Merry Christmas, oops, I mean Happy Hallowe’en everyone! Everyone at the North Pole is enjoying “Hallowistmas”! That’s what we call Halloween at the North Pole. Would you like to hear more?
The elves thought it would be fun to pretend they lived in Hallowe’entown this year. Instead of Hallowe’en this year, they wanted to have Hallowe’istmas! Well, things did not turn out quite the way we thought.
First, Clumsy the Elf thought it would be fun to “bob for presents” instead of “bobbing for apples”. Have you ever seen an elf with a soggy present in their mouth? It is not a pretty sight! We also found out that iPads and other iToys do not work as well after you dunk them in water! (Oops!)
Then the elves thought it would be fun to carve some faces into Christmas trees. That did not go very well either. First, Christmas trees do not really like being carved. Also, the elves kept getting stuck by needles! And of course, Christmas trees REALLY do not like it when someone sticks a burning candle in them!
Then it was time for some trick-or-treating. Mrs. Claus handed out turkey and cranberries for Hallowe’en treats. Let us just say turkey and cranberries are not quite what everyone was expecting in their goody bags!
I also found out something very important! The reindeer thought it would be fun to dress up as ghosts and fly around. So, they all put big, white sheets over their heads. Then they started to fly around. Guess what? Reindeer do not fly very well with sheets over their heads! They were crashing into everything! Even Rudolph with his nose so bright could not guide them!
It Wouldn’t Be Hallowistmas Without…
Well at least that old GrinchyClaus had fun handing out his smelly old socks. (He saves them up all year long you know!)
Well, that is all for now. The “Santa Claus Christmas Blog” will start again full time very soon now. I just wanted to tell you what Clumsy’ and the other elves have been doing. (I only hope they do not eat too many candies again this year and get a tummy ache.)
Merry Christmas! (Oops, I meant, Happy Hallowe’en!)
Santa Claus
P.S. Do you like Hallowe’en? Would you like to get turkey and cranberries in your goody bag? (You can tell me here. Or, scroll down to see what others have written!)

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
I love Halloween but I also love Christmas! Santa should send Halloween elves in October haha
Happy hallowistmas! It’s only 5 days until it’s time for Hallowistmas 2022!
Good job Santa for writing this you should be a Christmas author grate job thank u for Christmas
i want a lot of sour candy and gumes
i LOVE HAlloween i like the candy this year 2017 i was wayne from waynes world have fun santa
LOL (laugh out loud) That sounds soo fun I wish I was there!!! I bet the reindeer had a lot of bruises. I really can’t wait till Christmas!! I really have been a good girl this year!! Have a safe journey Santa on your way around the world. I will look out for you on the Santa tracker on Christmas eve.
i love turkey so i would be glad to get some in my goodie bag and yes i love cranberries and i love you
it’s cool that you did hallowen didnt do chrismas ps i think you are really cool
Amanda xoxoxox loves somebody in school named john
i hate halloween! i dont know why i just do…
I’d rather get candy not turkey and cranberies!!!
I luv halloween
I LOVE Halloween! But, I would rather get candy than turkey and cranberries.
I was just wondreing what do you want for christmas.
Sorry Santa this is my first time on this websiet and this is the first time I have seen this blog! I think that, that is soooo cute!!! LOL!!! (Laughing Out Load) Merry Christmas!!!! P.S. I have been 100% good this year as you know!!! PP.S there are a few spelling errors!! Bye.
I hope all the elves get all the toys done by december 23rd
i do not like to get those in my goodie bag .beause you should get candy not turkey and cranberries.
i kx09piojsj mjmikdkijxcij ,ndndnsnl ;f aepo g;wrejgtbnpbweg upds
Hi on halloween i went to a party at my friends house we went trickle treating aswell,i dressed up as a devil and i got lots of sweets and goodies. Hope you had a good halloween aswell
It would also be a bad idea to stuff candy inside of turkey instead of stuffing.
Christmas beats Halloween by a long shot. i cant have candy anyway because i am diabetic. so i have many more reasons to love christmas.
i would not like to get turkey and canberries in my goody bag!That is for Thanksgiving.I would want yummy CANDY!
for christmas i want to be a pink samri ranger
Hi Santa,
I am so exited for Christmas!
It is my favorite holiday ever!
thank you so much!
will I get a paintballgun for Christmas will i get the bullets will iget the rollercoster thing
I loved Halloween i dressed up as micheal myers out of the film Halloween and we set of fireworks.And had a party and the next day i could hardly go to school (i got out early cuz i been sick)LOL i love christmas more than halloween AND I THINK THIS IS THE FIRST COMENT!!
santa im nice and for christmas i want to be the red samurai ranger