Everyone keeps leaving me hints today it seems. Of course, at the North Pole, anytime anyone leaves a hint, we call it a Christmas Hint! HHHOL!
But there’s something that happens one month today and I can’t remember what it is!
The elves have been dancing around with jingle bells and leaving Christmas hints. They keep singing “Santa Claus is coming to Town” and saying “One Month Today!” They like to point to the big pile of presents they have been making too.
Sherlock Elf keeps telling me “Lots of good boys and girls this year, Santa”. And I’m thinking, did I forget to check my list and then check it twice? But I just checked it twice this morning. So it can’t be that.
The reindeer have been leaving hints too – they keep prancing around with their jingle bells on and saying “One Month Today!”
Even Mrs. Claus is giving me Christmas hints!
Even Mrs. Claus has been hinting – she keeps pulling out my suit and brushing it and saying “One Month Today!”
When I look at her strange, Mrs. Claus just giggles and smiles and says “there is something you do every year, dear”! And I’m thinking, did I forget to go to the dentist? But I just went last week. Hermey the dentist elf told me I have been doing a very good job flossing and brushing my teeth. No cavities! Hurray! So it can’t be that.
She smiles at me some more and says “There’s lots and lots of milk and cookies coming your way!”. And I’m thinking, did I forget to eat my veggies again? But I just had a nice salad for lunch. So it can’t be that.
I am stumped. Are they leaving me hints about Christmas presents? What could it be?
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you know what it could be you? Do you have a hint for me? What would it be? You can click here to tell me or, scroll down to see what other people have written!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I always email you from Mumbai.
Ciao Babbo Natale una signora che va a scout con me mi ha detto che è stata con te e ha guideato la tua slitta e ha anche una foto e oggi me la fa vedere e quando sarò grande ti verrò a trovare!!!!
I wuold lick a pc , xbox one and some games
love ashley
I. Think the Christmas hint is christmas
santa can you reply to my letters on your blog
Merry Christmas Leanne!
Hi! I’m Santa’s Head Elf (I take care of his email accounts and his cookie supply). Thank you for writing!
I did pass your wonderful message along to him. If you’d like to send your Christmas wish to Santa and have him reply, then the best way is to go to https://www.emailsanta.com/email_santa.asp . I know he’s waiting to hear from you! (He writes much better letters than I do and replies much more quickly too!).
If you tried to send an email to Santa using the link above and for some reason it didn’t work, please let us know what happened so we can help you! And most importantly…
Merry Christmas!
Santa’s Head Elf
its almost christmas, thing i really really would like is a puppy,people keep saying you do not bring them and that christmas is ages away but it is only 32 days+ people in my class say you are not real but you are
HI, Santa I wanta girl gnarly elf suitcase please and merry Christmas
I think you might have your own kid in 8 months! I think Mrs.Claus is preagnant.
Dear Santa
I would like a laptop for christmas I cont wait till christmas I love opening my christmas present I would like a computer for christmas
I been very good this year I wold for getting to leve a carrot out for the
Raindeer and some milk for the raindeer and a drink for Father Christmas love from natalie
clue1. you’ll be leaving presents
clue2. you’ll be flying through the sky
clue3. you’ve only got 14 DAYS to get ready
I seen you last year in 2013 Santa at Texas Road House.
Do you my friend Jensen Baird he seen one of your elves the elf loves crackers.
Mayb it means that you have to deliver presents.
I will have some treats for the reindeer when you come!!!
So Santa where do you get your suit cleaned? Does Mrs. Clause have a housekeeper? Is Elf from the Movie visiting you this year?Be Careful on the Roof, it’s slippery up there and really high!!!
Dear Santa,
I wonder what it is like driving in a sleigh all night….don’t you get tired?? In 17 days you will be driving around in that comfy sled….got it?
I want an iphone5s. Ask the elves and they will tell you that I have begged my dad forever.
Dear Santa
have a safe trip around the world
Love Asher xoxoxo
you ride around in you sleigh giving presents
I just want to say there will be a surprise next to you snacks <3
Christmas Is around the clock PS I want ever after high dolls please
Santa xoxoxo
i love christmas so much i should be the angel on top of the tree
It is not one month away anymore…it gets closer everyday!!
Hi do you know what santa’s email is so I can touch base with him if I’m naughty or good?
Its christmas were you come around and give the good girls and boys presents.
I dance around with jingle belles saying one month today
Can I have every Fall Out Boy album for xmas santa and maybe even a fall out boy t shirt
your best ever hint is i want a frozen yo yo and a elsa doll this is a impontent letter to you to Santa Claus
dear Santa i am sorry i did n get to see you today but for chirsmas i want a frozen yo yo
CHRISTMAS IN 19 DAYS!!! (Edmonton, Canada)
it is onley 19 day’s till christmas and pleas tall me what food you and the raindeer what me to put out thank you
Click click click are the hooves on the roof. There’s your hint Santa.
i wanna go to playlist live can you please get me tickets to see the shaytards at playlist live
how could you forget?! Christmas, silly!
who knows if anything I think their telling you that tis almost time for
Hello hello elves hello reindeer hello Santa Claus Is
The elves will be busy making presents rapidly until the eve of this holiday
Santa it is 20 more days till you give presents to the kids all around the world and it will be your day.
hi santa cant wait till the day comes
it means there is only one month til christmas
hi Santa your elf scout is amazing that you sent us
now for your hint
#1 you will be giving gifts to kids all over the planet
#2you have reindeer that will fly to help you
from Chloe
it is 19 days till the big day
you will be giving out gifts to everyone on the planet
December 24th which is Christmas Eve!
Santa can you reply to our comments???
Merry Christmas Kiley,
I would like to but then it means I don’t have as much time to get ready for Christmas! The best way is to email me at https://www.emailsanta.com/email_santa.asp and then I can reply back quickly.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. But don’t worry, the elves & I love reading all your comments!
I mailed you my Christmas list and I forgot 3 things! I want a digi bird and a sock monkey and a kitten. Everything else is on my list.
my hint is on a special paper look on the back and write one month backwards and read in the mirror
Dear Santa,
My name is Nicholas. I am 5 years old and live in Illinois.There are 22 days until Christmas, so get ready! Christmas is my favorite holiday, so be safe while you are traveling and handing out presents. How old are you? Have a Merry Christmas! Tell Mrs. Claus, I said hi!
december 25th is a very big day for you santa!
Hey. I think it might mean that one month today meaning this month today, that is December, is something special. Of course it is!!
it is 2014 christmas is on december 25 2014 get on packing.
Santa is so awesome awesome awesome awesome! I love you santa!
Your the best ever and i will give you a hint that is only December 2nd.Guess what i know what i am getting puzzles a lot because i have been a good girl so Shelby my moms friend is getting me puzzles but i want more from u too.
Hi can you write me back and I have a letter for you and a bit for you and hope you write me back I put it on my elf Dylan and he didn’t moved and gave it to you so can you somehow get it and I hope you did it because it is special to me and I really you can want me back bye
well Santa,they are saying that Christmas is coming! i hope you have a Merry Christmas yourself! p.s make sure to have a great time!
HI um I think that there trying to tell you that in a month now witch is alittle less then a month your going to be diliverig presents !But I asked you last year what you wanted but you didn’t tell me so if any of you guys know what he wants comment above please thanks!
Maybe the hint is you have your busiest time of the year coming up, so check your list Santa and you and the reindeer have a safe trip. No more moon walking comet.
Santa you are a nice santa you come and then leave you also are a giver you treat other people how you want to be treated I hope you enjoyed this song farewell
P.s this is a song you can sing it fast or slow
They keep saying 1 monuth to today because there is 23 more days till Christmas Eve not counting today! Your welcome p.s I want gum for Christmas and don’t forget I want alot more things
Santa it was all the cookies and milk that you are getting on what for it… CHRISTMAS EVE!! I i’snt it aovyos!!!!
You get in your suit on you get in your sleigh and give children presents.
It is when you put on your suit get in your magic sleigh and get a reindeer to pull you
It is one month till you come to town and they said that santa claus is coming to town you are coming to town in 24 days in till you come
THE END Kenzie
It means that it is one month until you bring presents
I think they are trying to say it is very. Close to christmas santa you better get that sleigh ready and make sure your reindeers are all trained up to fly across the world and just thought I tell you you are my inspiration to train hard and always be kind to never be a regent or cold hearted and to always be kind to little children and most in importantly to have fun for christmas making christmas cakes and christmas cookies and having fun in the snow put on christmas music and don’t forget the christmas tree aw and the colorful lights and to make sure to leave the milk or beer and the cookieson the fire place
its november 30 25 more day till CHRISTMAS!!!!
i love this time of year!!!! i also love decorating the christmas tree.
i think it means in one month you will be wearing that suit and when the elves say santa claus is coming to town it means he will be in our town today in a month . when the reindeer walk around with their bells that means they will be doing that a month from today
Santa it is only one day from today and it is what your famous for
it is the month that you give out presents and go doun chimnyss!p.s,i will leav the back door unlocked becaus i do not have a chimny!Elves prepare for this month all year!it starts whith a D.
I think it means you are going to deliver presents when they sing then jingle bells mean Christmas is coming and the one month today means Christmas is one month from today I am guessing.
it’s the on month you have to get ready for the BIG DAY CHRIMES you will have to do everthkig .
it means its one month till Christmas eve! how could you forget?!
well santa our elves havent came yet so when do they come?
U should get a time machine so u can travel back in time
the day after Christmas! get your sleigh ready!
Hey Santa! I think that they are hinting at one month till Christmas Eve! Although now, it’s about 25 days, so now it’s 3 weeks and 4 days away.
hi it’s komail here i sent you a letter last night i was hoping you resive it
hi Santa i think you a a little tired after delivering all those presents well bye Santa:)
I am so excited for Christmas to come!!!
Never touch an elf on the shelf on it will lose its powers.
Silly Santa how could you forget when you have been making presents all year it is CHRISTMAS :):):):)
You go to everybody’s houses and deliver presents to people. That day is called Christmas!
I think one month this today means that it is one month before Christmas! Rest well before the big day! See yaa!
I think it’s that Christmas is one month away
Hey santa i hope im on the nice list.
i think it is because christmas eve is on month away and when you come to town is on christmas eve and when you deliver presents and christmas eve is on the 24th so that is what i think
i hope u have a safe fligh in 27 days time ! love saffron
I think they are hinting that it’s one moth till Christmas Eve
mabey its that Christmas is one month away
Dear Santa, Can you give me a hundres bucks tis year?! You FORGOT last year. 🙁
I can’t wait until christmas! I asked for some a doll, and a violin! And a Frozen poster and a scooter! I <3 Christmas!
Well, though you blogged 2 days ago. It is Christmas Eve! You must have been so busy it slipped your mind. Have a safe flight!
hint:29 or 28 days till the big day
2:you do it every year
I am a Disney movie
I’m a princess that make snow
I was released on the day before Thanksgiving
This movie is the story of 2 sisters
Ok, What day do you go around, giving all the good girls and boys presents, (its starts with a c!) :3
1 you do it every year.
2 only you can do it
3 some people dress up as u at this kind of year.
tomorrow is thanksgiving so only 29 days til christmas an 28 days til christmas eve cant wait .! christmas spirit
Hint 1: The special day of the year, when we celebrate Jesus birthday.(true meaning of this holiday)
Hint 2: You’ll hear sleigh bells on this night
Hint 3: Cookies and milk are his favorite treat.
Hi! I think they meen that there is one month until Christmas day. Bye!
1.You give presents at this day
3.Children rush and see under the Christmas tree^_^![just like me]
4.You love that day too ,Santa.
5.It is one day before Christmas!
you need to bring everyone presents in a month
what is next month you do it every year it is in a month
WELL I THINK the a month from today is chrismas. That why I think they ben giving you hints and then saying a month away.
Search for the sparkly reindeer food on the gardens or garage roofs!
stockings people have fun it is a holiday
Hint 1: Visit emailsanta.com to see what day it is.
Hint 2: It is so obvious.
Hint 3: It will be Christmas
1. its very important
2. santa loves this day.
3. everyone is working one this day
4 it is the 329th day of the year or 330th on a leap year
5 what is 12 months minus 11 months and what day is Christmas and whats today
6 santa gets to eat cookies
7 the reindeers run on this day
8 theres two different lists
9 all nic kids get presents otherwise all the others get COAL
10 this eve is right before this day ( and its not new years I gave you a big clue)
11 you rush to your Christmas tree on this day
12 everyone loves singing these carols
13 its in December and its the first holiday
Can you guess the day Santa needs
to know !!!
Hint#1:one month till’ Christmas Hint#2:the day before Christmas(psst Christmas eve!)
Hint:you give something to all the kids
There is one more month until the big day. also known as…CHRISTMAS.
Today is November 25 2014 check the day! 1 month later exactly is Christmas day!
Omg its only a month till christmas . its like it was just yesterday . time to shine your sleigh santa and get the deer ready.
Hint: It happens only one time a year.
Hint two: You go all around the world to people’s houses.
Hint: The reindeer get to fly around the world.
Hint 2: You get yummy food.
Hint 3: ‘Santa got stuck up the chimney!!!’ on this special day!!!
santa tell the elevs to stop giving you hints they will stop I promise
25th Nov. 2014
1 month to go!!!!
Did you get my letter today? I hope you liked it!!
Hint 1: to day is 11-25-14 and 12-25-14 is Christmas
Hint 2: you do it every year
Hint 3: a lot of people LOVE it
it is christmas in 30 days that means one month today
Hint: Its something you do every year and only you can do it.
Second Hint: You need your sleigh for it.