Many of my friends ask me, “How old are you Santa?”
I also hear people whisper, “Is Santa Claus old?”. “What age is Santa Claus?”. Or, “When was Santa’s birthday?”.
Would you like to find out the answer to those questions?
I laugh when I hear them whisper about my age. After all, I may be very old, but I do have very good hearing! HHHOL!
Yes, everyone wants to know how old I am. Can I tell you a secret? I am just a wee bit older than Mrs. Claus. But don’t tell anyone. Mrs. Claus doesn’t like people to know how old she is. So, I tell people “I am a wee bit older than my whiskers. And that is all Mrs. Claus will let me say!”
I guess I better keep my whiskers. Otherwise, I won’t be able to say that any more! HHHOL!
Sometimes, to keep people guessing, I also say I am as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth!
Jokes About “How Old Is Santa Claus?”
And then of course there are all the jokes the elves say about how old I am:
“Is Santa Claus old?”
“He’s so old, when he was little, rainbows were in black and white!”
“How old is Santa?”
“He’s so old, he was the crossing guard when Moses parted the red sea!”
“Is Santa Claus old?”
“He’s so old, dinosaurs used to pull his sleigh!”
“How old exactly is Santa?”
“He’s so old, he has an original copy of the Ten Commandments!”
And then there were all these ones too!
- Santa is so old he used to get mail by carrier pigeon.
- He is so old, he went to school before they had history classes.
- Santa is so old, he has an autographed Bible.
- He’s so old, the movie “Jurassic Park” brought back fond memories.
- Santa is so old, his birth certificate says “Expired” on it.
- He’s so old, he knew Burger King when he was just a prince.
- Santa is so old, the candles cost more than his birthday cake.
Oh, those elves are so silly!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
P.S. How old do you think I am? (Scroll down to leave your message for me or to see what others have written!)
P.P.S. My Grumpy Elf now has a whole web page answering “How Old Is Santa“!

A right jolly old elf, in spite of myself. I love Christmas, children, the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen & the list goes on!
My title is CEO: Christmas Elf Online.
Merry Christmas!
Dear santa I think you are very old. Merry christmas. p.s say hi to Mrs Claus for me please.
thank you. Love sienna + charlotte.
Merry Christmas, Sienna and Charlotte!
Ho ho ho! You’re right, I am quite old, but Christmas magic keeps me feeling young and jolly! I will give Mrs. Claus a big hug and tell her you said hi! She will be so happy! Keep being wonderful and spreading Christmas cheer!
he is 1,754 IRL
Merry Christmas, Jamarious\Jamari!
Ho ho ho! That’s quite a number isn’t it! If you’re curious about my age, you can find out here: https://www.emailsanta.com/santa-claus-faq/how-old-is-santa-claus.asp.
10000 year old
Merry Christmas Mya! Ho ho ho! I am not 10,000 years old, but if you’re curious about my age, you can find out here: https://www.emailsanta.com/santa-claus-faq/how-old-is-santa-claus.asp ❤️Santa
Happy holidays, friends.
Merry Christmas Kolin!
What a cheerful greeting. I hope your holidays are filled with magic and joy!
how ord are u plsssssss tell meeeeeee
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho! I’m almost as old as Christmas itself, but you can learn all about it here: https://www.emailsanta.com/santa-claus-faq/how-old-is-santa-claus.asp
Are you real?
One of my friends said you are not
Merry Christmas Alfie! Of course I’m real. The magic of Christmas is alive and well in the hearts of those who believe, just like you. ❤️Santa
how old are you sanata are you reallyy yess orr no i need too now pleaes
Merry Christmas Alexandra!
Ho ho ho, I’m as old as my jolly magic! You can learn all about my age here: https://www.emailsanta.com/santa-claus-faq/how-old-is-santa-claus.asp.
And of course I’m real! The magic of Christmas is real too, and it’s in your heart.
Merry Christmas Santino!
Ho ho ho! If you want to discover just how old I am (it’s a magical number, I promise), check here: https://www.emailsanta.com/santa-claus-faq/how-old-is-santa-claus.asp.
i think maybe you is 1762 years old
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho! That’s a very good guess! If you’d like to know exactly how old I am, you can check here: https://www.emailsanta.com/santa-claus-faq/how-old-is-santa-claus.asp!
Dear santa claus,
how can i give you a letter..
Merry Christmas!
Oh, how wonderful Nadinsa! You can send me a letter by visiting this magical link: https://www.emailsanta.com/email_santa.asp! I can’t wait to hear from you!
Merry Christmas!
Ho ho ho! That’s a very good guess, but if you want to know exactly how old I am, check this out: https://www.emailsanta.com/santa-claus-faq/how-old-is-santa-claus.asp . Spoiler alert—I’ve been around for a very, VERY long time spreading joy and cheer!
Santa is the best
Thank you for your kind words Amir! That’s what Mrs. Claus and the elves keep telling me too!
❤️ Santa
santa is real
i guess 1,752 years old
{P.S Santa i am so sorry if you see this comment.}
I love u santa
i think youre over 1000 years old but you look like youre only 50
age matters not you look good however old you are im not kidding
I dont know he never told me.
you are immortal
I guess 80
HiiHiiii,, Santa! I LOVELOVE christmas!
Santa is 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Billion years old
you 1,385,530 yrs old. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
santa is 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
are you 9,87 years old i think your real and your watching me now and are you coming on christmax.
I think you are real, and I am doing this for fun…I think you are 1,000,000,567,890
Hi Santa I had a grate day
How are you today
I think you are at least a thousand years old.
Answer are you hundreds of years old or not I love you Santer bye
i know how old he is i looked on the internet. he’s 1,750 years old.(hi santa)
i know how old he is i looked on the internet. he’s 1,750 years old.
hi Santa I think that your age will be 1750
How is she now cattleya Dallas Austin stars
I heard that Santa is 1,750 years old on this site, ( emailsanta.com ) but that doesn’t matter to me. I just know that he’s kind, and that’s why I love him!
( and he LOVES Cookies )
Before I found about this website ( emailsanta.com ) I thought you were 2,000
Or 500
Santa is 1750 in 2020 and Mrs clause is 1138 in 2020
Please may I get sent an elf on the shelf.
santa you are 1,750 years and Mrs Claus is 1,138
Also Santa thanks for the presents you gave me over the years!
I saw Santa come down my street about 30 minutes ago!
I know how old Santa is! He is 1,750!
I think you are 1,775 years old santa
Oh ya i’m in grade2 and i’m 7
Hello Santa
He is about 100 years old
In 2020 santa claus is 1,749 years old!!!
santa i know you are a saint just because you give presents to children but i wonder if you can really get my presents
I think you are 1,749 years old
when can I ride in your slay because ive bin asking you ever since I was in 2 grade and now I’m in 5th grade?
santa your 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years old or infinty years old
Hi Santa,
Its Miley I think you are 1750 years old. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Also I have seen Santa haven’t I Santa!!?? Remember in NJ, USA at the tree farm me and my whole family saw you!!
I think Santa is 7 trillion years old
Hi Santa
I was wondering do you let everyone visit you in the North Pole or do you basically let the Elves in.
I would say he is 100 years old what do you think that might be a theory about more than a thousand years old that would mean he is the oldest person in the entire universe who knows
Santa is not that old as we would think
I think you are 1,749
P.S. Thank you for all the presents you’ve given me over the years.
here is a fact
2 years ago Santa was 1,746 years old 1 year ago Santa was 1,747 years old this year Santa is 1,748 years old am i correct Santa Claus?
Hey Nicholas it’s your fave girl in Driffield Ariel i think you are 1,748 years old because although your old you are still holly jolly i’ve seen you last year last Christmas when you thought i was asleep and as the saying goes ”he sees you when your sleeeping he knows when your awake he knows if you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake” by the way next year it’s mine and my dads birthday on the 2nd of march 2020 and ill be twelve and my dad will be thirty eight remember kids 38 more sleeps till Nicholas arrives
I like Christmas and even though it’s only Halloween, SOMEONE GET ME A TIME MACHINE SO I CAN FAST FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS EVE! Thank you, HappyKitty.
I think you are one thousand, seven hundred, and forty-nine.
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
santa is real my mom told me all of you…he is true!! be kind and merry christmas!!!
It says on the site and google that Santa is 1,748 years old.
you are 1746 years or 1747 ps it says on the site
1,747 years, 11 months, 19 days, 22 hours, and 22 minutes old
I’ve heard Santa is 1’747 years old, but I don’t care if he’s a little old, he’s kind and thats why I love him!
i think you’re 1 billion 11111111111111105059483017309578193875109837198723-0491723-9841-209381-092834-109823-04198230-41820983-094586-0398450963804958-0890-9582-0948209342534856198361892736598264359872634598276438752643987562987465298746529874652978465926478256398476529873469285734
There is NO WAY he is that old! He is 1,749 years old! BTW, there is NO WAY he could be that old! HUMANS didn’t even exist! The UNIVERSE didn’t even exist! your answer is completely wrong. Sorry!
Don’t get me wrong where I’m beginning to believe in Santa Claus again and he is definitely real…but also read the stories about Saint Nick and Saint Nick was the inspiration for Santa Claus.
St. Nick was born in 270 A.D. and unfortunately passed away in 343 A.D. But definitely still lives on in spirit 100% x infinity. And honestly these calculations were not easy where I think Santa Claus is 2,447 years old as of 2018. I did some research into this where 400 B.C. is 400 years before Jesus was born where you would think 1500 A.D. is 1500 yrs. after Jesus was born but it’s actually 1,499 yrs after he was born since A.D. began at 1 A.D. and there’s no year 0.
Here are my calculations: 270-1= 269 and 343-1=342. Take 270+269=539 and you also take 343+342=685. You add the two sums 539+685 = 1,224. Then you do 1,224-1=1,223 and then you add those 2 results up 1,223+1,224 = 2,447.
Everyone is saying that he is 1,747 years old.But I think Nick “Santa” (Mordern) Claus is 93 years old and turning 94 ,December 31.
you are real.
thats the only thing i know
Santa you are 1,747 and Miss Claus is 1,735 years old!!!
P.S. i am preciois angel
Let me give everyone a fact about Santa Claus. Saint Nicholas was born in 270 AD. That would make him 1,747 years old. Santa is getting ready for his round-the-world trip. The first Santa was called St. Nicholas but his was changed over the years to Santa Claus.
Dear Santa I think you are 1747 years old!
Hey Santa. Every ones not even close ’cause your age is beyond count. Also if it’s not much trouble could you please get me a pink, fluffy Unicorn for Christmas. AAlso we’ve got a bit of cookie shortage in the house so apologies for not having any cookies out this year.
I think you are 1092 years old or more or less and I hope I am right
I think you are 1747 I looked it up but I don’t really think it’s true is it that you were born in 270 ad I don’t really understand that so I wasn’t really sure I just saw 1747 so I think that’s how old you are
Santa i think in 2017 your 1747 years old i love you xoxo
I know exactly how old he is. He is 2017
Santa I think you are 123,456,985,439,765,456,787,654,323,456,785,432,987,654,567,876,543,456,752
Santa I don’t know how old you are but I think your 100 love you
PS please bring that Bruder Autotransporter
Ebbw vale
united kingdom
Santa I don’t know how old you are but I think your 100 love you
Ebbw vale
united kingdom
santa are you 100 years old also can I see a elf in the santa cam and it has to be a naughty one
Hi Santa I saw that you did a video for me and my brother. I think it was the best video I’ve ever seen and my brother was so silly in that pepper pig costume. How did you get those photos? I so love you. When you come you will not see me because I’m at mums Christmas Eve. When you come to dads I hope you will like owe Christmas tree and the picture I drew for you. The picture has Rudolph steeling the candy cane from you and flying away with it and he throws it at the other reindeer. The other reindeer dropped it on the floor. Now you can’t eat it but you can eat one off owe tree if you want one. Rudolph said haha. By the way is your favourite colour red? Just guessing. I love you Santa.
All my love Alannah
dear santa the other kids are wrong i think your 22ys
Hi santa I think you are 1,747 years old.
Dear Santa it is about 10:20 here in colorful Colorado.I personally think that you are approximately 155 years old.
I think you are still young like about 113 years o- I mean young so Mrs Claus should be about 109
If you don’t mind could you tell Rudolph that i am doing a play on him. i will be playing as him. i think you are about 1,243 years old
I think you are 1432589w790246000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000…111135677876544777785756w64w347287476356473889746732819`0-0`0“““““`9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999911111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111191111111111111111111199999192913764654664732819837463784765374563765437465
santa is 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 old
1,747 years 0 months 1 day 23 hours and 1 minutes
Dear Santa, how do you get around so fast?
I’m not trying to cheat but i just looked it up and it says Christmas has been around for 7,00 years! that is crazy!
No matter what people say you are still real to me
i still remember the year i wrote the note saying “Dear Santa are you real?” and i still think its crazy cause you wrote back “Shay I’m only real as long as you believe me!”
P.P.S i still think your incredible your favorite kid (not the favorite but one of them ; ) he he) and Thank you for a great Christmas
I think you are 1747 or somewhere close to that
I think that you are as old as St.Nick. Why? BECAUSE YOU ARE ST.NICK! =D
P.S St.Nick is 1,747 years old! 🙂
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000years old
Hi Santa Claus!
I think you are 1747 years old!!!
From Mitzi 10, Australia, Victoria
I hink that Santa Claus is 1,746 years, 11 months, 25 days, 0 hours and 31 minutes old
Santa is fwee yers old like meee
your mum, 3 yers old
Ho Santa I love you I think your 1747 years old I can’t wait to Christmas it is 2:39 pm for me in the afternoon of corse ho ha Ho out loud haha or Ho, ho, ho! Love Kalim
I am letting you know I’m not going to be here on Christmas day . I’m going to Kentucky ! I’m letting you know so you can find me. Anyway I think your 1,00,12300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000!
Dear Santa,
I think you are 999,999,999,999+ because my great-great-great-great-great-great-great- Grandma saw you. Love Nyia xx
Hi santa my mum caught you last year and took a photo as she was putting out food for our cats. By the way, I think you are as old as time because you were still around when my great-great-great-great grandpa was a boy and he turned 3040 last week. thank you for helping us out santa.
Santa, You must be really elderly*, considering that you have hosted this WONDERFUL holiday for many years. I hope you enjoy delivering many presents this year, as you have in the past. Now matter how old you are, you will always be, The Father of Christmas! Happy Holidays and have a happy New Year!
*old, wise, experiences, loving, caring, judgmental, inspiring, positive
how old are you
can i visit you
can i pat your reindeer
i want to see you
can i see some photos of north pole
i have not said this twice!!
haii santa! i think your 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 centuries old. JK JK JK XD sorry im in a silly mood haha
Dear Santa,
I think you are 174, because once I asked you last year and you said you were 174 years old. You could be also be 175.
-Jessica (The girl from pomona!)
Santa, I think you are 1,617, because you had to be born around the time of Saint Nicholas, for people to be mixing him up with you.
Hello Santa, I think you were around in the bronze age!
My pets think you created the world!
I know you weren’t because you wouldn’t of survived the Big Bang!
Wow, gosh! I think you are 1745 years old!!!
Ps, Please answer if i’m correct in the next letter i send you!
I think Santa Claus is the OLDEST PERSON LIVNG
I say you are 1,746 years old at age
Hmmm, I believe Santa Claus is about 114 years old, considering he began giving presents to children in the early 1900’s. (No offense to Sanga claus) I ❤️ Santa!!!
Addison, (10yrs)
Hi Santa, I don’t care how old you are but I think you are 143. Love Sarah
Hello Santa, I don’t mind how old you are but I think you are 143. Love Sarah
Dear Santa,
I am really grateful for you . Also thank you for all the presents you gave me. You are the most wonderful person thank you for all the things that you did for me.
How old you are Santa would depend on how old Christmas is and Christmas is thousands of years old.
Hi Santa! I hope all is well for you up there. I know this is a busy time of the year so I’ll keep it short. Please give as much of your love as possible to the children that need it the most. Some children struggle everyday just to live. Let’s help them have a very special Christmas.
I love you Santa❤️ I’m not trying to hurt your feelings but your probly like 9000,000,000 years old
dear santa i an wetting my self to know what age you are but i will give it a try first i think you are 66 well sorry if i didnt get it right love from jordan
now i love cristmas but i think that father santa is 1000 years old and i love u santa soooooooo much
i want to see you this Christmas so i can thank you for all my presents
p.s you the best person in the world
Dear santa,
i think your 1,732 years old
Dear Santa Claus,
I just want to thank you for making the children all over the world and made me happy as well, so thank you very much sir.Merry Christmas santa. love, bryce williams. P.S. can you mail me a letter from the north pole.thanks. oh and tell the misses i said hi.
Hmm i think you are about 911 or 80-90
i think santa stop counting when he got up to 550 years old
I wish for a real doctor’s set with all different kinds of things like all the things that doctors use. I think that your 30 years old.
I think that you are 120 years old. And I want a easy bake shop for Christmas, and I want some candy, lots and lots of candy. Merry Christmas.
P.S. I’m going to e-mail you next.
I think you’re 56 years old. And I like you’re elves, and I’m glad my elf friend is one. Or cookie dough as he’s called. Merry Christmas.
P.S. I hope that cookie dough shows me around the workshop.
i want a iphon4s 8 more skylanders airswimmer shark kind PLAES im wondering if my adoptid elf is beter love augustus
you are 69 years????
i hope SNOWellf can come soon.
i think you are thousands of years old.!!!! i want for Christmas a laptop a chocolate money maker and a pair of roller skates.
Dear Santa,
I think you are 110 years old. Love, Rowan.
dear santa,
i just wanted to now how old r your elves
your friend
dear santa,
i wanted to now how old are yor raindeer
and how old are your elves?how old is mrs.claus?
your friend ariana
ps am i on the nice list?
Thank u santa for all my gifts last year and I’ve been a really good girl this year and want the american girl doll.the one I want is ivy, thank you santa.
Santa I think you are 345, thank you for bringing me all my gifts.
Dear santa I’m Walt Disney World for Christmas, we’re coming back on Christmas Morning. l also want a Nerf Longstrike CS-6, I also want a Lego star wars Slave 1 2010 series, I also want a Lego star war B-wing fighter 2006 series, and I also want a Nerf Alpha trooper CS-18, and I also want a Nerf Stampede ECS-50
hi im rebekah and im 8 years old.iseem to think that u could be a 5000 years old,say hi to everyone santa .
hope to see you soon
how old are you? i really want to know. i’m just cereous.
i am good because i am a friendly guy and help people out
i believe in yu and please give me of christmas a 3ds i knew it is a long time to christmas i hope yu injoy i think your 2000 years old if yu not it i tryed
I think santa is 4000 years old!
Because you have a beard.
I know you live in the NORTH POLE!!!!
hi santa I think you are 93 year old.
I think Santa is 550 years old.
oh and thanks for all the presents!
Santa i think you are 92 years old and mrs.claus is 90 years old
I think you are 1,000 years old I love toys
hi santa i think you are 200000 years old. lov rheannan
hi, santa I think you are 80 years old! love,
I think that you are 102 years old. Thank you for bringing me Lanie!
well I think you dont have an age because im just guessing.
hi santa I think you are 1000 thoasand years old bye
hi santa thanks you for bieng me lots of toys xoxoxoxoxoxo
my little brother yahir sand you a letter but he broke that promise he put blocks in his mouth and fight with my little brother edwin
hi santa my name is melanie and im am 9 years old and i believe on you
hi santa thank you for all the presnte you brought use
i think you are the same age as god theres no other reson to say it you just have to be near him. i know you guys are great friends and tell father time he is my fav hero he keeps us alive ehehee see yah later and merry x-mas i love you ssooo much i dont care how old you are. p.s. xoxoxoxoxoox
I think you are as old as humans themselve
Santa I believe you are only as old as you feel. No matter how old you are you are still young at heart and that is all that matters.I also believe that god made you santa for a reason therefore no matter how old people may think you are god created you for one reason, and thats for all the boys and girls around the world. You are the one person that probably doesnt really have an age because your santa claus. We are so excited for you to stop by our house. We have tried to be very good nice kids for our mom and dad, even though at times it can be hard because my brother & sister including myself do get on eachothers nerves quite a bit. But no matter what I still love them. We will keep trying to be good kids because all year we look forward to your arrival christmas eve. Hope ur travel is safe tonight Please tell Mrs. Clause merry christmas from all of us. Rilay Adam and Brynn
Hi Santa I think you are 200 years old!
Love Lilly me I’m five year old!
hi SANTA!!!!
are you going to give me a present out of my balcony and i put a BIG FAT STOCKING on my door for you to put present and other places that you can put your present.i believe you. can you say to Rudolph i said hi . i wish i could meet you and a reindeer, but my balcony is old so you shouldn’t land it there just for safety.Please don’t put me in the bad list. i made cookies but i ate it but i have chocolate cookies for you to eat . good night to all of your family and you. Merry Christmas.
Yo wazzup
i think ur about 230 years old but man ur working hard!!!
Merry christmas!!!
I think you’re not too old but not too young either! 🙂
your 550! i just know it thats wen u stoped counting!
i like your hat! cause it is cool! like spiderman…
I think you are 1,000 years old and Mrs. Claus is 876 years old.
Ooops, I mean I don,t think you look that old <:})
hi I am 8 years old and I think you are 800 years old and now that I side that I want to say that you don’t think you don’t look that old.
santa you are not to old you are so jolly you are my idol you make me well want to do something for others like you give everybody what they want if they have been good so a few days ago I was at harmons and a dude was ringing a bell he had no money so since your my idol i gave him money my mom was so proud of me i know the true meaning of christmas its giving not recieving thank you for doing well everything love trinity
mr.claus I think you are 55 years old and mrs. cluas is I think she is 50 years old. bye bye santa Claus
P.S. Jasmine thinks that Santa is 4652 years old, Taliya thinks Santa is 20 hundred years old, and Jaide thinks Santa is 15!!
Dear Santa,
Sup dawg!! We know your real because you give us presents. Jasmine would like anything Justin Bieber (or Justin Bieber), my own dance studio, and shoes. Taliya would like a doggie doctor kit, a cop car, and a little dog that has a leash with it. Jaide would like a Justin Bieber doll and a red car and a big barbie car. Have a safe trip and enjoy the cookies and milk!
Love Always,
Jasmine, Taliya, and Jaide
derfhregiuer ghrehfrfhrgurfg rfgbhiufh
you are the best man that i no santa Xxxx
i think youe very old because be alive from the start of the world i think your 3 million
i think santa is old i think he is real
say thank you to the elves from mia bowers if they give me eney gifts good luck on your big trip all around the world merry christmas love, mia bowers
santa i think your about 1000 years old sorry if i hurt your feelings.
i think you are old ! ha ha ha !!!
ps: about 2088
dear santa i think you would be about 2010 and in 2011 you will be 2011 im sorry if i hurt your feelings
Dear Santa, I think you are 2357 years old!I really want to know your real age though.By the way my brother wants a space station with a rocket.Bye-bye.
i think Santa Claus is about 56 years old
Dear santa how old do I think you are I say you might be 3000.000.. years old older tha jesus ty miner
I am thinking around 210 years old sorry if I hurt you for saying you are very old.
how old are you santa i been a good boy this tear
I visited you at the State Bank in Escanaba, MI. And I like the picture that you gave in the letter that the elfs said to put my adderess on the little card so that you know I was next. And last year you gave me a picture of you that was a nice picture of you to! And I would like to know your adderess so I can write to you to see how you are doing. How is Mrs.Cluas. Why does Mrs.Cluas not let you tell your or her age at all.And it would be nice to know when your birthday is to tell you Happy Birthday!I love you Santa and have a save trip on Christmas Eve!
dear santa
i want to now if i am on the nice list? and i think you are 209 years old sorry if i hert your feelings.but I LOVE YOU SANTA AND I LOVE CHIRSTMAS!!
Hi Santa it is me again josh for christmas i realy want griptape . Santa
how old are you leave a coment.
from josh smale.
Hi santa I heard you are heading to Dundee would you come and vist me,you know where i live dont you? Please vist me
Can you tell me about the elves that live in Dundee and what they like?
i think u are about 87 you mite be old but ur still the best
hi santa do lov puppies i do there so cute on christmas
god bless santa
hi santa i think u r 60 srry if i hert your feelings
19 years old. That is how old I think you are.
zoo bob, i love you
Dear Santa,
do you watch neighbours? i do with my older sister and we both think that it is soooo awesome!
Santa for christmas could you please get tickets for me and my sister to go see Justin Bieber in Perth. That would be soooo awesome! Also could i please have a Justin Bieber doll (the one when you press it’s bellybutton and it will sing “Baby”)
Thank you Santa
Lots of Love Ashley <3
Hi Santa Claus! I’m a good girl i school and also very nice with my family.I wish a merry christmas for you and your elves.I want for christmas an I pod and a doll .I hope you be able to bring this for me.
PS. Have a safe trip on your sleigh
Thanks and kisses
hi santa cluas, do you know what i want for christmas.you probably do but if you don’t this is what i want.i want a cell phone and a neniedo dsi. here are some more things i want some more amarican girl doll stuff. and lots more stuff that you know. i hope you do not think im too naughty this year.but i know no one will get coal
Dear santa,
Do you watch Glee? I do and it is my favoite show. My favorite charictors are Brittany and Emma. i wish i could be on that show. Also all i want is to make my own c.d.or be on broadway.
hey santa . it is me and i can’t believe i really and talking to you. i want 1 thing. that is lov from every one in the world . love gino
Santa I think you are 958 years old! love Otto
Hi Santa,
Can you please tell me, only between us, how old you are? Am I on the good list or the naughty list?
If I’m on the good list can you please try to bring me all the things on my list? Here’s my list:
a pink and white bike
earrings for me and my doll
nintendo dsixl case
littlesst pet shop
clothes for my american girl(jacket,boots, and matching clothes)
nintendo dogs husky game
Thank you santa very much.
and a happy new year.
Love, Daelyn
Shout out to Jeevan , sending hopes and joys yto yoU! Daeyln!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
santa write back please i like it when i get a letters.
Ummm, let me think… 182?
I hope you have a merry christmas and I hope you don’t get tired on your way to children’s houses. (age 6)
OMG SANTA UR THE BEST BEST BSET i think u dont even have an age! but i think mrs. claus is 189!!! LOL 🙂
I think you are 31 and Mrs.Clause is 28
Please tell us how old Mrs. Claus is! We will keep it a big, big secret! Sincerly, alex, marilyn, julitza, ariel and Mrs. Tidwell
PS. we have been so good, except for alex, he has been just a little good
I’m as old as my nose and just a bit older than my whiskers! Ho! Ho! Ho!
Dear santa
i got your message and i loved. it you are the best. can i please see a picture of you and roudoulph? and i hope you have a safe trip and i hope i have cookies for you and carrots for the raindeer
your pal
dear santa
I think you are 567 years old. I hope I am right. Also, I will mail my list to you.
Merry Christmas!
where do the elves in baileborogh live what would you like for xmas
I think that you are 550 years old am i right
Santa your about 95 years old and merry Christmas Santa
santa i think your about 99 years old merry christmas Santa
hi! I know you are older than 550 years old. I read it on a different tab.
santa I don’t think you are that old and thankyou for bringing me presents every year hope you and the reindeers and elfs and Mrs Claus are ok merry christmas and a happy new year lots of love from your best friend skye xxx
p.s you aren’t that old I don’t think you only look about 57 at the most sorry if you are younger love from skye xxx
Hello Santa , I wanted to tell you that I think you are 1053,is that right? Thank you for always bringing me presents..love you Santa!
Hi Santa! Let me guess… you’re about 1,500 years old?
heyya santa itsb me hayley dodson i can remamber seeing you last year cuming down my chimnley
dear santa
i have sent my xmas list but i really want to know is how old u r and what reindeer is leading ur sleigh this year
thank you
Hi Santa!
How are you? It’s Mackenzie From W.A Australia ( I’m a girl remember? ) Haha:D
I Really want Action Replay 4 DSI this Christmas if it’s possible.
hi santa claus how are you i cant wait for christmas eve and christmas morning this year will you come to my house on christmas eve night while we are all sleeping then we will wake up christmas morning and we will sing happy birthday to jesus and then we will open presents under me and my family’s christmas tree right and my grandmother will come over and my uncle will come over christmas day and we will have a nice dinner a nice roast we will track you on Christmas Eve ok.
1600 thank you for presents christmas aint about getting its about giving.
Well, I am 99.99% sure that you are 1663.
hey i think your 34 you look like it and please replay.
dear santa
i have made a list for u when u come to my house the things i really want are starred. and no offence but i would think you are like 1000s of years old. if you are you look really good.maby its because your magic.
Santa I don`t think your old at all! If I could guess it would be 78
hi santa i think your 48 year old. but i wont tell anyone.o and how many elfs do u have. and how is olive the reindeer.love jack xoxoxo
I think Santa Claus is maybe about 100 or maybe even 150 yrs old….
lOVE YOU SO MUCH from JESSICA xoxoxoxoxox
Dear Santa,
I’m guessing you are one-hundered years old. But I don’t mind. I love you Santa.
Love, Karyna
i think you are 109 or 108 but if you think your 20 than you can be 20 years old!!!
how many elfs do you have?
were do you get your elfs?
who is olive the reindeer?
merry christmas santa I’V got a secret
two I never never tell anyone how old
I am only my family and cousins but
no one els
love from daniel
santa really want to know how old you are.i was chating to you earlyer about what i want for CHRISTMAS.but i also want to know how old you are.LOVE SERENA.
santa i think you are 180000 because you were born in the 3rd centery and its been 18 from 3 – 21 so ive worked it out
i really really really really really really really really want to know how old you are. i can keep a secret! did you have a job before this? were you the first person to be santa clause? like did you have a job before this? p.s. can you send me your birthday so i know?
Santa, I think you are about… 72 years old give or take some years.
you are maybe in your 50s am i right?
Dear Santa, I would love to know how old you are. Will you ever die? And, did you have another job before you did this one?
I once asked you and you said “I stopped counting after 139
Sean would like a Snoopy Sno Cone Machine.
Paige would like a Barbie Glamour Jet and American Girl Dolls.
Thank you!
ELVES R AWSOME!!! THEY ROCK! HOAY EAHYAY (pig lation means oh yeah!!)
I don’t think santa has an age,because if you think about it he has benn alive from at least like the 1800 so that means he is over 200 years of age!!! So santa must live FOREVER or something!!! yebay (it is in pig lation it means bye!!)
i love you. do you get my bake love from megan.
how old are you?
santa how can you make time and day go faster so it could be christmas really fast
I think you are 69 years old hope you dont mind me saying i think you look great and please write back and tell me if im on the naughty or nice list because i hope im on the nice list love you thanks xxx love sophia
I think you are 1000 years old! Please can you reply and let me know if I am right or wrong? I have many more guesses to tell!
Love Thomas
Merry Christmas Santa ,your wife and elfs + Raindeers
if we say the right age will you tell us? is the age 1,1053
I think santa is 2.ooo yrs old.
If we say the right age will you tell us? 1,100,53
hello im leah ellison.im 13 years old and i hope that u have a merry christmas!
i still believe in u.
love leah
I think you are 115 on the outside,but on the inside you are 30 because of our soul. Please write back(:
Dear santa oh and mrs.claus who still looks good, haha you two look good with each other haha
Dear santa, you are so so so so nice and cool and awesome.do byou know you come on my favorite holiday CHRISTMAS.yOU ARE JUST EVERYTHING GOOD i love you!!!
hi santa you are… 1,cool 2,awesome 3,very nice I hyave more but I dont want to say love u bye!!!
how old are you i am 9 years old how old are you ?:
Dear Santa,
Im wondering how old you are. Could you please tell me, because I promise that I will keep it a secret. Will you leave me a note telling me your age? I will keep it to myself.
Thank You,
Canyon Toone
P.S. I love you and I have been trying to be a hard worker at school.
i think santa is 99 years old. p.s.that is very old,no affece.
My bother Jake just said that you’re old but that’s ok right?I love you with lots of jelly tots!!!
your auesome and if elf jojo ‘s there tell him i miss him and and he comes to me julia jones on november 30
cuantos años tiene santa claus?????
Dear santa i was reading your blog and i
was wondering how old are you ps my mum
said dont asked anywon how old they are
I think you are only 99 years old sorry . Please keep me on your good list.
hello i have never seen you in person
but i am guessing you are 64 i dont know but
sorry if the is incorecct do forgive me
lots of love Rachel from scotland p.s
say hello to everyone at the north pole you never know i might come and see you when i am older xxxxx
i think you are 567 because you have been santa for a long time.
1,000,000, 000,000, 000,000 HOHOHO HOHOHO HOOHOHOH
i think santa is 123 years old because my great grandmas mom and dad and there mom and dad had christmas when old st.nickalas was young.
my brother and I think you are 69. PS.i also have been a good gurl this year
I think Santa Claus 425 years old even though i met him 2 years ago i think he would be 59
so there ho ho ho
merry christmas
dear santa im 15 teen years old will you come this year will this be the last time you will come from stacy frankston vic australia
Santa, i think you are 60,000 million years old.
PS. I hope I have been good.
55555555… 9999999999999 … 111111111 … 00000000000 … 00000099
i really do think or ever lasting think you are 999,900,700, 000,000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 009,987,897, 789,465,234,734, 468,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,001 years old p.s lay off the cookies dude cause your starting to look sort of round.
Santa, i think you are 750 years old! Merry Christmas.
PS can you please bring me a lego power miner for Christmas? Thank you.
i think you are everlating so you can be as old as you can before you die from eating to many cookies. so 100,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,0000 ,000,000,000 ,000,000,000 ,000,000,000 ,000,000,000 ,000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,0000,000, 000,000,000.
you are soooooooo kind that i think your age is kind
Hey old santa how are you? I have seen you and amatter a fact I saw you last year.
I think you are about 200 years old without sounding rude. not all my friends believe in you but i’ll always believe in you whatever they might say. I know you are real. no doubt about it in my mind!! LOVE YOU SANTA CLAUS!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOX OXOXOXOXOXOXOX OXOXOXOXOXOXOX OXOXOXOXOXOXO XOXOXOXOXOXO XOXOXOXOXOXOX
P.S. It was a completely random guess.
P.P.S. Sorry about the age i thought u were at first.
I think you are about 90 years old beacause you have been alive for a long preiod of time.
ummmm i think hes in hes 70-80
ahhh x
hi Santa if you can can you plase wack me up and could I come for a ride in you slay with you? that’s my bigges wish in the world!!! i will be sleeping under the christmas tree so if it is ok can you? thank you santa lot of love Zelma Carter
I think you are 85 that’s 77 years older than me i’m going to be just like you when i grow up but im a girl. i want to give people things and eat lots of stuff. and thank you for all the gifts you give to all the girls and boys in the world
santa claus you are 42 years 0ld at 6%30
rite now i think santa clause is 342 years old. we also think that santa will live for ever in every little kids heart forever !
hi santa i love chrismas i love you to i hope you have a good time at the north pole smss by the way i think your over 5000000000 years old not to be mean
hi santa i love chrismas i love you to i hope you have a good time at the north pole
Santa you have been alive when my grandmother was little and you were still old then so i think you are 3,500
i think u are 1000,000 or 1000,001 years old
i think u are 6000,000 or 6000,001 years old
Dear santa
I think you are 90 years old do you ever die or do you live for ever
i think santa is 1000 beacuase my great great great great great great grannie was alive and she got presents from santa p.s plz reply
i thank you are 1400 years old.
To santa how old are you I bet you are very old your friend tanner
i think you are in the 60s or in the 70s
Dear Santa,How old are you?
i want to know how old is santa claus??? … ???
I think Santa is 99. I also wonder how old all of your reindeer are. Have a safe flight!
i think santa claus is years old cause he has been living for many many many yaers.love,
kennedy ann page
I think you are about four hundred years old.
I have no clue how old you are but you are the nicest person on the face of the Earth.
I think you are over 150 and my grandfather’s grandfather knew you in 1852.
Santa, I think your very very very very very very very very very very old. And you have been alive since the 3rd centurary. So, I would say about 18 centurarys….which is 1800 years. SO YOUR 1800 YEARS OLD!
santa i will never ask how old u are
I can’t wait ti’ll Christmas! Camryn knobbe is being noughty because she won’t listen to when I tell her to please stop!
hi,Santa clause I think you are 900 years old.
i say your in your 50s 0r in your 60s
Hi my name is Julie Kline I think you are 9990
i think you are 70 and ps i would like to visit the north pole
I think you are 900 years old I love you!!
you must tell me were you realy older than miss claus or are you as old as your wiskers.
I don’t know please tell us every body wants to know
i know that you are 900 years old and i know that because you told me wen i was little remember
do you think im good on x factor
Santa i think u are in your 50’s r 60’s because i think miss.Clause is 64
I think you are more than 10000000000000 years old.Can you respond to us please? And can I have a babie doll?
merry christmas santa i love christmas can you tell me how old you are i wont tell anyone i love you so much
dear santa on November 27th I asked my mom and dad How old is santa they said I dont know so im gonna give a good guess 2001000 Merry Chrismas Elves Reindeer Mrs.Claus and Santa Claus (:
i think you are 1000000000 … 0000000 yearsold
I think you are atleast 90 or 100. Because you have been around for along time, but I still believe in you sooooooo very much!!!!
Have a Good Christmas,
it dosen’t matter what uther pepol think say how old you are keep the way you ar ok im olny 10 i want to be aa littel girl but im growing up am i pepol like you the way you are sow stay you’r yung
Santa hmm i would think you are 100,000,000 years old or even more because you have been alive for a long long long long long long time!!Wow, i just cant wait till Christmas!!!:)
i think ur in the hundreds or lower. like maybe…… uh………150?
santa clause i think youre in youre fifthts or sixtys!!??xoxoxo
I think you are 89 well my friend said that i say 88.
How old is Santa, and Mrs. Claus… I promise not to tell. MERRY XMAS!!
I think your wonderful santa and your as old as you want to be….cause you are magical and wise in many different ways…as for Mrs. Claus she is like my mom who won’t tell her age either….love ya lots santa love Bryanna XXXXOOOO Have a Safe and Super Great Christmas 2009!!!
I think you are as old as you feel like. That’s what I think.
to santa i think you are yunge for a wealth person so i think you are 31 years old because you are cool and i would not care if you were old i still love you no mader want
love matisse
I think you are… Well, I’m nae sure but I do ken you are quite auld!
”I honustly don’t think you’r old you look like you’r , what 50 not that bad. but thanks for all my presents. O’h and that was cool when you left me a bell from your sled. I keep it secretly and safly in a purple box with nice silver ribbon. I thougth it would be Gold not Black. But thanks for the bell and MERRY CHRISMAS! LOVE,McKenna 🙂
i think you are in your late fiftys, early sixtys!!!!
i think you are 99999999999999 years old
how old are you i really want to know.
I do that sometimes when I meet a stranger. I would say , “I’m older than my cousin” , if people ask me how old I am and I don’t know who they are. Oh yeah , I just remembered , my little cousin I was just talking about , her birthday is on December 23 , 2009. Isn’t that good? I really wish to see you in real life one day. I and my younger cousin and older cousin always wished that. Santa , can I ask you something? Did you ever came to a house to diliver toys , and a child walked and saw you?
Some people think your old but I just think your 56 (at least thats not very old HO HO HO)bye bye!!
Sorry I now how old you are it shows on the computer you are 250 years old and when my mom was a baby then you were 218 years old cool I can’t believe i now that yay!!!
Are you 500? Hey and when is you birthday too. hay??
i think santa is 1,000,050 years old
dear santa, i think your 88
ps:i would like to know how old is ruldolf
i think that santa claus is about 15000 years old
I am 9 years old and i think you are about in your 50’s or 60’s xx
santa i dont know how old yo are i still think your cool!
santa i dont have a clue but i am going to have a random guess i say 1001
Not to be rude but i think you are about as long as the world was made sorry to say but u don’t look old a bit. you look very sweet well bye see you in 39 night Love yall
I think santa is about 900 years old. I really think that santa is about that age but we at least get some presents off him .Bye for now. Anna Kavanagh
im guesing that he is about 70,123,456,340,000
I think santa is a s old as he wants to be i mean he is magical
P.S.i think your a s old as the first people on earth
I think that Santa Claus is 75 and I also think that you are the most magical person I know!!!
I think you are 564 years old.
hi santa i think you are about 50 to 60 because your magic hi elves and reindeers
hi santa nice talking to you again i think you are not that old because you are magic bye santa x
Dear Santa I guess you are 300 years old
Dear Santa I think you are about 307 years old
can you give me a hint about your age
i think that santa is 1,380
i love im and dont mater how old he is i still love im
I bet he is 235 years old! Thats OLD!
Dear Snata,
I think you are 2009 years old because you have been alive scence the beging of time.
with love,
PS.Do you think i should dress up like you for my winter consert?
I think you are only as old as you feel and you don’t look a day over 20
I think you are 40,000,000 years old. You are great!
oh my its just so hard i realy love hi
i dont think your that old i think your about 75
Santa no ofence but i think you’re 1111100000
i already guessed i think their is no way to say how old you are people say they check it up on google then they tell you how old on the internet.mabey you dont have an age have people ever thought of that.im not trying to be mean
im just saying it does not matter how old you are just that your a jollie old fella who brings happieness around the world and joy for boys and girls all ages it is just important that we dont focus on your age just focuse on how amazing you are and you will always bring joy to all kids and parents and teens.and the elderly.and always remember never stop believing.if you dont i dont.and just remember never stop
I Think Santa Is 999 & I Think Mrs Claus Is 990 If You Are Younger Than That I Am Sorry For Saying You Were That Old !
I think you’re 98, 765, 432, 123, 456, 789, 101, 945, 678, 876, 105, 453,675 years old!
well its hard to tell how old he is.in christmas books they make him look old like 100 years old mabey 9000000000.
because if you times 9000 and 1000 you get like 900000 then times anothe 1000
you get 9000000000. i no it sounds crazy
but mabey he gets older he cant do it there might be another santa or mabey are
parents are santa people think that but it is not true.i believe in you santa and the elves and raindeer and mrs.clause.
i think
that you are
pobly about 4598
I think you are fairly old because i know alot of old people that said you came to them! I think you just don’t get older because you couldn’t stay alive forever!!! I think Santa’s the best and everyone should believe in you because everyone who says you don’t exist don’t believe in you because you don’t come to them because they’re so naughty!
i dont think ur that hold maby around fifty eight or up to ur 70’s
santa claus is 100 years old because he has started giving presents to little kids starting in the 1900’s.
i think your not that old maybe like 56
Santa i think you are something like 50 or 60 !! that is just a guess ofcourse … x . HO HO HO !
Were you alive in the old days????I am trying to guess how old you are.Thank you for all the notes you wrote but this is the most important one.I hope you are not too old to come to my house because my cats will growl at you and think you are a stranger even though they see you every christmas.I hope you are doing good.Email me someday and tell me how old you are.Harrison Smith
i think that santa cluas can never get old because he can’t die
Dear Santa,
I have no idea how old you are but im just picking any random nuber.
I think you are about 100 because you have been around for a realy realy long time how do you live for so long i want to know your special trick (*wink*)(*wink*)
i think he is 127 years old but he does not look old to me
you no Santa I think you will live for ever
well that’s lucky . x x x x x x x
Santa I think you are in your 60s you no .
I think Santa is 49 I am only 1 year old so I don’t know very much about santa!!!!
i dont know how old, maybe really old because you live 4ever.
I think you don’t have an age because u will live forever!!!;)**AISLINN**xxx
santa i think you are 105 sorry if it is wrong
I think your in your 100s to be honest p.s. its only a guess 🙂
please tell us how old u are ive been thinking about it when I was a 3 year old its been 7 years now please tell us.
ho ho ho
i will give an point for you
it is not about the age it is not about the looks is about the magic the fun the laghter and about living the moment who cares how old you how cares the way you look the way drees just have fun enjoy life you onley get 1 cance in life so just go out there
love ya all
amy xx
P.S Have fun BYE BYE
Santa I think your about 101 because you have lived for ever. even when old ladies were little soo i think you are quite old xx
hi i love 2 live the moment so you should i love writting to you thank you 4 the gifts for the last 12 years so once again it is not how old you are it is about living the moment
i personly think it is not about you age it is about the magic and living the moment
I think you still rock however old you are!
If you think about it you are probobly as old as the world but a tad yonger !!!!
Santa you are about 2,000,000 years old
Very old but I can’t tell you how old. If you were born in the beginning of the UNIVERSE you would be about one hundred million years old.
I think you have been alive forever because of your magic and you will never die!
To Santa Claus ,
you are my idol ,we are your no.1 fan ever! And we think you are 5 because it is sad on you because every one says that your very old but i dont think that!!
Katie and ellie , love you xx
dear santa I think that youare between 100 and 80 years old but I still like you how ever old you are. I know you are busy so I will Make this short you might not be able to tell me but I would like to know how reindeer fly.please write back.
I think you are 10,ooo years old ho ho ho
Santa, I think you are 1 years old. Even though you have a white beard and lots of wrinkles, you are like a baby. You give and you give, just like a baby does. I LOVE YOU SANTA!
santa i love you i dont care if you dont bring me what i want
dear santa,
im sorry but i think your like 200 or 300 years old i say this because my parents grew up with you and my grandparents,and my great grandparents and so on so on.once again i am sorry but its the truth.
santa i think your 100 years old because you lived so very long .
can i just say are you irish ? and i would say about 100 because of you being alive so long
santa I don’t know how old you are but I think you are about 68 years old.
I think you are as old as you want to be
Santa I think you are 101 yaers old. =)
i think u are 147 but it dosent matter because u r magic so u stay alive forever well thats what my mum said
Ok, Realistic now.Id say you’re about 1700-2000 years old… Because in my history book it said St Nicholas was born around 100-300AD, as a nobleman.
Jake B
10 3/4yrs old
I think you are about 2,000 beacause you have eternal life
I think you are about 70.But you look like you are 20 years old.
I think santa is actually quite young because he is magical so he can freeze time for him and the world thats why christmas night seems longer because our mind works even though we are frozen in time!
I think santa is 91. I say that because my great grandad was 91 and he looked just like you! I think you won’t get any older though because your magic.
Hmm…quite old? Maybe that would be 74 yrs. old, like my granny Lanas!
dear santa it does not matter to me how old you are but here is a guess 2,009
i don’t know how old you are but i think you are about 9,99 anyway even if you are older you will all ways be SANTA CLAUS
Dear santa,I think you are 2 million years old because you have been living for a very long time.
i think no matter how old u are u still give presents to children and make them happy can i be in your santa club like a friend plez p.s i will leave u cookis under my tree or on a table next to it ok bye bye
Hi Santa Claus, I can’t wait until Christmas!! I think you are 93 years old because you have a beard and you kind of seem that old (: Love you!
i think that you are 76 years of age november 8th 19
hi santa i just wanted to say thank you for my presents and i think your in your fiftys and for christmas i want 8 booster boxes of pokemon cards bye santa take care of yourself
dear santa
we think that you are 1000 years old.
becuse you have delivering presants fora lot of years .
Love from
Amelia and olivia xxxx
I think you’re 500 years old! Am I right Santa??
I’d think you’re as old as time. Time’s been around for ever! ☺
Love ya
I think you have no definite age and that you’ll live forever as long as people believe in you. But if I were to say an age I would say you’re probably 70 years old because that’s how old my grandpa is and you and him look alike.
Santa must be 550 approx. He can’t be any where near 60 or 90
i think santa is one year younger then the world. i mean hes benn living quite a long life!
I think santas at least 200000 years old
I think Santa is very old, but still jolly. He has been giving presents around the world for decades! Old doesn’t mean he can’t be wonderful, magical, and jolly!
I think santa is
Because has been here a while
I love u santa
i think you are 999999999999999999 … 99999999999999 years old because no one knows how old you really are
i think you’re in your late 80’s and i think that you leave me the best presents in the whole world i can’t wait until this christmas you’re the best person in the world.
sara pigman.
santa i think your as old as you want to be
love lucy xxx
i think you are 110 years of age but if you are older i still believe that you are never going to die xxxxxxx
Do you even need an age Santa???? After all, you are nice and magical. Your magic could probably keep you alive for ever! (:
dear santa Ithink you might be over 300 years old dateing way back at the western times the day the north pole was born.To tell you the truth as long as you’re alive it doesn’t really matter and thats the greatest thing ever.
i don’t think he is that old for me i tink he is 76and hey that is pretty young.
I think Santa is ageless. Just think about how long ago Christmas started. I think Christmas is about love,family and faith. It’s not about presents and gifts. It’s about giving and sharing your afection. I will always believe. Thank you. And Santa will never die. He will only stay alive for many years. You may foreget about him in your adult years, but he will always be here. A little afection goes a long way. Santa is nice enough to make all those toys for all the children of the world. That’s my opinin though. You can think what you want.
dear santa,
we dont know how old you are we just like to have it be a mystery. but we will take a guess anyway. my brother thinks your 5,000,00000,00,500. I think your infinity years old. well theres our guesses.
Iwish everyone at the North Pole a happy 2009. luv from Nicole x
as old as the spirit of christmas itself
100 years old because it doesn’t matter how old u are you just have to believe and that’s what i do you could even be 1 million years old but just think its not how old u are its how much spirit u have
dear santa
even theo you may be old you are the best. i wolud say you are about 1267 years old
You are so obviously one hundred exactly years old.
betty: 250 years
alanis : 250~300 years
i dont think your that old just you at least you look 70 . lucky gess
I don’t know how old you are and I don’t care.All I care about is that you’re a good person and that you love me and everyone else in the world, even the bad little boys and girls. By the way the santa in MIRICLE ON 24TH STREET says I also say I am as old as my tongue and a little older than my teeth!I love you!!!
I think you look like you are 35!!
Thats Young
i dont care how old you are your the kindest man on earth
Dear Santa, I really love you, and tell Rudolph I love him, too! Bye!
Dear Santa, it doesn’t really matter how old you are, you pretty much live forever! And one more thing: How did you meet Mrs. Claus?
P.S. If that is too personal, then you don’t have to answer!
santa i know you are not older than mrs. claus you are ageless
I think you’re 65 or a little younger
tell ruldof goodluck and tell mrs.claus i said hi
merry chrimas
i think santa is older thrn dirt just kidding your only 20,243,900 thats not bad.
I think your about 1000 years old.
Thank you for the presents!
Hi santa claus!!!I really want to know how old you are!I bet your really old because haven’t you ben around for years is that right?Oh yeah remember me Lauren.You told me that Mrs. Claws loves San Diego!!!I really want to have a pony or a horse!Remember that ponys’ and horses’ are way diffrint!I believe in magic and so I guss thats how you make your Deer FLY!!!Do you really have a Roudoh the raindeer?If ya do please tell me all about how ya got him and starting from the begining.Oh I always wanted to know this.How can a raindeer have a LIGHTING nose.Did you like put a light on him or something?I mean he can possibolly just be born with a LIGHT on him.You would have to have like a circit board or something in his nose.Well gata go…..:D,:) love you.
Lauren Short
P.S.Please write me back and answer MOST of my (Q).Love YA!!!!BYE!!
santa, iam just guessing but i think ur 68 iam not really sure .
dear santa i think you are about 1385
love sophie
santa i know how old you are you are 15657 and i hpe me and my family have a good christmas!!
santa u are the best guy i ever knew in the world whatever age u are always still my in my mind and heart and whats it like in the antartic wellyour the best
i think youre about 170 because your magic so you can live a long time
i think your 100 year old i love you
Santa must be over 100 years old that is very old to me!!! WOW,CHRISTMAS ISN”T FAR!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS at the NORTH POLE!!!!
I think santa is about 900 years old. Because he was probible around when my grandma was alive
i think you are 346 years old! just a guess. i love you. thanks for all the presents!
i think you are 29 years old because i can only count to 29 i love santa xxx
No1 knows about how old santa is but anyways i think he is 84?!?!?!?
I think your old enough to do your job
no he is probible 199 years,(almost 200 years) and he’s brithday on christmas and theirs onley 218 more days until he’s brithday and christmas too so what can you do.
LOVE BROOKE:):):):):)
dear santa what is the name of
the girl who is very naughty?
Dear Santa are you 2009 because it is year 2009 I love you so much I do believe in you you are my Bff
Santa please tell me how old you are I love you so much and you love me tell me
let me guess you are about 2009 years old.
hey santa you look sorta like your in ur 80’s but I think you’ve been around for probably 2009 years.
did u ever have a child at any of ur age and how old r u plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz i wont tell anyone i promise
santa is very very very very vwry old
i have no idea how old you are, santa. can you tell me? i promise i won’t tell anyone how old u are.
I don’t care how old you are because old eople are nice.
Santa can you please tell me how old you are?I will not tell any one!Not even my mom or dad!
Dear santa
Before you go over the world does your wife hug you goodbye and give you a big dinner before you go?Im glad Rudolph likes my house.Does he like jESSIE my dog?
Dear santa,
were you alive when jeasous was living
I think you are about i dont know 150 because you have a power santa clause to live for ever . Tell Mrs.clause and the elfs and reindeer i said hi santa bye
I don’t care how o;d you are! I’d love you if you were al wrinkley & in your 100’s. You’ll always be the same old Santa! You know, I’m a singer & I’d happily write a Xmas carol just for you!
Love Daisy
dear santa,
do you know Sophia?well i want an elf like that and her name be Amanda.can i have her sun.march29?
It doesn’t matter how old you are, it matters how nice you are :0)
Santa I think you are 190 years old:)
I think you are in your 80’s.cuz I see your picuter’s and you “LOOK” a little old.
I think you are 254 years old. But no matter how old you really are you will live forever.
I believe you have been around all these years since the year Jesus was born so does that make you 2009 years old?
I think your 1000 years old, sorry santa its just along time ago you where still going on as santa. I dont know you look 89 but because of the time you have been bringing pressents well maybe i’m close. From lauren 10 years old. xox
Well I think santa is EALLY old NO OFFENCE we still luv u santa!
I don’t want to get to high or to low because if i go to high that would be rude so i guess your 5.
I think you are 20 Years old beacause well it was a guess
i think your 200 years old first it was your father then his then his father then it was st nick
i think you are about 88 yars old because you will never die
dear santa claws i wont tell anyone your secret but i dont mean to be rude. but i think you are 1000 and 200
how old are you I relly want know.WOW you
could relly hear your ear must be working your whole lifeand I Think your
2 millon years old.Hugs and kissis
Im Yves Nobles, and I think Your 2008 or 2009.Ho Ho Ho!!!
I think santa you are 2009 years old.
I think Santa Claus was born on the next year after Jesus was born. Thats how old he is to when you count up the years til’ 2008
i say he has been alive since the 1500`s.
santa how do you do it? anyway if your young thats great because you will live a long time if your old you will live a long time to because i believe you will live the longest of anyone on the planet earth!!
hi santa i think you are about 80 or maybe 70 i am not sure xx
it does not matter everyone how sed really silly ansers is not very nice
love caitlin xxxxxxxxx
i think u are like over 1000 years old because u have been alive since the beging of time so u r probley really really really old.
I think you are 128 because i just thought
i have heard u were around 1000,000,000 years ago i think u are 5 billon years old
How old is your son and what is his name
i think you look like you are only 45 to me P. I love you Santa and Mrs. Claus and tell all of the Elves I love them too.And i promise I’ll be in bed on time on the night bfore Christmas Eve I raise my right hand to that and I never break promises.
Santa is 999999999999 … 88888888! As long as Earth has been in space!
it doesn’t matter how old you are its that your still living and thats the greatest thing ever!!!
santa i think your already 100 yrs.old.
i think santa is at least 65 years old because he wouldnt be abble to move that much if he were older
santa i think you are very old (lol) because you have been delivering tons of presents your hole life!
Dear Santa Clause,
I don’t know how old you are and it would be realy hard to gusse out of all the #’s to choose from.I’m not mad at you at all for not telling your age becaus if you did that would be disrespecting Mrs.Clause.And we ALL have to be good before Christmas comes!!!
hi i love xmas becuse everyone i s happy
I think you might be older then people have ever lived. Am I right? I think you might be about 10000090040002. maybe even older. Nobody knows except you. I think your birthday is in January, because then you don’t have to worry so much about getting kids’ presents wrapped and stuff.annalise
Im not really sure how old santa is. It doesnt really matter, anyway. What matters is that he cares for all of us, so thats all i really care about.
Santa I think you are 2,000 or 5,000 years old
I know you have been around for a very lond time, probably, more than I can count!!!
I think Santa Clause is around 100 years old because he came when my Grandma was a kid
are you 1001 years old santa?if you are i won’t tell anyone i promise!
p.s.did you see anyone when you were deliviering the presents called rachel in lochgelly
Santa Claus is a Lengend,so he lives forever
i think that santas in his senendes.
I think Santa is 550. That is my opinion!
i think you don’t look a day over 69
there really is no telling how old you are! But since you would have had to be around for all the other little boys and girls and my greeat grandmother who recently died 3 or 4 years ago 🙁 would always tell me stories about her favorite christmas’s and her moms favorite and her grandmas! So thats atleast 150 years of you living since she was 85 years old 4 years ago and her mom died at 90 so if you add their two lifetimes together you already get 175 so no offence santa but your pretty old!
I think santa is 1000000 00000 00000 645689576 43545845 438752983 7452785 0000000 years old
I think Santa is 90000 years old!!!!
i say 10000000 0000000000000 00000000 00 00324354354 45406546547064756
23 45 89 56 45 85 856 963 852 741 123 456 789 987 987 654 321
i think you’re 1,000, … 000 years old
Hi Santa, thank for a great christmas!!!
I think santa is 30000000
are you really old or because your magic your in descise?
Mackeen- as old as the hills
Maelisa- ha ha pretty old
Liam- 98
Santa I dont know how old you are but Merry Christmas. I cant wait to open my presents.
Santa I have no idea, but I think 1000
I think that you are millions no billions years of age because i have believed in you since i was a baby and i am now 10 yes im older than most kids here but i still believe in santa.So everyone have a merry christmas and a happy new year.
Thx Jess
santa i dont know how old you are but my guess is 2008 how long the earth has beeen hear but it dousent matter as long as you stay alive
I think santa claus is 300 years older or older
I think you are 70 because you dont look that old.
I think you are nearly 2009 years old…Haha..
hi santa ithink you over 2000 yrs old
Ithink you are over 100 you have been alive for ages
Nate- 110
Annie- one hundred billion
Tucker- 4
Rosie- 4
Years old and he was born at the North pole
i think you are 98. but you don’t look it
hi santa i think you are 98 years old =^) and thank you for the presents see you tomorrow =^)…..
i think you have no age because you are mortal and i love you xx
santa how old are you
from dalamia
hay santa i think you will be around the time of jesus ringht? well i think you are 1091 years old!!!:)
HoHoHo Hi Santa I am a bostonian girl but you already knew that!!Ho Ho Ho I think you are 108 years old but i’m not sure
I think Santa is 1,000 years oid!!!!
i think you are 2 thousand years old well that is what my dad think he is 45,my mum is 36,my sister is 16,my brother is 14 and i am 9. all the best for and be careful when you are driving your slay.
if any one like egg nog please respond thank you and you Santa well if you have the time
i do not mean to be mean but i think you are in your 50s
i think you are 64 because that is my favourite number
Santa, I would predict that you are in your thousands…..About 5,000 years old?
santa i think you are 2008,but you only look 50. magic st nick. x
i think you are only 51 years old and i think that you dont look old that all
love ya santa
bethanne age 13
I think Santa Claus is very very very very very very very old! … !! Like about 100 years old!!!!
HO!! HO!! HO!!
i think a 1,000 years old i am gussing
dear santa idk how old you are but maybe in your late 1,000,000
I think you are 122! But still young!
I think you are at least 6 centuries old (that is what wikipedia.com said)
ME and My sister Vicky think you are 90 Sorry if that is to old Vicky said
Hugs and Kisses To you mrs Claus and The elves and the randeers and rudolph and you
P.S Please come to me I have been a good girl this year
I think Santa is 10000000000, 000000000000000 000000000000000 0000000000000 000098
santa! i think you are 157 years old my mom told me
i think you are 50 or 60 from:love Abigail
We think Santa is about 103 years old.
I think you are 45632178 … 43553 years old
i love the bogla i really love it santaclaus i want a real baby kitten
I think you might be about 200 because i know you were around at victorian times and I think victorian times started in 1836…. so about 177!
I think you are immotal.My mom said that someone like you has a job in the world that God has given you.But if you want me to guess,2011
Hi santa claus my brothers are being realy norty my mum says they shold not get any christmas presents.
I heard on norad trakcs Santa that your about 16 centuries old!!!
santa i think that you are just over a cople of sentries old
Santa is 2008 years old.FaCt!because the world is 2008 years old
i think santa is ………………………………..
Dear Santa,
I think that you are immortal because I have asked people and they agree with me.
Santa is so magical that it doesnt matter how old he is. I wish everyone in the whole world a very merry christmas !
I think you are 63 years old and i think your birthday is on febuary 19th
love kate
santa is 99999999999999 … 999999999999 years old
i think you are 118 years old witch is really cool
Hi santa.Just wondering how old you are.
hi santa I’m wondering how old are you?
Ithink your 199 but i don’t care you still do great things
i think you are 11111111122 … 99999999999 !!!
Dear Santa I think you are about 357 because you can live forever
sant i don’t get it some people tink your kida 30 to 20 yres old
you are magic so you can live forever but i would say 3000 years old, you might be old but you have a heart of gold
I think Santa is about, maybe 1000. He has been around since people washed their clothes in the river, and since pioneers were around.
santa i know it is a secret right? if people ask you how old you are is that rude?
i i tkink i now how old is sanca :0
Santa, I am not being silly but I think you are about 40 or 50. I would not think you are about 15000000!!! You are just about the right age Santa. And just the right size for a big hug.
I think you are 89 not to old and I don’t think you’ll get older you are a Saint!
I think you are about in your hundreds because you have been bringing presents to good girls and boys,and coal to bad girls and boys for a long time.
I think that Santa is in his 70’s – 80’s. He’s been here for a while delivering gifts.That’s what I think.
We think you are 200 years old. Bye!
i think that you are about a bizillion and twenty three years old like this….. 10000000 … 00000023
i want to know how old you are tell me the number
well im not trying to be rude but i i think your 86
I think you are 133 years old but people said you were 9,oo years old but that s before Jesus but you have been delivering prestents a very long time ago so i guess you re 133
Your b day is Dec. 25. !!!! … !!!!1
i think you are 1193819687264
because you live for ever
i think you are 21 but when is your birthday is it in november
since the earth is only about 1,000 to 10,000 years old you have t be a least maybe 9,050
tell every one I love them even all the rain deer
I think that you are 125 years old or younger
dear santa im on the nice list
I think you are in your 70s
P.S I like you alot
i think you are 3535356457 … 9579857 years old
Santa, you have been alive forever. How do i know? Well i just know. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Santa I think your 30 years old. I think you have to stay that age
santa please tell me how old you are santa whens your birth?
santa claus how old r u i wont tell anyone
i can not gues but after all we have respect are ellderlys
i like mysteries i would like to know but thats the secret if he tells then it wont be a secret
to santa i think you are between 30 and 40 no older than that.
SAnta i think you are 101 or 102 or 103 and so on I dont care how old you are though as long as your always Sant
love SAJE
has there always been one Santa? like was your dad ever Santa? any way i think you are 87
My guess is that you are… 999,999,999,999,999,.
I think it doesnt matter how old you are. You have done your job as santa very well. But I do think you are very old! No offence!
I think you are as old as you want to be, its all mental
To santa,
how old are you?
From louise.
i know how old you are! i googeld it and went to other websites and all of them seid you were born around 1500! yep santa is around 500 years old. wich is very suprising.
I think you are as old as you feel and if you feel 20 then you are 20
santa am not tring to be mean but are you 550
dear santa i think you are about 94 because you dont look that old
I think you are about 100000000000 years old because you have been alive for so long
I think that you are as old as time.
i think you are 50 you dont look old merry cristmas.
well well well santa i think you are around 70-80 years of age and you wife well i think she is around 68-70 sorry to afend any of you two
wet kipper lol
80-85 sorry to afend you xxx
hi i think you might be about 68-70 years old im sorry if im afending you xxx
i think you are as old as you want to be at least my grand ma says that.
I am not very sure,but i think you are 1,263,458.I said that because you have been alive for a very long time.If i am aloud to say this will you please leave me a picture of you????
I think you are 65 and you will stay that age forever
santa i think i should still be on the nice list. bye the way i am 20.
i bet you are 111111111111 … 000000001 years old
I think that Santa Clause is probobaly 40-60 years old.
I think you are 70 years old because I have seen you in lapland – do you remember me when we visited in 2007
i think santa is as old as god because i think he will last forever and ever and ever
santa i think you are 83 years young the same age as my grandma which is now my fourite and lucky number
thankyou and love erin
to Santa I think you’re over a million years old
I think you are 140 years old.
P.S. Do you really have whiskers?
To tell the truth, nobody really knows exept Mr and Mrs.C. If you count to where Santa was first born (probaly not posabile) but I bet somebody HAS to know.
i think santa is 90 yrs old ????????????????
i think u are5555555555555 5555555555555555 55555555555555 5555555555555555555
55555555555 5555555555555 9999999999999 9999999999999 99999999999
55555555555 5555555555555 5555555555555 years old
Well, it is very simple. My mom had you a as santa as well as my grandma, great grandma, great-great grandma, and so on. So that leaves you at well over 1,000. And if Mrs.Claus is a wee bit older than she is about 1,005. But don’t worry you only look 20!! Keep working out and you’ll look 18 again. (wink)
I think that you are very old.
But you are magic and that is why you keep on living!
You have been around for a long time!
You are the best Santa!
i think your 999 years old and when you see rudolph tell him i said hi and tell snow miezer to make it snow in washington
I love you Snta. Will you be my bst friend ever? I think you are about , maybe 100 years old.
It says that I did a letter but it wasn’t me it was my dad.
Santa Ithink you are 71 I am 9 and I still think you are great.
20,0000 years old because your history says that you have been delivering presents since 1 A.D.
i think you are 99999999999999999 … 99999999999999999
i did’nt know your older than mrs. claus!! I”M SHOCKT.
I think Santa claus is 500 years old just because I have heard stories and from how long the earth has been alive.
I think you are 78 years old but i don’t really believe you are even that old. I love you so much but one of the people at my school doesn’t believe in you her name is rachel barger she is in the fith grade like me!
I am not sure, but I know you are really old because you have been around for a long time!
its over 900000000 but my little pet says he is 9 bad pet!
I think your relly old but you are a spirt and you are going to be around for EVER!!!!:):):)
I think since Christ was born. And all those presents u give to us on Christmas eve are just party favors.that we ask for. SO that would be maybe 2008 years old. since Christ was born in year 0000. HEY! you’re not that old.:)
you are 1000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 000000000000000 0000000000000
Santa, I think your in your 80’s. merry Christmas Santa!!
You must be in very good shape for your age.
i think you are over 500 years old but you have a fountain of youth that you share with Mrs. Clause and all the elves.
95648362437483 555647596873 … 67489585745
Santa I love you but this year when i went to the mall and see you i forgot to ask how old you are.So I think that you are 75 years old.
I THINK YOUR 1,000,000,000 YEARS OLD.
the elfs and you are the best people in the whole world.work as a team all the time.merry christmas love sam.
i want to now old you are please tell me or i am going to cry
Soory we missed your birthday! Hope you had a jolly one!
I think santa is about 70 yers old. But because hes magical he may be able to live for ever!!
Santa is as old as time itself. Santa will never die no matter how old he gets.
Not to be mean or anything but I say 300 because Santa has been around for quite some time!
i think you are 72 just a guess from photos of santa and i think mrs.claus is 68
Santa Clause I think you are 180 years old.
Hey Santa, this is Angela and I think you are like 396 because of a show i watched! Please reply if this close or correct.
I don’t know but it can’t be that much. But you live forever. So I guess I would say 77
50000000000000000 … 232323232323232
I think he is immortal and is older than most kids and adults he visits. LONG LIVE SANTA!
hey holly my name is hollie to but splet differnt.
i dont know how old you are but i dont need to!
older than my mommy i think………………………………………..
Santa, I think you are 2094 years old. I think this because the first Christmas was in the year 0000 and I think you were 86 when you started.
To all people who are wrong and think wrong of santa just be greatful and don’t worry about his age
dear santa are you 74 years old? love holly widner
are you 90 something santa
love hollie
i think your 1345000000008
because you have been alive for a long time
hi i meat you before thanks for sending me another letter
i think you are 77 the same age as my dad
santa your at least 2,000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 0000000000. years old by.
i think you are100000 … 3456789 to the 100000 power google plex
i think taht santa is not a human because he has been alive for a long time! who agrees with me? santa what is the truth of ur age?
i hope u dont ever die because your my secound FAVOUTE MAN IN THE WORLD EVER !!!! … !
I think your brother is Leif Eriksson and you originated from the viking
santa i think you are about 89 you certainlly look a little old in all these films they make lol
I think you are in your 200’s! age 9
I think santa is as old as the earth itself but that dosen’t matter, because you are the symbol of the holadays!
i think you are 1000 years old but to me your as yong as you feel p.s i don’t care how old you are
i think 1111111111111 1111111111111111 1111111111111111 1111111111111111 1111111111111111 … 4444444444444444 4444444444444444 444444444
As old as Jesus.Because you were there when he was born.but even if you are old it is still enough to get you around every kids house on Christmas!!!!
I think you are 67 and your birthday is March 34th.
i think santa has lived about 1005 years but i am still not sure but i do know that santa clause has lived a long long time.
i think you are 102 and you will live for ever
i think santa is not old i
you might be 5674839201 858849485 0385058 years old but i still know you are older than my great grandpa your old but awesome thanks santa
santa i do not know how old you are i think you have eternal living which means living gods life forever
i think santa will live forever 999999999 888888 7777886 454344 years already
I think santa claus is 250 years old have a happy chichmas
santa y-o-u are the best !! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 happy faces for you !! i love you! go! santa!
99999 x 100000000000 trillion years old
are you in your 60`s or 70`s bacause that`s what I think.
i think you are about 55 or your in your 80’s!!!
i dont no maybe 40’s 60’s 70’s 80’s or 90’s i just dont no xxxxx
i think that saanta claus is 65 years old xxx
Dear santa claus,
i think u are at least 200 to 300 years old. my origanal quess was 250 but i narrowed it down.
dear santa I think you are 10000 year old
I think Santa Claus is about 73 years old
i only think you are 1000 my mum told me
you must be 5,789,089, 567,655,444 year’s old
I think hes only 73 and santa congratz ont he baby raindeer
i think santa is 566 and to everyone around the world to just say merry chritsmas.
probably 25 million years old i think thats what i think santa my brother thinks you are 2008 years old
I`m not really sure because I know that you were around when my parents were children and my grandparents were children. Merry Christmas xoxoxoxo
Dear Santa Claus,
I don’t really think you are that old. You just look that way because you are a st. ( st. Nicolas)
i think you are 2000 years old no fence
hi santa, i thibk your 70 years old. but your so cool.
by melissa
i think he is like over idk a 120….. he been doing this for a long time
i dont care, your probably so old you used to give gifts to dinosaurs
I guess you are 52, just like my Dad!
i think you are about 83 or something like that xx
76535866739 87508754625 72454879876 96476832346 54773568863 58746787648 53476524765 38787646545 36766666666 6666666666 666666666666 6666666534
100000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 0000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 yrs old
i would say you are 99 and when you die your son will take over for you
I think you are 100. But I dont care how old you are. Thanks for all the presents! will you be my friend??
please tell me and l wont tell no one
10000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000
years old ho ho ho
I think that you are in your 60s/70s but i know that you can still be very magic and clever but kind to all the children. xxxxxxxxxx p.s merry xmas everone
Dear Santa, I think you are about 99 or so from Jessica
I think you are at least 1,000 years old (You don`t mind me sayng that, do you?)even though you look no where near that age.
i think you are 43 because you still have to go around the wouald in 1 NIGHT.
I think Santa Claus is 195 years old.
dear senta,My estamit of your age is 15centrys old
Santa, I don’t know how old you are, but
you can’t be that old because you can get around the whole world in just one night.
I think you are 2000 years old because you have lived for long time and you are really nice.
It does not matter how old you are you are going to live forever!
Hi santa if you are reading this i think that you age maby (83) that is my gesse..
can you do me a faver tell me more a bout you alot of my friends think you are not real but i say noo he is real in fact he is more real then real.!!
i hope you like your cokkies this year!!:)
I think Santa is in hhis late seventies.
Your probley as old as my mom and thats pretty old ! … !!
i think you are 99999999999999 … 9999999999999999 that is how old i think you are santa but i love you still im am 10 years old
why do peaple say ur fake i believe in you?alot a kids at skool say ur not real i hate that how com we kids can not see you?
I think santa claus is about 67 years old.
I think you are 500 years old. No offense but you aare not old in my heart and mind.
I, Alana think you are about 1,000,000 years old
i think you are 121344443656 years old because ive seen movies and you have been around for a long time
I think santa is 100 years old.
santa i hope im on the nice list!
hi santa i dont know how old you are but i love you all the same!!!! xx
ithink sat is maybe about 80 because he mus be rety old if he has been anta for a long time.
I think you are 89 because you have been around since before my Mom was a kid.
Are you…………..
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 and up or 60 and up or down
ok lets see santa, i would say sixty five your not old as every one thinks you are so im going to say your 65!!! i luv u santa
I think you’re ageless because you never seem to get old
I think that Santa is about 999,999,999. Because he has been Santa all his life and so I just think he is very very old. But Santa, thank you for my presents every year! I love all you give me! Tell everyone I said “Hi”. Merry Christmas Santa and Mrs. Claus and the elves and Raindeers! Put my vote down for Rhoudolf to guide you sligh this Christmas! Bye!!!!
I think Santa is as old as the Universe!
There’s only ONE Santa, and he lives forever!
Santa i think your 101 years old because you looks old and have white hair
i think you are 79 Santa because I think Mrs Claus is only 78
I think santa is 999999999999 999999999999 999999999999 999999999999 999999999999 999999999999 … 999999999999 years old
I think you are like 50 or 40 istill want my hamster for christmas
Santa I think you are about 1 million or 2 million
Lemme think….. i remember reading in a book that santa was born around the 1600’s. So around 4000 yrs. old.
I think your pretty old but I bet you keep yourself in shape…
hi santa it is me again i dont think you are eney where near old love jessica
160 we think i wonder what age he is
I think you are as old as time and will live forever xx
Hi santa you are as old as the world wich is 11111111111112 55555555555555 55555555555555 78888888888888 00000000000
I think that santa dies and gets born again so i think you are 69!!!
Santa Claus, your birthday is 0 B.C.
Old, very old. Um…well….no offense.
i think you are as old as long as there has been children on the earth
i think you are over 2million!! haha
i think you are a t least 5 million years old
santa if this is way off don’t get upset but i think you look around 65 or 64 that’s it……love you
i think santa is 62 or 63 oh and thanks for all the gifts you left me and my brother derek last year i love all of them thanks again i hope you bring me alot of presents this year
Hi Santa
I think your about 85 years old. Oh and thanks for all the gift you left me and my sister.
Love : Erica!!
i think you are about 300 santa
from kyra
(p.s.i love you santa
hi santa I think your about 98 thanks santa love ua love
I hope your not too old but I am going to guss that you are 101
I live in Kentucky and I am 9 years old.
Can you not get upset. I think you are 500 years old though.
I live in kentucky and im 9 years old i think you are infinity years old because you never can die. i sure hope you never die. i hope that didnt hurt your feelings?
we love youx
we love the elves tooxx
I don’t know but I don’t think your that old
Dear Santa- we think(me and my sister) that you are only 18 years old because you are very young looking!
xxxxx 🙂
i think you are 2008 years old.that is how old the world is.
hi santa are you 200 years old? im 9 the one christmas presant i mostly want is a suprise inviteto see the randeeres
i think you are about 74 because you have a big tummy,and your beard is so long.
I think santa is 105 years old tell me how old are you i wont tell anyone.I can keep a secret
i dont no how old santa is. but i think santa must be quite old because he has been going around the world for years and YEARS!he MUST be over 100.
Dear Santa,
I think you are really old but I can not say because I dont want to hurt your feeling.
Your friend kristen
I don’t care how old you are. You’re nice to everyone and that’s what matters.
Dear Santa,
I think that your birthday is December 30. I think you are 917,951,842,162 and still workin’ like you’re 20. 🙂
I think santa is about INFINITY years old beacuse he cant die.
I don’t car how old you are I really like
all the things you do and how you magical
and you bring alot of the christmas spirit.
i realy want to know how old you are and how old your oldest elf is 🙂
Dear Santa thankyou so much for my lifetime of gifts and for being a good friend and that bull poem really helped cause kids can be mean
I think you are in your 80s i dont know
Don’t worry I will keep on checking up on every body!! I love ya’ll toooooooooo much!! Hannah the one who sends you an email all most every day and checks up on you! P.S. you know who I am don’t you?? Please say you do:)
IDK how old you are a bout 56 or younger?? YOU are still the best I love you!! Hannah the one that sends you emails all the time to check up on you!!Peace love and the Dollar Tree
Hey, Santa, I think you are a bout 1000 years old because you have to be a round to deliver things! I really did not mean that in a mean way I am sorry please don’t be mad!!
I dont know how old u r.but it is cool how u get everywhere on christmas eve!!!
Santa,I don’t care how old you are I am just so thankful that you put all of your time into us kids!I LOVE you so so much!!!
I think Santa is about 100-200 years old. he has been alive for a long time.
I think that you are 50 or 60 santa, not to be mean, but you do have a white beard, but anyway you probably stay that age forever.
I think you are 73 maybe love Kyle Hamilton
santa: i think you are about 70 or 65 oh well if your older and let me tell you a secret ( you dont look old anyway so you lok good) and so does mrs.clause ! love you guys and i love you reindeers
dear santa i think you are about in the 40 or the 50 im i right?
I don’t know how old you are but your still the BEST!
Thankyou for all the presents you give me.
hi santa i think you are 64 but i know you are younger than that can you please tell me what age you are and i promise not to tell anyone your age.
I think your very old. Not in like the 1,000,000 or anything. Maybe like i say about 920. 😀
santa what do you like about christmas and is flying in the sliegh fun
I think santa is a 101 years old. Can I please have a Ferrari for Christmas because I have been good most of the time?
I think you are immortal, so you decided not to keep track of your age. Maybe you are about 5 million years old or so.
I think your 65
but someone will
have to take your
place sometime
cause your old !!
i love santa i think he is 12093857648 …`234567890
santa i think your in your eightys because you were [old] when yougavepresents!
santa i believe that you are 50000000
i think you are about 95 not that old remeber you are in Gods hands
I think you are 40yrs old like my dad!
I think you are only as old as you feel Santa.
I think Santa is 45 years old, because you still has a lot of energy. I think Santa is Awesome! And i think he is the greatest Santa!
I think Santa is 59 years old, because of his white hair and beard.
You rock Santa!!!!
i think your 20 years old
I think maby your 73 or maby more,can you tell me pleaseee!?!
Santa i do not think you are that old! mabye your beard makes people think you ar eold?
Santa I dont care how old you are u are the cooliest person i know! you only look 72 and plump!
Santa You Live FOORREEVVEERRR !!!!11
i think you are in the years of 300 and by what i can remember you were born in i think 1676 something close to that but being 300 is cool and you would make record for everything and really ur magic mostly and u are the best
Hannah Brose
I think you are 155 because you are alive for ever and ever!
um i really dont care how old you are i just know you are a very good person.
ho i also want to come to the north pole some day.
i think you are about 35 years old santa
I thing he is 99999 … 99999.Because he has lived for a long time.
hi,santa some of those were not nice taik to my mom what i get to on dec.4 i will tell you just in case you don’t see her i wil be student of the month
Dear Santa,
I think you are about in your 100s or maybe in your 200s well I don’t think it really matters because I LOVE YOU
dear santa i hope you bring me a lot of things that i like
I think its fine that you are old! You are good to everyone!
Santa I dont care how old u are because all that matters is that u are really nice.xxx
I think that Santa Claus is about 10,000,000 years old because he was hear in pioneer times!Santa,I love you with all my heart and soul!
I think Santa is 111112957 39571294728 942482
I think Santa is 956 years old. I also wondered if Rudolph still guides the sleigh?
how ever old the world is i heard you live for ever and never die because you take special tablets to keep you alive till the next christmas!!!
dear santa i think you might be 50 or younger . he he . Your are still fit and young to fly all aroung the world in 1 night love kelsey
I think you are 71 years old but I am 6 years old.
megan thinks santa is 66 and dylan thinks santa is 51 xx
Dear Santa
i have no clue how old you are?
but i know one thying is for sure, your going to live for ever and ever, because who is going to deliver the presents if you go and who would run your factory?
do you have any girl Rehindeer do they have any babys?how is Rodolph how is that shining nose of his i hope it is still shining as bright as the sun. and please look after dad while he takes his jorney back home to Christchurch.
Santa must be about 5001 (because that ‘s about how long people have been living on the earth)!! xx00xx00
hi I go to school I am in grade 2 I have a cat and am 7 and I have a friend called teagan she is 7 to I have a sister and 2 brothers and I love you to bits bye.
can u bring me lots of toys? thanks
Santa,you still looking great.I bet you have lost a lot of weight.If you would not have that berd you would look like a 45years old.
P.S. Do NOT take off the beard it makes you look COOL.
Santa, I think you are either 65 or 70 because Mrs. Claus is probably 63 or so..
I think you are very old because you have been on this earth longer than lots of people alive today so i think you as old as Dumbludore of Harry Potter and good for you he dies so that means you might die!
dear santa claus i thinkyou are61 yearsold because you have lived for a long time.yours truely amber.
Santa, I think you are in the 70’s because you have wrinkles and gray hair.
he has been living forever or atlest scince Jesus was born
About 708 years old because you have been around making toys scence 1308
I think that youare as old as God wants you to be.
I think santa claus is about athousound years old and my 2nd guess is infinity and beyond.
santa i think you are over 200 years old
15 trillion! but still young. haha love ya santa
Hi Santa!!! I think that you are about 65 but don’t worry, you don’t look a day over 25!! Tell Mrs. Claus the same. My sister, Coca-Cola, wants to know if Mrs.Claus happens to be a knitter. If so, could we both get new scarfs this year? That woul be stellar!!! Merry Christmas!!
i think he is around 60 or so.
but he still has the spirit of christmas in himm no matter how old he is.
i think Santa is almost 100 because he has been around for a very long time.
hi santa i think you never get old because your magic xx lv u
Santa, it is totally okay if you don’t want to tell anyone how old you are! Oh and how’s it been up there in the north pole? Are things running smoothly?
i think because 1999 is still quite young for elfs i think 4550 is around 77 in our years i think u must be around…
799900? or maybe 34449000 would be a bit closer? or maybe not?
I Think SANTA is about 100 years old
Dear Father Christmas I think you are 30 Love Bethany McCabe
Dear Santa I think you are about 50 Love Callum
Michael thinks you’re old. I think you’re 2… like me 🙂
11124634 years old u are cool santa how are u
we think 553.
we know you can never die. because that would ruin the Christmas spirit.
and youre magical!
my guess is about 270 sorry santa
I thinkk that you are as old as Christ himself, and maybe just a tad bit younger. So I guess about 2003 years old. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Hi Santa
I am going to guess you are 190 years old.
Or maybe 2000 years old!
dear santa i think you must be about 79 years old . am i right???????
love matilda xxx ooo
I think Santa is about 65 years old.
at least 2,000,000 or something like that?
I think he’s very old, he’s been living forever, probably 1500, because Christmas started about that time or longer but still understands almost everything and is a great man, very great man
Santa, i think youre 4 billion years old because thats when the earth was made, unless you were giving presents to kids on mars!
I don’t know how old you are so I might think about it……………………..
I think you are 150 years old. Or maybe
182 years old. I have know idea! I
bet on it that you are 170 yearsold or something around those three numbers.
i can’t wait until christmas eve! i am going to cownt down the days when December comesand i can’t wait until u come have a merry christmas.
i think you are about…………10000 maybe just gussing
I think santa is 2008 years old-scince chistmas began
i really wish to know how old you are at christmas on the presant you are going to give me can you put the awnser on a peice of papper and stick it on the side
yours truly eloise
i think you are 20050 because you will live forever, love from louise
i think you are 87 years old
luv ya
i think your about 1000 years old
love from clara
dear santa i think that you r 95 years old from jade mcneill
I dont want to affend santa I dont think your old but just at a guess I think you are 93 from bronagh age 9 belfast
november 21st 2008 at 4:46
i think santa is 100 years old and i want him to live forever
18000154665 78456684564 64845641513 15487846543
or he is
65498561546 48456123156 45645121545 64897878564
Dear Santa,
I thing you are only 23 years old. I am only 10 years old.From, Sarah
I Think your just old enough to be happy and jolly everyday and that’s about a kazillion centruies old.
I think you can be as old as you want because you are magical
i think that he is 91 years old love you
Hi Santa!! I dont think you are a certain age. You live forever!
maybe 65 i hope i am right
love u
santa how old r u im just so curious! what do u mean a wee bit older than mrs.claus santa also what is it like to be in the north pole?
kaylee to santa
all my friends say ur not real.but i think ur the most real and magical thing in the world.the only question is….my family loses more and more money eachyear.not just on the family.something weird is goin on.
I think Santa is at least 90 years old.
I thankyou for all my wonderful presents and Merry Christmas to you. I think you are 100 but even if you are or more I hope you live forever and for some reasn I can here you laughing all the time!Just to let you know I will aways believe in you always and forever.xxxxx
dear santa
I think tht you are 90 years old and i hope that you live forever
santa, for me i think your about a 100 years old..,, oh..,, by the way merry christmas
I think, that however long who have been around, I think that’s how old you are.
it doesn’t matter because you are the man who made it happen
I think you are as old as Christmas Spirit.
I think you are 2009 that is why you need help from the reindeer
I think you are 300 years old Santa and you still look good.
Dear Santa,
I think that you are 55 years old.
Sorry if i said put me on the nice list that was rude ill never do this again i love you
Santa It does not matter how old you are people should just stop begging to know how old you are because when you tell them they go huh oh my god santa claus is old im not going to say that any more im older well please put me on the nice list if you want i dont care have i been good??
I think you are younger than a fly but older than horse! 🙂
Santa I think your’re 1749850000 years old!
Santa, I don’t think you have an actual age. You probably lost track because you’ve been here since, like, FOREVER. If I had to guess, though, I’d say that you’re about 579 years old. (You look MUCH younger, of course…and Mrs. Claus most likely looks younger than that!)
I don’t care how old you are.But just for fun,my guess is infinity.
You have to be atlest 100 but that is ok.All my friends at school don’t believe in you but i do i love you so you don’t have to worie abote me.P.S you are my hero
I think you are 50 years old
santa i believe that you are as old as my grandad im not shore how old that is but you keep the spirit going
dear santa i think your to the highest unlimited number my guess your 99999988888888888 88888887777777777 77777666666666666 66666666666666666 66655555555555555 55555555555555555 54444444444444444 44444444444444322 2222222222111111 or 501 one more thing whens your birthday
5614681864 1368746127 845147814 5687818999
i dont know old santa is but i think he is about 84
I don’t know how old is Santa Claus but I think he is about 100 years old.
How old are you? I think you are older than my grandparents.
love yah x
Santa,please tell me how old you are.I’ll make it a scecret! (*wink*)
hi santa its me karralene remember when we meet i saw you and you talked to me and said im a beautiful girl and gave me lots more pesents
Hi Santa! It’s me Chelsea! I’ve been wondering, how old are you,? but I’m going to take a guess at it. I’m going to guess your 64. Not too old.
i think your only 18!
dear santa:
i would think you are about 1000000000 years old not that you look old but you have bin around for a long time you are HISTORY!!!
anyway thanks for the all preasents
Santa, I think you are probably around 89 because you are definitely older than my poppy, because you used to bring him presents too!
Santa i think your about…….62and Mrs.clauss is 60..am i right??????Santa i have one suggestion..which is let us write to Mrs.Clauss…Im sure she would love having a brake from all the things she does….she is very important too,love u Santa
I think old because he’s magical so he could be very old!
i think you are about 1209 years old because you have been around for so long even my great great great grandfather even knows you
Santa clause of cruse you are 4014 years old
hi santa i think your
as old as you think you are
hey santa how are you. do oyu know if im bad or not. my friends say that im good?? well anyways back to my answer of how old you are, i think that you are 999,999,999
i dont think there is an answere realy because santa is as old as the world because he is part of chistmas and christmas is part of life so he is as old as you believe him to be.
i dont real know how old you are but you might not be that old i watched a film and it says every 5 years the santa changes is it true?♥♥♥
Santa veryonr thinks your old but i think your only….25!!!
guess wot!!! i think your about 11111998 hehe its just a guess lol
I think santa claus is about i don’t know maybe 232,999,999 years old that may sound weird but santa claus has been around for a while!
I think you are prett old, no offense, but I don’t hvae any idea how old you are.
please tell me how old you are I will not laugh at all
Almost all my friends say Santa Isint real I can’t believe them and I don’t whant to because I know he’s real i’m sure like positive I realy realy like Santa and miss Clause they just say he isint real but he is i’m sure like positive im gonna show them my note from Santa im sur they still won’t believe Santa’s real but he is.
Reply from Santa:
Stephanie, it is ok if others don’t believe in me. Sometimes when kids and adults get older they lose their spirit of childhood. They even start to think that I don’t exist! Just remember, everyone can have their own opinion (even if it does not happen to be right! :).
If talking to your friends or other kids about this makes you mad, then it might be best not to talk to them about it. You are your own person. You do not have to believe or do something just because your friends say so! And, as long as you keep the spirit of Santa in your heart, that is what is most important!
Merry Christmas!
I love Santa I love him so much and i’m exited till christmas I think Santa’s uhhh 90 years old maybe
All my friends say your not real but I dont believe them. I’ve had a hard year because I got lyme dieseas.I hope the rian deers are gitting ready for Cristmas.
PS.Your the best!!!!
you are 86454554465465 because that is how old my dad is and he saw you when he was little.
santa your older than any humans in the world your 192837465
destiny patton
hey santa it is me i think your 100000 years old am i right?
I think you are 63. But, my brother Josh thinks you are 100, and my friend Leah thinks you are 300.
Are any of us right?
I think you are in you’r fifties and i do not think that is old and no matter what how old you are you’re always be my best friend take no notice of the others i dont even mind if your 99999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999999 you’re still my friend see you from Rebecca the one who writen to you
i think you are 900 or more years old
hi mr. claus im guessing u r around 200 years of age!! thanks for the totally awsome letter
hey santa!!!! i love u lots like jelly tots remember thats what your elves would say! i think u r ummm around 300 and under years old!!!
thank you for the leter. I think i am nice can you help me PLEASE!!!
i think Santa Clause is between 50-66
i think santa is more tha n a million years old. but nobody will know. he is magical . i love you santa
I always wanted to know how old was the reindeer?
are u 900 tell me i will not tell. i love u just 2 tell u. i am not lining!
i think you are 200 in spanish it is dos cientos
i think santa is in his 20s really think he is 1500 i just said 20s t be nice
I think you are around 77 years old am i rigth.
santa i think you are about in you 70s becuse you have been in tonwn for a long time
Dear Santa thank you for our lovely letters, we are very excited about christmas as we are going to eurodisney. we think you are 7 only joking. 57 love jess and abbie
i dont know what age santa is but i want to know. i think he is very old (not that old) from Ciara and Dara
I think santa is pretty old but he is the coolest dude i know.
Santa Claus,
PLEASE! I can’t bare it any longer… I promise not to tell anyone at all.
i think santa is between one hundred and one hundred thirty
My bad in message 449 i spelled know wrong and you!! Sorry ! ☺☻♥
Santa i truely don’t kmow how old u are, but it does’t matter as long as you are still with me.
dear santa,
i think your very, very, very….( infinity)….old
thanx byeee 😀
you are 1000years old becouse you have a big biard
i think since you live forever you are 2009
you were born December 31, 1779. You are 229 years old.
I think you are 201 because i don’t really don’t know,so i’ll have to guess!
I think your about 255 years old because you were around 1800 1700 1600 1500 maybe love u thank u for all the presents u brought me bfore dont forget to stop this year
i think santa is a 100years old but i am not calling him old
Hi santa! I think you are not that old! Thanks for all the presents! I love you!
I think you are not too old but not too young just right.
I think you are 150 I don’t kanow how you can travle all the night on christmas eve but you don’t have to tell me if you don’t whant to. Buy the whay how do you see all of us all the way from the north pole it’s inpossable
Catch yer soon why carnt we come down sters when we whant to see you and Rudolph? see yer
i think santa is 40 or 45? and plus thank you for all the presents you have bought me! love u 4 ever santa, mrs claus and the reindeers!
love kaylie xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Santa :} i hope you never get old. i hope you bring presents for a long time and be merry
Hi Santa I think you are 9,999 years old!!!! just kiding I think you are 79 years old!!!
Well adults say that you were around
when they were kids and when their parents were kids and so on so you have to be at least 5000.
believe or not he is probably about 450 yrs old and u may never know and pretty much what it seem.
really old! like 99999999999999999999999999
i think u r about 68 coz u cant b alive for as long as christmas has been on because u wud soon die then anuther wud bcum santa
well you are santa claus so proble about late 80 or 90
dear santa,
i think you are a very nice person!!
i think you are 177 because you have been around for a long time!
I thing santa is very old.He delivers all the presants to alll kids every year.
are you 149 years old because you have been around for years
I know you said that you are very old, but you are a good man because you bring me presents! I think you are timeless. HO HO HO!!!! Merry Christmas!!
I am very mysterious.
.About 55. AM I RIGHT!!!????????
I think you are 100 years old, because we have had lots of years. I love Christmas and I love you!
i think that santa is about in his sixtes but i bet that he wishes he was in his twenteys
I don’t care how old you are.But you are the best.And I love you.
I think you are 2008 years old because that’s how many years it has been Christmas! Cheers. P.S. My brother thinks you are 199 or 200.
Yo santa, Considering that you were around when my great-great-great-great grandfather was here I think you are older than the average person. Let’s say…a LOT older than the big 40. HA HA HA! Merry November 15th,
How long does it take you to go arround the world and deliver preasents?
santa claus Im guessing your about 70-80 i made my mind about what cookies Im putting out Grandma Shirley’s home made sugar cookies see ya
i think you would be at a mimumum 150 years old! youve been a sevice to us peoples for years now. and i thank you for that!
I didn’t know you had a baby that’s one year old. I think you are very happy with your kid and Mrs. Claus. I think you are young enough to make toys with the elves
Santa, I think you are over 1,000 years old because earth has been going for 2008 years.
I think santa is 83. I then think mrs.claus is 80. XOXO mckenna gettel
Santa i think that it really doesnt matter how old you are. the point is that your alive and spread the christmas cheer everywhere.
i think u r maybe about 500 years old cause u lived a loooooooooong time! thank u so much for my presents i can’t wait till christmas comes! r u still coming to my grasndma’s house so we can all see u?
santa i think you are about 839 years old. thank you for all the presents!
how old are you?where do you live?what is your real name?
I think thay santa clause is around 29,0000 because you have been around forever because you have a true heart.
Santa I hink that you are 100,000 because you have been around making kids happy for a long time
to santa i think you are 4 billion years old and very special when you got to 100 you stopped getting older by magic.
p.s love the movie!!!!
Not very old… old people arn’t as nice as you….don’t tell my grandma I said that
I think Santa is old like Jesus or they might just be the same age as each other
I have always wondered how old you are and when is your birthday!
I think you are…1 000 000 I am 9 years old. My big sister Ashlee thinks you are 101 the wizest age. She is 11 years old!hey santa how old is Prancer? can you e mail me @ {email address deleted by Santa! Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
I think you are 65 years old and also Santa i am very happy of the presents you have givenmy and i want to say thank you so!
101 years old i think my freinds ronan and douglas say your not rell but i know your rell love from lewis
i think your not that old because theres a new santa every 500 years so you r posable 250 years old at the most
10000000000000000000(ish) Hi Santa, this christmas me, my sis and my cosin are all doing a play about life in the North Pole!
Peace from Fiona
i think you are 93 he is kind and caring
Hi Santa I am Harry’s and Molly’s Cunningham’s brother I am 11 and could can you get my mum and dad back together
love george
Hi Santa can’t wate to see what you are going to bring me for Christmas and if you remember can you leave me a letter saying happy birthday please and your email address so I can say thankyou for what you bring me for Christmas and I promes I will be good amd say hi to Ruodolf please and be for I for get HO HO HO thankyou from Harry John Cunningham
It doesn’t matter to me how old you are. You always get around the world and make the day special on December 25th! But anyway, I think you are 82!
I think you may be 50 years old. But age is only a number. I still think you are great!
I think that you are as old as the winter skies, from which, sparkly snow falls every single Christmas. Even if that may be old to many, I still believe you are one of the most magical people in all of us believers lives!
i cant wait for x-mas , i need more coal
santa i dont mean to be mean or anything but i think you are 73
i think you are 4.777777 million years old
Santa I think that you are around 400 years old.If you are can you tell me at {email address deleted by Santa! Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}?
hi santa im mckenzie from dayton i think your 70 thorw 100 years old. love mckenzie burke
Hi Santa. I think you are about 55 or so. I hope that the Elves put my comment down, because I am not a Naughty commenter, am I?
santa idont believe your that old so i think your maybe in your 50s.
I think you are 1000 years old. But you look very good for your age! Love you Santa
I don’t mean to insult you because grownups don’t like kids to know how old they are. But I think you’re 200 years old. P.S. Santa, I really love you, and I wish I could give you a present, so I will. I’ll leave it by the cookies.
I think he is about 105 or maybe he does not have an age staying old for the rest of your life or just pick an age and keep it foever or atlest a year or so. P.S i love this web site
To santa claus
I think you are
hmmm i think you would be infity old
Santa, I think your in your late 80’s early 90’s.
I think you are about 30-40 plus only and maybe Mrs Clause is only 41-44 years old! And maybe you are only 45-48 years old. And I also want to tell you that if all my presents that I ask cannot fit in the sleigh then its alright, just give me 1 present and I will be happy enough.Good Luck!
I think you are bettewn your 80s and your 90s
dear Santa,you and your elves were right your Christmas blog is very cool after all the only thing i want for Christmas is the fur real friends dog Biscut i hope your able to bring that one and only thing i want to me on Christmas LOVE FROM ASHLEY
i think your hundreds of thousands of years old because you’ve been around giving gifts to children ever since the beginning of the earth.
Dear Santa,
I don’t care how old you are! You are always there every Christmas to make all of the Boys and Girls enchanted and excited! Christmas is a special time of year where everyone can forget their misfortunes and bad times that once filled their lives that year, and everyone can start fresh and make amends with everyone! For Christmas Santa, I really want a Miniature Pony, and I promise to love him/her and take care of him/her until death do us part!
Thanks Santa, for maknig the world a morfe interesting place to live in!
Love from Emma.
I think that you are about 1,500 but you still look pretty young to me
I know you are over amillion years old! You may even loose count at times.
I think you are 346837586982 years old. 🙂
santa it doesnt madder how old you are it all depends if you good and feeling well! so it really doesnt madder
it does not matter how old he is he rocks!!!!
I think that Santa is at least 300 years old.
i think u are 40 year old that is not old
You sound like your not a day older than 50!
I won’t really guess you sound young fun and very happy!
dear Santa, you are awesome! you always give me exacly what
Here is a tip to everyone about santa to not worry because santa will never die thank the lord i know and santa is 900 years old and pretty soon he will be 901 on December 25 isnt that awesome!!
Morgan Lee Hefel
Well, I don’t think that you are old.But if you are it’s amazing how you go around the world in ONE night!
I think santa claus is 39 years old.{Honestly}
I think you are a gogolplex years old. Maybe older!
Dear Santa,
I don’t know how old you are but it does not matter how old you are as long as I love you and I bealive in you
P.S.Ilove you VERY VERY VERY VEEEERY Much. Love Jaela
my teacher tells me shes old enough to be my mom
I think santa is in his 70 or 80’s because I dont think he is that old!
hi i was wondering if you are 60 or over ?
Well Santa I think your 100 yrs old or maybe younger or older I have no idea.
I think you are young But if i had to choose what age i would pick 87
dear santa,
i really want to know how old you are
so email me at {email address deleted by Santa! Read Santa’s Internet Safety Tip below!}
i think he is very old but is not 15000000
Santa I know how old you are. You are timeless. I know that because I have looked it up on one of your websites before.
i think that he is between 100 and 200
hi santa i think your 1 million because you have lived quite a long time.Idont care how old you are because you are special in a way and are genoruse to little kids and big kids tooo.Well i cant wait till christmas my self im so EXCITED.My little sister cant wait too I hope you bring me everything i wished for.
well, i think santa is 1 million yrs old
are you 1,000 over years old?
why do you call MRS. claus whiskers?
does MRS. claus come with you in your slay on Christmas eve to help you deliver all the presents?
you are 28 or 99that would be cool to fly aroud just in one night
santa i have no idea how old you are but i bet a million dollar that you are quite old because you have been around for a very Very VERY long time so i am not guessing i am just saying that i think you are old. but it dosent matter how old you are it just matters that you are always in my heart!
dear santa I thank you are 64 years old
dear santa Ithink you are 100 yars old
I think you are between your 80s and your 90s.
santa,i think you 102 years old no affence love u
Santa I think you are 107 and I think I might go and see you at the North Pole, but I don’t know. I’ll see you when I get to tell you what I want for Christmas. I’ll see you in 44 days, I’ll be good Santa. I’ll watch out for the reindeer so I don’t get hit.
Santa how old are you? I think you are 6 1/2 100.
i think santa has been alive since jesus came down here
Dear Santa,
I think you are 90 years old and i know that is alot but you have that long whit e beard and it is so fluffy!i am so sorry if that hurt your fealings but that is why i think you are 90 years old.
i think you never get old. so that means you are probably 34
I dont care how old you are Santa!! You are awesome no matter how old, or young you are! You will always be awesome!!!!
Its just your imagination that counts. his birthday is december 25th, the beginning of mankind. (therefore that’s why christmas is on december 25). I hope you all keep dreaming and remember… keep on dreaming and imaginging wonderful things in ife.
christopher thinks your 86 billion! jillian says 1 thousand! and daniel says 100 thousand!
I think you are 107 because you are very very very old and you have a giant beard and belly.
Dear Santa
I would like to know how many Candy Canes you eat at Christmas?
i have been a really good boy this year…..i wouold like a webkin for christmas. I was wondering….how many reindeer do you have at the north pole?
my prediction is you are older than 100 because you have a beard. by the way can you get me please everything on my list just 3 things 2 two of them are very small but the bed is Big!!
Gabrielle M. Crawford a.k.a hopefully Whitney M. Crawford
I’ve been really Really Good.
Santa why do you like Christmas so much o and how old are you
I don’t know how old you are but it’s amazing all on one night you can be everywhere
i think santa is 4 yrs.old because i am 4
I think that your B-day is on X-mas.So I think you are 80
jack thinks you are 98 conor thinks you are 100 their dad thinks you are 560 their mam thinks you are 200
I think you are 4000. 0000. 000000 . 00000000 years old
I think you are 45 ,
But dont look a day older then 30
Dear Santa,
I think you are at least 90 years old (no offense) to be delivering presents for so many years you have to be that age!
66666665877777 7777777999 99996877777 777796666 666667888 888886987 777trillion billion years old and i luv u.xxxxx
I love Christmas but I like to stay at home and play halloween games . We play bob the apple and we eat candy apples and chocolate apples. We never get trick-or-treater, EVER. It sounds like fun hearing about the halloween in the North Pole. G’day
I think you are 1,847.Hope christmas comes soon.
I think Santa is 1,848 years old. I am sorry if you are younger.
hi santa , how did you get to be santa, where you a really really really good boy?
how old r younow?
my mom says you dont get old.
i dont care how old you are santa i just care that your still alive and as jolly as ever. i like the way you bring childrens frowns to great smiles when they see your speical gifts to them for being a great child
i am going to ask some of my friends how old you are if that is ok HO!!!HO!!!HO!!! well i will read your letter you will leave me on christmas eve and i will keep it with me every christmas year and every decemember and i will know its from you santa. p.s. will you do a favor for me i am having this problem on the bus every afternoon and this girl named laken she is really mean and she calls people names and she is always rude will you do something about that please
thanks bye
I think your 89 because if you can do all of that busyness in one night your awsome
I am not trying to be mean but i think you are 2008 because Christmas was started when Jesus was born & he started in the year 1 and it is now 2008
Santa I think you are about as old as you think you are…or45
i think you are 100 years old because my grandparents got gifts from tyou when they were my age so i was a long time ago well merry christmas and have you got my Grand theft auto4 and xbox ,and expeshily my GO CART yet!! xoxoxoxoxoxo
santa i think yu are as old as you want to be… you are as yung and as old as you feel
i do not know how old you are but i think you are 178 years old even though it does not mater how old you are it maters that you can get to everybodys house in the world thats REALLY good and i heard that my brother called you and is that true? well i got to go my brother is playing my game when i told him not to so by for now P.S please tell me how old you are k.
about well i’m not sure how to put this but about 80 something
I think you are more than 100 years old.
we love you all at the northpole and we wish you the best.
I think he is abaot 20000 yers old because he has ben sending presents for a long time and even when my dad and mom was boern thats cool.
ara you 64 54 86 98 90 54 63 76 67 81 88 92 or 100 years old!
I wish I could stay up all night to see you. Maybe I can sleep on the couch by the Christmas Tree. Do you have your Christmas Tree up? I will leave food for the reindeer and lots of cookies for you. I wish I could see Rudoplh. I love you.
I think santa is over 1,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000 years old!! Because he is sooo cool and because he has been here a long time!!
i think yoou are 58 as old as my granma
I don’t know how old you are but let’s just be greatful for christmas!
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!
Dear Santa,
I think you started delivering when my grandmother was little and she died when she was 85 I think so im guessing no offence but I think your 90 years old. I still think your young though!
Your the greatest,
Dear, Santa
I was wondering do you ever come in our rooms when we are sleeping? Iwish i can see you in real life i hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
i think santa is 68 years old and was born december 25,1398 but if i knew your seceret is safe with me santa i love you very much and will never forget you. i will always believe in you even when i am 99 years old.your my best friend and you are the only one that has good magic through your sleave take care santa and dont forget all the kids believe in you and will never stop beliving in you
you are the greatest man santa
you rock
I don’t think you are that old. You are probably mt DAD’S age.
I think Santa is at least my dad’s age.
I think you about 280 years old
NOVEMBER 10,2008 at 3:15
(because it is 2008 if you didnt know that)
Dear Santa,
I don’t know how old you are, but what i do know is that i will love you FOREVER!!! I really hope that you will give me what i asked for for Christmas this year cuz ive been better !!! Well id better go… bye!!! i still love you!!!!
Shaley Sue
it dosnt matter how old santa clause is because he is still working as hard as he was when he started his job as being santa
i think you are 70 and miss c is 60 soyou are older and more people believe in you
i believe that santa is old but he must be pretty healthy to get everywhere on christmas!
sant u r vary funey and i think u r 120 year’s old. and ho ho ho.
I don’t how old you are but i think you are as old as time but i don’t do good with ages .
Love Morgan
dear santa i think that you are quite old mot beaing mean or any thing but you are probly about 50000000 years old
I think santa is 110000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 cause he lives forever
I don’t care how old Santa is I love him!
Hi Santa,
I think you’re either 500 years old or 300 years old. Because I’ve read loads of stories about you from years ago. Anyway I love Christmas and Santy.
I don’t really know but I know that your not that old like 100000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 00000000 000000000 06668882 22100866 54089
i think you are 50 years old because you have been living forever.
Hey Santa! I say you can be how ever old you want to be. It’s never how old you look it’s how old you FEEL!
I don’t care how old you are I will always believe in you.
i think you are the same age as my papa joe and he is 70
Dear Santa,
i think you are 200 years old my mom said
HO HO HO from Brissa MOLL
dear santa thanks for your e-mails you been sweet i believe in christmas all the time it das not matter how hold you get so any way take care from jenna
I don’t know how old you are but I don’t care.Your still magic no matter how old you are. I also still believe in you.I LOVE Christmas.I think you are 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,or 100.But like I said Your still magic no matter how old you are.
You’re about as old as my grandpa, but not quite. Maybe 88.
I think 300. I am so sorry if you are younger!!
Dear Santa,
I don’t know how old you are so I just want to guess that you are in your 1000s. love jenna
I think you are 2008 years old really 21.
Santa i think you are 68 years old i hope i am right
Dear Santa,
I dont think it matters how old you are, as long as you stay jolly! If I had to guess though, I’d say 849 years old. No offense if your younger then that, though.
I Think you are about 390 because Bif your mailroom elf is 364 years old.
santa claus is 40 years old and mrs.claus is 38 years old because you said she is a wee bit younger than you.
I think your 1400000
0000000000001 years old
I think santa is 100000 years old! Wow! Thats old!
i love snta ps i wish that we could se eachor a lot
I believe that santa is 46 years old.
I think he is around 80-90 because old people are always kind.
Sincerly Katie 😉
I Think you are around 60-70
Lots of love Katie
i think santa is around a long time because he came to my granddad and he is 87
i think your 111111 111111111 555555555555588 8888888888888 888889999999 999999999999 999910101010 1010100101 0101010101010
Well considering Christmas began about errrrr in 200BC.. u would have to b about 2milleniums old…But u only look to b about 50 😉
Santa, I may not know how old you are but people say you are 200 or so…
I think he is just about 150-155 years old
i think your 55 because you look like it
I think Santa is About 100 and Mrs. Claus is 95! But That is what I think
i think your as young as a baby like my reborn doll lucy 😀
Santa, we think you are about 85. WE hope we’re right!
i think they must be at least 70 but i do not no i have never seen him
well hes been around since the 1400s so i woulld say hes about 597
santa, I think I know old you are. Are you 200? 300? 400? oh come on are you 500? all my love hannah!
I think that you allways stay the same age because if you die who is going to take over.
i dont think your that old becuse you get all around the world in 1 night
i think santa is about 100 years old because he has been alive for years.
my brother thinks your 2008 but i know you just about 99
i think ur 2000 years old and all the children loved u back then as much as i do now 🙂
I am 9 years old how old are you ? I will not tell enyone it can be our secruite please replay
santa claus you might be quite old but that dosen’t matter because everyone loves you and i don’t see why they need to know how old you are plese can you at least tell us what date your birthday is like mine is 13/2
i love your bright red coat.[its perrty]
I love christmas it is fun.Tell the elves that my user name is [deleted by Santa]. so if they want to add me to thir friend list.
dear santa i think you are 2008 years old
santa i think you are 56 years old if i am wrong and i think you are older than no offense.
I think santa claus never ever grows old so he will never die witch means there will always be christmas
i think you are really old couse you live for ever but i dont care how old you are i love you for all my presants you give me xoxoxoxox xoxoxoxoxox
hi again its chloe i have printed your letter and i showed my mum and she asked how do you send really big messeges really quick
hi santa it does’nt matter to me how old you are because i like you just he way you are thank you for the preasents
santa clause I know that you live at North Pole but what is your address?
I think santa claus is round about 100
I think santa is 91 and thankyou for all my lovley presents for 16 years thank you love your best friend charlie
Hi Santa!
Thank you so much for all my presents last year. When I got up this morning I said to myself Christmas is so soon! Thank you for all my presents Santa and I want to say thank you to the elves, Mrs Claus and all the reindeer. Love Niki x x x x x x x x x x
Dear santa,
I don’t wan’t to be pushy but I think you are 105 years old.
Santa i think you 2007 years old because jesus was born 2008 years ago so yeah that is how old i mean young you are i love you santa XOXOXOX
Santa I bet you are quite old so it is still magic how you still keep the magic in Christmas . xoxo Your Friend Christa
I think santa claus is 2008 years old because there will not be santa before christ.I think that the elfs is the same ages at you too .
had a great time in north pole !!
dear santa i think you are 1000’s of years old because you have been aroubd for ages and ages!
I think you are 1008 otherwise you would have been born with the Dinosouars.
I think your 2008 years old because there was about 2008 years in life!
i think you are only in your early 80s
peace out
sup santa! i think you are 100,000 years old!
hi santa! can’t wait ’till christmas!
I think you are 60 years old santa please take a picture and leave it for me i really would like to see what you look like please?????
Love you santa
i think you r 47 years old is that write or not
Santa, I think you are 900,000,000 years old. No just kiddin. I think your in your 70’s. I love you santa!!!! nighty , Night sleep tight,loooove Jordan
i like sntas reindeer and yes thay do make the parades what is it like to live up at the north pole it sure is a ausom place tolive wow your old but to me you are very special frinde with maney gifs and the most imortant whon is that you brig happynes and i love your elves and the reindeer
I think you are 87 years old but your still a joly old fella
um. i think you are 500 years old!?!?
Santa, I would like you to know that you don’t look a day over 35!
I rely think Santa is 145 years old.
love kendall
I think you are about 900 years old because you were alive in the old days. Merry Christmas everybody! Peace out!!!
i love you and you dont have to tell me hoiw old you are.
how old is the evls and how old is the raindeers and how old are you and miss claus
how old r you 727 and mrs. claus 650
Hi Santa I say you are 2008 years old because it is the year 2008
ho ho ho santa, i think u are 99 years of age but i may be wrong lots of love from rebecca xxxxxxxxxxxxx
You are 1000000
years old 😉
I can’t say how old you are, in my eyes you have eternal life, you could be millions of years old but still dosn’t look like it.
I think you are a 199 years old. I love you. I will look for you on christmas eve.
Love, Millie x
You maybe old, but me and my friends (who are all in our teens) still think you rock no matter what!
See you next Christmas 🙂
emily <3
i think your awesome because you are so nice to the children of the world
i dont know how old you are but you might be a couple more years until your 40 but thats not that old
I hear you have been aroungd for so long i love when you come to bring gifts
i think you are 85 years old are you??
dear santa i think your 60 years old
Dear Santa,
I don’t think you are old. I will guess you are about 23.
I think Santa is 72 because last year I asked him in the letter I left him and he said he was 72 so he is 72 I think.
Hmm…I always thought you were as old as your tongue and a little older than your teeth!
santa you only as old as you want to be
i really want to see santa– i think that he can be old but santa never dies because he is MAGICal!! NOW is that right?
i think santa isn’t really an “age” like he was living for years and years and he is still not bad looking. hahaha, but kind of like a vampire, they live forever and i think that is what Santa will do!
xoxox, Samantha
Well you have been doing this job a very long time so a wee bit older than the oldest person in the world. P.S I did the 11+ yesterday.
hiya santa im 10 how old are you i think your 0 because you live forever or something i cant wait till christmas
ox ox ox ox ox
I think that there is no possible way that anyone could find out how old he is.
See nobody even knows.NOBODY.So i will just give you a tip.DO NOT TRY TO FIND OUT.
Thank You!!
i think you’re around 47
well have a googd day
Dear Santa i just want to say its neally Christmas,i am so excited!!! i just wanted to say thanks for all the presents you have given me theise Christmases i better go now got some Christmas shopping to do
Bye and Merry Christmas!!!
Dear santa i know lots of people ask how old you are but dont worry you can onley tell the children on the nice list ok Just to say
to santa i think you are like 20 maybe 30
are you going to be my best friend because my friends got me in trouble and they are not my friends i dont know why♥♥♥
Santa, I don’t know how old you are, but
even if you are quite old, it’s still so magical that you can get around EVERYWHERE on the night of Christmas Eve!
You might not be able to tell me but, how do you do it?
Ho Ho Ho
to santa i would think you are 150 because you live for ever xxx
i think santa is about in his sixties
I tjink you are 90 years old because you have been alive for long
santa clause i really want to see you to thank you for all my presents well thankyou for my presents can i call you saint Nicolos?