Christmas Tree Decorating

Christmas Tree Decorating
Christmas Tree Decorating

It is getting close to Christmas. Have you done your Christmas Tree decorating yet? I love Christmas Trees. Not to mention I love to decorate them too. But I always use too many lights. Mrs. Claus and I always cut down our own Christmas Tree. Do you cut down yours? Or, do you have an artificial one instead?

It does not matter what type of tree you have. The only thing that matters is that you love it. When your tree is decorated, I bet it looks beautiful. I love to see a beautiful Christmas tree when I am delivering presents. Continue reading “Christmas Tree Decorating”

Christmas Decorations Parade at the North Pole

Christmas Decorations Parade
Christmas Decorations Parade

Christmas Decorations Parade at the North Pole!

Every weekend before Christmas a different group of elves puts on a big parade.  It is a lot of fun.  After all, everyone at the North Pole loves a parade!

Tonight, the elves that make the Christmas decorations and ornaments put on their big parade.  I think their parade is the prettiest and maybe the silliest.  Would you like to hear more about their Christmas Decorations Parade? Then keep reading!

Continue reading “Christmas Decorations Parade at the North Pole”

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