Wrapping paper machine meets Clumsy the Elf

Wrapping paper and elves
Clumsy the Elf meets wrapping paper!

The wrapping paper workshop is very busy this time of year.  The elves are trying to wrap all of the presents I will deliver on Christmas Eve.  (You can watch me delivering those presents  Christmas Eve on my Santa Snooper.)

Today was an “extra exciting” day in the wrapping paper workshop.  We lost Clumsy the Elf for a whole day and no one could find him!

The last time anyone saw him, he was near the wrapping machine.  Then, POOF!  He was gone.

The elves looked everywhere.  They looked in the toy workshop.  Then they looked around the Christmas trees.  They even looked in my sleigh, but they couldn’t find Clumsy anywhere.

The elves searched for hours but they still didn’t find Clumsy.  It was getting late, and we started to get worried.  The wrapping elves turned off the wrapping machine and the lights, and they heard a sound.

It was a quiet thumping sound.  It came from the bottom of a tall stack of wrapped gifts.  The elves got closer to the sound, and they could hear a voice too. It was Clumsy — he was inside a wrapped box!

“Help!” he called.  We were happy that we found him, but we had one problem. There were hundreds of wrapped gifts, and we didn’t know which box Clumsy was in!  How would we find him?

A Wrapping Paper Disaster!

I called everyone to help.  We started unwrapping the gifts to let Clumsy out.  We unwrapped so many gifts that the whole workshop was covered in all colors of wrapping paper.  Some of the elves jumped and played in the wrapping paper.  Some had a paper ball fight!  It was quite a mess.

Finally, I opened a small box with sparkly green paper and a red bow.  Inside, I found Clumsy!  He was so happy he was rescued at last.

Now the elves are very far behind on wrapping.  Some of you might get gifts that are not wrapped!

Clumsy said he would be much more careful in the wrapping paper room next time.  Only elves can jump into present wrapping machines because they are well trained.  Maybe Clumsy should stay away too!

Santa Claus

P.S. Do you open gifts slowly and carefully, or do you rip into them and throw the paper?  You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see how messy other people are with their wrapping paper!

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95 special messages to Santa about “Wrapping paper machine meets Clumsy the Elf”

    1. Merry Christmas! That is so kind of you to ask Davina! I’m as jolly as ever, busy getting everything ready for Christmas. How about you? I hope you’re having a magical day! ❤️Santa

  1. OMG clumsy is so silly! lol
    Merry Christmas!
    Clumsy the elf always makes me laugh Savina. He once tripped over tinsel and ended up wearing a whole string of lights like a scarf! Silly indeed!

  2. Santer your good luck I want to meet you some time
    Merry Christmas!

    Ho ho ho, thank you so much! I would love to meet you Christmas Eve (even if you are asleep) — until then, I’m always close in spirit, spreading magic and cheer just for you!


  3. Hello Hi There Good Morning Happy Holidays!!!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!! Season Greetings to all Everyone Family Children pets all over The World. And Santa’s Claus North Pole Village Workshop. I am so sorry that Clumsy the Elf was Stuck on a Wrapping Paper Machine I hope he is Okay better now I hope he can be Careful safety Reasons for Clumsy you are Doing a Outstanding Job. So as The Elves to as well and Lastly Santa Claus Mrs. Claus are Doing a Fantastic well Done Job for Christmas This Year. However That’s The Holidays Christmas is all about is Jesus Christ born on his Birthday and the Three Kings to as well. And Christmas is all About People Pets and Children Gather love Heart warming Thankful for the Holidays Christmas Season of this Year. And For Santa Claus Reindeers Elves and for his love one to Mrs. Claus to as well. I am so Glad that we all of us can be a Family Friends Together on This Tradition on Holiday Christmas Year 2023 has been a Great Year of all time much better year. We all of us in the Whole Wide World can all Agree. So Does Santa Claus and his Friends at The North Pole to as well. And My Family to as well. So as my Elf on the Shelf Boy Named EllFRED to as well He likes to play with me on This Happy Joy of Christmas Year fullness of Cheers. But Don’t you worry My Family and my EllFRED and Everyone at the World and I can s Rescue Save Clumsy the Elf. And that’s why we are here for. We all of us and the family’s Children and my Family and I could be with your Family to as well I Hope you really enjoy this Letter Santa Claus and for you to as well Clumsy. Happy Holidays!!!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!! And a Happy New Year!!!!!!! Sincerely Grant Peace Noel Love Everyone whole wide World and Lastly Santa Claus everyone at The North Pole.

    Merry Christmas Grant!
    What a wonderful message! Don’t worry, Clumsy is just fine. You can even chat with Clumsy yourself and ask him.
    ❤️ Santa

  4. I would love it if you clumsy elf would stop being clumsy for one day I would like to see if he could be mitore for one ful day

  5. I want to be kind to all Seades Support staff from now on so I have present’s this year and every year I promise you Santa xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. I Do Throw My Rapping Paper It’s Because I Just Can’t Wait To See What’s Inside The Presents I Just Love Christmas More Than Anybody Else Does!!

    Nevaeh ❤

  7. hi santa i would really like a clumsy elf next year for christmas plzz and i do not think we met but my name is hunter and i all ways get gifts from my mom and dad and santa never came to my house so santa i been super lonely and i would really like a clumsy elf plzz next year for christmas i love you santa we all love you happy new year santa 🙂

  8. hi santa its me hunter i do not think we never met be for and this year you never came to my house my mom and dad just did my gifts and i been sad and lonely but im ok i hard you give out clumsy elfs and i would really like one next year i hard you give them away so next year santa i would really like a clumsy elf plzz and if i get it next year for christmas i will take really good care of it happy new year santa i love you we all love you and tell mis cluase i love her and happy new year and i had a great christmas i got a cabbage patch kid and i love it but next year i would really like a clumsy elf HAPPY NEW YEAR SANTA :)))))))))))))))))))

  9. the flinststones abc family channel dvd some color light purple light purple light blue light color light dark blue different color shadow Black and blue

  10. I do both. When I am really excited then I open them by ripping. When I am in the middle feeling then i open them carefully

  11. Depending on the gift, I usually just tear it open. But sometimes my parents (because they know what’s in the gifts) tell me to open them gently. Hii Santa!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

  12. La La……….. oh hey didn’t see you there welll i sometimes rip it and sometimes i get siccors and cut gentley

  13. Hey I always wanted to know if you were going to be able to come to my house and with this covid 19 going on but I will always love you ❤ ♥ ❤ ♥

  14. I will always love you and always trust you ♥ ❤ so I was so happy to see Christmas is almost here and I have always loved ❤ you for a lot of reasons ❤ ♥ ❤

  15. I usually open my presents medium fast and medium slow too. I’m so excited about them but I want to savor them too. I don’t know why. I ❤ presents so much.

  16. I do it really slowly, because my Birthday is on Christmas Day and I don’t get ANY other presants over the year, sometimes it takes me WEEKS to unwrap my presants because I do them so carefully! I do save yhem up though! I also arrange the Presants from smallest to biggest and start to the smallest then after about 3 MONTHS I get to the last presant

    Bella/ Belle

  17. Hi Susan how are you Sanders I know I can’t read out OK I’m on the fence so nobody bacon and I have to go, thing on for the fence for Christmas you know deacons camera on the fence about it breaking into a house with him

  18. I rip them open but carefully so I don’t punch someone not my little brother Lucas Wright he’s two

    Thanks for reading santa

  19. i usually rip it LIKE MY LIFE! also, my friend joseph dosent really believe in you,he says that its just your parents that get the presents but that’s only on your birthday

  20. Hi santa. Could I have like,five more days to think about my presents. It is only September so I think that should be ok.but on the other hand I love chrismas,and would love it if in my stocking I could get some surprises and a little tub of pretty unicorn slime.that would be great. Also I rip it open and fling it at dad but he caches it and I say nice shot love Aiko.

  21. Hi Santa, I rip it open if it’s light but I’m careful when it’s heavy. ( P.S. thanks for the computer last year, I used it to type this 🙂

  22. I’m always in a hurry to unwrap the presents so I always tear the wrapping paper off very fast (but sometimes I’m careful)

  23. That depends but I’m usually carful so that I can rap up more presents for my mom, dad, sister’s, and brother next year.

  24. Hey Santa can you please make a blog about the reindeer and what they like and stuff like that. All I want is to have a description about every single reindeer.

  25. Dear Santa,
    We found Clumsy! He is in our classroom and said he was going to report to you every day! We hope you get this message. We are so happy Clumsy came to us!
    We love you,
    Mrs. Hunn’s First Graders

  26. Hi SC. This is Lucy. I loved the story The wrapping paper elf.It was the funniest story I have ever heard!I think Clumsy the elf is the funniest elf I’ve ever heard of.Tell him that, OK Santa? P.S. I unwrap my presents by ripping them open. Thank you for bringing me gifts every year!

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