I am extra busy this year, especially with my new SantaChatter. So, Mrs. Claus is kindly going to answer some of your questions for me. One of her fav people asked her “Why Can’t Santa Come Visit Every Saturday?” Keep reading for her reply (with the secret reason)!
Well dear, that’s my fault.
You see, we have lots of mouths to feed at the North Pole. The elves, the reindeer, both Santa and I!
So on Saturdays, Clumsy the Elf and I go grocery shopping. He was the perfect helper, or so I thought…
Now you might be thinking…
Mrs. Claus, that doesn’t take all day! Can Santa come after you’re home?
Well, you might not know this, but Santa didn’t always like my baking!
We don’t have good ingredients here in the North Pole. So once Santa realized better ingredients means better cookies… He got to work!
Santa and the elves scratched their heads and tapped their chins. They crossed their noses and their toeses until one day… they had an idea!
Santa and the elves dreamed up plan after plan. Until finally… they built their first reindeer-pulled sleigh!
And this wasn’t any ordinary sleigh. It had to slide over snow and ice, lumps and bumps.
You might be wondering…
“Mrs. Claus, why doesn’t your sleigh fly?”
Well, Santa and the elves hadn’t built a flying sleigh yet! And, truth be told, I don’t like flying anyways.
My sleigh is green and gold. With a big green sack and one comfy driver’s seat. And guess what? Just one reindeer pulls my sleigh!
But where does Clumsy sit?
Well, Clumsy has to watch the groceries. To make sure none fall out the back.
So Why Can’t Santa Come Visit Every Saturday?
So every Saturday, Clumsy and I go get groceries. While Santa is busy at home, cooking and cleaning.
When we get home, the house smells of pancakes and sausages. Santa always makes breakfast for dinner! Sometimes, he even makes us a yummy mince pie.
Because Santa knows… grocery shopping means he gets tasty cookies again soon.
And that is why Santa can’t come visit you on Saturdays.
All My Christmas Love,
🤶 Mrs. Claus
P.S. What do you think Santa should cook for Clumsy and I next time? You can leave a message for me to tell me. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Santa I’m been good
Merry Christmas Anita!
Ho ho ho! That’s wonderful to hear! You can check if you’re on my Nice List here: https://www.emailsanta.com/naughty_nice.asp. Keep being your wonderful self!
Santa should leave you cheese and bacon
this is Caden can my elf come early
Merry Christmas Caden!
I think you better read this story about what happens when elves come early. HHHOL! 😉
yes you guys need a break sometimes! P.s. can my elf come early this year?
Ella, you should read this story about elves coming early!
Can elves come to your home early?
Hi santa
Merry Christmas Corey!
Daer Santa
Can you tell Elf
I got a list for him
He could cook you and clumsy kraft mac and cheese.
that’s my favorite.
Merry Christmas Megan!
You always have the best ideas!
Why can’t santa come every day except Saturday
You could cook Santa red beans and rice
Probably because he has to clean.
Merry Christmas Ella!
You are very smart 😉
I need some clothes lipstck
Why can’t dancer fly sleigh?
Because he pulls Santa’s sleigh
Santa why do you like cookies so much
dear santa claus can you please and thnakyou text me and give me some hope and help me make my bed and get my room clean and done and make it diffent and my elfs and elfs pets help me please and thankyou need thankyou love you hugs From your Friend Shannon
Santa i name 3 unborn reindeer name are 1 bambi 2 timmy 3 sammy Santa good name for 3 unborn reindeer name Rudolph enjoy his unborn reindeerson name bambi Santa let me know how reindeer and Rudolph doing ok write me back some day from Tonia Kline
Santa should make sweet cookies and minced pie.
maybe a chocolate flavored ice cream?
Dear Santa Its Me Again Officer Caleb I Want A Lego NINJA go setup Thanks xoxo
Dear Santa Its Me Caleb I want A Apple Watch And A Skateboard And A Xbox One 1 And A PS 5
Hi Santa Claus you are doing great the elf are working hard on toys the elf’s are nice and mrs Claus and Santa Claus are doing good all day can you please sent me a message on YouTube Aaliyah
dragons should pull it not reindeer
i think he could make ya’ll gingerbread cookies.
I NEED to try your baking, we can exchange cookies!
I think Santa should make you Toad in a Hole. To make, butter a slice of bread on both sides then use a glass to cut out the center. Put the outside on the stove and crack an egg into the center. Cook then serve. Merry Christmas!
Mrs. Claus,
I think Santa should make you and Clumsy chocolate chip Santa waffles, with sprinkles and whipped cream on top, and a side of bacon and eggs. Thank you for accepting my message.
The baby awakes uwu rarw x3 what’s this uwu notices your Baluch let’s have a little looksie here
Dear Ms. Claus,
I am Ashmika.
I heard from Santa that your cookies are delicious.
I would really love to try those.
Merry christmas!!!
Hi it me maleah again thanks for the present
why do you give us presents only at night
santa what am i going to get for christmas
Talvez deberia de cocinar Arroz o pizza para todos en el polo..
Santa tengo unas preguntas … ¿Como entras a las chimeneas de las casas? ¿y si no tengo chimenea como entras desde la puerta? y una pregunta mas ¿Puedes ver mientras escribo esto?
Hi Santa is me maleah I’m 13 now yay
Can u send me an Elf on the Shelf?beacuse