
great website and go on email santa cause he wrote back to me and normally santa dosn’t right back cause he’s got too much to do so just reccomending that website to you thanks
I know it is no where near Christmas, but I just can’t wait! Some day I wish to visit you in the north pole, but I am just fine with getting presents from you and occasionally a letter too!
Best wishes to you, your elves and of course your reindeer from
I am 18 and i still believe in and love you santa.
my name is devon. i want a elf on a shelf
I realy help my Famialy alot and the 10 things I want for Christmas are 1.liv doll 2.Ipad 3.Ipod touch 4.real puppy 5.Lap top 6.A trip to Flordia 7.Lemondade Mouth movie 8.Shapays Fablous adventure 9.Hair bows 10.Clothes!!!!Love you!Bye <3 u 😉 !
Hi i want a ipod touch for Christmas
if some kids are naughty what do you do?
it me again I really love your blog it even better than everyone so keep up the good work.
so tell me how many elf got their ton stuck on the frozzen pole?, and tell me how old you are?
thankyou very much 🙂 hope you have a nice holidays
Hey i want a real kitty. I love this blog.
dear Santa, can i speak with Prancer for a minute?
dear Santa, Is it busy around the work shop today?
how is your day been and I love you very much and I missed you very much love Maria
ciao babbo natale sono luigi volevo conoscerti
i hpe you are reading this. wath is youradress
Thank You for all of my Christmas Presents. They were the coolest ever. I hope you can bring me even better presents next year. Please and Thank You.
-Jessica Smith
hi santa i am a girl and i am 8 years old and i love you
it’s me Alexandra how are you doing today i hep you are not eating too much well see you later on christmas eve
your good friend,
santa i havnt seen your # yet and i thank you for the presents could you please tell me your#
do u have any kids cou;d you send me alot of persents on christmas day
Dear Santa,
Thanks for the toys!But next year, can you just give me a NintendoDSI?
i like you santa you are the best do you like crumpets
thank you for all of the things i wish u a marry christmas and a happ new yaer can i be a elf hope my elf is heley
hi santa i wish i had compurter
i got to say how can go down the chinme
I love you alot you are so nice to everyone i want to give you a presant to.
thank you for the air hogs hawkeye i have enjoyed very much but it runs out of battreis fast
i just put on the envelope north pole and then father christmas and gess what he answered me back but thats becouse ive put my adress and my name
Thank u 4 all my gifts.I hope u have a good sleep.Also Happy New Year!!!!
Your BFF,
Dear santa,
There was an uggs shoe box under my tree this morning and there was only one shoe in it!
I wanted to know if you knew what happened to it?
email me back if you know but if you dont just say you dont.
can you send me a pitcher of santa Claus and mrs. claus, i would also like a picture of the elves and reindeer
Thank You
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the toys, I really enjoyed and loved them much. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
Love your bff
Dearest Santa Claus,
Thank you for all the toys and other things u brought for me. I have enjoyed them much.
Your Friend,
hey Santa can you bring me a reborn Lanie and a rottweiler puppy mealy says hi she is a rottweiler German Shepard mix
i love you i want to wish you a happy new year
I may be in my teens but santa i stell believe and i realy helped nana and been nice only 3 things i want my mom 2 get better my famly 2 be 🙂 and a ipod touch
I love Santa more than everthing but I what a puppy.
Hi Santa This Is Jamie And Her Little Brother. We Have Been Somewhat Good This Year. Will Atleast We Have Tried Our Best To Be Good This Year. I Am A Girl Named Jamie I Would Like A I-Pod Touch 8 Gigabits And Or A Phone The Phone Has To Be A Blackberry,A Touch With A Slide On It. My Brother Would An Army Butten Tank,An Army West Jet Plane,Lots Of Army Men Or If You Think He Have Been Good Enough This Year Maybe You Could Save Me One Of Those Bigg T-Rexs That It Loves To Be Scartch H Every Were He Makes Noise Please And Thank You.. P.S. Please Can You Get What My Sister Wants For Chirstmas.
I am sooo excited!! i am working on keeping my brother beliving!!! 🙂
dear santa i was gonna call you tonight but i do not know your number so i cant call you can you please tell me what your number is 🙂 :):):):):):):):):):):):)
dont tell them anything about yourself
you are the hero of christmas.I hope my family has a good christmas eve,christmas and new year.also can you stand by my bed when you come and try to wake me up.I promise ,will not grab my video camra. PS; my camra is not charged meaning i don’t have any batteries.and what is your phone number
hope I get this new cell phone and laptop I asked you for!
i love you it is christmas eve and im all ready i cant wait you do so much work thankyou you are getting extra cookies
do yoy have any more xbox360s from jordan pinyerd
i am soooo excited to see what your bringing me all the way from the north pole! My wish it to go see the North Pole but that will never happen): I hope hope hope i get what im asking for this year! you havent let me down in the past(; i hope u like the cookies i make! (their homeade)
I love you
I love you sants i think that you are awsome!! i cant wait to see what you brought me and my family. hope you have a safe trip.
It would be cool to talk to you though. 😀
Hi santa,
How are you doing for christmas coming up? Are you ready to eat some cookies? Well I am really excited for christmas this year!!!!CANT WAIT!!!! I love you!!!
merry christmas santa!i was wondering if you know my elf on the shelf named okie?if you do can you tell me if he brought my wish list to you?thanks!
I think the best way is when i can see you in person but this is the next best way to talk to you! I like how fast you write me back! I don’t have to wait days and days in the mail for it. I love you Santa you are the best! I hope you get what you want for Christmas! Love Megan
Hi Santa,
Merry Christmas.Are the reindeer ready to leave the North Pole????
I have to go clean my room now but Merry Christmas.
I think you shouldn’t give out your address, phone # or anything personal because a person could track it down and come to your house.
i bake cookies get milk and carrots for the reighdeer i hope u have a safe night
I LOVE CHRISTMAS but it will not be the same this year
Are you surprised how back then children (maybe even adults) had to write to you and send it my the original mailbox, but today we have computers to do it all by e-mail (elf-mail!). get the joke! That’s when elves deliver mail to the north pole!
I can’t wait ’till you come
I am so excited I hope you give me presents and not coal! Have i been good this year? I think so!
im so exicting for christmas santa i got presents for and me and my will bake a cake. Dont worry i save a piece for you.
Hope u have a safe trip at the night. =)
We love you Im they only child so my mom, dad, and my kitty love you! Love,
Callie,& family
About The Business of Santa, a poem: Santa is awesome, Santa is cool, so behave the whole year and you’ll get something that rules. He works all year, and the elves cheer! They are his workers, and not jokers. by Zachary
why cant u have a cell phone number for kids who dont have computers only a house phone or a cell phone?I think it will be really kind of you to do.I hope u liked my idea well more of a suggestion any way lots of blessing ariana.
It is nearly nearly x-mas ahhhh!
I am so exited!
Merry x-mas santa and everyone else!
it is me agen i got your email it was GREAT I hope roodof is ok love isla xxx
hi there santa i wish all my wish could come true..i love you…mery christmas and a happ new year
hi santa when will you come to my house? do you know where i lived at? i wish mi wishlist could come true..
I am 8 years old and I cannot wait for christmas
hello santa it’s laura and shaylah again and we hope u have merry christmas and enjoyed ur b’day and we are excited that christmas u will be coming to our house and don’t forget to stuff inour stockings.
what are you doing. i can’t wait to chirstmas eve and chirstmas day i love you you’ll so much.what i want for chirstmas is a dvd player and a kids club chair
hi there santa this is big sister memay(meagan) and little sister Amanda. Amanda says to tell everbody reading “hello santa and all others.to santa i say ‘ i hope your looking foreward to coming to our house i also hope Rudolph is looking foreward to seeing my house. love amanda.” and memay says ” come see me at my daddy’s house santa i love you so much.” Love from Meagan (11) and Amanda (6):-) lots of love to all you guys (Tennessee):-)
I had been a good little gilr!!Merry Christmas
Hi I can’t wait to see my presents!!!! have a great Christmas
I think emailing you is a great way to reach you but, it would be nice to reach you other ways. Like calling ‘t wait or something else too. I can’t wait ’till Christmas!!! 🙂
i love you loo … ooove you by the way please can i have a dog!
what are the names ov the elves you broght us
hello id like for xmasa instead of sending a letter from the chimney instead may as well email it anyway ds games an diary and thats it
don’t give my name out to strangers ( 😉
I want a princess barbie doll! I love to play with barbies in my doll house! Thanks!
hi i really miss my old dog thomas he lived in my house for three days but my dad said that we can’t keep him anymore i am so sad. because we can’t keep we are renting the house in aspen co i lived in tampa fl but do not go to my old house because somebody is renting it well… thanks
I want ds games and some surprise wii games and some hunting games and
some new gloves for my Papaw
Santa PLEASE bring me a Nintendo DSixl an a North Face Jacket i love u
i want a cute puppy .I really love them .I love pets. I have 4 dogs already and want 1 more
Hi Santa
I hope you have a great christmas and a happy new year!
I live in Vietnam but i am actuly from Australia!
I would like an I-touch for x-mas but I think my mum and dad are geting one for me and my sister too!
Merry cristmas!!!
I would like to call you if I could have your phone number.
P.S. thank you!! 🙂 to: SANTA CLAUS
hey i love you santa i hope one day that i could have your number 😉 love meagan age 11
well if I had choose I would say that since its you ,Santa(and everybody at the northpole) its fine. You would never hurt us, would you,Santa? I didnt think so either. PS: when i emailed you i told you I WANT THINGS FOR THE DOG I ALREADY HAVE AND YOU SAID THAT I WANT A PUPPY. I DONT BUT IF YOU DID BRING ME A PUPPY I WOULD LOVE AND CARE FOR IT FOREVER AND EVER!!!! I LOVE DOGS AND SO DO MY PARENTS.THEY WOULD LET ME.
you’re the best!
can you come to my house?
i love your job!
please come to my house!
Dear Santa, My little cousin Mia got a letter from you and said you got a new reindeer and I would like to know a little about him. Love, Nicholas
I want a I-pod touch and a baby piggy
If you can PLEASE give me a baby kitten and puppy.
LOVE,HAYLEIGH(10 years old)
Hey! i think its a great idea otherwise any other way it will be overloading BUT it will be great onday if you could send your phone number so we can leave messages on your answering machine 😉 x
why did you not put your email addgress online?why do you live in the north pole?how do you stay alive forever?
Not chat or friend anyone that you dont know on facebook, Myspace or twitter
the letter i sent you for the books on the i pad i wanted are the inkheart series and all of the beacon street girls.
Love You. I really hope I get to met you this Christmas.
i believeie you for real my brother does as well we cant wait for christmas eve to come as we might hear you down stairs XD
P.S thankyou for everything you got me over the past few years
You have an awesome blog!Am I on your Nice List?
I really want a puppy dog!!
Thank you!!
last year i heard u on te roof tell all the reindeer to be a little quieter and please give me a american girl Rebecca i love u!!
Dear Santa,
I hope I have been good enough to get on to your nice list. I would like to know what do the reindeers eat and what do they drink?
All I want for Christmas is a pet bunny PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get me one you don’t have to get me anything else and I think my mom would let me have one but SHE doesn’t want to get it she wants someone like YOU to get me one.
i love you Santa and i like Bernard TOO LOVE RYANNE
Hi! 😀
…. >_>…<_<.. I….Love..you…
🙂 bye bye haha please please please please please give me the three things i wanted so badly for christmas please please please. God Bless You 🙂
plese plese would you give. me a dirt bike I will be the happyiest man on earth! Ps.Thanks! From Dylan.
i beileve and i promise!
thanks for giving me everything i wanted
thank u
love u! :}
santa im in the 5th grade i know your real evry chrismas eve night i always think of you putting pressents under the tree.
Sou woke me up last year! I heard a strange noise from outside and I just knew it! So I went right to sleep, but could you PLEASE tell Vixen to be a little softer when he lands on the roof?
what is your ponf narbr because i got to tell you suminthing inportin plis give me your poner numb when you get this masiggt ples
How have you been? Well have a very merry christmas and God Bless.
this year I want my dad to come home from Afghanistan in the army. I know lots of people are in need also, so I hope they have a happy holiday, too! I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday season. If you can, will you tell my Daddy that I miss him and love him?
My name is Bryce. I have a sister name Brylee. I was a very good boy this year. I would like to hear from you.
I wanted to say that you are a relly amazing person and thank you for bringing us presents. I would also like to thank the elves for making the presents and for Mrs.Claus helping everyone get ready for Christmas.
P.S I think makanzie mouse is relly cute.
i was wandering gow old are all the reindeer? can you call me?
Plz promise to bring my presents santa
I would like a teacup yorkie please please write back thanks
hi santa i just wanna say hi and hows things i hope i am on the good list i cant wait till christmas merry christmas and a happy new year
Oh, I saw a message by “Stephanie”. I’m in grade 5 and I believe in you too! Did you know that I have many heroes but one of them is you? I mean I know you’ve got help, but still you can deliver toys around in only ONE night, and you can make millions of toys before Christmas!
dear santa
i want to know if i come vist you in the north pole
Santa thank you for giving me every thing I want on Christmas morning. I`m so greatful We love you Santa Claus Love the McGraws
Please santa try your best with my one and only christmas wish xxxxxx
Hey, Santa!!! I’m in grade 5 and I still believe-in you!!!!
santa will you call me my name is Elizabeth Holloway
p.s I love you!
I believe in you so much lots of my friends believe in you aswell. All of my family believes in you, but anyway I hope you and your little helpers are having a great time at the north pole. Thank you for my letter.
I am 9 just making sure that you know I am a bit of a computer whizz kid so you might want to stick a few computer games.
it’s me monica im 11 so i think you should talk to kids over the phone more kids will believe in you.
p.s i love your happness
I cant wait till christmas and I hope you got my email. I can only imagine how busy the North Pole is this time of year. I don’t mind if you wake me up but try not to wake my family up please. See you around mdnight on xmas eve, BYEE!
hi im abbie im jodie hills sister please could i meet you i love you bye
Hi I am 10yrs old and like Caitie still believe in you like I mean who wouldn’t and anyone who’s on right now can see that Santa and his family and elves have made everyone so joyful on this special day in December so come on guys you know ( and I know you know!) I f you don’t believe you will not receive!
ho! Ho! HO!
I am so sorry that I am bugging you about this horse. I want really badly but I can wait about 3 years before I get it. I always wanted a horse. You are the ONLY chance that I have of getting the horse of my dreams. The Murgese horse went exstinct in the 1920s you see so they are rare and the breed now doesn’t have any of the original breed in it.So I’m just sayin its gonna be hard to find . Also look in Italy because thats were the breed originated from. Did you read about the horse i wanted in the other letter sent just a few minutes ago this is the same horse I want it just has to be black and a gelding.
I really do not mind if you get my presents mixed up it is the thought that counts hope you get lots of hugs and kisses oh can you please tell MRS claus ,the riandeers,the elves and of cause you have a great christmas and happy new year
Hi! I’m 12 years old, I don’t care what people say. They can make fun of me, but I still believe in you. Thanks for everything you’ve got me. 🙂
How are you doing Santa im in grade 6 and i believe in you
hi santa.i hope you got my letter and can you mack this wish come true i realy want my mom and family to have the best christmas ever and can you get a blue neckless for my mom and can you get autumn some dogy food and toys if you dont mind…. and can you please tell everyone at the north pool that i said hi please i love you so much santa claues
Hi, im kailey well you probly already know that well like 10 minuts or so ago i sent santa a letter and i found out im on the nicelist.well i wanna just say merry christmas and a happy new year when its christmas time and i get presents i will most certainly get on here and thank all of yall at the northpole.I hope that everyone knows that we celebrate christmas because our lord jesus was born on christmas day.p.s santa i wanna say you do a great job on christmas u deliever presents in 1 night!!! WOW!! i think thats impressive.
p.s keep up the good work elfs you are the ones who give us the presents that we all enjoy!! and finnaly raindeer u do a great job to you guys are the ones who get santa around the world i think everyone at the northpole is AWSOME!!
O wait wait wait a second!! i almost forgot dear mrs.cluas
thanks for feeding santa and taking care of him and for helping make dolls i really love them so thanks alot
xoxoxoxoxo Hugs Tickles and Kisses!!!
hi, how are you. i want to call santa so i can talk to him. i really believe in him soo much. i love him soo much too. thats why i want to talk to him. i never done this before but i want to do it.
i do have a phone and what is your phone number i want to talk to u!
dear santa, what is your phone number?
I am Niki and I am 10 years old , I have a sister named Dany and she is 12 years old. And I love you with all my soul and heart… What I want for Christmas is a project runway (from Costco) ,littlest pet shop (20 LPS from Costco)and a dog that dances with the music of the I pod/touch/phone
I believe in you and rudolf.if you cuold help me get rid of a stomic bug and help me and my family get better I would be so so so so so happy.All you have to do is just bring the right kind of medisines
i am back again my sister says hi to you and every one in the norht pole cna you please leave me a airsoft gun or a real monkey or a apple lap top
if it is ok with you may i ask you what your phone number is and adress? love you bye
I think emailing you is a good thing to do. i would do it every year (after im done with my homework or chores of corse). hope everbody has a merry christmas.
i love you i want to call you what is your phone number.i know you know what i want
I would like to calll and talk to you or an elf!
DEAR SANTA,does roudoulph really have a glowing red nose? where is the NORTH POLE located? CAN you please please get me a puppy dog i really want one. I think you are an amazing person because you can travel the whole world in one night and deliver presents.I want to see what you and an elf look like .Can you send me a picture of you and an elf?Can you tell Mrs.Clause that i will send her a present. MERRY CHRISTMAS SANTA AND MRS.CLAUSE ,THE ELVES AND OF COURSE THE REINDEER <
hi Santa i am jasmine and i am 7 years old my sister Selena is 10 and she is typing this i love you Santa with all my heart and believe in you so much i want zu zu pets for christmas
hi santa it is me racheal agian
write back
would it be ok if you give me your adress and phone number so i can send my letter p.s.please righ back as soon as rodoph flys
E-mail is a very safe way to talk to you. I know this site is safe and so is emailSanta.com. Merry Christmas!
i always ask an adult before i do something bad
Just wanted to say hii to the elves and you and mrs clause and ofcourse the reindeers x Hope you are ok this christmas and you are probably soooo busy x ill leave you now have a nice christmas yourself love you xxxxxxxx
i think that emailing you is OK but calling you is also OK but most of all is i could see you in person and can you please send my a letter and a sleigh bell from Rudolph please.
yours truly,
I hope your reading this. I love Christmas, it is my favorite Holiday. Well, The thing I really want for Christmas is a Video Camera. That would be really cool because I love making videos. I will also leave cookies on my dining room table for you this year. Lastly, It would be really cool if you can write a note or sign your name on a piece of paper when you come. You know where I live. I hope you come!!!!
You Rock! 🙂
Merry Christmas! 🙂
From your friend,
I hope my dog does not try to bite you, he may sound deadly but he is all bark.
p.s. I have a cat so the cat can be a little dangerous too. But they really like you and are exited to get their presents. Chicco the dog wants a sqeaky fluffy toy and chica wants a scraching toy. thx
Can i have all the things i want 4 Christmas
dear santa how big is your slae do you no sam poip thingk you not arnt rile not me
merry Christmas and a happy nwe year love from Fabiana
Dear santa merry christmas
love from fabiana
I think E-mail is the safest way because only Santa can see your email.
i dont no why but i feel the only person i can speak my mind to is santa and he knows that because of the letters i send him.
thank you
Dear Santa I really would love you to give me an LG KS360 for my christmas this year and that is all! I have been good this year but not top of the list!
Heyy santa,
I’m very excited this year but also sad my grandad died 19th of august this year and it’s the first christmas without him, and today is his 69th birthday and if you see him at all any where can you tell him we all miss him!xx Thanks santa I hope you have a lovely christmas and a very happy new year.
PS. This was written on the 19th of December!xx
thx santa i love you and will always believe in you!!!
Hello Santa, please, please, please, get your own email address!
you rock! I think you may know my friends grandpa his names Glenn Zenzel and he said you guys were in the army together! I really want to have a christmas dinner with you at the north pole!
i will never stop believeing in you even if you dont bring me what i want but i do realy want my ugg boots love you
i have never written that comment before you must have the wrong girl i am,sorry to correct you.
i want to see you at the shops but mum wont let me can you help me plus i love you i would like a nintendo dsi a pool and a scooter if you do not mind please send me back an email i would appeciate it so much i hope i have been extremely good this year but i only care about those kids who don’t get a christmas like we do because of the troubles they go through so i think you should care about them first not us kids that have got lots of toys i will speak to you soon.love candy! (smiley face)
i want u to come to my house and drop down these presents plz, a slider phone, a nissan micra, a beautiful doll house, a remote control toy car i am a really nice person so plz keep me on the nice list 🙂
love astha
please tell all the elevs up @ the north pole i said thanks for all my presents sinse i was 1 year old thank you to cuz without you i wouldn’t have got them thank you i love you I love you to all the elevs reading this and the reindeer too thank you all!!!
please i want a red camera for christmas
I never give people my e-mail address, or telephone number.And I never post things about me. Those are the two ways I stay safe online.
Hey I’m back so if you give me your phone number I would be happy and will tell you what I want for Christmas.
can you please give me sleigh bell this year
do you even have a phone number? Love you
hello santa i cant wait for christmas can you im so excitied bye!!!!
Dear Santa, I would just like to thank you for all the hard work you and the elves have been doing to make us all toys! (except the naughty children) Well Tell your elves and reindeer and also Mrs. Claus that I say Hi. I hope you come and bring me presents and eat these cookies and drink this milk on Christmas!
hello i want a pocket rocket for christmas and ps3 game called call of duty black ops.Also i want a football
Santa what is your number i wont to call you because i heard your messege love madysen
santa i am a little sad i get really sad every year i have a couple of questions for you : how many sisters and brothers do i have?, why do i get upset most of the time every year? also if you don’t give me what i wanted this year i will stop believing in you. and of course you know where i live just in case tell me where i live?
dear santa i would like an amercain doll for christmas.
i wish i get a trampoline a pillow pet and a dsi that would be most of it but i really want those three things
Hi! Whats your favorite reindeer? Mine’s rudeolf
– Indira
xoxoxox I love you
can you tell me your real nomber i wil ciep a sickerit
I wanted to say hi and I need you to do two things up there at the North Pole,1 can you say hi to all the reindeer and 2 can you say hi to all the elves and tell them thank you for my presents from (LAST YEAR!)Thank You!!!
hi, its mowa i am a nice preson so i should be on the nisce list.i want for christmas is for you to come to my hous and drop off these presents,slide up phone,mossage chair, lifetime membership on freerealms, laptob and a dsi.plz and elves plz tell santa to make those presents for me.?
i know you live in the NORTH POLE , but i want to know more
thank you for the letter 🙂
i am leaving you ,,, cookies ,coke and a carrot for rudolf 🙂 love ya x
hello Santa, please don’t give me a dog because my mom and dad wont take care of it but i will but there going to tell me take that dog out of the house
I cant wait till christmas only 7 sleeps
i cant wait until it is christmas santa tell rudolph i love his red nose
love charlotte
i think they should not post how old they are or there full name
love abbey
darasant cale iwant yorr pon numer
hi santa i am so looking forward to christmas only 6 more days untiil christmas Eve that when you will be on you flight .i am going to leave you coke and cookies .i hope my family has a nice christmas and i you and mrs claus and the elfs and the reindeers have a nice christmas to.lots of love from jack.xoxox
hi santa i really hope i get a mermaid tail for christmas!!!
I have a friend and she never gets anytheing for Christmas,”cuz she does not know your address!
My Mum says she’s sent all of my presants to you from my friend and family! Plus she says your a very busy man but you always find time for your computer and your iPad and your iPhone 4 is never going to stop ringing from all the perants to make sure your coming to their house for their little girls/boys!
Love you loads from Penny from SHEFFIELD ENGLAND UK
Can’t wait to see what you bring me this year! See you in 7 nights!
i love you and i miss you and i love miss claus and rudolph and the elves and prancer dancer and my nene said hey and we love you love nene and pierce.
I love this website because now I can talk to you!
Peace out I love talking to you on the internet! Love Ellie
Hope u gives me and u good
I’d also like to ask for: a computer, calculator, Nintendo DS, stamps, a really nice Christmas for our whole family.
i am haveing a nice countdown to christmas this year
hi santa hope i realy get all these presents i ased for your pal nicky
Hey Santa You Told Me To Write So I Did This Is A Very Good Blog Thanks For The Hugs And Kisses Love You Alll At The North Pole Especailly Mrs Claus xoxoxoxo xoxox
Dear, Santa could you kindly tell me what your address? Then I could send you letters every day! Thank you, Alicia
I’VE always wanted to send you a letter by writing it but I never could. You know why?Because I never knew your address!! I need to know now then I can write you a letter faster. Love,Alicia
dear santa what is your phone number
hi santa its me simran i would just like to say merry christmas because i forgot to write it in my letter
I hope I get what I want. I haven’t been a very good girl but i have been – I hope – a good girl
pleaseeeee give me a pony for chrissy
I hope that you are having a great Christmas with the elf’s, mrs. claus,and the rain deer!
I love you!
I left this messege to say. I really like snow i hope it snow’s on christmas i might send you a letter again thankyou santa for everything! Love from ricardo
i just wrote to you and i forgot somethings can you leave something for my dogs and cat? oh and when i ment when i said “and whats her favorite kinds of cookies” i ment to say “whats Mrs.Claus’s favorite kind of cookies”…oh and when i said ” i HOPE ypu read them” i ment “i HOPE you read them…have a awesome Christmas! tell everyone at the Northpole I said “MERRY CHRISTMAS!!”
i really really please want a male rabbit
I always let my parents see what i am doing and i think everyone else should to……. because you never know who your talking to
Hi Santa it’s Sarah thank you for the letter you sent me. if i get a laptop i will play reindeer games to. i hope you have had fun with the elves and will have fun on your trip around the world giving all the good children presents.
well sorry i have to go so soon so good bye
P.S have a safe trip here and back
Love from Sarah
How are you? Are your favorite cookies chocolate chips? You are so nice! Because
you give us presents, you don’t ask for anything for return.
Merry Chrismas
Dear Santa,
I am in 6th Grade I am 11 years old!
How are you? How are your reindeer? How do you make all those trips in one night?
I wouldnt be able to do that I would be so tired! I feel so sorry for you! What time do you get back to the North Pole Christmas Eve? And I have tried my hardest to be good! So I will not be upset if I dont get everything I want! Dont worry!
Merry Christmas!!
hope all is good with evryone,and GODD BLESS!!! (: LUV U!! <3 🙂
hey yall hope everyone has a good christmas!! (: <3 luv you all..
I hope to get some ggod things!! (:
peace out yall!! love you.. <3 🙂
i think be your self and to talk nice and not rude
Hi Santa i love watching the Huggabug club it teaches us about safety first,telling the truth and about the weather. I love MissAudrey and MissJudy in the Huggabug club. Please tell MrsClaus i said hi Have a Very Merry Christmas tell Rudolph Champy,Chico,Lady said hi Tell your elves i said Go Warriors my nephew Arthuro has a raiders stocking now
hope you have a merry christmas and some yummy cookies and milk to go with it 🙂
love<3 ginny
hope you have i ho ho happy of a christmas
How do you get to everyone’s house in one night & still stay awake? For me, that would be impossible.
What is your address and phone number
i do not think email is the best way to talk to you maybe you can call me and everyone next christmas so we can know what is on your mind too!
Santa, what are you doing right now? Are you painting? Are you making presents? Or are you hanging out with Mrs. Clause and having tea with her? Because I’m sure you will!
Bye bye Santa, see you later. <3
i cant wait till christmas i allways cant wait for all the cool present to come and say hi to mrs claus and the raindeers and the elfs how many elf are there? you got to have heaps because there are heaps of people and exspechley hi to you
Anything is fine wih me I am just happy I have Santas phonenumber
whats your phone number can i please have it
Have a safe chrismas Santa.You are probly
the six person i can trust.
can you send a picture of krislon me
thank you
i love you are the best it is ok if you do not get me all the preasant i want but could you try to get a i pod touch for me text you tomorrow love marissa
E-mail is the best way to contact Santa because if you have a computer you can E-mail him.
Hi santa I just want 2 know what is your phone number?
HI! I finally checked it out!!! So did the grinch steal your cookies yet!!!LOL
I know this might be hard and its ok if you can’t but can you try to make Halo the video game for PS2.
my name is tj Ilove christmas just because you bring us staf.ILOVE YOU
i am so excited only 8 more days entill christmas i rilly hope i get a puppy for christmas i hope u have i nice tripe giving present allaround the worldxoxoxoxo p.s love hannahxoxoxo
I really do wonder what the number is does anybody else?
i want your phone number? how is your favorate elf this year? what is your favorate christmas movie? doyou change your phone nmber,address every year?
I just wanted to say thank you for responding to my email. Iam sitting with my ext day teacher Ms. Jasmine and she says hi!!! Thank you for all you do. I love you!!!!
with love,
dear santa in the first note i rote to you wen i rote harry potter xbox360 i ment for xbox360
really nice of you and sorry i took alot of time and ill be really careful with my dog and here i am with my mom and dad take care and again merry christmas oh guess what santa i gave my friend a candy cane gift
great news about a new born
Good to know you’re looking out for us this Christmas and the rest of the year
I think that it is y7our secret to where you live so if I were you I would not tell the world.
I know another way to stay safe on the internet! Of course, everybody knows this: NEVER SHARE YOUR PASSWORD! I think emailing is the beat way!
i am your biggiest fan i fink you are fantasic
i just wanted you to know that mrs.clause you and the riendeer are verry verry nice. you guys are what makes christmas come to life even more!!
For christmas I really really really really would like a fur real friend -go go my walikn pup
hey you are the best cheers thanks for being you love katie x x x
how do you live eat and get your food?
so are all u elves very busy at the north pole i didnt evenknow if u can check all of these emails because i thought u elves would be to busy making toys
I have a problem,I never told anyone because I am afraid.
My problem is that my parents are like someone that is not on my side.
Sometimes I don’t feel safe at all,like now.
Hope you can help me.
love from Arveja
hi santy nice to see you agin anyway im so happy 8 ay till days till christmas anyway bye p.p.s love from rachel bye xoxoxoxoxox…
HEEY Santa ,
p.s. Any1 wanna talk??
-Angie 😀
you are awesome and cool tell all the elf’s i said hi and hello
I really think about Santa and I am new on this.So hi every one on this Website and to Santa.Santa I HOPE I am on your “NICE”
hi how are you doing how is your youngest elf and how is your oldest elf.how is your youngest reindeer and how is your oldest elf
Hey Santa How Have You Been Ive Been really Good This Year
Have a wonderful Christmas with your family!
Hey are you O.K. for christmas night because i want nothing your friend Drew
I love your red coat. and pants. and i want your phone number.
Hi i can not what in till Chrictmas.If on Chrictmas night I leave a letter out wiil you take it and right me back.I will leave out cookies and coack for you.My sister and me think YOU ROCK.
Merry Christmas! I’m being really good! And hopefully I’ll get what I want 😀
Hi, well, i hope guys joy your day because i am. Well, i hope you have maze christmas and in joy what around you, ur family, friend and everybody else too.
SO, take care. Oh, do you know what christmas dose make you smile, becaue i do. When you take to spend with everybody that you know about. Plus, all the fun, sometime there good and bad time. But, sometime there a smile on christmas cheer you up and then you heart give you spirit of christmas.
WEll, ya. Plus (Being weird) the present too you know what inside of them ….LOL
SO thanks you and merry chirstmas 😀
i hope everone has a ver merry xmas and at school we ceibrate xmas every year
xsara 9
i hope everone has a very merry xmas and at
dear santa claus i heard you on the town 102 this morning iam singing for you this year every one loves you and they will never forget you oh merry christmas and the elves and especially rudolph the red nose reindeer form beth nujeerallee
dear santa claus i will see you at the crown and i miss you lots merry chrstmas all of you including rudolph the red nose reindeer
what is ur phone number what is your Address
hi its nathan agen can you take me for a slay ride is that a yes or no ho ho ho
come to my hous and eat the cookes that are wating on my fierplas for you ho ho ho from nathan
I think that E-mail is a very good way to keep in touch because everybody can use it (but they can’t if they haven’t got a computer)
Oliver Kent
hi its nathan agen can you take me for a slay ride is that a yes or no
How mutch elfs do you have and how mutch work is it to prepare for Christmas?
Santa i would like to know your phone number also. And a your address. I am five and want to talk to you all the time!
I looove your blog.And if my mom saw your blog,she would be sooo happy.Because she wants to be veeeryy. Safe like you.
i really hope u have a good christmas
santa what is your phone nuber and email ?? xxx
When I grow up I want to help people just like you!!!
i wish you a marry Christmas the elf’s are doing grate and Rudolph you need to not sneez
when im on the internet i play games and read your blog 🙂
-Bethany| 😀 |
Dear santa can you please give me a photo
of one of your elves.